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Ch-11 & 12 -WWII

*Target Goal-I: I will analyze the events following WWI & explain &
describe how they were a factor in helping lead to WWII.
**Target Goal-II: I will be able to understand why the United States
waited until the end of 1941 to get into WWII, by analyzing the events
& attitudes & actions following WWI.
The Treaty of Versailles @ the end of WWI helped lead to problems.

The League of Nations was set up to helped prevent future wars the US
never joined as we wanted to be neutral.
The League which sounded great did not fulfill its expectations & lacked
sufficient strong actions to aggressors.
What does the cartoon below reveal about the League of Nations?
The Rise of Dictators

Italy: Benito Mussolini - “IL Duce” Germany: Adolph Hitler

Russia: Joseph Stalin Japan: Emperor Hirohito & War Minister Tojo
Fascism- Italy & Germany – Group over individual rights & concerns run by a
Dictator- Military States – around the world. Ex –Mussolini-Italy
Mein Kampf – Hitler’s plan for Germany described in this book. Aryan Race
Nazi Party moves into power in 1933

REICHSTAG FIRE & DECREE-later in 1933-Gave Hitler complete power!

Hitler tests the League of Nations & the world to see how it reacts.
1. -
**Munich Pact- appeasement- Neville Chamberlain- Great Britain,
**Churchill’s reaction-
**US is neutral through all of this, focused on the depression.
Mini-practice Quiz to test your comprehension of previous info!
1. Who proposed the League of Nations?
Woodrow Wilson @ the Treaty of Versailles
2. What is the purpose of the League of Nations?
To help prevent future wars by talking about countries problems with
each other rather than fighting.
3. Fascism is based on what beliefs?
A military state concerned with the state over individuals rights/concerns
& run by an authoritarian dictator.
4. Why was Neville Chamberlin praised in 1938 for his actions?
He saved Britain from going to war!
5. Who was the Japanese Minister who helped push Japan to be an
aggressor in the Pacific?
Hideki Tojo
6. What was the name of the book Hitler wrote describing his beliefs?
Mein Kampf
7. Name 2 of the 4 things Hitler did to test the League of Nations to see
how they would react prior to WWII?
a. He built up the German Military b. He armed & took over the Rhineland
c. He Annexed Austria d. He took over the Sudetenland
1936 Olympics – Jesse Owens

Was supposed to be show case for Hitler’s superior Aryan race

France had built the Maginot Line, a supposed very secure defense.

**Hitler & Stalin-sign non-aggression pact, Why is this key ?

 Germany can now attack Poland without any worries it & overwhelms
Poland with its blitzkrieg. **Blitzkrieg- what is it?
 Germany has been preparing for war but countries such as Poland
have not & thus are ill prepared. The German military machine
overwhelms Poland-Sept-1-1939.

Over a ½ million fighting men & also women & another 6 million civilians
later on die, that is 22% of the Polish population.
 Hitler then waits before he attacks the western front in France.
Maginot Line Pictures
*WWII-Starts with the German Blitz of Poland on Sept.-1, 1939
American Neutrality**Fits with Target Goal-II
1. Impact of World War I- The US had lost a lot of money & lives & thus many
did not want to be involved in another World War.
2. Unpaid debt from former allies- Numerous countries had not paid back its
war debts & thus being involved internationally seemed costly.
3. Findings of the Nye Committee- Senator Gerald Nye headed a committee
that found out many arms companies had benefited financially from WWI &
thus many thought the war was fought for this & were now against war.

**Based upon the findings of the Nye Committee & other factors above
the US passed a series of Neutrality Acts.
(These acts prohibited the sales of arms to any country at war)-think

FDR’s-view of neutrality based on the U.S. at the time:

• He was still focused on the Great Depression & as are most Americans
• He believed in “Internationalism” with international trade & realized the
public was opposed to getting involved.
• He opposed but did not veto the Neutrality Acts, but secretly was writing
with Churchill & believed we would be needed eventually to beat Hitler.
Germany waited 7-8 months following its attack of Poland some even
called it the “Phony War”, before they attacked in the Western Front.
They go through the dense forest of Belgium around the Maginot Line.
 Germany goes around key areas of Maginot-France falls in approximately 6
 France falls quickly & luckily the British, French, Belgian, & Canadian troops are
able to retreat & be saved with the Miracle at Dunkirk- over 330,000 troops
escaped. Some of the conquered French go along with Germany others do not.
 France was split & set up a Puppet Govt. in 1 part-what is it?-lead by Henri Petain-
Vichy France & Occupied France in the other.
 The French Resistance was a key factor during occupation & they were the
predominantlyof Dunkirkrural retreat
guerrillaare below.
bands fighting back against Germany.
Boats used at Dunkirk
by the British .
Little Matching Quiz to check comprehension/memory of previous info.

1. Name of puppet govt. A. Blitzkrieg

2. French fortifications to prevent German attack B. Aryan
3. Hitler’s “Lightening War” C. Nye
4. Senator who looked into WWI D. Poland
5. Master Race E. Owens
6. FDR’s view of the world AB. Stalin
7. _________was attacked to start the war. AC. Internationalism
8. Place where troops were saved. AD. Maginot Line
9. Signed agreement to not fight each other. AE. Vichy
10. Ruined the propaganda of master race in 1936. ABC. Dunkirk

11. AE
12. AD
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. AC
17. D
18. ABC
19. AB
20. E
Holocaust – Genocide – Final Solution
Anti-Semitism- Why in Germany?
Book banning's in 1 night over 25’000 books burned many Jewish authors,
 Germany started the Nuremberg laws aimed at Jews
 Ex-
 Ex-
 Ex-
 Ex-
 Kristillnacht -The night of terror starts against the Jews
(Attack on Jews in Germany, to retaliate for the death of German diplomat)
**After the start of the war it begins they mainly put concentration
camps located in Poland. Famous camps Ex- Auschwitz, Dachau,
Treblinka & many more.
 Horrible stories of torture mental & physical, medical experiments,
slave labor, & of course death of millions of Jews.
 The Nazi’s would take anything of value from the Jews including gold
teeth, hair, etc. to be used.
 The Germans tried to systematically exterminate/genocide of the
Jews-The Holocaust.
 This was considered the final solution by Hitler.
Images of the Holocaust
 So much is made of this horrible event in history, so we do not repeat
Video clips of Holocaust. -liberation
Hitler conquers France & pretty much all of Europe with his Axis power.
Allies & Great Britain is the last hope for Europe in the Battle of Britain.
Axis Powers Key Allied Nations
Germany Britain
Italy France
*Russia **United States- 1941
* Russia switches to Allies side in 1941 after Hitler attacks them.
Atlantic Charter- What is it?,U.S.%20and%20British%

***Many other nations were involved especially on the allied side to many
to list.

LEND LEASE ACT-? -**Nations vital to US security!

Battle of Britain Key points below: h

Winston Churchill’s famous Their Finest Hour Speech
" I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the
survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life and the
long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of
the enemy must very soon be turned on us now. Hitler knows that he will have to
break us in this island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may
be free, and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.
But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that
we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age, made
more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the
British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will say,
"This was their finest hour.
“We Shall Never Surrender” (1:32-4:00ish)

US enters WWII: Tension builds up between US & Japan.
 Dec.,7th 1941- Japan attacks Pearl Harbor & the next day the US declares
war on the Axis Powers.
***Target-Goa-III: I can identify & explain the effects of US
involvement on WWII & the post war effects by studying United
States involvement during & post war.
Allied countries in World War II are listed here alphabetically.
•Argentina France Oman

Australia Great Britain Panama

Belgium Greece Paraguay

Bolivia Guatemala Peru
Brazil Haiti Philippines
British India Honduras Poland
Iran Romania
Saudi Arabia
Chile Iraq
South Africa
China Lebanon
Colombia South Korea
Costa Rica Luxembourg Russia/USSR*- Switched sides in June 1941 after Hitler’s attack.
Cuba Mexico Syria
Czechoslovakia Mongolia Turkey
Denmark Nepal United Kingdom
Dominican Republic
Netherlands United States
Egypt New Zealand Uruguay

El Salvador Nicaragua Venezuela

Ethiopia Norway Vietnam (Viet Minh)

Axis countries in WWII in alphabetical order
Bulgaria Puppet regimes that aided the Axis side in WWII
Cambodia -(Kampuchea)*
Greece- (Hellenic States)
Hungary Laos
Italy Manchukuo
Japan Mongolia (Mengjiang)
Romania Vietnam (Empire of Vietnam)*
Slovakia Vichy France
Soviet Union/Russia*-Switched sides in June of 1941 after Hitler’s attack on them.
US-WW-II Support for the War
The US had great support & organization at home as the people sacrificed & helped in
any way they could, even though we were still in the depression.
 Citizens helped in many ways Ex.- War Bonds-85 million Americans (out of a
population of 131 million) had purchased $185.7 billion dollars of bonds – over
$2000 per person, at a time when the average income was $2000 per year..
**Women’s role working in factories helps in war effort.

**Negative but perceived to be at the time was Japanese Americans into Internment Camps
 The US was angry following the attack on Pearl Harbor & thus instituted a plan
to put Japanese Americans in these camps in various areas of the US.
 Korematsu v the United States- Case upheld govt. doing this.
 The US Govt. in 1988 gave financial restitution/payment to the survivors & any of family
members of survivors, for this now what is seen as a big mistake.
Examples of US WWII Propaganda
More examples of US WWII Propaganda
 After Pearl Harbor the US & other Allies are fighting in Europe, Africa, & Pacific
since entering the war in Dec. 1941.
 Hitler has attacked Russia in June -1941 & had great success early on pushing
into Russia.
 Battle of Stalingrad-is the turning point of the war in Europe as Germany’s
advance into Russia is stopped & Russia now is pushing from the east.

Germany starts the Russian campaign with over 3 million men

unfortunately they retreat frozen, starving & undersupplied & many killed
or captured.

US Selective Service Act of 1940
 1st peacetime in US History ages 21-45 had to register

 It was later lowered to the age of 18 registering

 We ended up drafting men from 18-37

 We had a segregated military with black & white units fighting


 We for the most part segregated Japanese Americans in the

military (442nd-Regiment) some also served as translators.

 Many famous minority units *Tuskegee Airmen

US enters WW-II:
Dec.,7th 1941- Japan attacks Pearl Harbor as we know & the next day the US declares
war on the Axis powers.
 The US now must fight the war in both the European Theater & Pacific Theater
 The decision is made that the allies need to defeat Germany first as Hitler is
seen as a big threat at the Atlantic Charter & other meetings.
 The US is fighting in both places at the same time.
 D-Day Invasion plans are huge, it’s a try, that must be successful !
**Fake /Ghost Army deception-Where Hitler thought the Ghost Army attack
would be is along the coast
here.**Closest point from Britain to France.

Where D-Day Invasion will take place

**Some predictions were for a low survival rate of those in the landing
attack group. Imagine your thoughts when sitting on the ship.
General Dwight Eisenhower’s-message to the invading D-Day troops.
Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!
You are about to embark upon a great crusade, toward which we
have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon
you. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere
march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers in
arms on other fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the
German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the
oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free

I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill

in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory!

Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessings of Almighty God
upon this great and noble undertaking. 

~ Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower-(Supreme Commander of all Allied Troops in Europe)

Stalin was angry US/GB waited until June of 1944 he felt other Allies waited on purpose &
left Russia fighting Germany by itself & getting heavy losses of Russian soldiers.
USA-D-Day-June 6th, 1944!
D-Day attack itself involved.
 a huge armada of 6,000 ships
 including 864 converted merchant ships
 4126 landing craft
 set sail for Normandy in 47 convoys
 200,000 seamen,
 185,000 soldiers
 20,000 vehicles.
The weather was still fairly bad.
 D-Day-June-6th, 1944- Allied attack on Normandy in Northern France
 This is the largest attack ever in terms of men, ships, materials ever
done in history. The US mobilized quicker than many thought they could.

D-Day photos
Squeeze Hitler from all areas.

From East The Russians through Poland

North & West through France.

South up through N. Africa & Italy

Near the end of WWII the allies have a couple of key meetings of Big -3
**The Yalta Conference- was the first meeting in Feb. of 1945
 This is where Stalin wants influence in Eastern Europe. D-Day effect.
The US & GB 1st give in to Stalin/Russia in return for Russia helping against
Japan. Also discuss Germany being split into 4-Zones of occupation after the War

The Potsdam Conference- meeting late July of 1945

 Truman, Churchill, Stalin meet. **Decide on unconditional Japanese surrender
**Discuss Post-War Europe.
Following D-Day there is intense & heavy fighting by the allies as they
keep moving towards Germany from the Northwest.

 Paris is liberated late August of 1944.

Pacific Theater- U.S. decides to use Island hopping strategy vs Japan
in Pacific to many islands to take just the key ones.
Following D-Day in June, 1944 The Allies slowly started to squeeze Hitler
from 3 –sides. Map on earlier slide shows it.
From North through France.
South up through N. Africa & Italy.
From East The Russians through Poland.
*Remember Hitler attacks Russia in 1941 & pushes far in Russia before he
is stopped. The size of Russia & the tough Russian winter are key
factors. VE-Day-May-8-1945-Victory in Europe-(FDR died shortly before it)
**The Allies squeeze in on Hitler & Germany is defeated in May 1945.
-Now the Allies focus on Japan who has kamikaze & Iwo Jima mentality.
-The allies understand Japan will fight to the end & thus decide to use the
ultimate weapon the atomic bomb.
President Truman who has now taken over after FDR passed away.
The Manhattan Project- what is it? Truman influenced by above mentality.
The Little Boy & Fat Man are dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki
WWII ends in August, 1945.
Picture of Hiroshima after its bombing
Images after the bombing of both Hiroshima & Nagasaki
* Combined 140,000 killed instantly
* 30,000 more the next 4 months
* 30,000 more die as result of it later On
1945: Life Magazine Sweeps US off Our Feet
Famous photo following the end of WWII on VJ-Day-in 1945
Victory over Japan touched off
major celebrations across the
United States.

Iconic WWII pictures.
Near the end of WWII the allies have a couple of key meetings of Big -3
**The Yalta Conference & Potsdam Conference:
 These meetings talk about finishing the war & aftermath of the war.
 Rebuilding Europe economically, physically, emotionally.
 These meeting is also where Joseph Stalin first at Yalta takes
advantage of the situation & starts to spread communism Europe, he
was angry over D-Day delay & wanted to create buffer states.

 United Nations is started after WWII & is located in the U.S.

& continues to try to help in many ways in foreign policy.
 Ironically War crime trials were held in Nuremberg.
 The U.S. is now involved internationally & really a frontrunner/ the key
world power in many areas & leads with the UN in a cooperative effort.
 Nuclear warfare is a possibility from this point on in warfare.

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