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• Face Ceramics is a premium tile

• Presently manufacturing high quality tiles
of international standards
• The Company would like to promote its
products across India
• Dealers across India will be contacted and
The Need
• A promotional event in Mumbai and Delhi
that will bring together top tile dealers from
across the country
• Showcase of Face Ceramics products
• Opportunity to meet the top management of
the Company
• Ability to book orders
The Idea
• The product category is a highly premium
one which is associated with style and class
• Consumers are constantly looking for newer
and latest products and designs
• Hence we need to be seen as a company
with hi-tech designs, technology and an
image of the future
The Route
• Need to put across the theme in an exciting
and easily relatable manner to our TG
• Our TG is more receptive and indulges in
Bollywood related subjects
• Hence, the Futuristic look, can be depicted
with the help of a Bollywood theme night,
to strike the right chord with our core TG
The Concept
• Everything at the event will showcase the
Futuristic look in style and class using
Bollywood as the medium to relate to the
new contemporary brand entering the
The Concept
• The event will take off with an audio-visual introducing
the new brand into the market
– The importance of the latest ranges, designs will be highlighted
– The need for the future now will be brought out
– Will showcase the product range
– References to Bollywood/scenes from various Bollywood films
will be taken to make the AV enjoyable
• The event will be compered by professional compare to
add the right flavour to the event night
• In addition he would keep the guests entertained with his
usual brand of mimicry & comedy.
• Followed by song and dance sequence by dance troup
The Event Components
• To carry the Futuristic theme into the seating &
decor, the following elements are suggested
• Backdrop
– Backdrop with a collage of hi-technology and future as
a theme
– Logo on the backdrop will be centrally placed for
maximum enhancement
• Stage
– 30’X20’ platform on which all the activities would be
The Event Components
• Entrance
– Guests will be led up a carpet to the entrance
through highly futuristic looking arch
– Can be named ‘The Doorway to the Future’
– Cut-outs of futuristic structures will line the
path to the entrance
The Event Components
• Panels
– 8’X3’ vinyl panels around the venue
– Futuristic, hi-tech images will be used to carry
the theme forward

• Lighting
– The entire venue will be aglow with Silver
Mood Lighting depicting hi-tech and Future
The Event Components
• Table Décor
Would be in the form of the silver and white and
blue colors i.e. Scallops, Covers, Tie-Backs etc.
A steel and glass futuristic look can be given to
add to the Futuristic hi-tech environment
Event Flow
1. Entrance through ‘The Doorway to the Future’
2. Welcome and escort of guests to tables by the hostesses
3. Welcome speech by the management.
4. Bar opens
5. Compare takes center stage – 20 mins
6. AV
7. Dance Troup– 30 mins
8. Mimicry – 30 mins
9. Orchestra & Dinner

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