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Local Color
Is a style of writing derived from the presentation
of the features and peculiarities of a particular
locality and its inhabitant. It concerned itself
mainly by depicting the character of a particular
region, concentrating especially upon the features
of dialect, manners, social customs, and
landscape that distinguish the area. The term is
also applied to fiction or verse which emphasizes
its setting, being concerned with the character of
a district or of an era, as mark by its customs,
costumes, topography, or other peculiarities that
have escaped standardizing cultural influences.
Is a story about a legendary hero who exhibits
qualities admired in a person, in addition to great
fighting ability and mental alertness. The epic is a
long narrative poem based in oral tradition. It
presents the heroic deeds of the main character
embodying the beliefs, customs, ideals or life values
of the people. The hero of an epic is imbued with
idealism, courage, wisdom, beauty, endurance,
chivalry, and justice. His legendary adventures are
full of fearful obstacle put up by supernatural forces
or by people with supernatural powers. Philippine
epics represent ethnic groups and deal with regional
Is a narrative that describes and portrays the origin of the
basic elements and assumptions of a culture in symbolic
language. Mythic narratives relate, for example, how the
world began, how humans and animals were created, and
how certain customs, gestures, or forms of human
activities originated.
In other words, myths are traditional stories occurring in a
timeless past. They involve supernatural elements and are
beyond logic. Long ago, when your ancestors heard the
sound of thunder and saw lighting, they were frightened
because they could not understand why these things
occurred. In order to understand these and other natural
events, they created stories to explain why they happened.
Is a story about human
events or actions that has not
been proved nor documented
in real history. Legends are
retold as if they are real
events and were believed to
be historical accounts. They
usually tell stories about
things that could be possible,

Legend so both the storyteller and

the audience may believe
they are true. Legends are
believed to be about more
recent events and like myths,
they may also deal with
stories which explain the
origin of things, places and
their names, plants, animals
and others. They are also
used to teach lessons in life.

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