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In literary theory, a text is any object that can be
"read", whether this object is a work of literature,
a street sign, an arrangement of buildings on a city
block, or styles of clothing. It is a coherent set of
signs that transmits some kind of informative
Importance of Text
As it is an art that is directly connected to language, a reader
learns to look between the lines. One learns how to find
symbols and themes in a written text. He or she begins to
make connections and to learn about different
characters.=Students use literary texts not only for
information, they interpret them, decode their meaning and
thus literature becomes an effective means of teaching
language. Literature provides a language model for those who
hear and read it.
is information that helps the message of a literary
text make sense. Whether it's a novel, a memoir,
or a collection of short stories, a piece of writing
can be interpreted variably depending on the
contextual factors you provide as the author.
Importance of Context
Context illuminates the meaning and relevance of the text,
and it could be something cultural, historical, social or
political. Context is information. Context creates meaning by
providing precise and useful information. Information that can
push forward a story or facilitate its
understanding.=Context provides meaning and clarity to the
intended message. Context clues in a literary work create a
relationship between the writer and reader, giving a deeper
understanding of the intent and direction of the writing.
The text's context is about its publishing
history. It is part of the larger text such as
newspaper, history, events, translated in it.
Relationship of Text and Context
• Text and context are closely related concepts.
• In the 21st century literature, the relationship between text
and context has become more complex and intertwined than
ever before. Texts are no longer viewed as standalone pieces
of literature, but rather as products of a particular context or
cultural milieu.
Relationship of Text and Context
One of the most significant ways in which text and context are
interrelated in 21st century literature is through the use of
intertextuality. Contemporary writers often draw on a wide
range of sources, including other works of literature, popular
culture, and historical events, to create their own unique texts.
These intertextual references serve to situate the text within a
larger cultural context, and allow readers to interpret the work
on multiple levels.
Relationship of Text and Context
Additionally, many 21st century texts are heavily influenced by
current events and issues. Writers often seek to engage with and
comment on social, political, and environmental issues through
their work, and as such, the context of these issues is integral to
the text itself.

Overall, the relationship between text and context in 21st century

literature is complex and multifaceted, with writers and readers
alike engaging with and interpreting texts on a variety of levels.
Reader's context - is about the readers' previous reading
experience values, assumptions, gender, race, sexual
orientation and the political and economic issues

This means that different readers may have different

responses to the same piece of literature, based on their
individual context.
Authors context
Authors Context- is knowing about the writer's life,
values, assumptions, gender, race, sexual orientation
and the political and economic issues related to the

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