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What is FMEA?
Quality Management Failure Mode and Effect Analysis is generally considered as a recognized method
to detect possible failures or weak points respectively of a process

F ailure

What kind of FMEA?

ode and Product FMEA: product development phase ( not for CKD Plants ).
Process FMEA: process planning phase

E ffect
How is a FMEA executed?

- determine the process (such as brake disc machining, paint shop, dashboard
assembly,….etc) and it is also executed by suppliers in case of new models.
- determine the FMEA team, the team consisting of
1- experts from the concerned departments ( the representatives come from
shop floor)
2- Moderator ( should be placed by an independent department ) -from QAA
Prepared By
S.Sobhy (QAA)

Why FMEA grow on trees?

Quality Management
The structure tree has at the first level a so called root- element .
The branches are formed by process steps

F ailure
the process steps are further branched out, until they come to the component parts
The 5 “M “are items, which affect a process, namely: man, machine, material,
method and measurement ( Plus the environment )

M ode and
Create/ Edit FMEA form

E ffect
after determination of the process element the FMEA moderator creates a FMEA
form which includes the following:
- potential failure

A nalysis
- potential cause
- potential effect
- preventive actions
- detection actions

Prepared By
S.Sobhy (QAA)

The risk evaluation

Quality Management
for an FMEA there are three items, which locate the severity of a failure, namely:
- the failure effect ( S-Mark )

F ailure
- the preventive measures ( O-Mark )
- the detection measures ( D-Mark )
each of these items is judged by the team separately

M ode and
Failure effect (S-mark)

E ffect
- the effect is described according to the importance to our factory and the vehicle
- the symbol “S” is the severity of the effect , it takes grade from 1 to 10

- grade “1” would mean that there are no effects

nalysis - grade “10” in case that

a- our production plant is strongly in danger
b- danger on the health and life of the workers
C- danger on vehicle customers
Prepared By - for all the other effects the grades from 2 to 9 should be applied
S.Sobhy (QAA)

Preventive measures (O-mark)

Quality Management
- the symbol “O” is the Occurrence of the effect , it takes grade from 1 to 10
- If an “O” mark of “1” is applied, then it must be absolutely guaranteed, that the
failure cause can not occur.

F ailure
- If an “O” mark of “10” means that we have no possibility of preventing an
occurrence of the failure cause,because we have no experience in this area or we
can not take any effective measures.

M ode and
Detection measures (D-Mark)

E ffect
- during the detection measures there is also an evaluation scale from 1 to 10.
- If “D” mark of “1” means that the cause is discovered during the process

A nalysis
Risk priority number (RPN)
- RPN = Severity (S) *probability of occurrence (O) * Probability of detection (D)
- the RPN takes a value from 1 to 1000
Prepared By
S.Sobhy (QAA)

Quality Management
- do not compare of RPN of two different FMEA because the RPN does not allow
absolute statements about a risk or the reliability of a process, but it only indicates
a tendency.

F ailure
- a regular check of the deadlines (dates) is also important as well as the
continuous actualization of the FMEA

M ode and

E ffect

A nalysis

Prepared By
S.Sobhy (QAA)

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