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PAC 110

Atomic Structure

Dr S. Mlala
06 March 2023
Periodic Table: Metals, Non-metals, and Metalloids
• Non-metallic character decreases from top to bottom and increases from left to right in the
periodic table
Table 4: Some physical properties of metals and non-metals
No. Metals Non-metals
1. High electrical conductivity that Poor electrical conductivity (except for
decreases with increasing temperature carbon in the form of graphite)

2. High thermal conductivity or they can Good heat insulator (except carbon)
conduct heat

3. Metallic grey or silver luster No metallic luster

4. Almost all are solids Solids, liquids or gases
5. Malleable (can be hammered into Brittle in solid state

6. Ductile (can be drawn into wires) Nonductile

Except for copper and gold
Except mercury; cesium and gallium melt at body temperature (37 °C)

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Table 5: Some chemical properties of metals and non-metals

No. Metals Non-metals

1. Outer shell contain few electrons- Outer shells contain four or more
usually three or fewer electrons except hydrogen and
2. Form cations (positive ions) by losing Form anions (negative ions) by
electrons gaining electrons except for noble
3. Form ionic compounds with non- Form ionic compounds with metals
metals and non-metals and molecular
(covalent) compounds with non-
4. Solid state characterized by metallic Covalently bonded molecules;
bonding noble gases are monoatomic

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Quantum mechanics of the atom

• Quantum mechanics which is based on the wave properties of matter, describes the behaviour of very small particles much better.
• Uncertainty Principle states that it is impossible to determine accurately both the momentum and the position of an electron
• Quantum numbers: Each of possible state of hydrogen’s single electron as described by the wave function is indicated by four
quantum numbers.
• We can use these quantum numbers to designate the electronic arrangements in all atoms, their so called electronic
• Atomic orbital: It is a region of space in which the probability of finding an electron is high.

Definition of quantum numbers

(a) The principal quantum number, n, describes the main energy level, or shell, that an electron occupies. It may be any positive integer:
n = 1, 2, 3, 4, ….
(b) Inside the shell (defined by the value of n, the principal quantum number), different sublevel or subshells are possible, each with a
characteristic shape. The angular momentum quantum number, l, designated a sublevel or a specific shape of atomic orbital that an
electron may occupy. This number, l, may take integral values from 0 up to and including (n – 1) denoting each subshell as s, p, d, or f:
l = 0, 1, 2, 3, …, (n – 1)
s pd f

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(c) Orbital within a given subshell differ in their orientations in space, but not their energies.
The magnetic quantum number, ml, designated by a specific orbital within a subshell.
Within each subshell, ml may take any integral values from –l through zero up to and including +l:
ml = (-l), …, 0, …, (+l)
The maximum value of ml depends on the value of l.
For example when l = 1 which designated the p subshell, there are three permissible values of ml : -1, 0, and +1.
Thus three distinct region of space, called atomic orbitals, are associated with a p subshell.
We refer to these orbitals as the px, py and pz orbitals.

(d) The spin quantum number, ms, refers to the spin of an electron and the orientation of the magnetic field
produced by this spin.
For every set of n, l, and ml values , ms can take the value +1/2 or -1/2:
ms = ±1/2
The values of n, l, and ml describe a particular atomic orbital.
Each atomic orbital can accommodate no more than two electrons, one ms = +1/2 and another ms = -1/2.
• Table 6 summarises some permissible values for four quantum numbers.
• Spectroscopic evidence confirms the quantum mechanical predictions about the number of atomic orbitals in
each shell

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Table 6: Permissible Values of Quantum Numbers through n = 4
n l ml ms Electron Electron
Capacity of Capacity of
Subshell = Shell = 2n2
4l + 2

1 0 (1s) 0 +1/2, -1/2 2 2

2 0 (2s) 0 +1/2, -1/2 2 8
1 (2p) -1, 0, +1 ±1/2 for each value of 6
3 0 (3s) 0 +1/2, -1/2 2 18
1(3p) -1, 0, +1 ±1/2 for each value of 6
2 (3d) -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 ±1/2 for each value of 10

4 0 (4s) 0 +1/2, -1/2 2 32

1 (4p) -1, 0, +1 ±1/2 for each value of 6
2 (4d) -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 ±1/2 for each value of 10
3 (4f) -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3 ±1/2 for each value of 14

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