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By :
Abdullah ‘Alim Perdana
School Profile

Name of School:
SMPN 1 Piyungan
Jl. Wonosari km No.14,
Sandeyan, Srimulyo, Kec.
Piyungan, Kabupaten Bantul,
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Email :

Accreditation : A

Name of the Teacher:

Nur Santi, S. Pd.
English Language Teaching Proccess
Time : Curriculum:
 In a week Bu Nur Santi  Curriculum 2013 and
taught english for 8 2013 revision
hours.  On proccess turning to
curriculum merdeka
Problem on ELT Proccess
Lack of Vocabulary Lack of Motivation
 When the teacher ask to student  When the teacher asking to the
to guess what the picture is, student whether they have done
most of student do not know with their home assignment or not.
Most of all said that they have not
what is that in english. Whereas
done yet. Because the teacher do
the picture just consist about not say it will be submitted, she
classroom tools. just gave instruction to disccuss it
 It means that the student’s next week.
competency are not good  It means that most of student do
enough. not have enough motivatiion to
learn english properly.
Best Practice Solution
Lack of Vocabulary Lack of Motivation
 Guess picture  Help the student to find
 Game of word the purpose to learn
 Translating word
 Give them the benefit of
 Remembering word learning english
 Give an intersting
instruction through film,
music, and novel.
Documentation: 8A
Documentation: 8F
Documentation: LKS

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