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Robot Kinematics


Forward Kinematics:
to determine where the robot’s hand is?
(If all joint variables are known)

Inverse Kinematics:
to calculate what each joint variable is?
(If we desire that the hand be
located at a particular point)
Direct Kinematics
with no matrices

Where is my hand?

Direct Kinematics:
Chapter 2
Robot Kinematics: Position Analysis
Forward Kinematics Analysis:
• Calculating the position and orientation of the hand of the robot.

If all robot joint variables are known, one can calculate where the robot is
at any instant.

Fig. 7 The hand frame of the robot relative to the reference frame.
Forward and Inverse Kinematics
Chapter 2
for Position
Robot Kinematics: Position Analysis

Forward Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics equation

for position analysis :

(a) Cartesian (gantry, rectangular) coordinates.

(b) Cylindrical coordinates.
(c) Spherical coordinates.
(d) Articulated (anthropomorphic, or all-revolute)
Forward and Inverse Kinematics
EquationsChapter for 2 Position
Robot Kinematics: Position Analysis
(a) Cartesian (Gantry, Rectangular)
• All the three joints are linear.
• Example: A gantry robot

1 0 0 Px 
0 
1 0 Py 
TP  Tcart 
0 0 1 Pz 
 
0 0 0 1

Fig. 8 Cartesian Coordinates.

Forward and Inverse Kinematics Equations for
Chapter 2
Kinematics: Position Analysis

2 Linear translations and 1 rotation

• translation of r along the x-axis
• rotation of  about the z-axis
• translation of l along the z-axis

TP  Tcyl (r , , l )  Trans(0,0, l )Rot( z, )Trans(r ,0,0)

Fig. 9. Cylindrical Coordinates.

1 0 0 0  C  S 0 0  1 0 0 r
0 1 0 0   S C 0 0  0 1 0 0 
Tcyl 
0 0 1 l 0 0 1 0  0 0 1 0
   
0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1

C  S 0 rC 
 S C 0 rS 
TP  Tcyl   
 0 0 1 l 
 
 0 0 0 1 
Suppose that we desire to place the origin of the
hand frame of a cylindrical robot at [3,4,7]T.
Calculate the joint variables.

• From the transformation matrix of cylindrical robot,

C  S 0 rC  3 l7

 S C 0 rS  P   4 
TP  Tcyl    7 
rC  3
 0 0 1 l 

0 0 0 1
 rS  4
  4
Hence, tan  
r 5
  53.1
Forward and Inverse Kinematics Equations for
Position 2
Robot Spherical Coordinates
Position Analysis

1 Linear translation and 2 rotations

• translation of r along the z-axis
• rotation of  about the y-axis
• rotation of  along the z-axis

TP  Tsph (r ,  , l )  Rot(z, )Rot(y, )Trans(0,0,r )

C  C  S S  C rS  C 
 C  S C S  S rS  S 
TP  Tsph  
  S 0 C rC 
 
 0 0 0 1 
Fig. 10 Spherical Coordinates.
Suppose that we desire to place the origin of the
hand frame of a spherical robot at [3,4,7] T.
Calculate the joint variables.

• From the transformation matrix of spherical robot,

rS  C  3 (1)   53.10

rC   7 (3)

(4)/(3) and solving
  35.50
r  8.6
Forward and Inverse Kinematics Equations for
Position 2
Robot Articulated

3 rotations -> Denavit-Hartenberg representation

Fig. 11 Articulated Coordinates.

Forward and Inverse
Chapter 2
Robot Kinematics:for Orientation
Position Analysis

 Roll, Pitch, Yaw (RPY) angles

 Euler angles
Roll, Pitch, Yaw (RPY) Angles
The rotation matrix R can also be
described as a product of
successive rotations about the
principal axes x0,y0 and Z0 taken in
specific order.

These rotations define the roll,

pitch and yaw angles (ϕ, θ ,ѱ)

Lets consider a sequence

1.Yaw about x0 through an angle ѱ

2.Pitch about y0 through an angle θ
3.Finally, Roll about z0 through an
angle ϕ
Roll, Pitch, Yaw (RPY) Angles
RPY Angles from Rotation Matrix

Let the rotation matrix be,

r32 S
 r11 r12 r13  
r33 C
R10   r21 r22 r23 
 r31 r32 r33   r32 
  tan  
 r33 
RPY Angles from Rotation Matrix
r21 S

r11 C

 r21 
  tan  
 r11 

r31 S

r112  r212 C

 r 
  tan 1  31 
 r2  r2 
 11 21 
Determine the roll, pitch, yaw angles and
displacement of a Cartesian-RPY robot for the
following end effector orientation and position

 nx ox ax px   0.354 0.674 0.649 4.33

n oy ay p y   0.505 0.722 0.475 2.5 
TP   y 
 nz oz az pz   0.788 0.160 0.595 8 
   
0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1 

r 
  tan 1  32    550
 r33 

1  r21 
  51.950
  tan  
 r11 
  150
 r 
Px  4.33 Py  2.5
  tan 
1 31 
 r2  r2  Pz  8
 11 21 
Euler angle sequence
• Three coordinates are necessary to
represent rotation. These three co-ordinates
are called Euler angles (typically denoted as
α, β, γ, or φ, θ, ψ )

• Twelve possible sequences of rotation axes,

divided in two groups:
• Proper Euler angles (z-x-z, x-y-x, y-z-y, z-y-
z, x-z-x, y-x-y)

• Tait–Bryan angles (x-y-z, y-z-x, z-x-y, x-z-y,

z-y-x, y-x-z).
Proper Euler angles
Example: ZYZ Sequence
Forward and Inverse Kinematics Equations for
Orientation 2
(b) Euler
Robot Kinematics: Angles
Position Analysis

Rotation of  about a-axis (z-axis of the moving frame) followed by

Rotation of  about o -axis (y-axis of the moving frame) followed by
Rotation of  about a-axis (z-axis of the moving frame).

Fig. Euler rotations about the

current axes.

Euler ( , , )  Rot(a,  ) Rot(o,  ) Rot(a, )

Forward and Inverse Kinematics Equations for
Orientation 2
(b) Euler
Robot Kinematics: Angles
Position Analysis

C C C  S S C C S  S C C S 0
 S C C  C S  S C S  C C S S 0
Euler ( , , )  
  S C S S C 0
 
 0 0 0 1
Forward and Inverse Kinematics Equations for
Orientation 2
(b) Euler Angles-
Robot Kinematics: Inverse
Position Analysis kinematics

Let the rotation matrix be,

 r11 r12 r13 

R10   r21 r22 r23 
 r31 r32 r33 

C C C  S S C C S  S C C S 
Euler ( ,  , )   S C C  C S  S C S  C C S S 
  S C S S C 
Forward and Inverse Kinematics Equations for
Orientation 2
(b) Euler Angles-
Robot Kinematics: Inverse
Position Analysis kinematics

r32  S
 r23 S
r31 C 
r13 C

 r32 
1  r23 
  tan     tan  
 31   r13 

r132  r232 S

r33 C

 r2  r2 
  tan  13 23

 r33 
 
The final orientation of the hand of a Cartesian-
Euler robot is given below. Find the necessary
Euler angles.

 nx ox ax px  0.579 0.548 0.604 5 

n oy ay p y  0.540 0.813 0.220 7 
TP   y 
 nz oz az pz   0.611 0.199 0.766 3 
   
0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1
1  r23 
  tan  
 r13  Hence,
  200
 r2  r2 
  tan  13 23

  180
 r33 
 
1   r32 
  400 or 400
  tan  
 31 
Euler angle Vs Fixed angle
• Euler angle

• Fixed angle
The rotation matrix R2 relating the
orientation of frame 2 with respect to
frame 1 is given by
0.87 0.43 0.25 
R2   0.5 0.75 0.43
 0 0.50 0.87 

Determine the corresponding set of

ZYX Euler angles

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