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(Irregular Verbs)
1. Cost cost

2. Do did
3. Leave left

4. Feel felt
5. Lead lead

6. Make made
7. Win won

8. Write wrote
9. Understand understood

10. Send sent

11. Say said

12. Run ran

13. Put put

14. Eat ate

15. Read read

16. Pay Paid

17. Mean meant

18. Buy bought

19. Bring brought

20. Think thought

21. Sell sold

22. Catch caught

23. Sit sat

24. Know knew

25. Build built

26. Hold held

27. Come came

28. Lie lay

29. Be ( Singular) was

30. Be ( Plural ) were

31. Go went

32. Cut cut

33. Draw drew

34. Get got

35. Hear heard

36. Find found

37. Choose chose

38. Set set

39. Speak spoke

40. Begin began

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