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Topic :- Chemistry in Everyday Life

Name :- Himanshu Ravindra Patil
Class :- 9th Seychelles
Roll no. :- 76
Chemistry plays an important role in everyday life. The basic
requirements of our life – shelter, food, clothes, medicines are basically
chemicals compounds. Pharmaceutical chemistry depends on organic,
analytic, physical, inorganic, biochemical properties. Chemistry is
involved in variety of processes those occur within and across our body.
With the advent of modern science, scientist discovered structures of
various constituent chemicals in science. Synthesis of natural molecules
and new molecules with structural variation revolutionary’s materials are
used in all the walks of human life. This influence is seen in all aspects of
the basic needs, such as food, clothing, shelter and beyond. We will now
see some aspects of Chemistry: -
I] Chemistry in Medicines
ii] Chemistry in Food
iii] Chemistry in Cleansing Agents
iv] Chemistry in Cosmetics
A] Analgesics – Drugs which relieve the pain by acting on central nervous system
without loss of consciousness or without much disturbing the nervous system are
called analgesics.
a] Narcotic
There are twoanalgesics:
main types These drugs produce
of analgesics: - depression of the central nervous
system and relieve pain instantly e.g. morphine(C17H19NO3), codeine(C19H21NO3),
Heroin(C21H23NO5), etc. These chemicals are used to reduce the pain due to fracture
of bones, post-operative pain, pain due to burns, etc. Codeine is less potent analgesic
than morphine. Heroin is a diactyl derivative of morphine and has more tendency
Non-narcotic analgesics: These drugs when consumed do not produce any Non-narcotic analgesics
significant depression of central nervous system. These are anti-inflammatory and
antipyretic (reduce fever). Inflammation is a series of changes in tissue causing
redness of skin, edema, granulation of tissues, etc. The anti-inflammatory action of
analgesic reduces the causes of inflammation. Aspirin is one of the commonly used
drug as analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. It is used in headache cold,
tissue swelling, arthritis, etc. Other non-narcotic drugs used are paracetamol,
ibuprofen, methyl salicylate, etc.
B] Tranquilizers – The chemical substances used to relieve or
reduce the stress and anxiety leading to calmness are called
tranquilizers. For e.g. Noradrenaline a nuero transmitter plays an
important role in changing mood of a person. Other mild
tranquilizers used are equanil(C7H14N2O4), valium(C16H13CIN2O),
chlordiazepoxide(C16H14N3OCl), meprobamate(C9H18N2O4) etc.
Tranquilizers are used to reduce mental tension, mania (disorder
of mood), insomania (sleeping sickness), feeling of discomfort, etc.
C] Antifertility drugs – Antifertility drugs are used to control the
population (by family planning). These drugs are a mixture of
synthetic estrogen and progesterone derivatives which are
hormones. Synthetic progesterone derivative which is used as an
antifertility drug is norethindrone. Ethynylestradiol (novestrol) is
estrogen derivative.
D] Antimicrobials – The drugs used to kill or stop the growth of the
micro-organisms like fungi, bacteria, virus which cause variety of
diseases in human beings are called antimicrobials. The antimicrobials
drugs are antibiotics, antiseptics and disinfectants.
a) Antibiotics: Antibiotic is a drug derived from living matter or micro-
organism, used to kill or prevent the growth of other micro-organisms.
Antibiotics which are effective against a wide range of gram positive and
gram negative bacteria are known as broad spectrum antibiotics. e.g.
Chloramphenicol, ampicillin, amoxicillin, etc. Antibiotics which are
effective against either gram positive or gram negative bacteria are
known as narrow spectrum antibiotics. e.g. penicillin.
The antibiotics are classified into two types, bactericidal (killing bacteria)
and bacteriostatic (inhibits growth of bacteria). Examples of bactericidal
are ofloxacin, penicillin, aminoglycosides and that of bacteriostatic are
tetracycline, erythromycin, chloramphenicol etc.
Chloroxylenol liquid
b) Antiseptics: Drugs which are applied to the living tissues to
kill the bacteria and to stop their growth in wound, thus
preventing its infection are called antiseptics. They do not heal
the wound but prevent the wound from getting infected. Dettol
is used as an antiseptic. It is a mixture of terpeniol and
chloroxylenol. Other antiseptics are iodoform, boric acid, Chloroxylenol
phenol (dilute solution), Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), etc.
c) Disinfectants: Disinfectants are applied to non-living objects
to kill micro-organisms, used in public health sanitization,
floors, to steralise instruments, etc. Normally used
disinfectants are chlorine, Sulphur dioxide, phenol, etc.
Dilute solution of phenol is used as an antiseptic whereas
concentrated phenol is used as a disinfectant.
E] Antacids – Antacid is a base which
neutralizes excess of acid in the stomach.
During digestion of food, stomach secretes
HCl (Hydrochloric acid). Sometimes there
is hyperacidity due to excessive secretion of
Hydrochloric acid. Sodium bicarbonate
and metal hydroxides of magnesium and
aluminium are used as antacids which
neutralize the excess of acid secreted.

Milk of Magnesia

Magnessium hydroxide
A] Chemicals in food preservatives – Preservatives are the substances
which when added to food are capable of inhibiting, retarding or
arresting the process of fermentation, acidification or other
decomposition of food by growth of microbes.
The chemical methods of food preservation are as follows –
a) Addition of sugar: Preservation by addition of sugar and then
applying heat is highly important method in case of fruits to prepare
jams, jellies and marmalades.
b) Addition of salt: Salting is also used to control the growth of fungus
or other micro-organisms in food storing. It is used mainly in
preparation of pickles of raw mango, lemon, chillies, etc. and to
preserve fish products.
c) Addition of vinegar: Vinegar is added to preserve food like pickles,
salad dressings, mustard, fish, etc.
d) Addition of other chemicals: Chemicals like sodium benzoate, salts
of sorbic acid and propionic acid, etc. are used as preservatives.
B] Artificial sweetening agents – Certain chemicals which do not occur
in nature but are synthesized in the laboratory and have sweet taste
are known as artificial sweeteners. Saccharin, the artificial sweetener
was discovered by Constantine Fahlberg and Era Ramsen in 1879. It
was an important discovery for diabetics. It goes directly through the
human digestive system without being digested. At higher
concentration it has an unpleasant taste. It is used to sweeten the
products like medicine, toothpaste, low calorie sweets, soft drinks, cold
drinks, etc. Other examples are aspartame, sucrulose, alitame, etc.
C] Antioxidants – Antioxidants is a substance which when added to
food, retards or prevents oxidative deterioration of food. Fats and oils
are oxidized easily, turn rancid and become unpalatable. Addition of
antioxidants prevent their oxidation and prevent them from becoming
rancid. For e.g. Butylated hydroxy toluene, Butylated hydroxy anisole,

A] Soaps – Soaps are available in different forms like
cakes, shampoo (Liquid), creams or powder in different
colours, shapes and having different perfumes. Soaps
are sodium or potassium salts of higher fatty acids
which contain more than 12 carbon atoms. Potassium
soaps are softer than sodium soaps. Potassium soaps
are used in shampoo, shaving cream and bathing soaps
(liquid or cake). Sodium soaps are toilet soaps used for
B] purposes.
Detergents – Synthetic detergents are sodium salts
of alkyl hydrogen sulphates or sodium salts of long
chain alkyl benzene sulphonic acids. Detergents are
superior to soaps. In hard water the builders present in
them form soluble calcium and magnesium salts.
There are thousands of different cosmetic products on the
market, all with differing combinations of ingredients. There are
approximately 12,500 unique chemical ingredients approved for
use in the manufacture of personal care products. A typical
product will contain anything from 15–50 ingredients. Most
cosmetics contain a combination of at least some of the following
core ingredients: water, emulsifier, preservative, thickener,
emollient, colour, fragrance and pH stabilisers.
Nail Polish - Nail Polish is applied to the human fingernail or
toenails to decorate and protect the nail plates. Nail polish
consists of a polymer, most commonly nitrocellulose, dissolved in
a solvent, usually ethyl acetate or butyl acetate. When it is
applied the solvent evaporates, leaving the polymer to form a
film on the nail.
Lipstick - Lipstick is a cosmetic that applies color,
texture, and protection to the lips. Some lipsticks are also
lip balms, to add both color and hydration. Lipstick has
the main components are waxes and oils. These are
compounds containing mainly hydrogen and carbon.

Eyeliner -Eye liner or eyeliner is a cosmetic used to

define the eyes. It is applied around the contours of the
eye(s) to create a variety of aesthetic effects. Stearyl
heptanoate is found in most cosmetic eyeliner. Typical
pigments include black iron oxides, as well as smaller
amounts of titanium dioxide and Prussian blue.
Chemistry is one of the most important branch of modern
science which deals with the chemical circumstances of
different substances. Chemistry is very important in our
modern lifestyle for an efficient living. Chemistry is a big part
of our everyday life. Different substances such as toothpastes,
soap, shampoo, medicines, etc. are manufactured due to the
contribution of chemistry. The medicine industry is completely
dependent on the chemistry. Digestion relies on chemical
reactions between food and acids and enzymes to break down
molecules into nutrients the body can absorbed. Different
production in manufacturing plants are dependent on different
mass scale chemical activities to manufacture a particular

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