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Implementation of S-Box Based on

Null Convention Logic

Presented By: Under the guidance of:

S. Suhail (19HM1A0453) D. V. Supriya.,M.Tech.,(Ph.D)
C. Bhuvaneswari (20HM5A0405)
S. Muqtar Basha (19HM1A0444) Asst Professor,
S. Rizwan (19HM1A0445) Dept of ECE.



Null Convention Logic

Manual Calculations



 References
A novel asynchronous combinational S-Box(substitution box) is design
for AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) crypto-systems is proposed and

The S-Box is considered as the most critical component in AES crypto


To increase safety and secure communication when compared with

normal S-Box.
 The National Institute of Standards and Technology, (NIST) Sub-
Bytes or S-Box is a nonlinear transformation thatuses16 byte
substitution tables (S-Boxes).

 Composite field arithmetic can be employed to reduce the hardware


 An S-Box is the multiplicative inverse of a Galois fieldGF(2^4)

followed by an affine transformation.
lock Diagram

Fig: Ideal block cipher Implementation inputs and outputs

The 4 Types of Transformations
Sub-Bytes Transformation

Shift-Rows Transformation

 Mix-Columns Transformation

Add-Round Key Transformation

Look up Table
Sub-Bytes Transformation

Each byte is replaced by byte indexed by row (left 4-bits) &

Column (right 4-bits) of a 16x16 table.
Null Convention Logic
 NULL Convention Logic (NCL) is a symbolically complete logic
which expresses process completely in terms of the logic itself
and inherently and conveniently expresses asynchronous digital

 We introduce NULL Convention Logic in relation to Boolean

logic as a four value logic, and as a three value logic, and
finally as two value logic - quite different from traditional
Boolean logic.

 A dual-rail signal D consists of two wires, D0 and D1.

D is logic 1 (DATA1) when D1 = 1 and D0 = 0;
D is logic 0 (DATA0) when D0 = 1 and D1 = 0, and is
NULL =D0 and D1 are 0.
Example of Null Convention Logic


0 0 0 01
0 1 0 01
1 0 0 01
1 1 1 10
S-Box Architecture
Manual Calculations
Existed Method Calculation :
X = 5 : 0101 (Binary value for 5)
Y = 1 : 0001 (Binary value for 1)
51 6a 4d 43 After substituting X value and Y value from S-Box we will get result
is d1.
9c 45 9b 8c D = 1101 (Binary value for D)
1 = 0001 (Binary value for 1)
89 7b 78 7c Proposed Method Calculation :
We are applying NCL logic to Existed Method.
In NCL, 0 is consider as 01
E4 D4 6a 98
1 is consider as 10
X = 5 : 0101 (Binary value for 5)
Y = 1 : 0001 (Binary value for 1)
After substituting X value and Y value from S-Box we will get result
is d1.
D = 1101 (Binary value for D)
1 = 0001 (Binary value for 1)
NCL S-BOX Calculation is,
D = 1010 0110 = A6
1 = 0101 0110 = 56
Now 51 original data is converted from NCL S-box is A656.
Manual Calculations
Existed Method Calculation :
X = 9 : 1001 (Binary value for 9)
Y = B : 1011 (Binary value for B)
51 6a 4d 43 After substituting X value and Y value from S-Box we will get result
is 14.
9c 45 9b 8c 1= 0001 (Binary value for 1)
4 = 0100 (Binary value for 4)
Proposed Method Calculation :
89 7b 78 7c
We are applying NCL logic to Existed Method.
In NCL, 0 is consider as 01
E4 D4 6a 98 1 is consider as 10
X = 9 : 1001 (Binary value for 9)
Y = B : 1011 (Binary value for B)
After substituting X value and Y value from S-Box we will get result
is 14.
1 = 0001 (Binary value for 1)
4 = 0100 (Binary value for 4)
NCL S-BOX Calculation is,
1 = 0101 0110 = 56
4 = 0110 0101= 65
Now 9B original data is converted from NCL S-box is 5665.
Manual Calculations
Existed Method Calculation :
X = 7 : 0111 (Binary value for 7)
Y = 8 : 1000 (Binary value for 8)
51 6a 4d 43 After substituting X value and Y value from S-Box we will get result
is .
9c 45 9b 8c B= 1011 (Binary value for B)
C= 1100 (Binary value for C)
89 7b 78 7c Proposed Method Calculation :
We are applying NCL logic to Existed Method.
E4 D4 6a 98 In NCL, 0 is consider as 01
1 is consider as 10
X = 7 : 0111 (Binary value for 7)
Y = 8 : 1000 (Binary value for 8)
After substituting X value and Y value from S-Box we will get result
is BC.
B = 1011 (Binary value for B)
C = 1100 (Binary value for C)
NCL S-BOX Calculation is,
B = 1001 1010 = 9A
C = 1010 0101 = A5
Now 51 original data is converted from NCL S-box is 9AA5.




 AES page available vi

A. Lee, NIST Special Publication 800-21, Guideline for

Implementing Cryptography in the Federal Government,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, November

S. C. Smith, “Speedup of null convention digital circuits

using null cycle reduction,” Journal of System Architecture,
vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 411–422, 2006.
Thank you

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