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AB1002 Lesson 3

Career Readiness

Accepting/Reneging Offers
Interview Practice

NBS Career Services

Roadmap to Getting the Internship

Know Know the Roles Write Interview Get the

Yourself and the Resume and
Company Cover Letter

Accountability &

Dear Career Services,

With regards of the interns, we would like to express our displeasure

due to the numerous inconveniences and delays caused.

Several preparations have been done prior to intern’s commencement,

such as getting the IT setup, preparing and offering the contract letter,
etc and the preparation hence all came to naught, when he turned up
on the 1st day and smsed me in the afternoon informing me that he
will not continue the assignment due to his projects/study. Such an
irresponsible attitude was completely uncalled for. 

Accountability &
We believe that your esteemed institution, with a reputation for high
caliber students, would have better handled this matter.  We hope to
be able to nurture your students and provide them with a fulfilling
working experience with us and would appreciate if we are able to
work towards a mutual relationship.   However, the recent experience
has left us disappointed, amongst the lost of confidence in your

Hope that such incidents will not re-occur again in the

future internship program.

Best regards
Evelyn Ng
Accountability &
Dear Career Services,
Thought we update you on one of your students, Mark Lee. We had tried to
get him to sign the letter of offer since 2 weeks ago (he told us he has been
on vacation). After 2 rounds of rescheduling, we planned to meet this
morning, but he did not turn up, and had e-mailed me this morning to turn
down our offer after all. Had asked him for his reason, but have yet to
receive a reply.
The rest of the NBS students who accepted our offer had signed the letter
of offer.
Human Resource Manager 
Accepting offers
 Once you have accepted an internship or fulltime offer (verbally or
in written form), you should honour your commitment and decline
all other options – whether pending or otherwise

 Notify other employers that you are no longer available for


 Make the most informed decision you can, stick with it and make
the best of that opportunity

 Backing out from your commitment to accept another position

represents a breach of agreement
Accepting offers
 Reneging will put your reputation at risk

 What goes around, comes around. Information is shared among

recruiters more regularly than you think

 By reneging, you would have “burned a bridge” with that


 You may also strain the ties between the school and the
organisation, compromising the opportunities available for
students in the upcoming batches.

Accountability &
The employer showed the NTU supervisor a sms (on his handphone).
The sms was sent from his intern on Sunday, 2.30am. The sms says:
• “Hi Mr Smith,  I am stuck in KL and cannot get transport back to Singapore. I will
not be able to get back to work on Mon. I will come in to the office on Tues. Thks.”
• What will the employer think of the intern and her behavior?

• What should the intern do when she returns to work on Tuesday?

• (Background: The intern drove to KL with her parents for a wedding and their car
broke down. They could not get transport back nor repair their car in the middle of
the night.)

Respect and consideration
From: May Yee[]
Sent: Tuesday, July, 2019 10:19 AM
Subject: RE: Full time recruitment

Dear Career Services,

Thanks for your email. Congratulations to your graduates who have

just completed their convocation.

We have interviewed 2 candidates from NTU. Both of them did

not respond to my email for second round of selection. I
assume they have withdrawn from their application and decided to
seek opportunities elsewhere.

Respect and consideration
All the best to their future endeavor. We have selected a suitable
candidate from another university instead.

I look forward to work with you again in future for both internship
program and full-time hire needs. Enjoy the rest of the week!

Best regards
May Yee

Leave a Lasting Impression with Employers
(whether they hire you or not)

Mock Interview
Everyone must prepare their responses to these 3
questions (15 mins):
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What is your strength and weakness?
3. Why should we hire you?

Interview assessments: Online Tests
Career & Attachment office: Online career assessment tools

Harrison Assessment Reviews

These are reports you pay for, not the one in AB1001.
Career Coaching can be done with NBS.

Verbal, numerical tests practice

 (usually used by banks)

Gamified Assessments
 Artic Shores

Video Interviews
Please email if you would like to have video interview
practice. These are assessments used by many employers including DBS, SIA, Credit Suisse etc.

In addition, NBS Career Services also offer face to face mock interviews, do keep a lookout for the emails.

Get Prepared for the Future NOW
• Incorporate tutor’s comments & suggestions
• Revise/amend your resume and cover letter in NBS
• Submit your amended resume and cover letter in
• Your final assignment must be submitted in
NTULearn after Lesson 3 (within 8 days inclusive
of the day of your lesson 3).
Example: if your Lesson 3 is on Monday, 1 Feb 2021,
the submission deadline is on 8 Feb 2021 at 2359hrs.

Writing a Resume and Cover Letter
Lesson 3
Steps to submit your assignment.
1. Go to NBS CareerFIT url link:
2. Login your NBS CareerFIT account with your school email and
NBS CareerFIT password. (Your NBS CareerFIT account
password was sent to you via your NTU email. )
3. If you have deleted the login password given to you, go to to reset
your login details for the CareerFIT . Click ‘forgot password’.

Writing Resumes and Cover Letter
4. Resume: Once you login to CareerFIT, go to Profile-
Update to work on your resume. Click on resume builder to
revise/amend your resume and cover letter in NBS
5. Resume photo (corporate photo) is optional.
6. Cover letter : Create a cover letter in the NBS CareerFIT
or use a word document and upload it in NBS CareerFIT.
7. Combine resume and cover letter in a .pdf document and
save this document as “AB1002 Your Name” and submit
the assignment in NTULearn.

Writing a Resume and Cover Letter
8. Login to your NTULearn.

9. Click on to the AB1002 course site of your group.

10. Click on the Assignment on the left panel.

11. Click on the title name (Assignment – Resume and cover letter submission) and
submit your assignment.

12. This component makes up 30% total marks for AB1002

13. Professional resume photo is optional to be included in your resume.

• Note: if you would like your resume photo, it will be in a word document.

AB1002 Online Teaching Evaluation
• All of you have just attended the AB1002 course, we strongly
encouraged you to participate in this exercise as soon as possible.

• To access the feedback, you can go to Studentlink >> Academic

Matters >> Student Feedback on Teaching. Alternatively, go to the
following link:


• Self sourcing of PA
• Cover Letter & Resume
• CareerFIT resume mining portal
• Preparation for Interviews
• Interviewing 201
• Communication Skills, Work Ethics
• Mock interview – Focus on the three
fundamental interview questions that
every candidate must prepare for


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