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Geografi Tanah

(Soil Geography) – PGEO 611

Week 1
Introduction to Soil Geography

Jurusan Geografi, Universitas Negeri Malang

Week 1 - Introduction to Soil Geography

• What constitutes soil

• Importance (roles) of soils
• Defining Soil Geography
• Implications of Soil Geography
What constitutes soil?
Edafologi – Tanah  habitat dan media tumbuh
• Agronomi, Ekologi, Biologi

Pedologi – Tanah  geological product / entity

• geografi, geomorfologi, taksonomi tanah (Gardiner
& Miller, 2008)

Long history of soil

• Irigasi di Mesopotamia
• Draianse di Crete
• Subway drainage - Persia
• Klasifikasi Tanah – Cacing Peradaban Cina
Soils as Ecosystem Services
• provisioning (providing goods such as water,
food, medicines, lumber, etc.),

• regulating (processes that purify water,

decompose wastes, control pests, or modify
atmospheric gases),

• supportive (assisting with nutrient cycling, seed

dispersal, primary biomass production, etc.) and

• cultural (providing spiritual uplift, scenic views,

and outdoor recreation opportunities).
Soils around us
Soils support Plant Growth

• Physical support
• Air
• Water
• Temperature moderation
• Protection from toxins
• Nutrient elements – Leibig’s Law of
Soils support Plant Growth
Soils around us
Soils regulate water supply
Soils around us

• Soils recycle material

• Soils modify atmosphere
• Soils as engineering medium
• Soils as habitat
• Soils and human health
Soils as Natural Bodies (SSS, 1993)

• part of earth surface

• landscape bentang lahan
• Vertical structure
Soils around us

• O layer / topsoil
• Horizon A, B, C
• Solum (A-B before C)
• Regolith (A-C, before
• Bedrock
Soils and their horizons
Soils and their horizons
Soil Composition

• Tanah Mineral
• Tanah Organik
Soil Geography
• Geographic principles (human – nature
linkage, space and time linkage)

• Process  Pattern and Distribution

• Perlu ilmu pendukung (fisika, kimia, biologi,

geomorfologi, GIS, klimatologi, hydrology,
geology, mineralogi,
Soil Geography - applicability
• …………………………?

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