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Passive Voice

Mr. Hani M. Al-Tahrawi

Pre-Dental (Batch 2)
Pre-Pharma (Batch 2)
March, 2012
Pres. Participle
Base Present Past Past Participle
V4 Future
Verb Simple Simple V3
ing form

has am will be
am is
was have am
be is been are being
were is going to be
are was
were are

has am will write

write have am
write wrote written are writing
writes is going to write
had are
has am will steal
is am
steal have
steal stolen are stealing is going to steal
steals stole
had are
Subject Verb Object

be V3 (by subject)
An Active Sentence
Subject Verb Object
Turki wrote a letter.

A Passive Sentence
Object be V3 (by Subject)
A letter was written by Turki.
When we changed the sentence:
Turki wrote a letter.
A letter was written by Turki.
We used ‘was’ as one of the forms of verb ‘ be ’.

We used ‘was’ as one of the forms of verb ‘ be ’
, and it is the simple past tense.

That’s because…..
The main verb in the active sentence was
in the simple past tense.

Turki wrote a letter.

A letter was written by Turki.

BUT which form of verb to be
should I use?????????
Base Form Past Pres. P.
Present P.P.
(Bare Simple V4
Simple V3
infinitive) V2 ing-form

am is
was have
be is been are being
To use one of the forms of verb to be,
we have to meet two conditions:


What agrees
The same
with the new
tense of the
main verb
( object)
The same
be tense of the
main verb
The Simple Present

Active Passive
They write / don’t write the science column. The science column is/ isn’t written by them.

He writes / doesn’t write the science columns. The science columns are/ aren’t written by him.

Do they write the science column? Is the science column written by them?
Does he write the science columns? Are the science columns written by him?

What do the Dental students write? What is written by the Dental students?
What does the Pharma student write? What is written by the Pharma student?
The Present Perfect

Active Passive
He has broken / hasn’t broken the window. The window has/hasn’t been broken (by him).

They have seen / have never seen a UFO in A UFO [has /has never] been seen in this
this country before. country before.

Has he (ever) broken the window? Has the window (ever) been broken (by him)?

Have they (ever) seen a UFO in this Has a UFO (ever) been seen in this country
country before? before?

What has he broken? What has been broken?

What have they seen in this country before? What has been seen in this country before?
The Simple Past

Active Passive
‘Sense and Sensibility ‘ was written by
Jane Austen wrote ‘Sense and Sensibility ‘ in 1811.
Jane Austen in 1811.
No one knew his real name.
His real name wasn’t known.
The police didn’t find their hiding place.
Their hiding place wasn’t found.

Did they arrange her birthday party? Was her birthday party arranged?

Where did they send him? Where was he sent ?

The Past Perfect

Active Passive
They broke the window after they had hit it The window was broken after it had been hit
with a stone. with a stone.

Had they completed the housework before Had the housework been completed before
they called their friends? their friends were called?

Why had they sent him to Malaysia earlier? Why had he been sent to Malaysia earlier?
The Future Simple and other Modal Auxiliary Structures

Active Passive
They will send some warning letters soon. Some warning letters will be sent soon.

Ahmad is going to write the art column. The art column is going to be written by Ahmad.

They must obey the rules. The rules must be obeyed.

Will they send the warning letters soon? Will the warning letters be sent soon?

Is Ahmad going to write the art column? Is the art column going to be written by Ahmad?

Do they have to obey the rules? Do the rules have to be obeyed?

Can you deliver this envelope tonight? Can this envelope be delivered tonight?

When will they send the warning letters? When will the warning letters be sent?
What will the Dental students write? What will be written by the Dental students?
Ali takes the pills.

The pills are taken by Ali.

People speak English in many countries.

English is spoken in many countries.

Someone robbed the bank yesterday.

The bank was robbed yesterday.

Our teacher will collect the projects tomorrow.

The projects will be collected tomorrow.

The tailor has made this suit for me.

This suit has been made for me.

Builders had made this house using mud.

This house had been made using mud .

Jill paints the fence once a year.

The fence is painted once a year.

Sue bought a silk dress for her sister’s wedding.

A silk dress was bought by Sue.

The police arrested them yesterday.

They were arrested yesterday.

John and Paul have taken a lot of pictures
since they arrived on the island.

A lot of pictures have been taken

by John and Paul since they arrived
on the island.
We asked her to help with the housework.

She was asked to help with the housework.

Scientific Process: Manufacturing Cars

( They produce cars in this factory. )

1. Cars are produced in this factory.

( Mechanics have already checked
the cars in the blue area. )

2. The cars have already been

checked in the blue area.
( Electricians will install air-conditioning
in the cars in the red area. )

3. Air-conditioning will be installed in the cars

in the red area.
Passive Questions: (Simple Present)

Subject verb Object ?

Object Verb 3 (by Subject) ?
Passive Questions: (Simple Past)

Did Subject verb Object ?

Object Verb 3 (by Subject) ?
Passive Questions: (Present Perfect)

Subject V3 object ?

object been V3 (by subject) ?
Passive Questions: (Past Perfect)

Had Subject Verb 3 Object ?

Had Object been V3 (by Subject) ?

Passive Questions: (Simple Future: will + stem verb)

Will Subject verb Object ?

Will Object be Verb 3 (by Subject) ?

Passive Questions: (Simple Future: be going to + stem verb)

Subject going to verb Object ?

Am Object going to be Verb 3 (by Subject) ?

Change the following into Passive.

1. Did they tell her the story?

2. What must we do about this?
3. What questions did they ask?
4. Has anyone changed the curtains yet?
5. Where did they park the car?
6. Will anyone tell him about the accident?
7. Has anyone dusted that blackboard yet?
8. Who is cleaning my room?
First try to do these transformations yourself.
The answers are on the following slides.
Did they tell her the story?

Was she told the story?

What must we do about this?

What must be done about this?

What questions did they ask?

What questions were asked?

Has anyone changed the
curtains yet?

Have the curtains been changed yet?

Where did they park the car?

Where was the car parked?

Will anyone tell him about the accident?

Will he be told about the accident?

Has anyone dusted that blackboard yet?

Has that blackboard been dusted yet?

Who is cleaning my room?

Who is my room being cleaned by?


Whom is my room being cleaned by?

Someone wrote this letter.
( Change into a passive question asking about the underlined. )

Step 1: Form an Active Question.

Who wrote this letter?

Step 2: Change the Active Question into a Passive Question.

Who was this letter written by?

Researchers estimate that 8 million people
in the United States are suffering from an
Eating Disorder.

It is estimated that 8 million people in the

United States are suffering from an
Eating Disorder.
Correct the following verbs. (ACTIVE or PASSIVE )

is broken/ was broken

1. The window pane (break) _________________.
is cooking
Someone (cook) ___________________ a meal in the kitchen right now.
3. were asked / will be asked several questions by the police tonight.
We (ask)___________________
4. was run over
My cat (run over) ________________ by the milk van.
5. must be done
This homework (must do) ___________________ tonight.
6. are written / were written/ have been written in every culture .
Poems ( write) ________________________________
7. Know/ knew
People all over the world (know) ___________________ her name.
was being looted/ had already been looted
The truck (loot)_____________________________________ when the police arrived.

9. were served
The guests (serve) ________________ some tea after they had a seat.
10. The have done
students (do) ____________ these exercises before.
A. Correct the verb in parentheses.
B. Then change the sentence into the PASSIVE.
1. Those boys (rear) _____________ these kittens for a long time.
have been rearing

Passive: These kittens have been being reared for a long time.
2. The dog (might, eat) ____________________ your meal.
might eat / might have eaten

Passive: Your meal might be eaten /might have been eaten by the dog.
3. The patient (ought to, take) ________________ these pills every day.
ought to take

4. APassive:
freshmanThese to, ought
(havepills to be
practice) taken by the patient
_____________ every
English day.
has to practice

5. Whenever
Passive: the wind blows,
English has to it
be(slam) ________________
practiced regularly. the door.

6. Someone (have to, test)____________________ you on your English grammar.
Passive: The door is slammed whenever the wind blows.

has to test / had to test

Passive: You have to be tested/ had to be tested on your English grammar.
Choose the correct answer

1. Hazel won the lottery.   

A. The lottery had been won by Hazel.    

B. The lottery was won by Hazel.    
C. The lottery is won by Hazel.
Choose the correct answer

1. Hazel won the lottery.   

A. The lottery had been won by Hazel.    

B. The lottery was won by Hazel.    
C. The lottery is won by Hazel.
2. The police interrogated Bryan.     

A. Bryan is interrogated by the police.    

B. Bryan was interrogated by the police.    
C. Bryan had been interrogated by the police.
2. The police interrogated Bryan.     

A. Bryan is interrogated by the police.    

B. Bryan was interrogated by the police.    
C. Bryan had been interrogated by the police.
3. Abu Malek has paid for the pizza.  
A. The pizza was paid for by Abu Malek.    
B. The pizza has been paid for by Abu Malek.   
C. The pizza is paid for by Abu Malek.
3. Abu Malek has paid for the pizza.  
A. The pizza was paid for by Abu Malek.    
B. The pizza has been paid for by Abu Malek.   
C. The pizza is paid for by Abu Malek.
4. Joy will meet you at the airport.
A. You will have met Joy at the airport.
B. You would be met by Joy at the airport.    
C. You will be met by Joy at the airport.    
4. Joy will meet you at the airport.
A. You will have met Joy at the airport.   
B. You would be met by Joy at the airport.    
C. You will be met by Joy at the airport.
5. People highly respect Berna´s opinion.  

A. Berna´s opinion will be highly respected.    
B. Berna´s opinion was highly respected.   
C. Berna´s opinion is highly respected.
5. People highly respect Berna´s opinion.  

A. Berna´s opinion will be highly respected.    
B. Berna´s opinion was highly respected.   
C. Berna´s opinion is highly respected.
6. Amanda upset me by what she said.

A. I am upset by what Amanda said.
B. I was upset by what Amanda said.
C. I would be upset by what Amanda said.      
6. Amanda upset me by what she said.

A. I am upset by what Amanda said.
B. I was upset by what Amanda said.
C. I would be upset by what Amanda said.      
7. Charms is going to inform Brian later.   
A. Brian would be informed by Charms later.    
B. Brian is going to be informed by Charms later.   
C. Brian was going to be informed by Charms later.
7. Charms is going to inform Brian later.   
A. Brian would be informed by Charms later.    
B. Brian is going to be informed by Charms later.   
C. Brian was going to be informed by Charms later.
8. The police arrested 10 rioters last night.
A. Ten rioters were going to be arrested last night.    
B. Ten rioters were arrested last night.    
C. Ten rioters should have been arrested last night.
8. The police arrested 10 rioters last night.
A. Ten rioters were going to be arrested last night.    
B. Ten rioters were arrested last night.    
C. Ten rioters should have been arrested last night.
9. The Dean may visit us next week.
A. We may be visited by the Dean next week.    
B. We maybe visited by the Dean next week.    
C. We must be visited by the Dean next week.
9. The Dean may visit us next week.
A. We may be visited by the Dean next week.    
B. We maybe visited by the Dean next week.    
C. We must be visited by the Dean next week.
10. Studying hard could have saved you.
A. You could have saved by studying hard. 
B. You could have been saved by studying hard.   
C. You could be saved by studying hard.
10. Studying hard could have saved you.
A. You could have saved by studying hard. 
B. You could have been saved by studying hard.   
C. You could be saved by studying hard.
As you have noticed, the Passive Voice
of any tense contains this structure:
be + V. 3
(Past Participle)
is broken
will be met
was interrogated .
is going to be informed
could have been saved
was being looted
had been seen
Do you know the past and Past
Participle forms of the irregular verbs ?

You have to know the past and Past Participle

forms of the IRREGULAR VERBS by heart.
Mnemonic Rhyming Groups

Learning can be fun with Mnemonics!

When we were kids, rhyming songs and phrases were
some of the gimmicks used to make us remember
different things.

I hope sorting these Irregular Verbs into rhyming

groups can help you memorize them in a short period
of time. Actually some groups can be memorized
Have a look at Group 3 !!!
Group 1


ring rang rung

sing sang sung
sink sank sunk
drink drank drunk
shrink shrank shrunk
swim swam swum
begin began begun
run ran run
Group 2


feed fed fed

lead led led
breed bred bred
read read* read*
(Pronounced as red) (Pronounced as red)
sell sold sold
tell told told
slide slid slid
hold held held
Group 3
hit hit hit
fit fit fit
spit spit (spat) spit (spat)
knit knit /(knitted) knit /(knitted)
quit quit quit
let let let
set set set
upset upset upset
shut shut shut
cut cut cut
put put put
cost cost cost
hurt hurt hurt
burst burst burst
spread spread spread
broadcast broadcast broadcast
Group 4


buy bought bought

fight fought fought
seek sought sought
think thought thought
bring brought brought
teach taught taught
catch caught caught
Group 5
bend bent bent
send sent sent
lend lent lent
spend spent spent
build built built
sleep slept slept
keep kept kept
creep crept crept
weep wept wept
sweep swept swept
leap leapt (leaped) leapt (leaped)
feel felt felt
deal dealt dealt
mean meant meant
dream dreamt /(dreamed) dreamt /(dreamed)
meet met met
leave left left
lose lost lost
burn burnt /(burned) burnt /(burned)
Group 6
hang hung hung
hang (to kill ) hanged hanged
dig dug dug
shoot shot shot
stand stood stood
understand understood understood
stick stuck stuck
strike struck struck
sit sat sat
win won won
make made made
pay paid paid
lay laid laid
say said said
light lit / (lighted) lit / (lighted)
find found found
found founded founded
Group 7
throw threw thrown
grow grew grown
blow blew blown
draw drew drawn
withdraw withdrew withdrawn
fly flew flown
know knew known
Group 9

dive dived/dove dived

do did done
go went gone
hear heard heard
have had had
be ( am , is , are) was, were been
come came come
become became become
overcome overcame overcome
see saw seen
saw sawed sawn /(sawed)
mow mowed mown
lie lied lied
lie lay lain
lay laid laid
Thank You and Good Luck
Mr. Hani M. Al-Tahrawi
Pre-Dental Batch 2
Pre-Pharma Batch 2
March, 2012

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