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 The promotion of staff is evaluated based on competencies

and target setting. There are three deputy posts which will be
replaced by others after three years. The Service and
Management Department implemented this policy to ensure
that new ideas come from the replacements.
 The promotion is based on position grade. For
example, before the promotion, the deputy’s grade is
DG54. Although he/she is no longer a deputy when
transferred to a new department, his/her grade still
remains. The usage of this method is to generate new
and fresh ideas at deputy’s level and hopes that they
can lead Lembaga Zakat with the new things.
 Most of the deputies who are in grades DG52 or 54 (senior)
will be rotated within a three-year period. Sometimes, there
are a few seniors from grade DG48 will be promoted to Head
of Department. They will lead the big department and then
go back to their former position.

 The officers with 10 years in service will be promoted to the

next level based on last three years performance evaluation
and contributions. The lower grade supporting staffs will be
evaluated through examinations. If they did not achieve the
competency needed, they have to attend the continuous
professional development which is prepared by the
department. It is to ensure that they will achieve the
minimum level of required competency.

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