Teaching Music To Preschool Children: By:Mocanu Cristina

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Teaching music to preschool children

By:Mocanu Cristina
The role and importance of music
education in preschool education

 All the activities organized in the kindergarten have
aesthetic values ​but a special role belongs to the music
education activities. Childhood is the period of the most
intense physical and mental development of man.
Childhood age is suitable not only for education in
general but also for music education in particular. Music
impresses children from an early age. It produces
pleasant and strong emotions in them. The sound and
rhythmic structures intuited in the first years are
continued in kindergarten within the instructive-
educational process.
The objectives pursued in music education are:

 I. Formation of expressive abilities through music
 II. Training the ability to receive music
 III. Knowledge of the great values ​of national and
universal artistic creation
 IV. Forming the creative capacity by cultivating the
 By harmoniously combining the means of music

education (singing, playing music, listening to music)
and using audio-visual means, we contribute to the
consolidation of musical knowledge and skills, to the
development of special dispositions that will later turn
into skills or even talent: The more the child is attracted
to music, the more he will become the beneficiary of
artistic emotions. For him, music will be a pure
mountain spring that, wherever it passes, makes the
earth bear fruit and in time shapes even the stone
The song

 Song, the main means of achieving music education in
kindergarten, develops children's love for family, for their
homeland and nature, etc. Preschoolers are accustomed early
to listen to music, to show interest in it; they are taught some
basic skills to sing collectively and individually; their musical
voice and hearing, their melodic sense, as well as their
rhythmic sense develop.
 The musical material used in kindergarten includes musical
pieces with a very varied content: events and facts from
children's lives ("In kindergarten", "Polite child", "My family")
natural phenomena ("Rain", "Spring has arrived") , aspects of
plant and animal life ("Flower", "Tree", "Squirrel"), etc.

 We introduce children to a song through some steps:
 The song
 Musical exercises
 The musical game
 Auditions
Means of training basic musical skills and abilities

 Voice development-The human voice, but natural, is the main and
most handy means of playing, performing and performing music. The
formation of children's voices and implicitly their musical education is
carried out in kindergartens during a year, two or even three years in
various activities. The formation of children's voices puts in front of the
educator a multitude of problems, which are necessary to face them
successfully. She must study the anatomy and physiology of the entire
phonatory system.
 Development of musical hearing-Musical hearing is based
on physiological hearing and is formed by physiological
hearing and is formed by its improvement, in the sense of
perceiving various aspects of musical sounds: timbre,
intensity, duration, pitch, sequence, simultaneity, and
combinations of these aspects.

 Development of rhythmic sense-Rhythm - the
musical element that gives life to music. The musical
rhythm includes elements that contribute to the
rendering of the expressiveness of a musical piece -
dynamics, movement - that is, its whole life. The
importance of educating and imprinting rhythm in
children is determined by its important role, as a
balancing and coordinating factor between the
child's nervous system and its physical

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