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Teaching science to preschool


By:Mocanu Cristina
Organized by areas, centers of interest, activity centers or
areas of stimulation (as they were called in time and
according to the specifics of the group) the group room
becomes an adequate framework for learning situations
and gaining experience. By the way it is arranged, it
offers the child opportunities to feel good in his intimacy,
stimulating his interest and inviting him to learn through
discovery and exploration. The group room speaks to the
child through what it offers as a possibility for action and
experience. Faced with several possibilities, the child is
invited to choose what suits him, to decide
Characteristics that could convince the child who
sees the group room for the first time to take the
first steps:
wide, bright, airy, clean space;
• cheerful, warm colors, harmoniously combined;
• the delimited space, giving the impression of many
universes waiting to be discovered;
 • furniture sized specifically for preschool age,
equipped with a variety of materials and toys at hand;
 • the existence of other children who interact;
 • a smiling, welcoming, friendly educator;
• the possibility of the presence / stay in the hall for a
while, of a family member
In organizing the educational space on
Centers, the educator will ensure:

child safety and protection;

comfort through furniture, sofas, pillows;
the existence of a sufficient space for study and
meeting with other children;
the existence of a material suitable for learning
adequate positioning of the Centers, respecting
specific rules.
The Science Center subsumes the elements that belong to
the "Science Domain", respectively, developing logical
thinking, understanding the relationships between objects
and phenomena, exercising the ability to solve problems,
become familiar with and apply basic mathematical
knowledge and skills or those who regard the knowledge
and understanding of the living world. In this center it is
useful to have a space for permanent display of materials
from nature (acorns, stones, shells, seeds, fruits,
vegetables, grains, insect collections, grasses, etc.), a place
for live animals (aquarium with fish or turtles), but also
plastic molds, representing animals or birds.
There should also be a variety of leaflets, pictures,
drawings, atlases of anatomy, botany, zoology,
encyclopedias, maps, etc. Children are scientists who are
constantly looking for information about the world
surrounding them, so it is necessary to have a place for
investigative tools: magnets, mirrors, thermometer,
containers, hourglass, various measuring objects. At the
same time, in this center, children build their mathematical
knowledge, durable and useful, by using games with
numbers, dominoes, puzzles, lotto games, math games,
rulers, roulette, scales, scales, pieces lego, magnetic plates
with numbers, etc.

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