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Presented By
Nahida Parveen
ADCP 2nd Semester
What is tab Olanzapine?

 Tab olanzapine is an anti psychotic medication used in the treatment of bipolar

Disorder and schizophrenia.

 It can be used for new onset of disease and long-term maintenance of


 For Bipolar disorder it is consider a first line therapy for acute Mania.

 It is also used for the treatment of resistance Depression.

What group does Olanzapine belong to?

 Olanzapine belong to a group of medicines called

works by effecting the naturally occurring chemical messenger in

the brain (neurotransmitter) like dopamine and serotonin.

What are the indication of olanzapine?

Olanzapine is indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia and the

treatment of moderate to severe manic episode. In patients whose

manic episode has responded to olanzapine treatment,olanzia is

indicated for the prevention of recurrence in patients with bipolar

Use of Olanzapine?

 Approved for the treatment of acute mania, also are useful as adjunctive
therapy in treatment-resistant depression posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD)and behavioral disturbances associated with dementia.
 Bipolar Disorder- Olanzapine is effective as monotherapy for the treatment of
mania and mixed states its also effective for the same conditions when
combined with lithium or valproate.
 olanzapine is effective for both psychotic and no psychotic patients.
 IM use olanzapine indicated for agitation that can be associated with
schizophrenia or mania.
 Its augment antidepressants in the acute management of major depression.
Other uses

 Olanzapine has been found to be effective in autism and in producing weight

gain in patients with anorexia nervosa.
 Outwardly aggressive or violent behavior some times seen in Acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), Tourette's disorder, Huntington's disease,
and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. Risperidone n olanzapine is used to control
aggression and self-injury in children.
 Pregnancy- no increased risk of malformation or neonatal complications, except
for lower birth weight in the exposed group. neonates exposed to olanzapine
showed trends toward lower birth weights and more neonatal intensive care unit
admissions than neonates exposed to other antipsychotic medication.

 Increased Mortality in Dementia Patients - Olanzapine has been

associated with increased mortality in patients treated for
psychosis associated with dementia. increased risk of
cerebrovascular events in dementia patients including stroke
and transient ischemic attacks.
 Weight Gain - patients gained approximately 2 lb per week.
 Hyperlipidemia - Patients treated with olanzapine may
experience serious increases in total cholesterol, LDL
cholesterol, and triglycerides.

 Hyperglycemia, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes Mellitus – More

impaired in olanzapine as compared to other antipsychotic, elevations
in blood glucose that are life-threatening some times. Also olanzapine
is associated with an increase in insulin resistance in both obese and
non obese patients. Olanzapine treatment is associated with an
increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
 Somnolence, dry mouth, dizziness, constipation, dyspepsia, increased
appetite, akathisia, and tremor are associated with olanzapine use. A
dose-related risk exists of extrapyramidal side effects.
Dosage and Administration

 Olanzapine is available as 2.5-, 5-, 7.5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-mg tablets; as
5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-mg orally disintegrating tablets and vials with 10
mg of olanzapine.
 Treatment of Schizophrenia- Its effective at dosages between 7.5 and
20.0 mg per day administered once daily without regard to meals. A 5 to
10 mg is well tolerated in most adult patients recommended initial dose
is then adjusted as necessary within the range of 5 to 20 mg per day.
 Maintenance in Schizophrenia-doses of 10 to 20 mg daily of olanzapine
are sufficient to prevent psychotic relapse in stabilized patients.

 Treatment of Bipolar Disorder - Patients with mania or mixed states can usually
be started on 10 to 15 mg daily of oral olanzapine. Doses can be increased to 20 or
25 mg daily. Similar doses can be prescribed when olanzapine is added to lithium
or valproate. Patients with bipolar disorder who have been stabilized can usually
be maintained on 5 to 10 mg of olanzapine daily.
 Special Populations - Patients who are debilitated or vulnerable to hypotension
should be started on 5 mg or less. Doses of 5 to 10 mg orally may effective for
schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in these individuals.
 IM Olanzapine in Agitation Associated with Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder -
IM doses of 2.5 to 10 mg have been effective in reducing agitation. In most cases,
10 mg IM is an appropriate initial dose.

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