Unit 3 - Speaking Part 2

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• Well, let me tell you about this one time a couple of years ago when I had to put my language skills to
the test. My buddies and I decided to take a trip to Brazil. Before we went, we knew that Portuguese
was the official language of Brazil, but we didn't think it would be a problem because we all spoke
some Spanish, and we assumed it was similar. However, we quickly found out that Portuguese was a
whole different ball game.
• One morning, we decided to grab some breakfast at a local café. As soon as we sat down, the waitress
came over and started speaking to us in Portuguese. We were all taken aback and didn't know what
to do. Eventually, we tried to communicate with her in Spanish, but she didn't seem to understand
us. So the next thing we did was to point at the menu and use some hand gestures to try and convey
what we wanted. However, she still seemed confused, and we were getting frustrated.
• At that moment, I remembered the saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." I realized that we
were in Brazil, and it was our responsibility to try and speak the local language. So I took a deep
breath, gathered my courage, and started speaking Portuguese. It wasn't perfect, and I stumbled
over some words, but the waitress seemed to understand me. We were able to order our breakfast,
and she even recommended some local dishes for us to try.
• Looking back on that experience, I realize that the reason why I remember it so vividly is that it
taught me the importance of being adaptable and willing to step outside of my comfort zone. It also
showed me that sometimes, we have to r ely on more than just words to communicate, such as hand
gestures and body language. From that day on, I made a conscious effort to learn more Portuguese,
and it has come in handy on my travels since then.

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