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• Affective Events Theory (AET) is a
psychological model designed to explain the
connection between emotions and feelings in
the workplace and job performance, job
satisfaction and behaviors.
• AET is underlined by a belief that human
beings are emotional and their behavior is
guided by emotion.
• According to the affective events theory (AET),
emotions are critically important to how
employees handle workplace situations.
• The model states that there is a relationship
between the employees' internal influences
(such as emotions) and their reactions to
incidents that happen during their workday
that affect their performance, job
commitment, and long-term job satisfaction.
• the theory was developed by organizational
psychologists Weiss and Cropanzano.
• Positive or negative happenings can be
anything from being reprimanded (authority
speaks to you In an angry way you have done
something wrong ) for poor work performance
, to receiving a free cup of coffee for a good
• All parts of the job can affect emotions,
including the actual job tasks, management
style , co-workers' actions, and job pressures.
Positive and negative situations at work create
long-term emotional responses that can
impact job satisfaction, development, and
commitment .
• The theory is based on the following elements
• Work events :
These are the different types of emotional
events at work that can have a psychological
impact on an employee’s job satisfaction. There
are two types of work events: positive
convincing events and negative convincing
events .
• Work environment features :
These are the relationships between
components associated with work
(characteristics of the job, job demands and
requirements for emotional labor) and the
impact they have on job outcomes .
• Personal dispositions :
• This explains the relationship between an
employee’s personality and mood and the
influence it has on events that occur at work,
and how they affect performance and job
satisfaction .
• The five-factor model of personality; openness
to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion,
agreeableness and neuroticism , illustrates the
variation in individual differences, and the
impact that such differences can have on
performance and satisfaction at work .
• While negative events are reported less often
than positive events, they have more impact on
mood than positive events.
• Emotional reactions to work events
These can be positive and/or negative.
Emotions have a stronger influence than
attributions or expectancies in predicting
intentions toward poor-performing
• Outcomes
Job satisfaction and job performance
Affective Event Theory
• An emotional episode is actually a series of emotional
experiences caused by single event .
• Current and past emotions influence job satisfaction at
any given time .
• Moods and emotions fluctuates hence their affect on
performance .
• Emotion driven behavior are in short duration .
• Incompatibility emotions-behavior lead to poor
performance .
• How our moods and emotions influence our job
performance , AET has answer to this link Emotions
are response to an event in work place
• Weiss and Cropanzano (1996), argue that affective
work behaviours are explained by employee mood
and emotion, while cognitive-based behaviours are
good predictors of job satisfaction.
• To put it simply, emotions and mood are an
important element in how employees handle
situations at work.

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