Präsentation Der Erste Weltkrieg in Die Englische Literatur

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Präsentation der erste Weltkrieg in die

englische Literatur- Perspektive von

Autoren, die in dem Krieg kämpften

Veronika Mačuhová
Philosophische Fakultät
Pavol-Jozef-Šafárik- Universität in
• Erste Welt Krieg
• Das Leben den Soldaten
• Propaganda
• Siegfried Sassoon
• Wilfred Owen
• Gedichte
Erste Welt Krieg
• 1914-1918
• Grabenkrieg
• Stacheldrähte
• Giftgas
• Flammenwerfer
• Propaganda
Das Leben den Soldaten an der Front
• Briefverkehr
• Feldbuchhandlung
• Angst, Durst, Hunger
• systematische Verbreitung politischer, weltanschaulicher Ideen- das
allgemeine Bewusstsein zu beeinflussen
Siegfried Sassoon
• 1886-1967
• Britischer Dichter und Erzähler
• Counter Attack, The Death Bed, Satirical poems
Wilfred Owen
• 1893-1918
• britischer Dichter und Soldat
• Anthem for Doomed Youth, Mental Cases
Attack- Siegfried Sassoon
At dawn the ridge emerges massed and dun Men jostle and climb to meet the bristling fire.
Lines of grey, muttering faces, masked with fear,
In the wild purple of the glow'ring sun,
They leave their trenches, going over the top,
Smouldering through spouts of drifting smoke thatWhile time ticks blank and busy on their wrists,
shroud And hope, with furtive eyes and grappling fists,
Flounders in mud. O Jesus, make it stop!
The menacing scarred slope; and, one by one,

Tanks creep and topple forward to the wire.

„In the wild purple of the glow'ring sun“-
The barrage roars and lifts. Then, clumsily bowed

With bombs and guns and shovels and battle-gear,

The Death Bed- Siegfried Sassoon
He drowsed and was aware of silence heaped
 But death replied: “I choose him.” So he
Round him, unshaken as the steadfast walls; went,
Aqueous like floating rays of amber light, 
And there was silence in the summer night;
Soaring and quivering in the wings of sleep.
Silence and safety; and his mortal shore Silence and safety; and the veils of sleep.

Lipped by the inward, moonless waves of death. Then, far away, the thudding of the guns.

Light many lamps and gather round his bed.

Lend him your eyes, warm blood, and will to live.
Speak to him; rouse him; you may save him yet.
He's young; he hated war; how should he die
When cruel old campaigners win safe through?
Anthem for Doomed Youth- Wilfred Owen
• What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? • What candles may be held to speed them all?

•       — Only the monstrous anger of the guns. •       Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes

•       Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle • Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.

• Can patter out their hasty orisons. •       The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;

• No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor • Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
• And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.
•       Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,

• The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;

•       And bugles calling for them from sad shires.

Mental Cases- Wilfred Owen
• Who are these? Why sit they here in twilight?
• Wherefore rock they, purgatorial shadows,
• Drooping tongues from jaws that slob their relish,
• Baring teeth that leer like skulls’ tongues wicked?
• Stroke on stroke of pain,—but what slow panic,
• Gouged these chasms round their fretted sockets?
• Ever from their hair and through their hand palms
• Misery swelters. Surely we have perished
• Sleeping, and walk hell; but who these hellish?
• COURIER CORPORATION 2012. War Poems of Siegfried Sassoon
• DEUTSCHE NATIONAL BIBLIOTHEK. Alltag und Freizeit an der Front
• IMERIAL WAR MUSEM. Life at the Front in 14 Obejcts
• LITCHARTS. Attack Summary and Analysis
• LITCHARTS. Mental Cases Summary and Analysis
• POETRY FOUNDATION. Siegfried Sassoon
• POETS.ORG. Mental Cases

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