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B Y:
Dwi Hanum Fadilah (09)
Wa n d a Va n e s a D . ( 3 5 )
Definition of Caption

Caption is a brief text to complete a picture or illustration.

Caption is used to explain or reinforce the message in a picture,
chart, graphic, table or giagram.

The Function of Caption Text

Caption text helping readers or viewers to

understand more information the might not be in
photos or vidieos
Charasteristics of Caption
1.) Clearly identifies the subject of the picture, without detailing the

2.) It is succinct (breaf and to the point)

3.) Establishes the pictures relevance to the article

4.) Provides context for the picture

5.) Draws the rider into the article

6.) Use prepositional phrase, infinitive phrase, participial phrase,

adjective phrase, question or exclamation
Generic Structure

1. The tittle
2. The lead
3. Section heading
Language Features

 Exclamation : interpreted as an exclamation sentence used to express a

strong feeling such as a sense of surprise, joy, admiration, sadness, anger,
and shame.
- example : what a lovely eyes !

 Question : a very short clause at the end of a statement that turns a

statement into a question.
- example :

 Adjective phrase : known as adjectives. But also consists of object and

- example : amazing picture, beautiful girl

 Prepositional phrase : is a pre propositional phrase, usually used for time

and place

- example : at the bus stop, in front of the class, on the corner of the

 Present tense : that are used when an event is currently taking place or an
event that takes places repeatledly (habits)

- example : muslim man walks among bookshelves at the Howeish book

market in the holy city of najaf
Kinds of Caption Text

1. Identification bar : It only

states the subject of the picture
or who is in the picture

2. Cutline : It is often be found in

the media. It states who is in the
picture and what he/she is doing.
3. Summary : It makes the information
on the picture be more detail by giving
the information who, what, when, where,
and how.

4.Expanded : It is a caption that contains

a complited information and usually be
written longer than any kinds of caption.
5. Group identification : It states the
subject of the picture, which usually
more than a person.

6. Quote : It is a caption that is usually

used to express a message indirectly.
Quote is usually taken from a writing or
statement of famous figures

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