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Muhammed Shafay Bin Tariq
1. Cyberworld
2. Online Tools:
Online Education
Online Healthcare
Online Communication
3. Online Commerce:
Online Banking
Online Shopping
4. Cybercrime
5. Cyber Security
The virtual setting that makes it possible for people to interact and
converse online is known as cyberworld or cyberspace. sharing
information and media, and completing deals in real time for all parties.
People in the virtual world are just like actual people and have the same
rights and possessions. (i.e.: posts, publications, media, etc.). The same
rights and regulations that apply in the real world also applied in the
cyber world.
Online Tools:

Online Education: an educational process using online

resources has made learning possible in times where
other concepts were not possible.
Online Healthcare: health care can be provided over the
internet and you can consolidate doctors if you are
facing symptoms.
Online Communication: We can interact with friends
and family and conduct official interviews using apps
like Instagram and WhatsApp.
Digital Commerce

Online Banking: Money transactions can be completed with a single tap

on the screen of your smartphones using a bank app, it allows you to
control your account details and make transactions virtually.

Online Shopping: Online shopping enables you to carry out your

purchases without needlessly leaving the house. The things you purchase
will be delivered to your home within the specified time frame, but there is
a greater chance that you will receive defective goods.

Hacking: Hacking is the use of software to find backdoors in a network

and devices. The hacker now has access to the data of those devices, as well
as control over their hardware and software. Data Breaching is when
hacking occurs on a mass amount and steals a whole data base full of user

Identity Theft: it occurs when a cybercriminal steals a victims identity,

they will have access to all of the victims information and will impersonate
as the victim and continue to commit cyber crimes.
Financial fraud: It occurs when someone takes money or other assets from
you through deception or criminal activity. Criminals are constantly
creating new types of fraud. But some common standards include
embezzlement, insurance fraud, ransomware, identity theft, financial
statement fraud, bribery, mortgage fraud, tax evasion, and Ponzi schemes.
To make sure you will never be a victim of cybercrimes, take the following
precautionary measures:
1. Get the latest anti-virus and firewall software
2. Update your internet browser
3. Create a strong and easy-to-remember password
4. Use a different password to the one you use for other services
5. Change your password on a regular basis
6. Never share your password
7. Don’t let your browser remember your log on details
8. Look after your paper statements
9. Learn to spot fake emails and websites
10. Avoid online fraud and con tricks

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