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Wheat is the second most cultivated serial all over the world. And it’s
residue consist of about 15 to 20% of lignocellulose.

Wheat husk

• Wheat husk flour was used as filler in thermoplastic polymer such as PP

and HDPE to synthesize their composite using compatibilizing agent such
as MA-g-PE and MA-g-PP.
• WHF filled composite showed lower degradation temperature. Recycled
polyurethane particle and wheat husk for used to manufacture thermal
insulation panels.
Wheat straw
 For manufacturing composite from wheatstraw novel water bound coupling
agents (PAL and PAPI) were used and recycle with LDPE. PAL improves
mechanical property and reduce swell stability.
 Varying the WS content in composite showed and impact on internal bonding
strength, with increase in fibre length optimal tensile and flexural properties
we obtained. Where as the decrease accumulation and reduction of
Mechanical properties.
 Composite with wheat straw and inorganic fillers showed optimum water
absorption property as compared to PP composites.
 Wheat straw(WS)/ bagasse fibre (BF) ratio gave Highest Mechanical
Wheat bran
 Wheat brand as fillers for LDPE product manufactured using rotational
 Tensile strength, elongation values and rebound resilience decrease when it
was 2.5% and then improve consequently.
 Wheat bran can be successfully incorporated in LDPE for manufacture of
lower cost products, improve degradation temperature and lower the weight
of the product.
Maize (Corn)
The common application of cone residue includes nutrients for soil, animal
feed stock and energy production. Major residues of corn are corn straw, corn
cob and corn husk.

Corn straw
 cellulose hemicellulose and lignin are the major components of corn straw.
 For production of polyurethane, polyols can be replaced by corn straw as
the source of polyol component.
 Corn straw fibres in wood plastic composite(WPC) had led to improvement
in Mechanical properties as compared to conventional wood fibres.
 Straw is also utilised as a superabsorbent hydrogel. Depending on the
modification done several astonishing super absorbent hydrogels can be
Corn cob
These are used for synthesis of furfural components.
 Xylan-type hemicellulose is extracted from corn cob. This polymeric material
has antiphlogistic effects.
 It’s properties are comparable with expanded clay and used for manufacture
of thermal insulation products, ceiling coating and furniture.
 Combination of corn cob and different composite produce product of
different and tensile strength, elongation and water absorption.
 polyols derived from corn cob is used for production of bio-based
Corn husk
 With the increase in filler content ,Mechanical properties such as moduli,
tensile strength, swelling properties and thermal stability of composite were
 These can be used for packaging films. Since with increase in filler content
water retention decreases so it is first treated with NaOH To decrease
moisture content.
 This fibres were use to extract cellulose and hemis cellulose and further
acetylated to produce sewage treatment polymer.
 corn husk films work prepared which is considered to be environment friendly.
These are used as pots for growing seedlings and completely biodegradable
 Corn husk flour an PP composites flexural strength increase with filler size and
decrease with filler content.

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