Geo-Strategic Importance of Pakistan

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Geo-Strategic Importance of


“While history has been unkind to Pakistan, its geography has been its
greatest benefit. It has resource rich area in the north-west, people rich
in the north-east.”
~Stephen P.Cohen~

Lecture by:
Ms. Aymen Ijaz
Geo-Strategic Importance of Pakistan
• Geo-strategic means the importance of a country or a region
as by virtue of its geographical location. The strategies or
policies it can formulate by its geographical significance.
• Geo-political is defined as stressing the influence of
geographic factors( geography, natural resources etc) on the
state power, international conduct and political advantages it
can gain from its location
• Pakistan is at a junction of South Asia, West Asia and Central
Asia, a way from resource efficient countries to resource
deficient countries.
• Pakistan is a route for transportation, and a front line state
against terrorism.
Political Significance
• Location
• Area
• Population
• Regional and Global level

Regional Scenario:

US invasion of Afghanistan (Soviet War, GWOT,NATO Supply routes), Iran’s nuclear program, India’s
geopolitical muscles(new strategic deal with US) to gain the hegemony and to counter the ‘The Rise of
China’, China as an emerging superpower.

Regional level:

• Geographical terms ( 4 Key neighbors)

• Borders: Pak-Afghan(2250 km), Pak-Iran( 800 km), Pak-India(1600 km),Pak-China (600 km) Wakhan (20 km)
• Afghanistan ( stable regime, reconstruction & rehabilitation process, counter-terrorism)
• Iran’s dependency (Sectarian Violence-Shiite population, nuclear issue, anti-America stance)
• India’s Interest ( UNSC seat, anti terrorism, intra-regional trade)
• China ( strategic partner, anti-US ally, economic and trade projects)
Global level
•Political importance: US interests in the region to contain the Growing China, nuclear Iran,
terrorist Afghanistan, and to benefit from the market of India.
•Pakistan is playing a front line role against terrorism, reconciliation with Taliban’s, Haqqani
network US and West (Soviet War, Afghan War)
•USSR ( counter US-influence in South Asia, warm water ports)
•Central position in the Muslim World/ Solidarity with the Muslim world
•Nuclear state in Muslim World
•Importance in World Politics
•Leadership of third world countries
•Resistance against Russian Expansion
•Importance due to China and Iran
•Access to Central Asian Republic States( Oil and natural resources, Hydrocarbons)
•Center of Trade and Transit Routes
•Warm Water Sea Routes( Port Karachi and Port Qasim)
•Importance of Gwadar Port
Economic Significance
• Bridge between South Asia and South West Asia; Iran and
Afghanistan are energy abundant while India and China are
lacking China finds way to Indian ocean and Arabian Sea
through Karakorum.
• Trade/ Sea Routes: Pakistan offers to CARs the shortest route
of 2600 km as compared to Iran (4500 km) or Turkey (5000
km). Gwader port with its deep waters attracts the trade ships
of China, CARs and South East Asian Countries.
• Economic Blocs: SAARC,OIC,D8,ECO etc.
• Natural Resources & Energy Projects: IPI, TAPI, Silk Routes etc.
• Mountain Ranges: Himalayas, Hindu Kush in the North are
plentiful in providing water and natural resources.

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