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What do you think is the problem based on the statement read?

How can the problem be solved?

Mechanics: The class will be group into 3. Learners are
tasked to formulate a paragraph composed of 5-7 sentences
to resolve the problems using appropriate grammatical
signals or expressions in problem and solution.

Relevance – 10
Organization of thoughts – 6
Delivery – 4
One of the most glaring social problems in the Philippines is
poverty. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, as of
2015, around 26.3% of Filipino families live below the
poverty line. That’s around 7.7 million homes struggling to get
by on less than $133 per month. The causes of poverty in the
Philippines are varied and complex, but include lack of access
to education, employment opportunities, and land ownership.
With such a large percentage of the population affected by
poverty, it’s no wonder that many other social problems arise
from or are exacerbated by it.
Environmental Degradation
Environmental degradation is another social problem facing
the Philippines. According to the World Bank, around 20% of
the country’s land area is considered degraded. This means
that it has been damaged by human activity to the point where
it can no longer support its original purpose, whether that be
agriculture, forestry, or habitat for wildlife. Deforestation,
pollution, and over-exploitation of natural resources are all
major contributors to environmental degradation. The effects
of this problem are far-reaching, as it leads to loss of
biodiversity, soil erosion, and climate change.
Another social problem plaguing the Philippines is crime.
According to the Philippine National Police, there was a total
of 1,490,784 index crimes committed in 2015. That’s an
average of around 4,100 per day! Index crimes include
murder, homicide, robbery, theft, and rape. Many of these
crimes are fueled by poverty and desperation, as people
resort to whatever means necessary to survive. But even
beyond that, there are many cases of corruption and abuse of
power that lead to crime. This problem is further
compounded by a lack of access to justice for many
Direction: Connect the statements in column A with the statements in column B to show a
problem-solution pattern of an idea. Identify the grammatical signal or expressions found in
each statement by writing the answer on the space before the number.

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