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Alluvial Fan Facies

•Examine the morphology of alluvial fans and

controls on morphology
•Outline major processes operating on alluvial fans
•Examine facies of alluvial fans
•Consider auto and allocyclic controls on deposition
What is an alluvial fan? …
a fan-shaped deposit of alluvium, often found at a
change in slope, for instance where a stream flows
out of a mountain onto flatter terrain.

…it is a distributive system….

and a fan delta?

…where the fan builds out into a standing body of
water like sea .
Alluvial Fan of Death Valley

Narrow outlet (valley

or gorge)

Fan Apex

Radial spreading
alluvial fan
Simple to Complex coalesced Alluvial Fans
Controls on Alluvial Fans
•Drainage Area
•Processes: rockfall, debris flow, stream flow

Stages in Alluvial Fan Evolution

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