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Central Nervous System


As we know that the Nervous System is divided
into two systems:
1- Central Nervous System. (CNS)
2- Peripheral Nervous System. (PNS)
We will start with the Central Nervous System. (CNS)


Protection of the Central Nervous System.

1- skull.
2- Meninges: (dura mater, arachnoid mater and Pia mater)
3- cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Which is in the
subarachnoid space.
1- Spinal Cord.

The spinal cord begins as a continuation of the medulla oblongata of the brainstem.
It’s made up of a series of 31 segments, each giving rise to a pair of spinal nerves.
It is surrounded and protected by bone (the vertebrate) and by the meninges.
Starts at the skull base and ends at L1 – L2
Each pair of spinal nerves is connected to the segment of the cord by two pairs of
attachments called roots:

1- the posterior or dorsal root is the sensory root and contains only the sensory
nerve fibers. It conducts impulses from the periphery (Like the skin) to the spinal
2- the anterior or ventral root is the motor root. It contains motor nerve fibers only
and conducts impulses from the spinal cord to the periphery (Like muscles).
posterior or
dorsal root
anterior or
ventral root
regional specialization of the vertebrate brain

Regarding the vertebrate brain, which has three major regions:

1- forebrain.
2- midbrain.
3- hindbrain.

Is responsible for
the olfactory bulb. Cerebrum. Centers for processing of olfactory input.
Higher learning and any complex processing. arousal and sleep
Regulation. The display of emotion. Controls body temperature and
reproductive functions. Eating. Memory.

Is responsible for
Coordinates routing of sensory organs.

Is responsible for

Includes the cerebellum, which controls involuntary activities such as blood

circulation. coordinates motor activities Such as locomotion.
Arousal and sleep regulation.
The cerebral cortex.

The cerebral cortex is divided into two portions, the right and the left portion.

1- Frontal lobe:
the prefrontal cortex (decisions and planning) they are called executive functions. Broca’s area (only
in the left frontal cortex) (language production). The motor cortex (controls skeletal muscles).

2- Temporal lobe:
the auditory cortex “primary auditory area and association”. Wernicke’s area (only in the left
temporal lobe) (language comprehension). Olfaction “primary area and association area”
The cerebral cortex.

3- Occipital lobe:
primary visual sensory area. Association visually area.

4- Parietal lobe:
Somatosensory areas. Sensory association Centers.

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