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Rushi Maid
Class: TYBBA
Roll No.: 27
Sub: Database Administration And Data Mining
Roles and Responsibilities

There are always a lot of questions about what the expectations are for each role in the GSoC program. Organizations have
developed their own, and this has resulted in wide variation. This documentation aims to standardize expectations across all
participating organizations.

GSoC Contributor Responsibilities your Mentor

• Submit quality work (code)
• Regularly communicate work completed, what you intend to do next, and blockers
• Ask for help when something is preventing you from achieving a goal
• Give indication that you are alive and working daily
• Re-evaluate work scope when significantly ahead of expectations
• Communicate with your mentor AND the broader community
• Inform when work capacity will be reduced, as early as possible (e.g., family, health, other work)
• Listen and respond to feedback the Org Admin

• Let them know when there are
• Interaction issues with any mentor or community member
• Significant disagreements involving your work or changes to your work plan
Mentor Responsibilities your Org Admin

• Communicate availability and interaction expectations
• Inform when mentoring capacity will be reduced, as early as possible (e.g., family, health, vacation)
• Inform when there is an issue with a GSoC contributor
• Lacking communication, activity, visibility (MIA), or progress
• Participant Agreement violations (e.g., plagiarism, harassment, fraud)
• Bad fit or stepping down
• Formally evaluate GSoC contributor participation
• Communicate with admin and GSoC contributor before failing your GSoC contributors

• Help and/or teach the GSoC contributor how to

• be a part of your community
• communicate more effectively and in the open
• work with your org’s preferred communication channel (IRC, Slack, etc)
• use your org’s version control system
• ask good questions and get answers to their questions
• provide convincing technical argument and constructive discussion
• be independently motivated and productive
• solve difficult technical problems
• Keep track of their progress, keep GSoC contributor informed as to their status
• Communicate on a regular basis:
• At least twice a week or better
• Give constructive feedback, be patient, and be respectful
• Establish realistic work objectives and timeline expectations
• Re-evaluate scope with GSoC contributor when significantly ahead of or behind expectations
• Work with devs and community to facilitate acceptance of GSoC contributor work
Org Admin Responsibilities Google
• Frame org participation, org selection criteria, and org-specific operating procedures
• Submit the org application and be the org’s representative
• Serve as communication liaison with Google
• Respond to any inquiries from Google within 36 hours
• Report Participant Agreement violations (e.g., harassment, plagiarism, fraud)
• Report GSoC contributor withdrawal
• Ensure all deadlines are met (e.g., slot requests, mentor evaluations, org payment account creation)
• Select and invite trusted, capable, and qualified mentors
• Provide and maintain an adequate list of project ideas
• Oversee activity of all mentors and GSoC contributors ensuring responsibilities are being met
• Respond to Google's survey post GSoC (with questions around GSoC contributor retention, etc.) your Mentors
• Frame org participation, mentor requirements, failure process, and procedure
• Communicate mentor expectations before the program starts
• Communicate GSoC contributor selection, continued participation, and dismissal policy
• Provide selection criteria for slot allocations
• Describe how Participant Agreement violations and failure will be handled
• Continuously evaluate mentor interaction with GSoC contributors
• Recognize conflicts of interest, interpersonal issues, and replace as necessary
• Let mentors know when more project ideas are needed
• Maintain regular communication with mentors before and during the program
• Ensure adequate and appropriate mentoring coverage, particularly near holidays your GSoC contributors
• Let GSoC contributors know how, when, and why to contact the org admin
• Ensure GSoC contributors are introduced and become appropriately integrated
• Communicate org-specific requirements (e.g., time, coding, communication, licensing)
• Communicate org-specific expectations (e.g., behavior, best practices, visibility)
• Communicate deadlines, acceptance criteria, and failure/dismissal policy
• Monitor communications and ensure inappropriate behavior is addressed
• Ensure GSoC contributors at risk of failure or dismissal are notified in advance

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