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Axshya India Project TB Alert India

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assimilate , :


/ PP

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Difference between

Lecturer and Facilitator

Presenter and Facilitator


What do we understand by Facilitation?

Principles of Facilitation
The 3 T approach: 1. Tell them what you want to tell them 2. Tell them 3. Tell them what you told them

The Facilitation Checklist


Why? For whom? Where? When? How? What? Who?

Your Intro needs to address 5 different Aspects : I= INTEREST N=NEED T=TIMING R=RESPONSE O=OBJECTIVE


What is the main message? What do you want to achieve? Think of one typical member in the audience will she be persuaded by this presentation?

Whom? Know your audience


Expectations What brought them to the talk? Is there any hidden agenda? Who is the decision maker?

Find out as much as you can !!!

Learning Style Visual Learning Auditory Learning Kinaesthetic Learning

What to speak about?


Focus on the key messages e.g Case Detection Rates Start with a conclusion Explain the process Indicate clear signposts of the route of your presentation

End on a High
Begin with a High End with a High Think about what response you want from the audience what steps they need to take after the presentation

Get the audience approval of the Objectives of the session

If audience approves, you are on your way to a twoway session

If not, you are simply talking, they are merely hearing

Module 1: Effective Communication & Interpersonal Skills for TB staff

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Understand communication and its components Role of body language in communication How do we listen to people active listening. How to convey our perceptions about actions; Behaviour feedback. How do we deal with our feelings? How we can apply all of the above to improve our performance in TB control
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What is Communication?

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Ground Rules

Open Mind Mobiles and other distractions to be kept aside No passive listening, please participate and share Appreciation technique


Building Bridges

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Critical Point to Note

Only 1 in 7 messages are understood effectively

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The three V s Verbal Vocal Visual

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38 style

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Barriers to Communication

Distance Language Improper use of Technology Physical barrier

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Prejudices Bias Shyness Stigma Fear Feelings of fear or anger or rejection

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Feelings do they influence Communication ?

Yes, feelings can be filters distorting messages

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Body language

Nonverbal communication, known as body language sends strong positive and negative signals. This is how much it influences any message: Words Tone of voice Non-verbal cues Message 8% 37% 55% 100%
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What s in a Smile ?
The MRI Scan

Study on Smiles ---- Prof. Ramachandran

Body language - face

Face includes:

Your expressions Your smile or lack thereof Tilt of the head; e.g., if your head is tilted to one side, it usually indicates you are interested in what someone is saying

What message are you sending if someone is presenting a new idea and you are frowning? Axshya India Project

Body language - focus


Focus is your eye contact with others

The perception of eye contact differs by culture. Staring makes other people uncomfortable Lack of eye contact can make you appear weak or not trustworthy What message are you sending if you are looking at other things and people in a room when someone is speaking to you?
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Body language - tone

Tone is a factor of your voice

Pitch is the highness or lowness of voice Volume is how loud your voice is Emphasis is your inflection What message are you sending if during a disagreement you start speaking very loudly?
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The Mother skill of Communication

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Hearing and Listening


The Key to Active Listening

Learn to actively listen and understand the facts of a case before passing judgments regarding the same. Suspend your judgments until then!

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To be proficient in Active Listening

1.Suspending Judgment

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2. Attending Skills

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Imagine the DTO briefing you about the new RNTCP schemes. Indicators (like the nodding of one s head) to show that you are paying attention are called Attending Skills .

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While noting the patient s medical history, for example, clarifications should be made regarding gaps in their medicine intake, reasons if any, difficulties faced, etc.

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Summarization is an important tool of active listening.For example,a typical example of summing up would be After a month of cat-1 TB treatment starting from July 4th ,you stopped taking medicines from August 4th after you underwent a urine test and discovered you had jaundice. Am I right my friend?

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4.Paraphrasin g

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Example of Paraphrasing
The State Level TOT on Soft Skills is all about empowering field health staf in bringing about increased TB awareness in the community and increasing CDR.

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Why is Body Language important?

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Let s read body language at


At the CBO At the PHI At the Diagnostic centre Cat 1/11/111 session District level meetings State Level meetings
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B F I R:  BEHAVIOUR DESCRIPTION: when you fired me in front of my colleagues .;  REFLECT FEELINGS: e.g. I felt upset  State likely Impact: My morale has been effected  Request desired action : Next time, please do call me for a one-on one feedback session
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Lob sang: In search of Excellence

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Sensitivity : What is that?

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Emotional Quotient

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Passive Aggressive Assertive

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Making Excellence a habit

Alexander the Great and Aristotle

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De-brief : One minute Presentation

Each One say One

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Feedback Formula for Effective Communication

Behavior Description Feelings Impact Request

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Feedback Formula

Delayed Reports from District Ego clash at the STO Non cooperation at the CBO Silence during the family/patient interview Stakeholders blame game

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Questioning Techniques
Open Ended Questions Closed Ended Questions Funnel Questions Probing Questions Leading Questions Rhetorical Questions
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Comprehensive Role Plays

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Module 2: Team Work

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In this program we shall consider the following:

Understand what a Team is. Appreciate what the Elements of Teamwork are. Understand the Stages by which a Group becomes a Team. Appreciate the importance of Trust and Communication in Team Work to control and eradicate TB Learn and understand how not to function as a Dysfunctional Team

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Concept of a Team

Individual Group Working together Common goal

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Elements of Team Work

Sharing information Listening and responding Giving others the benefit of doubt Providing support Respect

Disadvantages of teams?

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Stages of Team Formation


Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

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Effective Teams - Concept

SMART goals Leader Roles and Responsibilities Communications Trust

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Team Work

Recap Feedback from Participants

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Module 3: Conflict Resolution

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By the end of this module, the participants will be able to:

Identify exactly what conflict is, why it arises and how it can be utilized for maximum benefit

Utilize a variety of methods for managing conflicts successfully

Spend less time and energy on conflicts, and instead focus on creating more productive relationships with others

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All happy families resemble one another; but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. - Leo Tolstoy

Ingredients of Conflict

Needs ignoring others , one s own or group s needs Perceptions people interpreting reality differently- differences in severity- causes and consequences of problems-perceptions of threat Power how people define and use power determines the number of conficts, the types of conflicts, and conflict management Values incompatible values or unclear values- one party refutes the other s value Feelings & Emotions major influence over the way one deals with conflict, ignoring own or other s feelings and emotions- difference over an issue


Strategies for Conflict Resolution

Competitive Collaborative Compromising Accommodating Avoiding
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Competitive Style Uses:

When quick, decisive action is vital e.g., during emergencies. On important issues where unpopular courses of action need to be implemented e.g., cost cutting, enforcing unpopular rules, discipline. On issues vital to company welfare when you know you're right. To protect yourself against people who take advantage of uncompetitive behavior.

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Might makes right (Competing). Or, call it the Golden Rule style Contra-indications: People feel bruised, unsatisfied & resentful

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Try to find a solution that at least partially satisfies everyone Everyone is expected to give up something

Useful when .


The cost of conflict is greater than the cost of losing ground Equal strength opponents, standstill Deadline looming Client restive
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Willingness to meet the needs of others at the expense of the person s own needs Knows when to give in, can be persuaded to surrender even when unwarranted Not assertive, highly co-operative

Useful when .  Issues matter more to the other party  Peace is more valuable than winning  Want to do the other a favour  People may not return favours, approach unlikely to give best outcomes
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Seeks to evade conflict completely Delegates controversial decisions Accepts default decisions Does not want to hurt anyone s feelings

Useful when .

Victory is impossible Controversy is trivial Someone else is in a better position to resolve Axshya India Project - TB Alert India



Try to meet the needs of all involved Highly assertive, co-operative & acknowledge everyone s importance

Useful when .


Variety of viewpoints have to be brought together for the best solution Previous conflicts in the group Simple trade off is not possible
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Two heads are better than one

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Address the issue, not the person

Behaviour Style

Passive Aggressive Assertive

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Module 4: Time Management

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Time is a man-made concept

We have become slaves to, rather than masters of time?

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By the end of this module, the participants will be able to:
Understand and appreciate the need and

importance of time management

Use prioritization tools and techniques Identify personal time wasters

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The Bank Account of Life

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Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with Rs.86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course!!!!
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Each of us has such a bank . It s name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day s deposits, the loss is yours
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There is no going back. There is no drawing of Time against Tomorrow. You must live in the present on today s deposits Invest it, so as to get from it the utmost in Health, Happiness, and Success! The clock is running. Make the most of Today
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To realize the value of ONE YEAR . ask a student who failed a grade To realize the value of ONE MONTH .. ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby To realize the value of ONE WEEK ask the editor of a weekly newspaper To realize the value of ONE HOUR ask someone who is waiting to meet a spouse after a long separation.
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To realize the value of ONE MINUTE .. ask a person who missed the train. To realize the value of ONE SECOND . ask a person who just avoided an accident. To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND .. ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

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Change your routine response from I can t do this now

To How can I do this now? Or How can I start this now?

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Barriers to Time Management

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Barriers to Time Management

Why are so few people organized, effective and efficient? Worries about decreasing spontaneity Negative mental programming Self-limiting beliefs

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Tools & Techniques


Pareto Principle

The 80:20 Rule

Time Prioritisation: Planning the Day Things-to-do List

Steven Covey s Time Management Matrix

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More Tools and Techniques

1. Use a time planner Master list, calendar, daily list 2. Always work from a daily list Write everything down 3. Organize your list by priority Sort your daily list by value

4. Choose any system

Use it regularly

5. Set up a 45-file system

31 file folders for days of the month 12 file folders for months of the year 2 file folders for next two years

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Getting Organized
What is the primary difference between average people and highly effective people?
Highly effective people are much better organized when they work with others Top 3% are persistent planners Write and rewrite goals and activities Think on paper Continuously analyze and re-evaluate plans
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Personal Organization
1. Organize your workplace Clear your workplace of all clutter Keep only the most important things 2. Assemble everything you need Before you start Be able to reach what you need
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3. Handle paper only once Throw it away Delegate it to somebody else Take personal action File it for future reference

Get More Done in Less Time

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Recap of all Modules


Recap Feedback Agreed Action Points

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