Birla Sun Life Insurance Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap

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Birla Sun Life Insurance

Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap


January 2007
TCS would like to acknowledge the support from the following personnel.

BSLI Team TCS Team

Engagement Team Ms Carissa Agarwal Onsite Team Management Support
Mr. Mario Braganza Ms. Madhuri Patil Melvy Z Varghese Padmanabhan K
Mr. Sanjiv Shah Mr. Lalit Vermani Dinesh Kalidoss Thilak Iyer
Mr. Vinayak Khadye Ms. Varij Pujara Manav Trehan Mohan Kancharla
Ms. Rama Raghavendran Mr. Snehal Shah Nilesh Wagle C.S.R Krishnan
Stake Holders Mr. Vikram Kotak Offshore Team Anil Durbhatkar
Mr. Mohan Shetty Ms. Keerti Gupta Navin Quadros Aseem Pitamber
Mr. Vikram Mehmi Ms. Anjana Grewal Utkarsh Joshi Ameya Vanjari
Mr. Satish Rajgarhia Mr. Bhavesh Sanghvi Nilanjan Ray Vipin Arora
Mr. Melvyn D'Souza Mr. K.H. Venkatachalam Sundhararaajan S TCS Support Groups

Mr. Fabien Jeudy Ms. Mala Ganapathy Satish Rajput Adobe COE –Shreyans Gandhi
Mr. Kedar Mulgund Mr Gautam Guha Offshore Support Enterprise Content Mgt COE -
Krishnan Iyer
Mr. E.N.Goveia Mr Gururaj Rao Sunil Raghavan  MDM Practice - Raghavendra

Mr. Murli Iyer Mr Alok Roongta Bhaskar Tondale Wireless and pervasive
technologies. – Avinash Waitla
Mr. Sunieel Michigan Mr Digvijay Chand Richard Jerome  
Mr. Gabriel Pereira Mr Girish Joshi    

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap

About This Document

Abstract This report is an output of the “Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap ” project executed by TCS for BSLI

Classification of Consulting Report File Identification Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap


Release date 24 Jan 2007 Version V1.0

Authors TCS Date Last Updated 24 Jan 2007

Version Release History

Release Date Page Change


V1.0 24 Jan 2007 NA Version 1.0

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap


This document contains information that is proprietary and confidential to TATA Consultancy Services
(TCS), which shall not be disclosed outside Birla Sun Life Insurance (BSLI), transmitted, or duplicated, used in whole or in
part for any purpose other than its intended purpose. Any use or disclosure in whole or in part of this information without
express written permission of TCS is prohibited.

Any other company and product names mentioned are used for identification purposes only and may be
trademarks of their respective owners.

© 2006-07, TATA Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS)


TATA Consultancy Services (TCS) has prepared this document in good faith based on the information
provided to it, and has endeavored to ensure that the information in this document is correct. However many factors outside
TCS’s current knowledge or control affect the recipients needs and plans which would have to be considered by the
recipient. The terms and conditions of the Statement of Work agreement for this project apply to the provision of this

The contents of this document are aligned with the current understanding of the strategic direction that the organization is
taking. In case these factors undergo changes, the recommendations presented in this document will have to be re-validated
and possibly re-cast as a separate project.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap

List of Abbreviations

BSLI Birla Sun Life Insurance VPN Virtual Private Network

TCS Tata Consultancy Services PSTN  Public Switch Telephone Network.
IRDA  Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority. CDMA  Code Division Multiple Access
DSF  Direct Sales Force SLA Service Level Agreement
ODES Offline Data Entry System  ETL Extract Transform and Load
CRM Customer Relationship Management ICR Intelligent Character Recognition
MIS Management Information System OCR Optical Character Recognition
VOC  Voice of Customer OMR Optical Mark Recognition
AML Anit Money Laundering QA Quality Assurance
NAV Net Asset Value GUI Graphical User Interface
BI Business Intelligence SMS Short Messaging Service
FTP File Transfer Protocol GSM  Global System for Mobile Communications
WAN Wireless Area Network SDLC Software Development Lifecycle
ABIH  Aditya Birla Information Highway CAB Corporate Agents and Brokers
MPLS  Multi-Protocol Label Switching B2P Business to Partner
ISDN  Integrated Services Digital Network B2C Business to Customer
VOC Voice of Customer

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap

Table of Contents
• Introduction
– Background, Objective & Scope of the Engagement
– Engagement Methodology
– Approach to the Engagement
– Structure of the document
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap

Background, Objective and Scope of the Engagement

BSLI (a JV between Aditya Brila group & Sun Life Financials, Canada), has experienced
rapid growth in Business over the past 5 years, but now is expected to double the
growth every year. The group views IT as one of the key enablers in this plan and has
requested TCS to help build an IT that is robust, flexible and scalable.

• To formulate the IT Strategy and roadmap for 3 year horizon aligned to Business plan
& requirements

Scope :
• IT Architecture
• Infrastructure Requirements
• IT Implementation roadmap & investment strategy
• Sourcing Strategy
• Project Management and Governance framework
• Practice Building tools

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap

Engagement Methodology
IT Strategy Framework (BMM)

IT Strategy

Ends Means
Desired Results Course of action
What we aspire to be? Directives which bind our actions

Vision Mission
Component of
(Principles, Policies,
Amplify the plan for
Actions Standards Guidelines)
Strategies Directives Derives
Quantify Govern
Objectives (Business Imperatives) (Business, Data,
Tactics Application, Infrastructure)
Desired Results

• IT Strategy Framework adopted from Industry Standard “Business Motivation Model” (BMM)
• BMM provides a scheme or structure for developing, communicating and managing strategy / plans in an organized
• BMM identifies factors that motivates the strategy, identifies and defines elements of strategy and indicates how all these
factors and elements inter-relate

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap

Approach to the Engagement

Analysis & Report


IT Interview
Exec Interview Solution Design Recommendation

Week 1 & 2 Week 2 & 3 Week 4 & 5 Week 6

• Present Approach • Customize Questionnaire • Evaluate against • Incorporate

• Conduct Interviews industry practices feedback from the
• Schedule meetings • Interact with : • Comparative analysis customer
• Identify Framework to be utilized • Sr. IT Exec • Consolidate findings • Present
• Architects • Define holistic target recommendations
• Customize Questionnaire • Infrastructure • Present high-level
business, IT

• Conduct Interviews • HR architecture, application project plans, cost

• Understand the Business Needs • PM and initiatives estimations and
• Conduct Change Scenario • Share interim finding prioritization of
• Capture Business Strategy & Workshop with BSLI initiatives
Needs • Submit consulting

• TCS proprietary templates. • Workshops • TCS consulting assets • TCS consulting


• Workshops / Questionnaire • Questionnaire specific to IT • Industry practices assets

• Market research • Dedicated research

• Snapshot of Business Strategy & • A One day Workshop on • Snapshot of AS-IS State • Target state & IT
Requirement Change Scenario road map

• BSLI Exec Team • BSLI IT Team • TCS Consultants • TCS Consultants

• TCS Consultants • TCS Consultants • BSLI Engagement


BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap

Structure of Document

Section 1 Introduction Contains the scope, objectives, methodology and

approach for the engagement

Section 2 Business Overview Captures TCS’ understanding of the BSLI business –

Strategy, Structure and Imperatives

Section 3 As - Is IT State The existing state of BSLI - IT

Section 4 Target Business Captures the changes that are likely to the current
Operating Model operating model of business.

Section 5 Target IT State The various technologies to enable BSLI to achieve the
growth envisioned

Section 6 Recommended Provides a comprehensive list of the various solutions

Solutions and its respective Horizons

Section 7 Roadmap A plan as to what projects would need to be considered

under Horizons 1, 2 & 3

Section 8 Appendix Additional information that would help BSLI as it

embark on this transformation

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 10

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
– Understanding of Business Strategy
– Business Change Scenarios
– Organization Structure
– Business Architecture
– Business Imperatives
– Business Need
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 11

Understanding of Business Strategy
F1: Achieve Top 3 position; Focus on Top line growth Deciphered, not directly
of 100% YOY Mentioned during mentioned
discussions Not current area of focus

Growth Capital Mgmt. Expense Mgmt.


F7: Grow F4:Focus on

F2: Achieve F3:Deepen F5: Manage
New revenues & F6: Reduce
growth Existing capital and risk
Segments pipeline in operating
through DSF relationships in effectively to
(Product / Group expense ratios
channel Bancassurance support growth
Market) business

Customer DSF and Alternate Ch. Bancassurance Group Sales


C2:Speed C3:Adequat
C1:Easily D1: Business
and e risk D2:Empowered D3:Enabled
accessible and Potential,
Consistency adjusted , Enabled and and Supported
convenient to do Compensation ;
of service returns Supported
business with Enabled & Supported

P1: Streamline P3: Enable sales P9: Equip

P4:Develop P6: Enable Planning with
product to penetrate the cross sell / up P7: Establish
market (new and accurate & right information
development sell process for differentiated
existing) speedy delivery to improve
process existing service delivery
of services efficiency
Internal Process

P2 Deepen Consumer P8: Deliver
insights through stronger investment P5: Drive
Market & Customer returns efficiency of
Research consistently marketing
above spend

L1: Enable selection of T1:Embrace T2:Leverage IT to T3:Leverage IT to T4: Improve IT


“right” talent and technology to achieve automate/support promote Infrastructure,

reach , support sales capability &
L& G;

managing key processes and information and

competency and deliver customer thus achieve knowledge supporting
experience efficiencies management processes

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 12

Business Change Scenarios
• Customer
• Top line vs. Profitability – Segmentation primarily done on basis of
– Organization will be growth driven with a income and annualized premium
clear focus on market share. contribution
– Segmentation need to be based on
• Products profession / age/income levels/life stage
– Change in consumption pattern of
– Focus on individual business – projected
customers necessitating analysis for
share of 90%
deeper insights.
– Individual business will be driven by unit
– Focus on convenience, speed and
linked policies
accuracy of service to customers
– Group business will focus on revenue &
– Self service and ownership for customers
pipeline and focus will be on Pension
– New Product lines – Retirement, Health, • Distribution
Micro insurance – Drive growth through Direct Sales Force
– Possibility of bundled products – life and likely to have a share of around 65%.
banking products , life and non life etc. – Focus in Banc assurance will be on
– Require flexibility in Products deepening existing relationships vs.
establishing new ones
– Alternate Channels will focus on
• Geography establishing more point of sale.
– Metros contribute about 50% of business – Segmented & differentiated treatment of
– Target cities outside of metros & smaller different categories of distributors
towns (Tier B and C cities/small towns) – Variety of distribution models ; Brokers
– Target rural areas becoming a major channel; Retail stores
to sell insurance

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 13

Business Change Scenarios
• Competition • Manage Technology changes
– Increase in Competition – Electronic Data Transfer
– Aggressive pricing – Support Increased self service
– Data security
• Regulation – Use of mobile technologies
– Pension reforms – Data Mining
– Ownership pattern changes leading to – Imaging and Character recognition
new demands on processes/accounting
– Customer protection changes leading to
change in products/processes
– Introduction of exotic financial products to
financial planning basket
– Taxation laws
– Recruitment & Training regulations for
– Self regulation – no product approvals

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 14

Organization Structure
M r V ik ra m M e h m i
P re s id e n t & C E O

M r M a rio B r a g a n z a

M r. S n e h a l S h a h M r . S a n jiv S h a h M s . M a la G a n a p a th y
S r. V P , O p e r a t io n s V P - IT S r . M a n a g e r - T ra in in g

M r . S a t is h R a jg h a r ia

M r M e lv y n F e rn a n d e s M r . S u d h a k a r S h e t ty M r . L a lit V e rm a n i
V P - P la n n in g & F in a n c e C h ie f M a n g e r - L e g a l, T a x V P - C o m p lia n c e

M r F a b ie n J u d y
V P & A p p o in t e d A c tu a ry

M r V ik ra m K o t a k
V P - I n v e s t m e n ts

M r . E . N . G o v e ia
S r V P - DSF

M r. D ig v ija y S in g h M r M u rli I y e r M r S u n il M ic h ig a n
V P - P r o je c ts V P - S a le s V P - S a le s

M s A n ja n a G r e w a l
S r V P - M a rk e t in g & C o m m

M s V a rij P u ja ra
V P - B a n ca s s u ra n ce

M r G a b r ie l P a re ira
C h ie f M a n a g e r - C A B

M r B h a v es h S a n gh a vi
C h ie f M a n a g e r - G ro u p

M r. K . H . V e n k a t
Source: BSLI Intro
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 15
Business Architecture
Sales and Service Touch points Service Touch points

Corp. Agents Customers
Affinity BSLI Call
DSF & Banks Kiosks
Outlets (ABG) Website Centre


Front Office (Sales / Service support )

Branch Unit
Offices Offices

Sales Management Operations

DSF Banc- Corp agents Group Client Under-
Sales assurance & Brokers Sales Claims
Service writing

Other Core Functions
Invest- Legal & Practioners
Marketing Actuary Planning Compliance
ments Taxation

Support Functions Company

Finance &
Training HR IT

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 16

Business Imperatives
• Reach • Channel Partner Management
– Business needs to establish support – Enablement of sales partner to
infrastructure for point of sale outlets participate in the sales and service
– branches , Direct selling agents process
and IT. – Differentiation of service to channel
– Technology/Alliances to support foray partners to retain their business.
into newer geographies where it will – Better utilization of infrastructure of
be difficult and cost prohibitive to sales partners – ATMs, kiosks ,
establish physical infrastructure– portals etc.
small towns and rural

• Customer Relationship Mgmt.

• Sales force Productivity
– With increasing competition retaining
– With increasing scale the productivity customer is a challenge
of sales force needs to be improved
– Need for a integrated and consistent
through adequate sales aids &
service delivery
– Also with the growing customer base
– Motivation & Retention of Sales force
converting business from existing
through accurate , timely and
customers is very important
variable compensation/rewards.
– Lack of supporting infrastructure to
– Information to analyze and review the
model the needs of existing
sales force performance customers (Life Stage marketing )
– Leads Management and tracking of
conversions is very critical
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 17
Business Imperatives
• Pipeline Management • Manage Capital and Risk
– This is especially for group business – Efficiency of planning process to
where prospect conversion in every facilitate effective utilization of
stage and the conversion has to be resources
closely tracked and monitored. – Accuracy & timeliness of reporting
to internal and external
• Decentralization of operations
– Manage enterprise exposure to risk
– Decentralization of operations to enable
speed of delivery through formation of
hubs or enablement of branches • Investments
– Change in Org. structure to focus on – Equip to handle growing assets
both in terms of value and
quality –Introduction of service roles in
branches reporting into a central service
– Automation to make the process
more effective
– Utilization of semiskilled staff (e.g.
Underwriting) to support growing
volumes and hence need for • Training & Knowledge management
collaboration at workplace – Adoption of non traditional
techniques of training delivery (e-
• Automation of business functions learning, web seminars etc.) to
– Need to promote self service support training needs of sales
mechanisms through internet, call
force and employees.
centers, kiosks etc.
– Automation of manual activities & – Facilitation of a culture of
Flexibility to changes in business knowledge creation, consolidation
process flows. and reuse through supportive
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 18
Business Needs – Sales
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains

Direct Sales • Infrastructure to support • Resources to support sales (N1, N65)

Force scale of operations – Branch Set up (touch points)
• Technology / Alliances to – Recruitment and Training of Field Sales force
enable foray into remote – IT Infrastructure
• Support Sales process in remote locations -locations where
• Productivity of sales force
current process of centralized processing would not work due
through supportive sales to constraints of branch setup (N2)
• Decentralization of new business process (scanning and data
• Motivation & Retention of capture) (N3)
Sales force through
• Enable higher strata of agents to work independent of
accurate , timely and
branches in sales process (needs analysis , illustration
variable compensation.
preparation etc.) – offline , through portals (N4)
• Enable communication of application status and facilitate
status related queries (mobile infrastructure/portals) (N5)
• Commission processing is manual. Ingenium supports only
base commission calculation. Issues around accuracy. (N6)
• Competitions are currently maintained on excel sheets (N8)
• BSLI online used for MIS at a branch level – performance and
updates on competition. Issues at month end due to sharing of
secondary store with Planning. (N7, N66)

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 19

Business Needs - Sales
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains
Bancassurance • Enablement of sales • .Process support at branches (N9)
partner to participate in the – Support for Application submission, Verification and Data
sales and service process entry at bank branches
• Differentiation of service to – Support for Rudimentary admin activities at bank
channel partners to retain branches – change of address, change of mode, enquiries
their business/relationship. , etc.
• Utilization of infrastructure – For a 3 year horizon provide end to end process from
of sales partners – ATMs, banks
kiosks , portals etc. • Integration of customer relationship - integrated statements,
integrated portal views, access to insurance services from
banks portal. (N10)
• Record and track the Presales process from Capturing of
prospect information, Prospect assignment, profiling
interaction details and conversions. (N11)
• Analysis - Analyze sales force productivity & assess quality of
leads produced. (N12)
• Configuring of Bancassurance structure and bonus rules are
not supported in Ingenium. Currently process is manual and
prepared on excel sheets. (N13)
Corporate • Infrastructure to support • Support for sales process – online illustrations that can be
Agents & scale of operations accessed and downloaded over a cybercafe (N14)
Brokers • Productivity of sales force • Commission processing is manual. Ingenium supports only
through supportive sales base commission calculation. Issues around accuracy. (N6)
aids – web illustrations

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 20

Business Needs - Sales
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains

Group Sales • Effective management of • Sales Management system for managing and tracking
sales process to build conversion of pipelines to revenues. (N15)
pipeline & revenues. – Important considering the longer sales cycle in Group
(Concentration in Group business
Pension business) – Should enable capture and assignment of leads, details
of interaction, movement of leads to conversion etc.
– Should be able to work in offline mode or accessible
through internet (not tied to branch network)
– Should have user privileges defined to filter and view
appropriate opportunity information
– All the pipelines are currently managed in excel sheets.
• The Sales Management system needs to be a single source for
managing all pipeline information. (N15)
• Enhancement of BSLI customer portal for the following
– Improved presentation of portfolio view both at individual
level and group level
– Provision of self service features for group level fund
switch, upload of files for additions/deletions etc.
– Integrated view of all policies held with BSLI.
• Admin System for Annuity business. (N17)

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 21

Business Needs - Client Services, Underwriting & Claims
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains
Client • Decentralization of • Extension of New business/policy admin activities to channel
Services operations to enable speed partners and branch offices (N18)
of delivery through • Integration between various applications used in new business
formation of hubs or process (ODES, Receipt writer and Ingenium) (N19)
enablement of branches – Integration between ODES and Ingenium is in batch mode
• Change in Org. structure to which impacts the Turnaround time
focus on quality – – Duplicate client records are checked after the data is
Introduction of service roles
uploaded into Ingenium resulting in manual work.
in branches reporting into a
• Extension of CRM to sales/service touch points (N20)
central service function
– CRM needs to be extended to branches to capture the
• Need to promote self
service requests in a decentralized scenario.
service mechanisms
through internet, call – There is no integration between CRM (Talisma) service
centers, kiosks etc. module in call centre and Ingenium resulting in data being
entered twice for any request once in CRM and again in
• Automation of manual
activities & Flexibility to
changes in business – Integration of BSLI website/Kiosks with CRM and
process flows. Ingenium so that the data is in sync.
• Issues related to Ingenium (approx. 120 person months of
enhancements pending in Ingenium) (N23)
– Manual activities due to pending enhancements in
Ingenium e.g. Process related to adjustment of excess
premium is manual.
– Ingenium not flexible to reporting needs of business
– Ingenium has issues with regard to batch performance
and availability
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 22
Business Needs - Client Services, Underwriting & Claims
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains

Client Services • Ingenium has been customized for Group Business

Administration and hence there are pending enhancements.
Certain transactions are done manually e.g. Deletion of
members , Covers above Free cover limit etc. (N26)

Underwriting • Decentralization / formation • Collaboration & Knowledge Management (N28)

of underwriting hubs to – With decentralization and employment of semiskilled
attend to regional underwriters the need for collaboration on underwriting
requirements decisions using chat , discussion boards etc.
• Staffing with semiskilled – Develop of knowledge management systems to capture
resources to meet the and disseminate knowledge on business practices, case
demands necessitated by studies etc.
growth • Development of Medical Practioner Management system (N29)
• Adoption of techniques like – Management of list of medical practioners in various
Teleunderwriting to
regions, specializations etc.
improve the quality of
– Maintenance and Management of details of fees for
underwriting process
various services provided by Medical Practioner
– Facility to assign doctors to cases centrally by using the
system and thus reducing any kind of networking between
distributors and medical practioner.
– Facility to keep track of any complaints or record of
– Capture details of actual payments made to doctors for
service provided
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 23
Business Needs – Client Services , Underwriting & Claims
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains
Underwriting • Workflow related issues (N30, N31)
– Tracking of underwriting requirements to closure is not
possible. There are no automatic alerts for pending
– Also there is no mechanism to understand the status of
requirements raised by underwriters.
– Mechanism to integrate the process of collection and
submission of medical reports to central office. This is
very important because loss or delay in medical reports
results in loss of business.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 24

Business Needs – Client Services, Underwriting & Claims
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains
Claims • Maintain the quality of • Most of the processes (80%) is done manually outside the
process in face of growth. system. (N32, N33, N34,N35)
• Automation to improve – Verification of policy status & eligibility on Ingenium
quality and productivity – Preparation of notification/ to claimants
– Periodical reminders/follow-ups
– Maintenance of external vendor details related to
Investigation and Translation
– Calculation of payments to be made to vendors
– Preparation of Claims Summary (Processing sheet) and
sending for approval
– With increasing volumes it is extremely critical to
automate this process because erroneous processing can
lead to serious implications.
• Issues faced with processing of claims in Ingenium (N36, N37)
– In Ingenium claims can be booked only for the base
– Booking of claims on riders is done as a workaround. The
rider covers are terminated and a journal entry is passed
in Ingenium for disbursement. This has been an area of
concern for audits.
– There is automation for data fetched from Ingenium for
preparation of Claims record.
• All the claims records is maintained on access based
application (robustness, security etc.) (N38)

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 25

Business Needs – Marketing
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains

Marketing • Focus on needs of existing • Analysis of Customer information for profiling and
customers (retention, cross segmentation (for product development, channel support ,
sell, up sell etc.) media & campaign planning, direct marketing etc.) (N39)
• Improve the effectiveness – No intuitive user friendly mechanisms to facilitate analysis
of spend on advertising and and profiling of customers.
direct marketing. – Business Unit uses query tools to pull out data and
perform profiling using excel sheets. This is cumbersome
and difficult to perform on a periodical basis.
– Drill down to granular details such as city level vs. country
• Derive insights on individual customer’s needs (sales and
service) (N40, N41)
– Based on demographic information, life stage, business
done with BSLI, interactions with BSLI etc.
– Infer Product needs , Service preferences, campaign
channel preferences etc.
• MIS related to direct marketing (N67)
– Campaign responses
– Utilization of service infrastructure such as kiosks,
websites etc.
• Explore the Marketing module of CRM for Media planning,
campaign definition & execution, tracking etc. (N42)

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 26

Business Needs – Actuarial
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains
Actuary • Improve quality of product • Issues with Product setup on Ingenium (N47,N48, N49)
Development and set up – Lack of quality business analysts available who
process understand the product setup
– System is effective but not intuitive and user manuals are
not explanatory (VOC – “An experienced analyst would be
able to configure products with minimum code
– Product setups are done through enhancements to
application code affecting the flexibility to change
– Quality of setup & testing process needs to improve (VOC
–” Only Day 1 requirements are put in when product goes
live while Day 2 requirements are still to be implemented .
This results in operational issues”)
• Quality of data from Ingenium for Valuation and Product
Development purposes is low. Transformation of data at
Ingenium’s end needs to be avoided. Also month end batches
take too long. (N43)
• Usage of Ingenium for Commission calculation and reinsurance
is not desirable. (Reinsurance system is planned to be
developed within business units) (N46)
• Issues with Illustration system (N44)
– Illustration system is not flexible to change
– Illustration systems available at branches should be
updated through patches.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 27

Business Needs – Finance , Planning & Compliance
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains

Finance & • Effective planning and • Business Planning & Forecasting (N50, N51, N52)
Planning utilization of resources to – The entire planning exercise is done on excel sheets.
support growth – Need for a analytical tool to facilitate analysis across
multiple dimensions , business forecasting, what if
analysis etc.
– Need granular data for analysis from Ingenium
(transaction level granularity)
– Data from Ingenium is error prone. Needs cleansing
• Version of Microstrategy (Analysis tool) used by planning is not
supported by vendor.
• Reconciliation of data related to Premium collections,
commission payments , disbursements is manually done. (N53)
• Non Technical receivables and payables (e.g. Expense
reimbursement, Third party vendor payments etc.) is handled
in multiple lotus notes based systems. Taking data out of these
lotus notes systems to collect information on actual spend is
painful. (N54, N55)
Compliance • Manage increased exposure • Requirement for enhancements to Ingenium to handle & review
to operational risk additional requirements related to AML for high value policies
(misselling, AML, Anti (Anti-money laundering) (N56)
terrorism etc.) • Analysis of large cash transactions, frequent surrenders during
free-look period to identify any malpractice. (N57)
• Access to information for AML and Antiterrorism purposes.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 28

Business Needs – Investments, Training
Business Unit Business Imperatives Business Needs / Pains

Investments • Equip to handle growing • Deal recording is done by front office in Quantis based on
assets both in terms of funds available for investment which is provided by Ingenium
value and categories. on a daily basis. The limits for various asset categories is
• Automation to make the provided by midoffice. Currently the tracking against available
process more effective limit is manual. System does not have a mechanism to upload
the limits and validate the same online. (N59)
• Quantis does not calculate the NAV online. This feature will
help validate the NAV files which are obtained from fund
accounting. (N60)
• Online performance issues with Quantis. (N62)
• Quantis does not support fund accounting for all asset classes.
This might be a challenge especially if regulator is going to
mandate to bring fund accounting inhouse. Currently it is done
by Duetche bank as part of fund accounting operations. (N61)
• Dealer board : System with hotlines to dealers and provision of
voice recording
• Negotiated Dealing system: Will help in performing Fixed
Income dealing without brokers
Training • Adoption of technology for • Issues with Infrastructure (seats, desktops, network
training delivery (e-learning, connectivity) for delivery of training through technology
solutions. (N63)
web seminars etc.) to
• Training module for alternate channel had been designed on
support training needs of Talisma but not used due to security concerns from Banks ,
sales force and employees. license constraints etc. Currently all training details are
• Facilitation of a culture of managed on an excel sheet. (N64)
knowledge creation,
consolidation and reuse
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 29
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
– Current IT Initiatives
– IT Challenges
– As – Is IT Architecture
– As – Is IT Infrastructure
– As – Is Project Management
– As – Is Governance Structure
– IT Spend
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 30

List of Current IT Initiatives
Nature of Initiative Status Business Units Planned Completion

Business Process Ongoing Operations, Accounts January 31, 2007

Management - & Finance
New Business

CMS Ongoing DSF; Banca & CAB, February 1, 2007

Accounts & Finance

Implementation of Ongoing DSF, Banca & CAB, January 31, 2007

Talisma CRM Group Sales, Client

BPM & Imaging Ongoing IT February 28, 2007


Business Process To be initiated Operations, Accounts To be determined

Management - & Finance
Policy Admin &
Upgrade of Ingenium To be decided Operations To be determined
V 6.1 to 6.7

Business Intelligence To be decided All To be determined


Upgrade of Network Ongoing IT January 31, 2007

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 31

IT Needs
Business Business Business Needs / Pains Need
Unit Imperatives
IT • Handle constraints • Ingenium current platform may not be able to support N69
of insufficient anticipated volumes.
• Improve the availability of systems N70
(network ,
hardware, storage • Improve the capabilities of version control N71
etc.) to meet
business initiatives • Limitation of System Knowledge N72
• Develop a suitable • Need for a single window for all partner, employee and N73
sourcing strategy customer interactions
to scale IT
operations to meet • Absence of governance for some strategic projects N74
the deliverables of • Delay in Network Link commissioning N75
• Network link failure resolution delays due to a large N76
number of external dependencies
• No standardized Helpdesk Management integration N77
across the enterprise
• Identity Management within the network N78
• Remote branches is an issue with link stability and N79
failure resolution delays
• No track or enforcement of policy and patch upgrade N80
• Email administration issues due to a large number of N81
distributed servers
• Lack of enterprise wide Knowledge Management System N82
• Excel sheets are being used for data collection N83
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 32
IT Needs
Business Business Business Needs / Pains Need
Unit Imperatives
IT • Data Modeling not existing N84
• Presence of redundant data N85
• Data Integrity issues N86
• BI Tools - Microstrategy not in use & outdated N87
• Better Decision support framework N88
• Data analytics not available N89
• Architect not in place N90
• Automation of Claims N91
• Coding Standards not in place N92
• Adequate resources not available N93
• Configuration Management is weak N94
• System Down time on account of Ingenium batch N95
• Many integration points N96
• Release Management to be defined N97
• Change control process not existence N98
• Production defect tracking N99
• Committees not defined for changes N100
• Business does not control any funding for IT N101
• IT spend is not focused towards informational N102

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 33

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
– Current IT Initiatives
– IT Challenges
– As – Is IT Architecture
– As – Is IT Infrastructure
– As – Is Project Management
– As – Is Governance Structure
– IT Spend
• Business Enabling Solution
• To – Be IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 34

As - Is Application Architecture

BSLI Website Kiosk
Marketing Analytics

Sales Operations & Underwriting Investment Actuarial Customer

Ingenium Inteli.Capture Monitoring**
Receipt Writer Quantis AXIS Talisma CRM
Dot sphere

AMS Process AURA MRS Polad Tracking Reinsurance

Server System

Talisma CRM Content Mgr ODES Policy Printing


BSLI Online Group Reminders UW/CS

Quotation System pending Pol.

Daily Control Internal Audit TDS Pack Rewards Mgt


SUN FAMS EERS Petty Cash Peoplesoft Corporate Leave Mgmt

Finance Accounting system Training
& A/cs
TPV CMS** Accrual Mgt TERS Payroll Ideas & Employee
Suggestions Referral

Branch Project Mgt

Compliance Property Mgt EHAS Stationery Mgt Knowledge
System Mgt

Legal & Complaint

IT Prodn Support
Corporate Styx MIS Task Mgt Help Desk
Compliance Mgmt & Mgt System System

Lotus Notes Systems Other systems **Not yet operational

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 35
As - Is Application Architecture – Summary Finding
• Significant gaps in complete automation of some of the core functional areas. This can
cause a huge operational overload as the business expands rapidly. Eg:
– Claims administration is manual
– Long list of enhancements pending on Ingenium for individual and group business.
– Commission preparation is manual (Ingenium supports only base commission
• Core applications are not flexible enough e.g.
– Product set up on Ingenium requires lot of code customization
– AMS (Illustration system) is inflexible to change
• No mature in built workflow and document management solutions
– Ingenium (Initiative to externalize process logic using BPM solution and implementation
of content management solutions)
– Sub ledger modules of Sun accounting does not support in workflow and content
management resulting in use of notes based solutions
• All non technical receivables and payables built on multiple Lotus Notes Application
– Extensive usage of Lotus Notes workflows
– Extracting data is cumbersome
– Used to create transactional systems
– May not handle the expected growth in business
• Large number of internet and intranet applications on diverse technologies: BSLI Website,
BSLI Online (DSF) and BSMS
• Coding standards though exists are not followed

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 36

As - Is Application Architecture – Summary Finding

• Ingenium
– Scarcity of resources in the market place
– Large extent of customization to the code.
– Changes are not externalized (configuration management not followed)
– Outdated version; out of sync with SOLCorp roll outs; Original version is currently not
– Issues with Source code management (unable to trace back to base code)
– No proper branching, build mechanism & labeling of builds
– System downtime has increased due to long batch window; can impact receipt writing
and other critical transactions
– Backlog of pending enhancements.
• Talisma
– CRM strategy not in place; Talisma initiated for Bancassurance for application status
tracking and for client services at call centres
– Multiple versions of Talisma
– Scarce resources in the market place
• AMS not flexible to make changes. Does not support auto install, synchronization with
• ODES user interface needs to be more simple; can do with a fewer screens

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 37

As - Is Integration Architecture
Kiosk BSLI Website BSLI Online

Policy Details Policy details Microstrategy Quantis Fund details
Policy Info
Bank )
Agent Code,
Policy Info
AURA Investment
Initial Payment
Policy Info
details External
Receipt Writer Decision details
Renewal Payment

Ingenium Refunds Info
Policy Cheque details (HDFC)

Amounts system
ODES Policy

Policy Info
AMS Payroll authentication
LN Workflow

Policy details Policy Printing TDS Pack

Illustration details Payout details

Partially Premium Info


SUN Accounting

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 38

As - Is Integration Architecture – Summary findings
• Lack of Integration between key applications
– There is no integration between Talisma (CRM) module used in Call centre and Ingenium
resulting in manual rekeying of service requests.
– With implementation of CMS for Agency and Commissions management there will be a need
to integrate Ingenium and CMS in online mode. (E.g. Verification of agency status, licensing
details etc.)
• The lack of real – time connectivity between systems increases manual work. E.g.:
– De-duplication effort - Form need to be re-keyed on identification of duplicate client record.
– Current integration between ODES (online data entry system used at Transworks for data
capture) is in batch mode (initiative in place to make this online).
• Point to Point integration between applications resulting in inflexibility to change.
• No standardized message formats defined within the enterprise resulting in tight coupling between
the source and target.
• Error handling mechanisms are not well defined. With potential for electronic submissions of
application forms through portals it is essential to ensure guaranteed delivery. Else this will result in
loss of business.
• There are no FTP Tools being utilized. Scripts are manually executed.
• Manual Reconciliation of data
• Multiple interfaces between applications. For instance, between receipt writer and Ingenium.
• Heavy reliance on paper based information, even in automated workflows
• There is a need to establish interfaces with external entities. For instance, banks, brokers etc

• For details of the current integration, refer to the embedded sheet below BSLI Interface

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 39

As - Is Information Architecture


Branch Content
SQL Server SQL Server Oracle SQL Server
Oracle Mgr
Rcpt Writer Talisma Aura


Data Extracts
Excel Accounting
MS Access Data
Sheet Dump
Accounting M-fund
Duetche Bank

MS Access Data Store

Business Oracle

Excel Micro
Sheet Data Extracts Strategy

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 40

As - Is Information Architecture – Summary Finding
• Reporting needs of various business units are met using multiple applications.
– DSF uses a intranet application for reporting related to branch performance, agent recruitment,
utilization etc.
– Planning uses Micro strategy for analysis needs
– Client services runs operational queries using Netterm.
• Excel used for reporting raising concerns on robustness security
• Data Integrity issues:
– Data cleansing routines are limited or missing
– Data is entered & reconciled manually at many places
• Data Modeling
– Lack of a modeling tool to manage the logical data
– Enterprise data integration is missing and hence it is difficult to get a consolidated view
• BI Tool (Microstrategy)
– Outdated version, discontinued support from Vendor
• Need for better reporting and decision support is a pan-functional requirement, requiring immediate
– Large number of reports
– Adhoc reports are not easily possible. Performed by obtaining a data dump from Ingenium
• Data based analytics is absent or very limited. There is a need to use it for multiple purposes,
including :
– Web Analytics
– Customer Analytics: Identify the common characteristics of customers who buy the same product
– Fraud detection : Identify which transaction are likely to be fraudulent
– Direct Marketing: Identify which prospects should be included in the mailing list to obtain the
BSLI – Formulation
highestof IT Strategy &
response Roadmap
rate - 41
Technical Architecture - Overview

Presentation Layer
• This layer manages the information presentation through different channels. It takes full advantage
of data and business logic de-coupling from the User Interface and to exploit the full potential of
Internet and Intranet based delivery.

Business Logic Layer

• This layer consists of technical components, which are used to implement business logic. It mainly
includes technical components that fulfill major business processes/functions, workflows, rules &
search engines, etc.

Data Layer
• This layer looks at the data storage and operational data management requirements of the

Platform Layer
• This layer describes the operating environment required for technical components to run. This
mainly includes operating systems required for application and database components.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 42

As - Is Technical Architecture

Ingeniu Receipt CMS AMS SUN Quantis Talisma Payroll Microst BSLI AURA LN
m Writer Accoun rategy Online Workflow

JavaSc Java Java Java MF- VB VB, Power Micros Brows Java LN
ript, Cobol VC++ Builde trateg er
HTML r y
Presentation Layer

AIX, Java Java Java MF- VB VB, Power Micros ASP JSP LN
Rexx, Cobol VC++ Builde trateg
MF r y

Business Logic Layer

DB2 Oracle Oracle Interb Oracle Oracle SQL Oracle Oracle SQL SQL LN
ase Server Server Server
2000 ,Oracle

Data Layer

AIX Windo Unix, Windo Win Windo Windo Win Windo Windo Win Win
ws Win ws 2003 ws ws 2003 ws ws 2003 2003

Platform Layer

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 43

As - Is Technical Architecture – Summary Finding

• Presentation Layer:
– The presentation layer for the different applications is part of the technology used by the
application - No unified presentation layer (portal type) with single sign on features.

• Business Logic Layer :

– The business logic and rules are coded and hence embedded in the application itself. There is
a need for rules-based to externalize rules from core applications and thereby increase agility

• Data Layer:
– Presence of diverse types of databases as well as multiple versions
– There is no EDW (Enterprise wide Data warehouse)

• Platform Layer:
– The BSLI applications are largely consolidated on IBM platform; however there are some key
applications in Windows platform

• Other findings:
– Some of the in-house developed applications exists on Outdated/uncommon technologies like
PowerBuilder, Interbase
– Performance benchmarking not performed for most of the applications
– No monitoring mechanism in place for any of IT components ( Application Server, Network
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 44
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
– Current IT Initiatives
– IT Challenges
– As – Is IT Architecture
– As - Is IT Infrastructure
– As – Is Project Management
– As – Is Governance Structure
– IT Spend
• Target Business Operating Model
• To – Be IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 45

As - Is Infrastructure – Servers and Systems

• Desktop

– Dual vendor exists for supplying Desktops – HCL / IBM

– Diverse Desktop OS portfolio – Win XX (will be difficult to manage)

– Desktop support is outsourced to Omnitech and HCL

• Servers

– Single Vendor exists for Servers (IBM P series/ X series)

– Critical Server [Ingenium] system is not clustered (currently a single point of

– Native tools used for Server Management (does not provide lot of needed
features required for management)
– Web Servers shared with other Birla-SunLife groups (Performance cannot be
individually measured)
– EOD batch processes are executed manually

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 46

As - Is Infrastructure – Servers and Systems

• Facilities Management
– Single Facility Manager engineer exists per branch
– In-house Helpdesk Management Software used only at HO,
branches do not log calls

• Email
– Email decentralized per branch
– Web-based Email facility provided to RMs

• Disaster Recovery
– DR servers located in Hyderabad

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 47

As - Is Infrastructure - Network

– Structured Cat 6 cabling standardized at branch
– Static IP addressing becomes difficult to manage large number of desktops

– Pan India WAN network implemented over ABIH WAN infrastructure
– Hub and Spoke model exists with 4 hubs
– Mix of leased line and MPLS with ISDN backup to hub
– Third level of backup using VPN over dial up PSTN
– Application based traffic shaping accomplished via packeteer

• Disaster Recovery
– DR site at Hyderabad

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 48

As - Is Infrastructure – Network WAN Architecture

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 49

As - Is Infrastructure – Network Security

• Security Services

– Network security policy document is provided from SunLife

– ABIH provides shared standard security services:

• Shared Firewall
• Shared (IDS) Intrusion Detection Server

• Antivirus

– Antivirus management outsourced to third party

– Automated agent based updates currently exists only at HO

– Manual FTP based antivirus updates at branches

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 50

As - Is Infrastructure – Network Management

– No centralized Network Management Solution exists

– Ad hoc usage of Freeware tools for network monitoring at HO

– Dedicated SolarWinds server used to monitor WAN links

– Packeteer used for Application based traffic Shaping to branches

– Inhouse utilization trend analysis done on a reactive basis
– Patch management and deployment manual at branches
– No centralized control over application licensing and software asset
– Planned evaluation of HP Openview and CA Unicenter for enterprise wide

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 51

As - Is Infrastructure - Storage


– SAN Implemented at Datacenter

– Current Storage Capacity 4 TB + at Primary data center site.

• Backup

– DAT / LTO drives is used as Backup medium

– Automated Backup implemented for few critical applications

– Freeware tools used for Data Replication (cannot perform resource

– Data Replication frequency is 2 Hrs with DR site

– Ingenium backup processes are being performed manually

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 52

As - Is Infrastructure - Internet

– Internet access shared from ABIH Internet Gateway

– Internet access being managed by ABIH personnel

– Branch Internet access restricted through Router Access Lists maintained by


– Internet access at HO is restricted using Proxy Server

– BSMS, BirlaVMN and Talisma servers accessed from the intranet

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 53

As - Is Infrastructure - Email

• Email Application
– Mail platform is on Lotus Notes v 5.3 (latest version in market is 7.x)
– Planned upgrade of mail servers to version 7.5

• Email Storage
– Per user quota is 100 Mb with larger quotas for top Management (uses large
disk storage)
– Attachment size restricted at 5 Mb (can increase WAN traffic)

• Email Server
– Planned consolidation of mail servers within the enterprise
– Single self-hosted email domain -
– Lotus Notes server residing at every branch (difficult to manage)
– Mail replication from HO to DR site scheduled every 2 hours

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 54

As - Is Infrastructure – Summary Findings
• Servers
– Critical Servers are not cluster – for redundancy
– No monitoring tools implemented (using native tools for limited monitoring)
– Average CPU utilization is less than 35%, peak at 80% for 2 hrs
• Network
– Network link failure resolution delays due to a large number of external
dependencies (no SLAs defined)
– No standardized Helpdesk Management integration across the enterprise
– Identity Management within the network is an issue due to the varied number
of systems and distinct processes for access deployment
– Remote branches is an issue with link stability and failure resolution delays
• Storage
– BSLI has not implemented information lifecylce management for data
– Inactive data is maintained on fiber disk (expensive proposition)
– Single RAID level (RAID 5). Will not provide optimized performance for

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 55

As - Is Infrastructure – Summary Findings

• Infrastructure Inventory Management

– Inventory management is manual and as a result, there is no track or
enforcement of policy and patch upgrade
• Email
– Email administration issues on account of large number of distributed servers

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 56

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
– Current IT Initiatives
– IT Challenges
– As – Is IT Architecture
– As – Is IT Infrastructure
– As – Is Project Management
– As – Is Governance Structure
– IT Spend
• Business Enabling Solution
• To – Be IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 57

As – Is Project Management – SDLC Lifecycle

Tasks Ownership Metric New Maintenance

Initiation Business Case BA / Users X
Evaluation IT + Business X
Planning Project Plan IT PM / X X
Business PM
Defining Team Structure/ Roles & Responsibilities/ IT PM / X
Scope Mgmt Business PM
Requirements Business Requirement Specifications BA X X
System Requirements Specifications IT Dev. X X
Impact Analysis for Large Projects IT Dev. X
Impact Analysis for small fixes IT Dev X
Construction Coding / Unit Testing IT Dev. Schedule vs Plan X X
Budget vs Actual
Configuration & Build DBA X X
System Test Plan / Test Data / Results IT Dev X
Testing & UAT & MOT Test Plan / Test Data / Results BA / Users X
Release Note IT Dev. X X
Closing Project Delivered IT Dev./DBA X X
Project Sign off Users X X
Production Investigation of Production Issues BA & IT Dev. X X

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 58

As – Is Project Management – Summary Finding

• Release
– Release Management / Release Calendar not existent
– Configuration Management / Build Process done via DBA
– Maintenance projects classified as high, medium & low by users (majority are marked as
– List of projects being performed are dynamic in nature
• Process
– Non-uniformity of Project Management styles – PMs working in silos
– Selected Roles & Responsibilities are defined (Business PM exists; Business Associates are
distributed across the group)
– No effective Quality Review Mechanism
– Adherence to Standards not in place
– No effective Measurement in place / SLAs are not defined
• Requirements Management
– No formal walk through of requirements
– Requirements are signed off by Business Units

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 59

As - Is Project Management – Summary Finding

• Change Management
– Changes to requirements are treated equally.
– Requirements document is not frozen;
• Staffing
– IT team is short staffed (eg Ingenium has over 100 outstanding projects ; approximately 24 –
36 PM additional effort)
– Technical Knowledge skills low and unavailable (major enhancements impacted)
– IT Staff are provided with soft skills but no official technical training
– Staff augmentation mode for selected projects
– Outsourced for large development projects
• Testing
– Testing process not digitized (Long Term Plan)
– Test bed is limited. No regression testing being conducted
– Load test activities being carried out for selected new projects.
– Negative testing limited – specific scenarios not considered during development
– UAT is dependent on resource availability
– There is currently no proper mechanism to track defects to closure (sometimes via excel or via

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 60

As - Is Project Management – Summary Finding

• Planning
– Work breakdown structure is done via MS Project
– There is no well defined template
– Interdependencies are identified in advance
– Review & Unit Testing effort are not officially planned
• Risk Management
– Risk Management exists for selected large initiatives and are classified
• Knowledge Management
– There is currently no mechanism of sharing best practices across the development teams
– There is no official mechanism of getting feedback from the users.
• Production Defect Tracking
– Production defects are tracked via Lotus notes, however, it is difficult to extract metrics.
• Configuration Management
– Configuration Management is currently performed by making a request for DBA to check
out the code and manually validating the changes.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 61

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
– Current IT Initiatives
– IT Challenges
– As – Is IT Architecture
– As – Is IT Infrastructure
– As – Is Project Management
– As – Is Governance Structure
– IT Spend
• Business Enabling Solution
• To – Be IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 62

As – Is Governance Structure – BSLI Organization Structure
Vikram Memhi
President & CEO

Mario Braganza

Sanjiv Shah Mala Ganapathy Snehal Shah Business Gautham Guha

VP - IT Sr. Mgr - Training Sr. VP, Operations Heads Shared Service

Website & Talisma

Mohan Shetty Vinayak Khadye Development Team
Sr. Mgr – IT Operations Systems Solution

Ashok Nair Shekar Ramamurthy Alok Roongta

DSF - PM Finance – PM Finance - Planning

Support Team PM Team Business Analyst Business Analyst

Website Development
Team Business

Production Support Outsourced Services In-house Development Outsource Development

Business Analyst
Team Team Team Team

Testers/ Support Staff

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 63

As - Is Governance Structure – IT Organization Structure
President & CEO
Shared services IT
Business Unit IT


Systems Solutions IT Operations

Core Business Process

Operations Network & Database Services Branch
Insurance Support & auto, C&C
Security Admin Rollout
Systems - Special (10)
(37) Projects (3)

New products ODES & LN Asst. Mgr (3) Sr. Exec (2) Executive (1) Helpdesk
& Actuarial Workflow, C&C
Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced Outsourced
Ingenium Sys Admin Lotus Notes DBA Support
enhancements Team

Ingenium R&D
& Support

Group Projects
In Systems Solutions Group, each vertical consists of project managers,
business analysts (BAs), developers and testers. The BAs, Developers and
Ingenium Testers are mix of in-house as well as outsourced staff.
Technical - IL

Java & J2EE

Figures in bracket indicate no. of resources in the group

Source: BSLI Intro

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 64
As - Is Governance Structure – Arrangement of IT Functions

Strategy And Investment & Relationship

Planning Prioritization Management

Technology Performance
Research Management
Strategic Layer

Vendor Management Risk Management Quality Assurance

IT Human Resource
Business Analysis

Tactical Layer

Infrastructure Application Application

Management Development Maintenance

Operations Layer

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 65

As - Is Governance Structure – Arrangement of IT Functions

Strategic Layer
IT Function Observations
Strategy & Planning Limited awareness of Business Long term objectives
Investment & Large projects ratified by Executive Committee
Architecture Does not exist
Relationship Being Managed by Business Project Manager
Management (Helps define the business cases; liaison between Business & IT).
Technology Does not exist
Research (R&D being done for Ingenium)
Performance No monitoring mechanism in place
Management (SLA defined but not monitored)
Regulatory & Exists
Compliance Mgmt

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 66

As - Is Governance Structure – Arrangement of IT Functions

Tactical Layer
IT Function Observations
Vendor Outsourced for large Initiatives (eg. BPM)
Management Staff Augmented for Maintenance
No SLA defined
Program Limited PM skill / Training
Management No metrics in place
Lack of risk awareness
Lack of uniformed PM process
Risk Management Followed as high level (More DR)
Quality Assurance Process does not exist, but has a low defect density.
IT Human Relations HR is at a higher level
Business Analysis Distributed (under both IT and Business)
Part of the System testing team

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 67

As - Is Governance Structure – Arrangement of IT Functions

Operations Layer
IT Function Observations
Infrastructure No proactive Measurement
Hybrid Decisions (Branch level outsourced)
Application Risk of limited skill level within the Organization
Development Coding Standards are not followed
Application No SLAs
Maintenance No mechanism to prioritize small projects
No measurements in place
Limited documentation
Testing is part of BA and effective.
No Release cycle in place

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 68

As - Is Governance Structure – Archetype Framework

 Copyright © MIT, 2004.

 TCS is a research patron of CISR at the MIT Sloan School of Management

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 69

As - Is Governance Structure – Decision Domains

IT Principles High level statements about how IT is used in the business

Organizing logic for data, applications, and infrastructure captured in a

IT Architecture set of policies, relationships, and technical choices to achieve desired
business and technical standardization and integration

Strategies for the base foundation of budgeted-for IT capability [both

IT Infrastructure technical and human], shared throughout the firm as reliable services,
strategies and centrally coordinated [e.g., network, help desk, shared data]

Business Specifying the business need for purchased or internally developed IT

Application Needs applications

IT Investment and Decisions about how much and where to invest in IT including project
Prioritization approvals and justification techniques

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 70

As - Is Governance Structure - Snapshot

• Business highlights what products competition uses. IT provides

/gathers data relating to similar products and compared with rest of
IT Principles Insurance Industry.
• Shared Services / Bancassurance play role of introducing Talisma

• No Architect in place
IT Architecture • No well defined Standards are in place.
• Integration being implemented via the IBM (driving towards SOA)

• Infrastructure is involved for new branches being introduced

IT Infrastructure • Capacity planning limited
strategies • Network utilization via the Aditya Birla Information Highway
• Monitoring mechanism limited

Business • Business drives the IT. No Release Cycle in place

Application Needs • Business helps define the Requirements

• Prioritization of projects driven by Committee.

IT Investment and • Executive Committee ratifies the IT Budget
Prioritization • Specific Business Units are not able to get their projects prioritized.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 71

As - Is Governance Structure – Summary Finding

• Committees
– Org Structure / Roles & Responsibilities of committees not well defined
– Though Strategic Projects are outsourced there is no Vendor Management office to co-
ordinate the proceedings
– There are no formal forum of escalating issues to Business. However IT & Business do
discuss issues on an adhoc basis
– No Change Control Board exists (However some teams have mentioned that Strategic
Projects monitoring mixed with tactical projects)
– MPPG (Major Projects Prioritization Group) used to investigate large development and
maintenance projects (lists used to contain as many as 150 projects) – lacked focus and
have slowly discontinued
– Steering Committee are available for strategic projects
– Since IT is not the main function of BSLI the best practices in various IT areas at times
are not available with the organization

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 72

As - Is Governance Structure – Summary Finding

• Controls
– Business does not control any funding for IT
– Deadlines are not driven by Business. IT creates their own deadline
– There is no person who can handle the various integration needs of the existing
– No single point of contact to identify which application are most suited for specific

• SLA and Metrics

– No measures of assessing the success of Strategic projects
– No process for capturing trends to implement in corrective actions

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 73

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
– Current IT Initiatives
– IT Challenges
– As – Is IT Architecture
– As – Is IT Infrastructure
– As – Is Project Management
– As – Is Governance Structure
– IT Spend
• Business Enabling Solution
• To – Be IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

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IT Spend – IT Asset Classes

Informational – Provide information for any

purpose including to account, manage, control,
report, communicate, collaborate or analyze
e.g. sales analysis report

Strategic – Gain competitive advantage or

position in market place e.g. time to market
new product along with global launch

Transactional – Cut Cost or increase Informational Strategic

Higher quality & Increased sales;
throughput for the same cost e.g. a order
larger margins competitive
booking system advantage

Infrastructure – Base foundation of shared Transactional

services used by multiple applications e.g.
Reduce unit cost and increase productivity
servers, customer database

Reduce cost through standardization and consolidation

Copyright © MIT, 2004. This work was created by MIT’s Sloan Center for Systems Research
TCS is a research patron of CISR at the MIT Sloan School of Management
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 75
IT Spend – BSLI IT Spend mapped to Asset Classes

04 - 05 05 - 06 06 - 07 Informational
IT Spend
1.3 % 1.2% 2.2% Transactional

59 15 7
0 • Products? 0 0 • Products?

0 40 40 • BPM

41 45 53 •Server upgrade
•Branch = 44 •Branch = 116

Global 11 19 5 15 17
17 11 13 20 14
26 12 40 15 11
46 58 42 50 58

Most Financial / Top Performers Cost Focused Balanced Agile


Copyright © MIT, 2004. This work was created by MIT’s Sloan Center for Systems Research
TCS is a research patron of CISR at the MIT Sloan School of Management
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 76
IT Spend – Summary Finding

• IT spend as a fraction of the Revenue is at about 2.2% compared to Industry average of 5%

• Majority of spend was towards Transactional and Infrastructure
• Key new projects currently targeted for Transactional and Infrastructure (Exception of a BI
• Based on benchmark figures, BSLI appears to be more cost focused over past few years .
• IT funding is by Executive Committee (Aditya Birla, Sun Life Asia IT & CEO)

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Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Model
– Business Architecture
– Business Components
– Decentralization
• To Be IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

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Target Business Model
• This section elaborates the changes in operational structures that needs to be considered for
designing target architecture and the business components which are critical.
• BSLI’s operations is likely to be decentralized with business processes being carried out
at hubs (specialized branches with servicing competency) and branches of BSLI
• Some functions to be carried out at partner’s outlets either through portals (BSLI portal
or third party portal) or through access to BSLI’s applications
• Some of these operations in future might need integration of applications of channel
partners with BSLI’s applications.

• These changes in operational structure would impact the IT architecture

• This would mean distribution of application functionality between the various processing
outlets potentially leading to proliferation of components. Such proliferation would also
result in inconsistency in application functionality which addresses similar business
• This would also necessitate efficient integration between components and manual tasks
that together enable realisation of these business functions.
• Such components which are likely to be distributed are prime candidates for service
enabling as enterprise moves towards a Service Oriented Architecture.
• This is even more necessary considering the fact that some of these components are
likely to be exposed to portals and applications of channel partners.
• Also changes in business model would necessitate the architecture to be flexible to
business changes driven by business model changes (product structures/rules ,
distribution models) , operational changes ( workflows, process logic) and regulatory
changes. Identification of components which will be affected by such changes is critical.
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 79
Business Architecture
Sales and Service Touch points Service Touch points

Corp. Agents Individual

Affinity Customer Call Customers
DSF & Banks Kiosks
Outlets (ABG) Portals Centre

Front Office (Sales / Service functions ) Customers
Branch Unit DSF
Franchises Banks
Offices Offices / CAB

Hubs (Regional / Large Branches) Front office shall perform

limited newIRDA
business and
policy administration
New Policy Under-
Accounting functions
Business Admin writing

Sales Management Operations
DSF Banc- Corp agents Group New Policy Under-
Sales assurance & Brokers Sales Admin Claims
Business writing External
Channel partners such as
banks , CABs will also
Other Core Functions Medical
perform some minimal
support functions
Invest- Legal &
Marketing Actuary Planning Compliance
ments Taxation
Establishment of Regional
Support Functions hubs or empowerment large
Finance &
Training HR IT Others

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Business Architecture – Components

DSF / CAB Bancassurance Group Sales

Issue Issue Issue
Needs Business Lead Needs Business Pipeline Business
Quote/ Enquiries Quote/ Enquiries Quote/ Enquiries
Analysis Perf. Mgmt. Mgmt. Analysis Perf. Mgmt. Mgmt Perf. Mgmt.
Illustration Illustration Illustration

Marketing Channel Mgmt.

Training &
Market Customer Channel Adv. & Med. Campaign Channel Compensation Performance Competition Grievance
Intelligence Segmentation. Support Planning Mgmt. Maintenance Management Management Management Handling

New Business Policy Administration

Application Under- Requirements Policy Printing/ Free look Non Financial Financial Loans /
Rating Reinstatement
Capture writing Management Issue Despatch Cancellation Endorsements Endorsements Withdrawals

Underwriting Billing & Collection Customer Service Compliance & Reporting

Internal &
Field / Tele Underwriting Auto / Manual Med. Prac. Premium Premium Other Complaints Auditing &
Enquiries External
Underwriting Requirements Underwriting Mgmt. Invoicing Collection Collections Management Inspection

Group business Claims

Application Underwriting & Experience Policy Billing & In-force Claim Claim Reinsurance Vendor
Claims Claim Booking Payout Claims Mgmt.
Capture Rating Rating Issuance Collection Adminsitration Investigation

Finance & Accounts

Payables &
Planning & Cash General Ledger Fixed Assets Final Accounts
Banking Receivables Reconciliation Vouching Taxation
Budgeting Management & Book Keeping Mgmt. Preparation

Actuarial Other Core Functions Support

Reserving &
New Product Risk Valuation & Invest-
Profit Reinsurance Legal Training HR IT Other Services
Development Management Reporting ments

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 81

Business Architecture – Decentralization
BSLI Branches / Banks
Sales/Services Support New Business Billing
Issue Application Requirements Printing &
Needs Business Application Auto Premium
Quote/ Capture Management Despatch
Analysis Perf. Mgmt. Enquiries Underwriting Collections

Non Financial Endorsements

Change in Duplicate Other Policy

Change of Change Assignment / Change in Bank Account, Change of
Country of Policy Non-financial Enquiries/
Address In nomination Reassignment Telephone Number, e-mail id etc Name
Residence Certificates Endorsements Complaints

Financial Endorsements Reinstatement Loan / Withdrawals/Surrenders Claims

Change in Issue Claim
Issue Loan Surrender Claim
Premium Mode / Reinstatement Enquiry
Quote Quote Intimation
Frequency Quote

Sales/Services Support New Business Billing
Issue Application Requirements Auto / Interactive Printing & Cooling-off
Needs Business Premium
Quote/ Enquiries Capture Management Underwriting Despatch Cancellation
Analysis Perf. Mgmt. Collections

Non Financial Endorsements Branch Support

Fresh Change in Duplicate Other
Change of Assignment / Change in Bank Account, Change of Clarifications
/ Change of Country of Policy Non-financial
Address Reassignment Telephone Number, e-mail id etc Name To branches
Nomination Residence Certificates Endorsements

Financial Endorsements Claims

Change in Change in Addition/ Change in
Change in Addition of Change in Plan Claim Claim
Premium Mode / Risk Deletion of Fund
Face Amount Life Assured Policy Term Alteration Intimation Enquiry
Frequency Category Rider Options

Reinstatement s (simple cases) Loan / Withdrawals/Surrenders

Issue Premium Loan Payout
Requirements Policy Status Issue Policy Withdrawal/
Reinstatement Underwriting Rating Collection & Process Loan With Loan &
Management Updation Quote Assignment Surrenders
Quote Accounting Interest Details

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 82

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Model
• To Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– Solution Enablers
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 83

IT Vision and Mission

Keeping in mind that the IT vision needs to be aligned to the overall Vision and subsequent
discussions with various stakeholders, TCS would like to propose the following IT Vision.

IT Vision (Proposed)
• To enable BSLI to be amongst the top three Life insurance in the private sector within India,
by adopting the cutting-edge technology and industry best practices as a means to manage
growth and competitiveness.

IT Mission (Proposed)
• To provide a customer centric, secure, reliable, scalable and enabling IT environment that
would ensure an effective and empowered Business team capable of scaling to the market

IT Principles (Proposed)
• Enterprise operations are maintained even when system interruptions occur
• Development of applications used across Enterprise is preferred
• IT is responsible for owning and implementing IT processes and infrastructure
• Data is accessible for users to perform their functions
• IT Governance is utilized to ensure Business – IT alignment
• Tools and Metrics are utilized to allow for proactive measurement, actions and perform
• Alliances is made with World Class suppliers to incubate best of breed processes, achieve
scalable and quality resource profile and thus achieve a higher success rate

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Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Enabling Solution
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– Solution Enablers
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

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IT Governance - Recommendations

• Implement specific committees with clearly defined roles and responsibilities

– Executive Committee
• The roles and responsibilities would need to be redefined as per industries best practices
• This brings out the fact the top management needs to be involved in the IT investments
and the investment needs to be driven and controlled by business.
• It will also take care of the IT risks at a high level
– Change Control Board
• It will ensure that change is managed in a predefined process specially for enhancement
– Vendor Management Office
• ensure a coordinated working of the various outsourced projects of BSLI most of which are
strategic in nature for BSLI
– Steering Committee
• Provides a formal forum for escalating needs to business.
• Helps the drive for the scheduled dates for Strategic projects along with Business and IT
• The roles and responsibilities would need to be defined according to the best practices for
this committee

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IT Governance - Recommendations
• Introduce the role of an architect
– The role of the architect would take care of the various upcoming projects in terms of integration
with the existing applications.
– The role would also be enable a seamless integration of systems within BSLI
– He would be a single point of contact who can identify which applications should be responsible
for responding for a specific message
– The Architect will be able to drive toward a standard technology path for BSLI
– This will help drive the best choices to be made to achieve the desired business objectives

• Involve external representatives from reputed IT organizations to participate in Steering Committees

– Since IT is not the main function of BSLI the presence of an external IT member from a reputed
IT organization would ensure the decision making process has a third party opinion
– He would also keep in mind the best practices being deployed in IT in terms of similar
organizations globally and advise the same to BSLI

• Introduce SLA & Metrics

– Will help define expectations and TAT with customers and vendors
– Will measure success of strategic projects
– Will help in capturing trends which will be useful to implement corrective actions

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IT Governance

President & CEO

Virtual Committees Shared services IT

Executive Steering Planning

Business Unit IT
Committee Committee Committee


Change Control Management

Systems Solutions Architect IT Operations

XX Recommended Additions

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IT Governance – Executive Committee

Executive committee needs to be in place for providing a strategic direction for the IT organization.
Listed below are the typical constituents and roles and responsibilities of such a committee
• CEO’s selected direct reports ( those who are most impacted by the IT decisions. It should be a
maximum of three members)
• Ensure management has put in place an effective strategic planning process
• Ratify the aligned business and IT strategy
• Ensure that IT organizational structure complements the business model and direction
• Ascertain that management has put processes and practices in place that ensure IT delivers value
to business
• Ensure that IT investments represents a balance of risk and benefit and that budgets are
• Ensure that a proper balance of IT investments for sustaining and growing the enterprise
• Be aware of about IT risk exposures and their containment
• Evaluate the effectiveness of management’s monitoring of IT risk
• Assess senior management’s performance on It strategies in operations
• Work with the executives to define and monitor high level IT performance.
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IT Governance – Steering Committee
The steering committee will be responsible for the looking after all the IT initiatives of BSLI especially the
strategic projects. For the enhancement projects, they will look at the summary provided by the change
control board.
• Strategy & Planning Head/VP-IT
• IT Heads,
• Business Relationship Managers / Project Managers from business
• IT advisor from an external reputed IT organization
• Define Priorities for projects
• Assess strategic fit of large IT initiative
• Performing project portfolio reviews for continuing strategic relevance
• Review, approve and fund initiatives, assessing how they improve business processes
• Ensure identification of all cost and fulfillment of cost/benefit analysis
• Perform portfolio reviews for cost optimization
• Ensure that all projects have project risk management component
• Act as sponsor of the control, risk, and governance framework
• Make key IT governance decisions
• Define project success measures (including expected delivery dates)
• Follow progress on major IT projects
• Vendor Identification.
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 90
IT Governance – Change Control Board

For managing small projects specially the change mechanism a Change Control board or
Change advisory board needs to be in place

Constituents :
• Change Control Board (CCB) typically consists of IT heads / Project Managers
• The CCB has to be headed by a Change manager

Responsibilities :
• Reviewing, Evaluating, Approving, Delaying or Rejecting changes to the projects with all
decisions and recommendations being recorded
• Classification of accepted Request For Changes (RFC)
• Obtaining required authorization for change
• Scheduling the change
• Planning and coordinating the implementation of the changes
• Reviewing all implemented changes to ensure that the desired objective is achieved
• Generating regular and accurate Change management reports
• Closing of RFCs.

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IT Governance – Vendor Management Office

In case of an organization like BSLI which plans to outsource a substantial part of their project
works, it is of prudence to have a Vendor Management Office to take care of the function.

• Align to organization’s strategic goals
• Vendor evaluation and selection for sourcing /outsourcing
• Contract Management
• Resource & Asset management
• Cost Management
• Customer satisfaction survey of vendors services
• Establish Issue & Dispute resolution process
• Vendor reporting on service levels, employee turnover, staffing levels, disaster recovery,
security etc, Analysis and Improvement measures
• Communication & Relationship management to ensure items of mutual interest & importance
are communicated & addressed
• Ensure billing is reasonable & correct. Review invoices & approve payments
• Vendor evaluation for strengths & weaknesses to indicate appropriateness for projects
• Facilitate change management to ensure service delivery is not impacted
• Transition monitoring to ensure the scope & requirements are clearly understood to ensure
seamless transitions.

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IT Governance - Architect

The architect would be a single point of contact looking after the IT architecture of the entire
organization he will help the BSLI drive towards a standard technology path. This will help drive best
choices to be made to achieve the desired business objectives

• Provide Architecture guidelines
• Consult/advice on the application of architecture guidelines
• Direct IT architecture design
• Ensure that the IT architecture reflects the need for legislative and regulatory compliance, the
ethical use of information and business continuity
• Verify compliance with architecture guidelines
• Provide training as appropriate for understanding and use of architecture

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IT Governance – Key metrics

For a proper governance of the IT organization it is not only necessary to have the proper committees to
overlook the functioning but also imperative to have in place proper metrics to monitor the various
activities. Given subsequently is a list of indicative key metrics which BSLI can use for tracking various

Development Projects Maintenance & Operations

Effort Customer Service
• Productivity – Lines of Code per • Bad Fixes
day • Backlog Management Index
Quality • Response time
• Defect containment – Trend • Compliance to defined SLA
• Defect density • Incident arrival rate
• Review effectiveness • No of incidents serviced per day

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IT Governance – SLA adoption process

For having an effective governance it is necessary to have a proper service management mechanism
in place. To have an effective service management it is imperative to have proper SLAs in place.
Listed below is a diagrammatic representation for the process of setting up effective SLAs.

Identification Measure Service Examine Corrective Continuous

Activity Measured Action guidance
• Identify what needs • Gather statistical • Analyze data • Create a solution • Continuously
to be measured – to information • Root cause monitor process
• Document the changes
drive towards a • Evaluate the analysis
specific objective eg. information for • Identify potential solution • Document
Improving quality; effectiveness and improvement • Implement the process changes
improving the efficiency opportunities
response time solution
• Prepare reports

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IT Governance – SLA definition checklist

• The metric is objectively measurable

• The metric includes a clear statement of the end result expected
• The metric supports customer requirements, including compliance issues
• The metric focuses on the effectiveness or efficiency of the process being measured
• The metric allows for meaningful trend or statistical analysis
• Appropriate industry standards or other external standards are being applied
• Assumptions and definitions or a satisfactory performance are specified
• Those responsible for the performance being measured have been fully involved in
the development of the metric
• The provider and BSLI accepts the metrics

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 96

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Enabling Solution
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– Solution Enablers
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 97

Project Management

Recommendations & Rationale

• Enhance the Configuration Management solution
– Will enable parallel development when the development team expands
– Will not depend upon the DBA for obtaining code
– Will be able to re-generate any specific version that was released into production

• Implement a release calendar

– Will ensure that only the priority projects are worked first
– Will be a mutually agreed upon package containing the list of business & IT projects
going into a release
– Will provide a means of having a mutually agreed date for releases
– Will provide a mechanism of introduce testing and review processes for the package

• Implement a lean PMO

– To help institutionalize the best practices across projects
– To define the Project Management methodology and coach Project Managers
– Provides a mechanism of uniform reporting and metrics collection
– Help with change management activities
– Help in implementing quality processes within the IT team
– Will help in identifying and classifying risks

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Project Management

• Enhance the testing capabilities of the team

– Ensure that new code does not break existing functionality
– Introduce the concept of negative testing to test unplanned scenarios

• Utilize tools for Defect Management

– Provides a means for ensuring that all defects are tracked to closure
– Enables a means of identifying the current state of the quality of code
– Enables a means of validating the quality of testing being performed
– Enables quick metrics collections
– Provides an mechanism to validate SLAs for turnaround time being met

• Prioritize Requests for Change

– Best practices for the Change Management process suggests that Requests for
Change (RFCs) need to be prioritized for proper addressing of change and timely
attending the same
– Prioritization also ensure that critical issues are solved at the earliest enabling smooth
flow of work process
– Analysis of BSLI processes shows that there is no proper prioritization process for

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 99

Project Management – Best Practices
The following are the best practise of Project Management that would need to be
implemented to help BSLI when they expand the development team

• Controlling frequent changes in requirements

– Have business play a role in funding critical projects
– Create a Change Control Board (CCB)
– Walk through requirements with Stakeholder representatives & IT

• Improve Quality
– Release cycles to be defined and managed
– Testing process to be refined
– Walk through requirements with Stakeholder representatives & IT
– Change should be managed in a controlled environment
– Define the type of measurements that would be needed for improvements
– Refine and use the existing Quality Management Process

• Standardize
– Refine and Utilize the Project Management Process that is existing
– Incorporate review mechanism to standardize code / documents etc.
– Conduct Project Management Reviews for completed Large projects
– Have Project Managers trained in Project Management

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Project Management – Best Practices

• Refine the Testing Process

– Introduce Regression testing to ensure that new code has not broken
existing logic.
– Training of testing for associates to enable a lot more negative testing
– Introduce a mechanism of tracking Test defects to closure
– Carve out a testing window within the release cycle to freeze code and
move it to testing. It has the added benefit of tracking slippage.
– Create Test plans with a cross reference to requirements and version
control the same

• Utilize a Vendor to provide testing needs

– Setting up the testing process
– Defining the metrics to be collected
– Implementing best testing practices
– Develop the maturity of testing
– Coach existing testers to provide a more comprehensive UAT Plan

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Project Management – Best Practices

• Implement a better Configuration Management

– Implement a better process around version control
– Create a Build Manager Role (refine it to just building and releasing executable
to various environments – not responsible for merging differences)
– Provide a mechanism to label builds to be able to rebuild based on a label.
– Consider moving to PVCS Professional Suite or Clearcase
• Enables Parallel development
• Provide the ability to use native development environment

• Managing defects via tools

– Introduce the defect tracking separate for development and testing
– Introduce an SLA for the turn around time for defects
– Purchase a defect management tool, preferably one that has the option to
integrate with the Configuration Mgmt and Project Management

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Project Management – Best Practices

• Set up lean PMO

– Define PMO Charter, Roles & Responsibilities
– Define the functioning of lean PMO
– Define the PM methodology and coach the existing Project Managers.
– Implement a pilot and refine over a 3 -6 months timeframe

Functions of PMO:
• Maintain global inventory of projects by category [What they are doing?]
• Prioritization and operation planning / forecasting
• Project information Integrity
• Project management and training
• Resource managements – gaps, recruitment, and skill competency
• Project management process and methodology
• PM Metrics and reporting
• Just in time support to project needs
• Project start-up assistance.
• Project change management support.

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Project Management – Best Practices

• Providing Standard methodology for 56 % • Ensuring PMO projects have direct 43 %

managing project links to company’s strategic and
operating plans
• Responsibility for process, project 38 %
Which Project Which are the
reporting and tracking • Providing standard methodology for 40 %
Management most effective managing projects
practices were • Ensuring Similar projects are 37 % practices for
executed in a similar way • Having executive sponsorship / 37 %
most effective in helping the support from Senior Management
helping the • Having funding and information 29 % company meet its
needed to speed up or slow down • Ensuring PMO works only on 37 %
organization meet project delivery strategic goals projects that support a business
its financial goals goal or strategy
• Providing a process for resource 27 %
allocation and Capacity • Using a process to ensure groups 31 %
Management are aligned on project process,
selection, priority and execution

• Project Success Rates have 56 %

increased as a result of having
PMO • Unreasonable workloads 52 %
How to rank the
• Project success rates (completed 46 % top challenges to • A lack of PMO authority to carry out 43 %
on time, within budget with all
Benefits of PMO original specifications) have
their PMO’s business objectives
increased by effectiveness • A lack of support from business unit 42 %
• Implement PM Standards 62 %
• Increased internal Customer 38 %
Top Benefits of
• Increased Employee Productivity 39 %
Total respondents – 303
having a PMO
52% annual revenue > $1 Billion
• Lower Costs 27 %
22% annual revenue $100 - 999 Mill
• Increased External Customer 25 % 18% annual revenue < $100 Mil
Source: Survey CIO Magazine & PMI – Feb 2003
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 104
Project Management
Prioritizing Process for Managing Change
For effective utilization of resources, the various change requests would need to be
prioritized. This will help ensure that the IT team is able to deliver what the
business needs

• Release Cycles & Change Control Boards will need to be in place
• Change Request logs and Change Control Form

Change Request Prioritizing Process

• Group all the projects together with the client supplied expected delivery date
• Find out the driving factors for the projects to be released on a particular date.
• Identify any dependencies
• Perform an impact analysis, risk analysis and cost benefit analysis
• Document the effort involved for implementing the project.
• Based on the expected release date, bucket the project into one that would best
be suited.
• Add the project to the release cycle bucket that would best suite the recommend
release date
• Within the specific release cycle, with the help of stakeholders, categorize the
projects into high, medium and low (considering any dependencies).
• Mark the projects that can be completed within the available effort.
• Development team will be assigned projects based on the priority
• Projects that need to be added will need prior approval of the CCB and will need to
replace projects based on the effort and other dependencies.

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Project Management
Prioritizing Process for Managing Change

Typical Change Management process flow

Filtering Assessing Authorization Closing

Logging and filtering Assessing and Approving, planning Reviewing and

of requests for classifying RFC and coordinating closing
change (RFC)

Prioritization process in Change Management

Analysis: Yes
Assessing and
Impact Urgent Urgency
classifying RFC
Risk ? Procedure
Cost Benefit

Capacity Configuration Classification

Management Management

High Medium Low

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 106

Project Management
Prioritizing Process for Strategic Projects
For effective utilization of resources, the various projects would need to be prioritized along with the
Business. This will help ensure that the IT is aligned to Business.

• Release Cycles & Steering Committee will need to be in place
• Migrate towards Business providing the funding for projects
• Every project request must be accompanied with a business case (Standard Template)

List of IT projects as identified by the IT team from the business requirements given

Identification of broad parameters in light of BSLI importance. (E.g. Business criticality; IT criticality; Technology criticality; Infrastructure criticality)

Assign weights to the parameters. Governing factor- business strategic direction, regulatory compliance

Assign weights to the parameters. Governing factor- business strategic direction, regulatory compliance

Score the projects based on the parameters to create a list of prioritized project.

Identify project dependencies (projects that need to be completed before other projects are taken up.)

Estimate budget for these projects

Rank the projects based on the scores and highlight dependencies

Based on the rank and dependencies, cut projects that cannot be completed within the provided IT budget.

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Project Management
• Project Management
– Microsoft Enterprise Project Management
– Metrikus (Earlier know as Euclid)
– Oblicore
– Mercury ITG (Earlier known as Kintana)
– IBM IT Lifecycle Management
– Serena Team Track

• Configuration Management
– IBM Clearcase
– Serena PVCS Version Manager

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Project Management
Testing Tools - Indicative costs (for budgeting purposes *)

Vendor Test Mgmt Functional/ Defect/ Requireme Config/ Perf. SOA Testing
Regression Mgmt nt/Mgmt Management Testing
(250 Virtual

Mercury Test Director for Quick test Test Test Can integrate Load Service Test
Quality Center - professional /Win director for director for with tools like Runner - $12000 ((Rs
$30,000 (Rs Runner - $12000 quality quality VSS/Harvest $45000 (Rs 5,40,000/-
13,50,000/- approx**.) (Rs 5,40,000/- center - center - etc 20,25,000/- approx**.)
(Server Licence) + approx**.) + 20% same as same as approx**.)+
Seat - $4000 (Rs maintenance col1 col1 20%
1,80,000/- approx**.) maintenanc
(Perpetual) e
Rational Test Manager yet to Rational Robot- Clear Requisite Clear Case - Performanc IBM uses
get $7930 (Rs Quest - Pro comes #3477 e Tester - Lisa from
3,56,850/- $6719 (Rs with $2525 (Rs ITKO
approx**.)Rational 3,02,355/- unifying 1,13,625/-
Functional tester - approx**.) platform approx**.)
$7930 (Rs comes with
3,56,850/- unifying
approx**.) principles
Segue/ Silk Central Test Silk Test $1170 Issue Caliber RM Can integrate Silk Perform  
Borland Manager - $3825 (Rs (Rs 52,650/- Manager with tools like - $400 (Rs
1,72,125/- approx**.) approx**.)+ Blue VSS/Harvest 18,000/-
Express Agent - etc approx**.)
$270 (Rs 12,150/-
approx**.)+ 20%

* This is an indicative cost only. Actual costs can only be arrived at after detailed requirements and evaluation study

** Assuming US$ 1 = Rs 45/-

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 109

Development tools

Business Modeling
Analysis and System & Deployment Support
and Implementation
Design Integration Testing & Maintenance

Rational RequisitePro Subversion <--- Configuration and Change Management with Tractability -

WebSphere Apache/ IBM BPC Observer

QuickTest Pro
Integration HTTP Server with WPS
Developer (WID)
Portal Server WebSphere
WebSphere Business
Rational Rational Monitor
Software Web Server (WAS)
Architect (RSA) Developer (RWD) WebSphere WAS Admin
Process LoadRunner
Server (WPS)

Rational ESB with WPS MindReef ASG

WBI Modeler Application
SOAPScope Rochade-bucubic
Developer (RAD)
Tivoli Netview
IBM Tivoli
Rational Data DB2 UDB EE Directory Server
Architect Tivoli Monitoring
JRules IBM Tivoli
Team Server Identity Manager (TIM)
Webify etc.
JRules JRules IBM Tivoli
Rule Execution Tivoli Composite
Rule Studio Access Manager (TAM)
Server Application
Crystal Reports Rule Scenario
Manager WebSphere Service
Registry &
BusinessObjects Repository

Defect closing
Change Request

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 110

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
• Application Architecture
• Integration Architecture
• Information Architecture
• Technical Architecture
– Solution Enablers
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 111

IT Architecture
Customer Agent Partner Employee

Scanner/ Terminal Mobile
Policy documents

Portal system
ICR/ OCR Forms System BI (Front-end
system analytics)

BPM Server

Other documents
(contracts, medical records etc.) Filled Policy documents Mobile system
Policy data Integration Bus


Medical systems
Channel Mgt Group policy Reinsurance
Practioners CRM
ECM System mgt system

Quotes Mgt HR Mgt Fund Mgr

Policy admin Investment Mgt New Product
System System System
Legal & Applications
Policy Claims Mgt Fund Valuation &
issuance System accounting Reporting Mgt
Underwriting Accounting Project Mgt Other Systems
system system System systems


Content Data
Repository Data Warehouse ODS

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 112

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
• Application Architecture
• Integration Architecture
• Information Architecture
• Technical Architecture
• Solution Enablers
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 113

Application Architecture
Enterprise Portal

Customer Relationship Management

Sales Operations & Investment Actuarial Customer

Underwriting Service
Channel Mgt Policy Investment Queries/
Claims Reinsurance
Admin. Mgt Complaints

Quotes Group Policy Fund

Business Process Management

Operations New Product


Policy Valuation &


Issuance Reporting


HR Finance IT Legal &
Recruitment Training Accounting Expense Mgt Project Mgt
Legal &
Performance Operations Compliance Mgt
Mgt Payroll Internal Audit Control &
& Risk Mgt Risk Mgt

New Branch Workflow

Business Intelligence

Enterprise Content Management

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 114
Application Architecture - Recommendations

Solution Solutions Solution Rationale

Area Enablers

Mobile Solutions Wireless and perva • Support sales function as BSLI penetrates into locations
(Applications on sive technologies where physical infrastructure support may not be easily
Mobile device) accessible.

Mobile Solutions – Download Illustrations from the portal or through

(SMS based mobile device rather than relying on branch

solutions) networks.

Sales Enablement – Push key information to sales force on application

Agency Portals Portals
(Refer Appendix E) status, pending reasons etc.
Laptop/Desktop • Improve the productivity of sales force by enabling them
(Disconnected) to focus their efforts on selling rather than spend their
time to access support infrastructure
• Improve satisfaction of distributors by providing timely
information on commissions and enabling them to
download commission statements online.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 115

Application Architecture - Recommendations
Solution Solutions Technical Rationale
Area Solutions

Mobile Solutions Wireless and Perva • Provide convenience of multiple touch points to
(SMS based sive technologies customer.
solutions) – BSLI plans to grow by 100% YOY. Providing
multiple touch points especially self service
technologies support handling large volumes
– 50 % of BSLI sales comes from metros. A major
Customer Portals Portals proportion of these customers are tech savvy and
would like technology to enable convenience of
access to BSLI.
experience (Refer
• Consistency of service delivery by integrating
Appendix F)
interactions across multiple touch points.
– With multiple customer contact medium it is
CRM (Service) CRM
necessary to keep them consistent
– This will greatly enhance confidence in alternative
touch points and promote greater adoption.
• Establish good relationship by interacting with
customers for clarifying enquiries, advice on needs for
life stages, greetings for life events etc.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 116

Application Architecture - Recommendations
Solution Solutions Technical Rationale
Area Solutions
Form based Data Data Capture • Reduce manual effort by enabling automation of data
Capture capture and also improve quality.
– Current BSLI operations is a two tier architecture with
all data capture happening at back office (transworks).
– The physical documents are scanned and using a
guided data entry are keyed into the Online Data entry
system. This activity for quality purposes is repeated
twice, compared and a quality check is done.
– These result in significant manual work
– With increasing volumes BSLI may be forced to adopt
a sampling mechanism which can result in quality
Operational Intelligent / issues
Efficiency Optical Character
• Both solutions ensure speed of delivery by facilitating
automation of data entry. Adobe forms also facilitate
electronic submission.
– The current TATs are going to be significantly
challenged as BSLI penetrates into remote locations.
– There is a need to reduce the time for form
submission to back office and automation of data
• Adobe forms enable reach & empowerment of Channel
partners by enabling them to work independent of branch
infrastructure for data capture and submission.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 117

Application Architecture - Recommendations
Solution Solutions Technical Rationale
Area Solutions
Reengineer Illustration Core Applications • Flexibility in product configuration is necessary
System to make it flexible to in both product component of Ingenium and
changes and easily definition of product features in Illustration
exposable to web and other system.
applications – BSLI plans to introduce differentiated
Enhancements & Upgrade products for different segments, packaged
of Ingenium to support & bundled products
individual business. – Regulatory changes are bound to affect
product and process related rules.
Implementation of Agency & • Illustration system needs to be exposed on the
Commission Management web to enable easy access to sales force and
Operational system (ongoing) customers for online and downloadable
Efficiency illustrations.
Build Claims System to • Enhancements to Ingenium for automation of
automate the manual key functions on Ingenium
processes and integration to – There are close to 120 person months of
Ingenium. enhancements for Ingenium related to
individual business
Externalization of process – Upgrade to overcome performance issues.
logic and integration of
• Flexibility to make changes to existing
automated/manual functions
processes and monitor process metrics
through BPM solutions
(ongoing initiative – need to – With growing volumes it is critical to
be extended to all core manage productivity and agility of business
functions) processes

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 118

Application Architecture - Recommendations
Solution Solutions Technical Rationale
Area Solutions

Evaluate feasibility of • Build Claims system to improve productivity and

externalized product reduce risk associated to claims handling and
component which can house verification
the product definitions and – Currently the volumes of claim is low and
rules. hence is handled manually with recording
of transactions done on an access based
Evaluate buy option for
Group business to support – The volumes are likely to increase to 500
current and future needs. cases/ month which will necessitate
automation to manage risk of erroneous
processing. Such errors will have huge
impact on credibility of BSLI in customer’s
Operational perception.
Efficiency • Medical Practioner’s management system
Development of a Medical – Centralized allocation of doctors for
Practioners Management medical examination to prevent collusion
System between agents and doctors.
• Agency and Commission Management
(ongoing initiative)
– Flexibility to meet changing distribution
models & compensation structures
– Manual effort spent in commission
preparation for various channels
– Prone to errors resulting in dissatisfaction
of sales force.
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 119
Application Architecture - Recommendations
Solution Solutions Technical Rationale
Area Solutions
Collaboration Adoption of simple Portals • Enable effective utilization of semiskilled staff in
collaboration tools such as decentralized scenario
chats, discussion boards etc. – In a decentralized scenario some of the
activities which require special skill sets
e.g. Underwriting (Interactive) need to be
performed with guidance from experts.
• Enable effective functioning of field sales force
by supporting their information and training
needs e.g. training or clarification on
need/assessment of specific underwriting
requirements through collaborative mechanism
– With growing volumes and increasing
medical limits it is imperative that field
force is educated enough on nuances of
risk selection.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 120

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
• Application Architecture
• Integration Architecture
• Information Architecture
• Technical Architecture
• Solution Enablers
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 121

Integration Architecture

Group Sun External

HRMS CRM LN Workflow Ingenium
Quotation Accounting Systems

Employee Policy Customer Premium, Policy, Claim,

details details details Payouts & Premium &
TDS Refund

Enterprise Service Bus

Transformation Routing Assured Delivery

Q Mgr

Investment, Policy,Decision Illustration Agent code, policy,

Fund, NAV’s details details Initial Payment,
Renewal Payement

Future Reinsurance Receipt

Applications System Writer

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 122

Integration Architecture - Recommendations
Solution Solutions Technical Rationale
Area Solutions

Study for Migration to a Service Oriented Arc • Manage decentralization of operations

Service Oriented hitecture – To support the impending growth BSLI
Architecture would be needed to adopt a decentralized
structure with formation of hubs
Application functionality would need to be
provided at various processing offices.
– Need to enable a platform agnostic
method of exposing applications to various
touch points & external entities (bank
branches etc.)
– Enable online integration between
Integration Implement an ESB based Enterprise
applications through reliable delivery
Integration architecture Application
• Manage Proliferation and consistency of
functionality across the organization
– With growth and decentralization same
functionality is likely to be built in multiple
applications and at access points
– Need to enable an architecture construct
and associated tools that will prevent
proliferation and maintain consistency

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 123

Integration Architecture - Recommendations
Solution Solutions Technical Rationale
Area Solutions

Study for Migration to a Service Oriented • Consistency of information delivered at multiple

Service Oriented Architecture touch points
Architecture – With growth organizations need to promote
self service through portals, , call centres
(IVR) etc.
– It becomes imperative that information of
customer interactions is updated within
Enterprise reasonable time across the enterprise
Integration – This will result in increased adoption of
alternate touch points and promotes
greater customer satisfaction
• Ease of exposure of application functionality to
enterprise portals, third party portals and
applications of extended enterprise (banks,
CAB etc.)
• Flexibility to change in rules and process logic
– Rapid growth is accompanied by changes
Implement an ESB based Enterprise in business models – products sold,
Integration architecture Application geographies serviced, changes in
Integration business processes and distribution
– Need to build a architecture that is flexible
to above changes.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 124

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
• Application Architecture
• Integration Architecture
• Information Architecture
• Technical Architecture
• Solution Enablers
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 125

Information Architecture
Transactional systems CRM

Ingenium CMS ODES Group Mobile Media

Sales Service
Quotation solutions

Receipt Call
External Marketing Portals Documents
writer Aura AMS Centre

Extract / Cleanse/ Operational Queries /

Transform / Load Back feed


Accounting Reconciliati
Services Predefined

Axis Operational Adhoc OLAP Planning / Data Mining

Reports Queries Analysis Forecasting Engines

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 126

Information Architecture - Recommendations
Solution Solutions Technical Rationale
Area Solutions
Business Intelligence Blue • Business Intelligence Strategy Study will
Print definition enable BSLI to clearly define and identify the
– High Level Information Requirements
– Conceptual Data Model (Subject Areas
and Entities)
– Business Intelligence Architecture
– Tools Selection
– Prioritization & Roadmap
• Major focus of this engagement to be on tool
Information and
Content selection and drill down of Business
Management Intelligence initiative to executable projects.
Build Operational Data Store Business Intelligenc • Operational Reporting Requirements with very
and standard MIS reports e minimal analytical capability can be supported
out of a Operational Data Store
• Major transactional applications viz. Ingenium
has limited support for reporting
• Though in current BSLI application portfolio
most of these reports are supported out of
single applications the scenario might change
with introduction of applications to support new
product lines

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 127

Information Architecture - Recommendations
Solution Solutions Technical Rationale
Area Solutions
Build Operational Data Store • Can also support operational queries from
and standard MIS reports customers and channel partners and thus
offset the load on transactional applications.
• Can feed into management dashboards.
• Can also capture back feed from analytics (e.g.
cross selling propensity scores of customers,
propensity to lapse) to sales/servicing
Build Data warehouse and • Data warehouse stores the effect of business
analytical solution transactions and stores required detailed as
well as summary data.
• Serves as a single integrated source of
enterprise data with consistent definitions
across business functions in enterprise.
• Primarily used for analytical purposes -multi
dimensional analysis (Sales Performance
evaluation, Sales force utilizations, Lapse and
Mortality experience etc.).
• Enables business to carry out complex
profiling, define and validate hypothesis,
perform scenario analysis etc.
• Reduce the load of such complex queries on
transactional applications

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 128

Information Architecture - Recommendations
Solution Solutions Technical Rationale
Area Solutions
Build Data Mining solutions • Enables inference of solutions to open ended
business problems (e.g. profiling of customers
with a higher propensity to lapse, prediction of
transaction that can result in fraud e.g. money
laundering, collusion between agents and
doctors etc.)
• Supports deducement of relationships that
exist in data that are not apparent by normal
multidimensional analysis
• Supports undirected learning from data e.g.
clustering for customer segmentation,
distributor segmentation etc.

Implement Document & Enterprise Content • Mechanism to capture , store and manage
Content Management Management unstructured data (scanned application forms,
solutions for all business supporting documents etc.) in the enterprise.
functions • Mechanism to create statements /
correspondences online without storing them
and facilitating their distribution through e-mails
• Very critical in a decentralized scenario to
control the storage and retrieval of such
unstructured content for various processing

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 129

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
• Application Architecture
• Integration Architecture
• Information Architecture
• Technical Architecture
• Solution Enablers
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 130

Technical Architecture

Presentation / Channel Common

B2E Portal Client Terminal

B2B Portal B2C Portal

WS Process server Process Layer

EAI layer

Conversion Routing Assured Delivery

Business Logic layer

Peoplesoft Talisma Ingenium Sun Other Quantis In house
Accounting Products appns

Data Services ETL

Data Sources

Meta Data Single

Data Single
DB2 Operationa
View View
Content l
Repository Databases

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 131

Technical Architecture

Move towards a layered enterprise technical architecture (see previous figure)


• This type of layered architecture allows for clear separation of concerns (a principal tenet of a
good architecture)
• It allows for each component to be scaled independently.

The different layers in the proposed landscape are briefly explained below:
• Presentation Layer
Objective: To isolate presentation technology specific details from other layers.
– It acts as a consumer of services residing in the Process layer or Business Service Layer
• Business Process Layer
Objective: To manage business services and/or process services and/or partner services to
implement a composite business process or function.
– Supports serial and parallel invocation of services
– Supports synchronous and asynchronous invocation of services
– Manages internal state for long running business services
– Allows transactional integrity for long running process

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 132

Technical Architecture

EAI layer
Objective:To provide loose coupling and mediation between service consumer and service
provider as well as for integrating with business logic layer.
– Provides service brokering functionalities (intelligent routing, message format and protocol
transformation) between service consumer (Application front end/Process Layer) and
Service provider (Process Layer/Application service layer)
– Provides loose coupling between service consumer and service provider through location
transparency and protocol transformation
– Provides capabilities for service publish and discovery to/from service repository

Business logic layer

Objective: To act as a service provider for access layer and process layer.
– Encapsulates atomic operations on a single business domain
– Owns a logical group of data entities
– Can integrate with resource layer through the integration infrastructure layer
Information Integration layer
Objective:To extract data from operational database, combine and transform that data in the
format that is in aligned with the business reporting needs and load it.
– Reduce time needed to integrate critical data into decision making processes
– Enable capabilities of business intelligence applications through analysis of enterprise
wide data

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 133

Technical Architecture

Data Services
Objective:To separate the data access mechanism from the actual data

Data Sources
Objective:To hold persistent application data. This layer can hold the data as it
consists of the databases.

Objective:This vertical layer ensures secured interaction between service
consumers and providers.
– The security layer will ensure secure interaction between service consumer and
provider through authentication, authorization, auditing, encryption and other
appropriate security mechanisms
– It supports the basic security principles of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Objective:This vertical layer deals with monitoring, and governance of services.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 134

Technical Architecture

Select J2EE as technology platform of choice for future application development

• Most of the applications in the current portfolio are based on java technologies
• State of the art technology choice increases systems life and ensures better integration
with new technologies
• Uniform technology choice leads to less manpower strength required for maintenance as
the skill sets required is less
• Reduced technology uncertainty
• J2EE platform enjoys a wide developer community and knowledge base resulting in the
development and support of numerous best practices and ready to use frameworks,
such as Struts, Spring, JSF, Tapestry, WebWork, etc
• There are a number of widely supported tools for J2EE design, development, testing
and deployment

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 135

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– Solution Enablers
• Wireless and Pervasive Technologies
• Portals
• Data Capture Solutions
• Business Intelligence
• Enterprise Content Management
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 136

Wireless & Pervasive Technology - Characteristics

Mobile Solutions are typically of 3 types:

Always Online
• For access to information that are dynamically changing
• Always connected to server
• No data on mobile terminal

Offline-Disconnected Mode Applications

• Information need not be available in real time from the server
• Mobile application work independently
• Periodic replication between mobile terminal & backend

Online-Offline Combination
• Online exchange of data with the central system when in coverage area
• Work independently (in limited context) when out of coverage area

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 137

Wireless & Pervasive Technology – Decision Points

Devices Wireless Network Applications Infrastructure


• PDA • WLAN • CRM • Mobile App Server

• Laptop/ Tablet PC • GSM • ERP • Legacy Systems
• Smart Phones • GPRS • SFA • Databases
• Email Devices • CDMA • Email • Middleware
• Bluetooth • Field Services • Application Server
• Satellite • Telematics
Selection Criteria

• Cost • Cost • Functionality • Type of Data Access

• Memory • Coverage • Interface • Latency
• Display • Bandwidth • Source • Device/Network
• Processing Power • Reliability • Security support
• Battery Life • Security • Security
• Email

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 138

Wireless & Pervasive Technology – Technology Description

SMS (Short Messaging Service)

• SMS is cheap and available on almost all mobile phones and low end devices - Main advantage
• SMS does not deliver convenient user interface & not suitable for complex transactions

Mobile Middleware Product

• Develop feature-rich standalone mobile applications
• Very secure and reliable channel of communication
• Most suitable for complex transactions
• Easily customized according to target mobile device features

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) – (Expensive Solution)

• WAP application requires WAP Gateway
• Enables secure transactions using HTTPS and WTLS
• End users need WAP-enabled phones or devices with WAP browser & pay according to data rate
or time consumed

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 139

Wireless & Pervasive Technology – SMS Architecture

SMS Gateway Mobile Service

SMS Agents

Text Messaging
Information Email to Database to
Source Mobile (Push) Mobile (Push)
Web Server,
Email Server, Pull

SMS Application Server can be configured to run external scripts (VBScript or Javascript) based on the incoming SMS keyword.
Depending on the product selected, command line interfaces may exist that allow integration with third party products to trigger event
based SMS messages.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 140

Wireless & Pervasive Technology – Middleware Architecture

Mobile Service
Mobile Server


Rich GUI Services

Offline Data
Source Data Synch
Web Server,
Email Server, Customized Customized
Etc.) Alerts Application

SMS Application Server can be configured to run external scripts (VBScript or Javascript) based on the incoming SMS keyword. Depending
on the product selected, command line interfaces may exist that allow integration with third party products to trigger event based SMS

Application Architecture

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 141

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– Solution Enablers
• Wireless and Pervasive Technologies
• Portals
• Data Capture Solutions
• Business Intelligence
• Enterprise Content Management
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 142

Portal Solutions – Stakeholder wise features

Customers Agents Employees Branches Partners

Applications Website Website Payroll BSLI Online Ingenium

  CRM AMS LN Workflow LN Workflow CRM

    BI BI BI  

    CRM PeopleSoft Ingenium  





Self - Service          

Document Management          


BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 143

Portal Solutions - Architecture
Portal Server
Monitoring Tool Application Server

Portal Server
Server Connectors Screens

Call Center
Access Mgt Search Portlets
Agents Runtime

Plug-in Collaboration
Employees Internet Document Mgr

Partners Personalization
Themes/ Skins

WSRP Services Data Access

Access Mgt
Server Identity Mgt

Directory Server
Content Mgt
User Profile Policy Server
Repository Repository Databases
Content Mgr

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 144

Portal Solutions – Solution Overview

Portal Server
• Will provide all the users, policy and identity management to enforce security, single sign-on and
access capabilities to end user communities
• Will provide key portal services, such as personalization, aggregation, security, integration,
mobile access, and search

Portal Presentation/GUI Framework

• Provide the means of delivering applications and content on the portal.
• Small reusable program that can be placed on the portal page to perform a specific function,
such as retrieve and display a piece of information.
• Can be of JSP/Struts/JSF framework
• Provide the navigation, appearance, and layout of the portal,
• Includes colors, fonts, and images outside of the portlet content area
• Screens fill the area of the portal that typically displays portlets (Home screen)
• Represent the border rendering around components, such as row containers, column containers,
or portlets
• Skins are installed independently from themes.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 145

Portal Solutions – Solution Overview

Business Layer
It consists of the following categorized elements which support the processing part of the application:
• Business Components [ POJOs, Java Beans, EJBs etc.]
• Business Services [ Portlet services, Web Services, WSRP services]

Data layer
It consists of the following repositories :
• Portal Config Repository
– Portal, Portlet related tables
– Document Management related tables
– Content Management, Personalization, etc related tables
• Application Repository
– Business Data for Applications
• User & Group Repository
– Users identities and credentials
– Users profiles
– Users application preferences
– Applications authorization policies

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 146

Portal Solutions – Solution Overview

Document Management
• Provides a place where users can contribute, edit, view, share and search documents, with
others in their community, by uploading files and organizing them into business relevant
• Includes productivity components for rich-text editing: Word, Spreadsheet, Presentation

Search Module
• Provide efficient and feature-rich search capability
• Ability to plug-in external search engine(s)

• Things that the user does to see the changes; that is, it is something the user decides.
• Handled by the Portal GUI Framework (i.e. Pages, Portlets, Labels, etc).

• Things that the portal does knowing who the user is and based on information saved about the
• Handled by the Personalization component of the Portal

Application Architecture

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 147

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– Solution Enablers
• Wireless and Pervasive Technologies
• Portals
• Data Capture Solutions
• Business Intelligence
• Enterprise Content Management
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 148

• Implement an integrated enterprise-wide CRM strategy to leverage effectively the
benefits out of a CRM solution
• Get a System Integrator on board (use a SI Partner) to reduce the skills gap of the
• Introduce a CRM Steering Committee (as the CRM solution is cross functional, this
needs to be represented by each of the various business units) [see next slide]
• Identify CRM features to be utilized. See the table on next slide for features in BSLI
• Bring Talisma instances to a single version (At present there are two instances of
Talisma running.)
• Customize the product to meet the specific requirements at BSLI.
• Roll out the CRM modules across the processes
• Use the recommended integration layer to integrate with the any other enterprise
• Expose the application through portal for all the user types.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 149

CRM – Steering Committee

• The following table shows indicative CRM modules that can be deployed and the impacted
business units (marked in grey cells).
• It highlights the cross-functional nature of a CRM solution and necessitates participation of the
identified units on the CRM steering committee

    Mark Banca Gro Opera Contact

eting DSF /CAB up Fin. tions Centre
Multichannel campaign execution (including phone, direct mail,
Marketing the Web, wireless devices, email, direct sales, and partner
networks. )              
Events marketing management( plan, manage and execute
marketing events)              
Loyalty program management (single view of the customer,
loyalty points & promotions)              
Integration with execution channels without development work
Sales Lead and opportunity management
Guided tele-selling              
Multichannel support (direct, tele, indirect, Web)              

Mobility (anytime, anywhere access; working in disconnected  

Custimer Customer service processes ( teleservice, telesales, complaint
Service processing,contract entitlement )              
Interaction tracking and customer history (cross-channel
information across previous touchpints)

Application Architecture

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 150

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– Solution Enablers
• Wireless and Pervasive Technologies
• Portals
• Data Capture Solutions
• Business Intelligence
• Enterprise Content Management
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 151

Data Capture Solutions - Adobe form
• Adobe Livecycle Reader Extensions & Barcode Decoder
– Adobe forms can be distributed to agents or can be made downloadable through portals.
– Adobe forms can be used for data entry in an offline mode using acrobat reader.
– Data captured in the forms updates a dynamic 2D Barcode.
– Adobe forms can also be prefilled (e.g. customer’s details )
– The filled forms can be either submitted electronically or can be printed and mailed.
– Data filled in the forms can be extracted by decoding the barcode even if it is sent in physical

Internet User
Signs Form

Create Interactive Distribute End Users Print Form

fill forms using
Adobe PDF Form To users
Adobe Reader
with barcode and
Or Adobe Acrobat
embed rights for
Send form
the reader
by Mail or Fax
Submit Form

Decode barcode
and extract
user supplied
Data Scan Paper
Integrated Data with applications,
Databases and workflows

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 152

Data Capture Solutions - ICR/OCR
• Intelligent / Optical Character Recognition
– The Forms are Scanned and passed through the Auto QA. This checks the scanned image for
quality and if required, the images are cleaned up and repaired .
– The auto template ID, maps the scanned images to the specific template that is used from the
Form data repository. The OCR/ICR recognition software extracts the required details from the
– Forms, where the images are not recognized (based on the predefined quality - eg. 90%), are
sent for manual entry, with the characters in question highlighted.
– The extracted data and the content is stored into the respective repository.

Form Processing Server

Auto QA Auto OCR, ICR, OMR, Data

Template ID Barcode Recognition Validation

Scan Verify
Forms Rejects
Fax In Content
( Form Data)

Supervisor Application Architecture

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 153
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– Solution Enablers
• Wireless and Pervasive Technologies
• Portals
• Data Capture Solutions
• Business Intelligence
• Enterprise Content Management
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 154

Business Intelligence - Solution Overview
• Information Requirements of an enterprise fall into the following categories
– Analytical Requirements
• Strategic requirements (e.g. Analytics that are domain of senior management and that
which supports medium to long term decision making – e.g. Organizational Market
share, growth etc.)
• Tactical requirements – ( Analytics that help measure the effectiveness of various
functions viz. sales, marketing, operations etc.)
– Operational requirements
• Operational Reports (Reports / Data needs that are required to execute a function
e.g. list of policies with pending premium payments, policies that have been issued by
a specific for a given day etc.)
• Operational queries (Application status, status of a pending claim etc.)
• Data Services (Feeds to downstream applications e.g. Actuarial feeds)
• Operational Integration (Facilitate integration of data feeds both real and batch
between applications in the enterprise)
– Adhoc requirements
• Queries usually against detailed data which are not predefined.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 155

Business Intelligence - Solution Overview

• Information Requirements of an enterprise fall into the following categories

– Data Mining Requirements
• Analysis which are open ended and are driven towards understanding complex
relationships within existing data (e.g. propensity to lapse, cross sell and up sell
potential, fraud detection etc.
– Dashboards
• Dashboards are usually for keeping track of operational performance & monitoring. It
is more a mechanism of presentation of operational performance.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 156

Business Intelligence - Sample Analytical Requirements
Stakeholders Type of Typical Analytical / Indicative KPIs / Data Dimensions
Requireme Operational requirements
nt Requirements
Senior Analytical • Topline growth / • Annual Premium • Product Lines
Management (Strategic) Market share Equivalent (First • Geography etc.
• Profitability Year / Renewal
• Investment Premiums
performance • Volume of policies
Sales (DSF, Analytical • New Business • Number of New • By Channel
CAB, (Tactical) & Performance Policies • By Sales
Bancassuranc Operational (Overall , sales • Annual Premium Outlets (BSLI
e, Group Requiremen contests ) equivalent (Total / Branches , Bank
Sales ) ts • Recruitment/ Average) branches, CAB
Utilization of Sales • Number of agents / outlets etc.)
force active agents • By Sales
• Quality of • Leads to policy Hierarchy
conversion process conversion etc. (BM/AM/Agent
Marketing Analytical • Campaign & • Number of enquiries / • By Customer
(Tactical) , Advertisement leads Segments
Operational effectiveness • Sales related to • By Campaigns
Requiremen • Cross / Up Sell specific campaign • By Product /
ts • Customer • Marketing spend etc. Plan etc.
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 157
Business Intelligence - Sample Analytical Requirements
Stakeholders Type of Typical Analytical / Indicative KPIs / Dimensions
Requirement Operational Data requirements
Planning and Operational • Business Plans vs. • Planning and • Product lines
Finance Actual Finance • Geography
• Branches
• Profit Centre /
Cost Centre etc
Operations Tactical & • Customer • Customer • Product lines
Operational Experience analysis complaints • Customer
• Lapse Ratios segments etc.
• TAT of process
• Mortality / other
Compliance Operational , • Risk Exposure • Large Cash • Transaction size
Data Mining transactions
• Patterns of
freelook/ Cancl.

Note:This list is indicative & not exhaustive

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 158
Business Intelligence - Sample Operational Requirements

• A list of typical operational reports is listed below

– Recruitment/Utilization Report etc.

– Daily business report for branches

– Applications completion report (received and completed)

– Status of Applications submitted and reasons for pending

– Statistics of service requests processed

– Status of service requests and reasons for pending.

– Applications with pending requirements

– Not taken up with reasons

– Policy Issued

– Pending for renewals, renewals collected .

– Case of cheque dishonors with reasons

– List of Claims Outstanding for the month

– List of claims processed for the month

– Statistics of claim received, processed , pending etc.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 159

Business Intelligence - Recommendations

• Build an operational data store which will facilitate delivery of operational MIS, Data services,
adhoc queries etc
– Operational data store will store detailed and granular data; Will not store history; Data
modeling will be based on normalized structures.
– This will reduce the load on transactional systems when used for querying purposes.
– Can support operational queries at customer touch points and near real time integration
needs which may arise in future
• Build operational reports against Transactional data stores (e.g. Ingenium DB2 store)
– This is recommended if all operational reports don't require any integration of data from
multiple sources. Currently this the case in BSLI but likely to change with introduction of
more product lines.
– This is suitable only if operational systems do not face performance issues due to online
– There are no major data quality issues which needs to be cleansed before feeding into
• Given the current performance issues with Ingenium (batch) and the impending growth in
volumes it is recommended to have an operational data store to take the load off transactional
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 160
Business Intelligence - Recommendations

• Build a Data warehouse which will facilitate delivery of analytical requirement which is used for
strategic planning and for decision making related to various functions.
– Will store both detailed and summarized data that is transformed.
– Data modeling to be based on dimensional structures.
• Procure an ETL tool that will facilitate data extraction from various transactional sources
– Leading ETL tools in the market include Informatica, Data Stage, Business Objects Data
– Data Profiling on source needs to be done to understand the data quality characteristics
and define suitable cleansing mechanisms. Need for cleansing tools to be evaluated
• Extraction Transformation and Load Process
– Extraction can be push or pull from the source system (Pull is generally used when near
real time update or lesser latency is required)
– Flat files can be used for staging for data transformations involving only simple mappings
to facilitate improved performance
– Use of RDBMS for staging to be considered only for complex transformations
– Partial Staging in RDBMS to be used where complex transformations and lookups are

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 161

Business Intelligence - Recommendations

• Procure an analysis tool

– Tool should support reporting in multiple formats e.g. pdf , excel and should have the
capability to publish reports on the web
– Tool should support complex analytical requirements
– Tool should support planning and forecasting
– Leading tools in the market include Business Objects, Cognos.
• Procure a data modeling tool
– Provide a graphical mechanism for creating and maintaining data models; Mechanism to
store and review definitions related to entities, their attributes and the relationships
between them
– Leading tools in market include Erwin, Oracle designer etc.

Information Architecture

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 162

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– Solution Enablers
• Wireless and Pervasive Technologies
• Portals
• Data Capture Solutions
• Business Intelligence
• Enterprise Content Management
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 163

Enterprise Content Mgt

Recommendations & Rationale

• Implement an Enterprise Content Management solution

– Ensure that the unstructured information in the BSLI is efficiently managed, viz:
• Vendors’ contract related files for each of the branches. For every site, there are about ten
vendors/ suppliers.
• Medical reports from the medical partners
• Brochures/ Collaterals of marketing, sales

– Leverage the content manager that is part of the existing software portfolio
• Additional components will utilize the existing content repository & features of content manager.

– Enable dynamic generation of documents without storage requirement

• Send scheduled/ on-request electronic statements through e-mails to customers
• Can be suited for sending out reports in a timely manner.

– Automate the administration of all legal records in BSLI

• Will become important in future as Insurance industry matures and regulations become more
• Manage risk associated with records management

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 164

Enterprise Content Mgt

Call Center
Content Mgr * Records Mgr
Client Content
Terminal Repository
E-mail Archival Enterprise
Server Mgr Reports Mgr
Internet Reports
Partners Repository

Directory Server

User Profile Policy

Repository Repository

* Current exists in BSLI

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 165
Enterprise Content Mgt
Solution Overview
• Enterprise Reports Manager
– Automates process of querying and retrieving documents
– Provides the option of what are type of documents required, who will receive them,
when will the documents be retrieved and delivered and where it will be delivered.
– Manage and utilize Spool files (binary form /line data, advanced format presentation etc.)
– Generate content dynamically from these files on request
– Create indexes by defining co-ordinates
– Defining templates

• E-mail Archival Manager

– Access to archived emails from mail clients
– Enforce consistent enterprise wide email policies
– Rules based email management eg, scheduling of bulk archives

• Records Manager
– Enable quick access to retrieve and review critical records
– Creates a record and assigns a retention rule to the records
– Manage retention and disposition for records

Information Architecture

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 166

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Enabling Solution
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– IT Infrastructure
• Servers and Systems
• Storage
• Network
• E-mail
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 167

Infrastructure – Servers and Systems
Recommendations & Rationale

• Consolidate the desktop OS versions into a standardized version

– It will be difficult to manage diverse desktop OS portfolio
– It will be easier roll-out of new OS versions and deploy new packages / patches
– It will ensure that created documents can be accessed across enterprise

• Perform Server Cluster

– If Inginum support active – active cluster, it will help reduce the resources load on server
– It will help move out from a single point of failure

• Purchase monitoring tools and conduct Capacity planning exercise

– It will help monitor the servers
– It will pinpoint resources which are not optimized and scalable.
– Trend over at least a two month timeframe will help with proper capacity planning
– It will help in making a decision of when to migrate to a higher end of P-Series Server

• Do not migrate toward the Z series (Mainframe)

– Next P-series server offers a max of 64 CPU, which can cater to future needs of BSLI
– In context of BSLI, P-series provides similar functionally on the critical attributes
– It is also a very expensive proposition as DR sites will also need the equivalent server
– The technical team within BSLI will need to be retrained onto mainframe
– There will be a large migration costs (including licensing) on account of this migration

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 168

Infrastructure – Servers and Systems
Clustering Solution Overview
Application Server Type Location Estimated Users *

Ingenium Cluster** Datacenter 4400

Talisma Cluster Datacenter Not available

Receipt Writer Cluster Datacenter 2000

Sun Accounting Cluster Datacenter Not available

Lotus Notes Email Distributed Cluster Hub 26000

Lotus Notes Workflow Cluster Datacenter 5500

Email Extender Standalone Datacenter 150

NMS/EMS Cluster Datacenter 25 administrators

Antivirus Distributed Datacenter & Hub No. of desktops

Call Manager [VOIP] Cluster Datacenter 700

Web Server Cluster Datacenter 400 per day

• Cluster : Two node servers with shared disk
• Distributed Cluster : Cluster of servers at Multiple location
• Standalone : Standalone Server
• Distributed : Distributed standalone server
* Estimated at the end of a three year period • Datacenter : Centralized Repository of Critical Servers
• Hub : Geographical Location Where multiple links terminate in
** Dependent on Ingenium supporting active - active cluster Wide Area Network (WAN).

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 169

Infrastructure – Servers and Systems
Clustering Solution Overview
Recommended Architecture For Ingenium:
• In case Ingenium supports active-active cluster, then it is recommended to go for server
• If only active-passive is supported, then clustering must be done at OS (with 2 nodes) level
for DB2 while the application servers are load balanced using appliance based load

Workstation 1 Workstation 2 Workstation 3

Server 1 Shared Storage Server 2


BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 170

Infrastructure – Servers and Systems
Clustering Solution Overview

• High availability
– Cluster architectures can be tuned in accordance with the cost of downtime and may be
designed to operate in the 99.5% to 99.99% range. (1% down time means approximate 90
hrs in year)

– High Availability with automatic failover, load balancing, redundancy, and other features that
provide high reliability for the data center critical servers

– Scalability
– Scalability is achieved by aggregating the power of a number of independent Servers

Rs 3 Crores to implement clustering & upgrading the servers

* This is an indicative cost only. Actual costs can only be arrived at after detailed requirements and evaluation study
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 171
Infrastructure – Servers and Systems
Comparison of P-Series to Mainframe Legend

Midrange Mainframe Very

Good Fair
Pseries high Zseries lower Good


Technical Evaluation Criteria  


Server Clustering    
 IBM pSeries offer high
Symmetric Multiprocessing     availability clustering

Hot Sparing & Dynamic solutions

Component De-allocation    
 IBM pSeries use PCI bus
technology to maximize the
available bandwidth for
Single Workload Performance     communications & Storage
Multiple Workload Performance    
 IBM pSeries support dynamic
Capacity On Demand (COD)     re-configuration
High Availability Features    

Cost vs Benefit    

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 172

Infrastructure – Servers and Systems
Comparison of P-Series to Mainframe

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 173

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Solution Enablers
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– IT Infrastructure
• Servers and Systems
• Storage
• Network
• E-mail
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 174

Infrastructure – Storage

Recommendations & Rationale

• Reduce I/O wait to improve batch performance

– Tune the Read & Write Cache percentage according to application requirements while
execution of batch
– Database logs and application should be on different Volumes
– Critical database should be on RAID10 (Redundant Arrays of Independent Disk). RAID 10
will also improve fault tolerance.

• Implement VVR (Veritas Volume Replicator) for Disaster recovery

– Freeware for volume replication does not provide efficient bandwidth utilization of resources
while VVR will be more effective
– VVR will enable asynchronous data transfer and auto-tuning which maximizes application

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 175

Infrastructure – Storage

Recommendations & Rationale

• Move the inactive data into SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attach) drives as an alternative
for fiber disk (currently an expensive proposition).
– SATA drives are Inexpensive and provide near online storage
– This will help implement ILM (Information lifecycle management)
– ILM will also help in achieving SOX compliance

• Implement BCV (Business Continuance Volume)

– BCV will provide a means of providing near to real time backup (loss of upto 1 hour
information), compared to the current 24 hours.
– Multiple backups can be achieved through BCV

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 176

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Solution Enablers
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– IT Infrastructure
• Servers and Systems
• Storage
• Network
• E-mail
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 177

Infrastructure – Network

Recommendations & Rationale

• MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) must be the preferred technology of choice for BSLI
network connectivity
– This will enable on-demand bandwidth (bandwidth can be increased on demand)
– Branches would need to upgrade to MPLS with 256kb/s bandwidth as a bare minimum for
last mile. Based on network utilization it can be increased on demand.
– Will enable voice, video conferencing

• Perform a capacity planning & network audit exercise

– To help gauge the correct requirement of bandwidth and size for the future esp. where
MPLS cannot be provided.

• Implement Hub and Spoke model with mesh connectivity

– This provides a high available of network path

• Upgrade routers from existing 17xx to 18xx series

– 17xx series is currently at the end of support from OEM.
– The 18xx series provides additional security features

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 178

Infrastructure – Network

• Introduce DHCP based IP Addressing

– This is more applicable to manage large number of desktops in networks
– DHCP will enable hot desking. With hot desking, IP address and other network parameters
are allocated dynamically.
– Use a separate server for DHCP to configure a large user network and for remote
– At branch level, DHCP can be enabled via the routers.

• implementing IP Telephony Call Manager with Cluster at Data Center

– Reduce the inter-office telephony costs
– This also optimizes the network resources

• Move towards a network approach called a content network (CN) or a Content Delivery Network
(CDN) for delivery of content.
– CN will effectively utilize bandwidth across branches
– Enables high availability and optimal content delivery and request processing
– Reduces site response times; maximizes end-user productivity and satisfaction; relieves
problem reporting
– Ensures end users are directed to site and server best ready to respond to their request

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 179

Infrastructure – Network

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 180

Infrastructure – Network
Solution Overview

• MPLS solution benefits over other alternatives

  Private WAN ISP Service SP MPLS/IP VPN

Secure transport IPSec (optional) IPSec IPSec (Optional)
High availability Very Good Good Very Good
Multicast Good Good Good
Voice/Video quality Very Good Good Very Good
Scalable network growth Moderate Good Very Good
Easily share WAN links Moderate Moderate Moderate
Optional costs High Low Moderate (depends on
Network control High Moderate Moderate
Effort to migrate from private Low Moderate Moderate

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 181

Infrastructure – Network Security and IP Telephony

Recommendations & Rationale

• Implement VPN Concentrators

– Enables an extended network to authorized and authenticated user to work from any
– Enables secured transactions between applications

• Intrusion Detection System

– Prevents unauthorized users to enter secured zones (location of the servers)
– It will provide a proactive alert to administrators .
– It will provide a proactive containment and distributed mitigation of malicious attacks

• Access Control Server

– To enable the AAA (Authentication; Authorization & Accounting) mechanism at network

• Implement IP Telephony as an alternative to conventional interoffice communication

– PSTN call cost savings for interoffice communication
– Can integrate Existing Telephone handsets into the solution – so offers investment
– Leverage IT infrastructure for maximized utilization

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 182

Infrastructure – Network Security
Solution Overview

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 183

Infrastructure – Network - IP Telephony

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 184

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Solution Enablers
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– IT Infrastructure
• Servers and Systems
• Storage
• Network
• E-mail
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 185

Infrastructure – Email

Recommendations & Rationale

• Consolidate the Lotus Notes servers across the various branches (more than 110)
– Effectively manage the mail servers.
– Efficiently perform the mail administration tasks
– Enable a distributed structure across regions to enable rapid growth
– Provide a greater control over authentication, access and authorization
– Enable faster intra-company email transfers

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 186

Infrastructure – Email

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 187

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Solution Enablers
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– IT Infrastructure
• Servers and Systems
• Storage
• Network
• E-mail
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 188

Infrastructure – NMS / EMS

Recommendations & Rationale

• Implementation of NMS/EMS (Network Monitoring solution/ Enterprise management solution)
tools for the various infrastructure components
– Ability to understand resource utilization and asset management
– Provide a mechanism to perform proactive monitoring
– Unified view across network, system and application infrastructures
– Measure relationships and impact of IT infrastructure on business services
– Verify and validate SLAs by business process
– Pinpoint cause of performance and availability problems and reduce cost of downtime
– Ensure important business processes and customers get priority response
– Ensure efficient asset utilization
– Fully leverage existing management investments
– Intelligent, automated, integrated solution
– Enable the effective use of Helpdesk facility
– Ability to perform an Impact Analysis on new applications
– Provides a Historical Trends of Infrastructure
– Enable capacity planning
– Will enable BSLI to move towards an ITIL (IT Information Library) Framework

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 189

Infrastructure – NMS / EMS
Solution Overview (EMS)
• Knowledge driven support
• Consistent correct answers to
Incident common problems
Reporting • Online Self Help

• Detect & Record Service Call Desk Knowledge Database

• Closely diagnose and resolve
• Monitor Track and communicate
• Analyze, develop and implement fixes
• Close incident problem known error • Asset Discovery & Inventory
and report • Remote Control
Incident Desktop • Software and Patch deployment
• Protect against vulnerabilities
Management Management
• Automata System Migrations

Problem Support
Management Automation
• Near Real time performace Indicator
• Define KPI’s
• Drill down view of data
• View business and operaional
Root Cause
Analysis • Plan, prioritize and categorize
Management Change • Analyze Impact
• Manage authorizations
Metrics Management • Manage Implementation

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 190

Infrastructure – NMS / EMS
Solution Overview (NMS, other infrastructure components)
Monitoring Need
• Network Monitoring
• OS Monitoring
• Web Server Monitoring
• Database Monitoring

Network Monitoring
• Bandwidth Utilization
• OPEX Calculation
• Network faults
• Intrusion Detection

OS Monitoring
• CPU Utilization
• Memory Utilization
• Disk I/O Stats
• Disk Utilization
• Process Monitoring
• Reports on adherence of policies for application hosting on the Operating System

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 191

Infrastructure – NMS / EMS
Solution Overview
Web Server
• Performance statistics
• Global server health and performance responding to end-users requests
• Critical site path analysis and reporting
• Website traffic analysis
• Intelligent directing of web traffic and balancing load among Web Servers

Database server
• Performance statistics
• Response and CPU time
• Explain / Showplan
• Cache Performance
• Buffer statistics
• Deadlock Statistics
• Reports of usage of storage by databases and the growth trends

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 192

Infrastructure – NMS / EMS

• Unified view across network, system and application infrastructures
• Measure relationships and impact of IT infrastructure on business services
• Verify and validate SLAs by business process
• Pinpoint cause of performance and availability problems and reduce cost of downtime
• Ensure important business processes and customers get priority response
• Ensure efficient asset utilization
• Fully leverage existing management investments
• Intelligent, automated, integrated solution
• Enable the effective use of Helpdesk facility
• Ability to perform an Impact Analysis on new applications
• Provides a Historical Trends of Infrastructure
• Will enable BSLI to move towards an ITIL (IT Information Library) Framework

Indicative Costs
• About Rs1 Crore ( products can however be independently purchased )

* This is an indicative cost only. Actual costs can only be arrived at after detailed requirements and evaluation study
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 193
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Solution Enablers
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– IT Infrastructure
• Servers and Systems
• Storage
• Network
• E-mail
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 194

Infrastructure – Email

• Consolidate the Lotus Notes servers across the various branches (more than 110)

• Effectively manage the mail servers.
• Efficiently perform the mail administration tasks
• Enable a distributed structure across regions to enable rapid growth
• Provide a greater control over authentication, access and authorization
• Enable faster intra-company email transfers

Indicative Costs
• About 5 Person month project

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 195

Infrastructure – Email

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 196

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Solution Enablers
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– IT Infrastructure
• Servers and Systems
• Storage
• Network
• E-mail
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 197

Infrastructure – NMS / EMS

Recommendations & Rationale

• Implementation of NMS/EMS (Network Monitoring solution/ Enterprise management solution)
tools for the various infrastructure components
– Ability to understand resource utilization and asset management
– Provide a mechanism to perform proactive monitoring
– Unified view across network, system and application infrastructures
– Measure relationships and impact of IT infrastructure on business services
– Verify and validate SLAs by business process
– Pinpoint cause of performance and availability problems and reduce cost of downtime
– Ensure important business processes and customers get priority response
– Ensure efficient asset utilization
– Fully leverage existing management investments
– Intelligent, automated, integrated solution
– Enable the effective use of Helpdesk facility
– Ability to perform an Impact Analysis on new applications
– Provides a Historical Trends of Infrastructure
– Enable capacity planning
– Will enable BSLI to move towards an ITIL (IT Information Library) Framework

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 198

Infrastructure – NMS / EMS
Solution Overview (EMS)
• Knowledge driven support
• Consistent correct answers to
Incident common problems
Reporting • Online Self Help

• Detect & Record Service Call Desk Knowledge Database

• Closely diagnose and resolve
• Monitor Track and communicate
• Analyze, develop and implement fixes
• Close incident problem known error • Asset Discovery & Inventory
and report • Remote Control
Incident Desktop • Software and Patch deployment
• Protect against vulnerabilities
Management Management
• Automata System Migrations

Problem Support
Management Automation
• Near Real time performace Indicator
• Define KPI’s
• Drill down view of data
• View business and operaional
Root Cause
Analysis • Plan, prioritize and categorize
Management Change • Analyze Impact
• Manage authorizations
Metrics Management • Manage Implementation

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 199

Infrastructure – NMS / EMS
Solution Overview (NMS, other infrastructure components)
Monitoring Need
• Network Monitoring
• OS Monitoring
• Web Server Monitoring
• Database Monitoring

Network Monitoring
• Bandwidth Utilization
• OPEX Calculation
• Network faults
• Intrusion Detection

OS Monitoring
• CPU Utilization
• Memory Utilization
• Disk I/O Stats
• Disk Utilization
• Process Monitoring
• Reports on adherence of policies for application hosting on the Operating System

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 200

Infrastructure – NMS / EMS
Solution Overview
Web Server
• Performance statistics
• Global server health and performance responding to end-users requests
• Critical site path analysis and reporting
• Website traffic analysis
• Intelligent directing of web traffic and balancing load among Web Servers

Database server
• Performance statistics
• Response and CPU time
• Explain / Showplan
• Cache Performance
• Buffer statistics
• Deadlock Statistics
• Reports of usage of storage by databases and the growth trends

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 201

Infrastructure – NMS / EMS

• Unified view across network, system and application infrastructures
• Measure relationships and impact of IT infrastructure on business services
• Verify and validate SLAs by business process
• Pinpoint cause of performance and availability problems and reduce cost of downtime
• Ensure important business processes and customers get priority response
• Ensure efficient asset utilization
• Fully leverage existing management investments
• Intelligent, automated, integrated solution
• Enable the effective use of Helpdesk facility
• Ability to perform an Impact Analysis on new applications
• Provides a Historical Trends of Infrastructure
• Will enable BSLI to move towards an ITIL (IT Information Library) Framework

Indicative Costs
• About Rs1 Crore ( products can however be independently purchased )

* This is an indicative cost only. Actual costs can only be arrived at after detailed requirements and evaluation study
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 202
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Enabling Solution
• To – Be IT State
– IT Vision & Mission
– IT Governance
– IT Project Management
– IT Architecture
– IT Infrastructure
– Outsourcing
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 203


• Implement a Vendor Manager
• Migrate towards a single Vendor
• Introduce SLA & Metrics

• Improve the success of deliveries
– Large Initiatives
– Small Fixes
– Interactions with vendors
• Effective utilization of resources
• Backlog of outstanding IT requirements
• Scaling IT in a dynamic environment
• Ability to expand the team based on the fluctuating work load

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 204

Leading indicators for applications to be outsourced
• Difficulty to find resources in the market place
• Diverse application technology stack
• Huge back log of tasks to be completed
• Fluctuating needs where development team would need to ramp up or down
• Limited documentation is available to easily support the applications
• IPR related confidential issues
• Binding from the current development partners

Outsourcing Factors
Easy to Outsource Difficult to outsource
Mission Critical Non – Critical Very Critical
Stability of Applications Very Stable Somewhat Stable
Customer Interaction Infrequent Very Frequent
Maintainability Easy Difficult
Complexity Easy Complex
Knowledge Requirement Medium High

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 205

Data Required
• Production Tickets
– Arrival Rate vs Closed Rate - classified in High, Medium, Low
– SLA Achievement Ratio
– Backlogs
• Current Turn around time for tickets
• Maturity of SDLC process in place
• Current SDLC process
• Average cost for maintaining the applications
• Release cycles
• Quality of documentation within code
• Version control mechanisms

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 206

How much to outsource
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Metrics BSLI Vendor BSLI Vendor BSLI Vendor

Project Management Planned vs Actuals

Business Requirements # of change request
Impact Analysis & Estimation % slippage
User Acceptance Test Plan % of Test Scenarios to
Preparation Requirements
System Test Specifications % of Test Scenarios to
Preparation Requirements
Design % of changes
Unit Test Plan Preparation % of Test Scenarios to
Design Specs
Code % of code defects
Unit Testing % Test failed in 1st att
Build N/A
System / Integration Testing % Test failed in 1st att
User Acceptance Testing % Test failed in 1st att
Load Test Performance diff
Regression Testing % Test failed in 1st att
Production Support Inflow vs outflow
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 207
How much to outsource
One of the key consideration to effective use of selective outsourcing is to distinguish between
activities considered as core (essential to the company’s competitive advantage) and those
considered as context (those that are not).
In addition, companies should consider whether a particular activity is mission-critical or not.

Utilizing these two parameters as examples, help determine the appropriate operating model
(whether to retain, outsource, partner, or contract out entirely).

Core Context
Any Activity that contributes to Any activity that does not
Out – Tasking Decision Matrix competitive advantage for the contribute to the competitive
company advantage for the company

Any activity that, if performed Create Outsource
poorly, would pose an immediate
risk to the company Engage and Control Disengage and Control
Any activity that, if performed Partner Contract
poorly, would not pose an
immediate risk to the company Engage and Entrust Disengage and Entrust

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 208

Organization Structure
Engage and Control Disengage and Control
Vendor Business
Vendor Business BLSI IT Vendor Manager
BSLI IT VP Relationship Mgr
Relationship Mgr

Vendor Project Mgr

BSLI IT Project Manager

Vendor Vendor
Develop. Develop.
Team Team
Vendor Vendor
Production Production
Support Support

Engage and Entrust Disengage and Entrust

Vendor Business
Vendor Business BLSI IT Vendor Manager
BSLI IT VP Relationship Mgr
Relationship Mgr

Vendor Project Mgr

BSLI IT Project Manager Vendor Project Mgr

Vendor Develop.
Develop. Team
Team Vendor
Vendor Production
Production Support

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 209

• Introduce a configuration management tool that would allow branching.
• Introduce the role of a Build Manager who would be responsible for creating and labeling
builds, and moving the builds to testing and production environments.
• Utilize the existing R&D team to evaluate capabilities of Ingenium and identify specific
projects that can reduce the extent of current customization
• Introduce a release cycle on a monthly basis for outsourcing to be effective
• Create a Vendor Management SPOC
• Identify specific inhouse applications that needs to be outsourced.
– Applications that BSLI would find it hard to get resources for
– Applications where there is a large backlogs of work requests
– Group applications into buckets for outsourcing
– Eg. Ingenium & Talisma
• Negotiate with the Vendor to define metrics and SLAs
– Maintenance
– Development
– Production Support
– Help Desk
• During transition, for the first 1 -3 months, the Vendor will help measure the metrics for the
current situation
• Utilize these metrics to drive improvements and streamline the processes better

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 210

Sample Grouping
• Examples of Grouping options based on functionality and dependencies for applications
to be outsourcing:
– Group 1 – Core Insurance related
• Ingenium
• Reinsurance Systems
– Group 2 – Sales Force
• Receipt Writer
• Policy Printing
• Group Quotation
– Group 3 – Customer Services
• Talisma
• Online
– Group 4 – Support Services
• Sun Accounting
• Payroll

• Grouping analysis will need to be performed by a vendor for a collection of applications

utilizing a Due Diligence Cube Approach (or any manner there of utilizing various
parameters) for identifying applications that can be best grouped for outsourcing .

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 211

Recommendation Model (for Production Support & Maintenance)
• Outsourcing of Ingenium for production support, maintenance & Enhancement for less
than 2 months effort
– Introduce one vendor of specific team size to perform level 3 production support
and maintenance activities. This will also help reduce the volume of backlogs
– Have the Vendor perform the project management for these activities
– Define job profiles / resources to be retained
• Define as jobs within BSLI to be in-house
• Define as part of the outsouring relationship the different activities
performed by key resourced that need to be absorbed by the vendor .
• It is recommended that BA analyst be retained in house
– Have the vendor perform the transition for the applications.
• Have a check point to ensure that BSLI is comfortable with the knowledge
level of the applications
– Manage the Vendor on a mutually agreed SLA framework

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 212

Recommendation Model (for Strategic Projects )
• Outsourcing for Strategic projects
– Treat these projects as one off with the vendor that is being utilized
– If the vendor has already transitioned specific applications, they will be able to
calculate the effort involved for completing this project.
– Identify target date for completion.
– If the requirements are well defined, obtain a fixed price cost for the project
– Have the Vendor perform the project management related for these activities,
including scope and change management.
– Manage the Vendor on a mutually agreed SLA framework
– Agree on specific acceptance criteria (failing which, the development team will
need to rework the delivered package)
– Have BSLI’s BA create an exhaustive acceptance test plan to help test the
release package
– Have BSLI associates test and accept the package for release.
– Configuration Management is critical for these scenarios, as there will be a need
to merge it with the current version of the code.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 213

Transition Strategy
• Applications can be grouped under following categories
– Applications which have a large development needs
– Applications with small development needs and spanning across
• Technology – eg all the Java based applications can be grouped
• Business Functionality – Eg. Ingenium and Aura can be outsourced
together as they are integrated

• Utilize the opportunity for large development projects that would replace existing
specific functionality of existing applications as a means of outsourcing the old
and new applications.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 214

Transition Plan

• Based on the complexity and the various interactions required, the vendor will require transitions
for applications to be performed. The typical scenario is
– Knowledge Transition – Vendor sits alongside BSLI and gains an understanding of the
– Secondary Support – BSLI performs the fixes and the Vendor understands what is being
– Primary Support – all tickets come to the vendor as a primary contact and BLSI is involved in
reviewing the activities performed
– Steady State – Vendor takes ownership of any changes being performed on the applications.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 215

Benefits & Indicative Costs

• Ability to utilize a vendor to help manage the applications
• Ability to use the vendor to ramp up and down on fluctuating needs
• Transfer of risk for application knowledge

• TCS recommends a proper outsourcing study to be performed to identify the order
of applications which needs to be outsourced. For this to be performed, BSLI
needs to capture historical data tickets.

Indicative Costs
• Based on the # of FTEs currently employed - Vendors will normally map the FTE
cost to an FP mode with some overheads.
• If working offshore, Vendors will require specific licenses to be provided for BSLI
specific products. Else Vendors will also require mechanism of connecting to
BSLI’s Development / Test / Production sites and will bill the same back to BSLI.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 216

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Enabling Solution
• To – Be IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 217

Recommended Solutions
Solution Initiative Recommended Initiative Business Unit Priority Criticality Horizon
Area No.

I1 • Mobile solutions DSF, CAB, High High 1

• Desktop applications capable Bancassurance
of working in disconnected
Sales mode.
Enablement I2 • Agency Portal DSF , CAB , High High 1

I3 • Sales CRM (Enhancements) Group Sales High High 2

I4 • Enhancements to Customer DSF , CAB , Low Low 3

Portal / Migrate to a portal Bancassurance
technology (Individual/Group) , Group Sales.
experience I5 • Service CRM DSF , CAB , Medium Medium 2

I6 • Marketing CRM Marketing Low Medium 3

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 218

Recommended Solutions
Solution Initiative Recommended Initiative Business Unit Priority Criticality Horizon
Area No.
I7 • Reengineer Illustration DSF , CAB , High High 1
System Bancassurance

I8 • Enhancements to Ingenium Operations High High 1

I9 • Business Process Operations High High Ongoing

Management Initiative

I 10 • Implementation of Agency & DSF , CAB , High High Ongoing

Commission Management Bancassurance Initiative
Operational system , Group Sales.
I 11 • Build Claims System Operations – Medium High 2
Client Services ,
I 12 • Evaluation of Group system Group Sales, Medium Medium 2
Client Services

I 13 • Data Capture -Character Operations High Medium 2

Recognition (ICR/OCR)

I 14 • Data Capture – Forms Operations High High 1

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 219

Recommended Solutions
Solution Initiative Recommended Initiative Business Unit Priority Criticality Horizon
Area No.

I 15 • Development of a Medical Underwriting Low Medium 3

Practioners Management
Operational System
I 16 • Consolidation of finance Finance Low Medium 3
applications on Lotus Notes

I 17 • Business Intelligence Blue Enterprise High High 1

Print definition

I 18 • Build Operational Data Store Enterprise High High 1

Information and standard MIS reports
and Content
Mgmt. I 19 • Build Data warehouse and Enterprise Medium High 2
analytical solution

I 20 • Data Mining Solutions Enterprise Medium Medium 2

Collaboratio I 21 • Collaboration Enterprise Medium Medium 2


BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 220

Recommended Solutions
Solution Initiative Recommended Initiative Business Unit Priority Criticality Horizon
Area No.
I 22 • Study for Migration to a Enterprise High High 1
Service Oriented Architecture
Integration I 23 • Implement an ESB based Enterprise Medium Medium 2
Integration architecture

Support I 24 • Employee Portal Enterprise Low Medium 3


Knowledge I 25 • Knowledge Management Enterprise Low Medium 3


I 26 • Introduce Robust IT High High 1

Configuration Management
I 27 • Institutionalize the IT High Medium 1
PM Development Processes
I 28 • Introduce Defect Management IT Medium Medium 2

I 29 • Define & Operationalize IT High High 1

Outsourcing arrangements

I 30 • Perform a due Diligence for IT High High 1

Outsourcing outsourcing

I 31 • Outsource strategic projects / IT Medium High 1

developmental initiatives

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 221

Recommended Solutions
Solution Initiative Recommended Initiative Business Unit Priority Criticality Horizon
Area No.
I 32 • Outsource Ingenium related IT High High 1
maintenance & enhancements
I 33 • Outsource Java related IT Medium High 1
maintenance & enhancements
I 34 • Outsource maintenance of IT Medium High 1
notes based applications
I 35 • Implement Monitoring Tools & IT High High 1
Capacity Planning
I 36 • Enhance the network (MPLS; IT High High 1
Routers; Hub & Spoke with
Mesh connectivity)
I 37 • Notes E-Mail Server IT High High 1
I 38 • Implement Server Clustering IT Low Medium 2

I 39 • Utilize the MPLS network for IT Medium Low 2

IP Telephony
I 40 • Migrating towards Content IT Low Low 3

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 222

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Business Enabling Solution
• To – Be IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 223


The roadmap provides possible ways of migrating towards the target state
considering the business priorities, the sequence of activities and the long term

This roadmap is broken into 3 horizons viz:

– Horizon 1 : These initiatives are very critical in nature as it impacts the

current function of IT and would need to be initiated within the next 6 months

– Horizon 2 : These initiatives are important to be started during months 6 to

18 as it helps BSLI with the expected growth of the Business

– Horizon 3 : These initiatives are considered of low priority and would need to
be re-looked at on an ongoing basis to help align BSLI towards the strategic
path. They are expected to start any time after 18 months.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 224

Horizon 1
Horizon 1

Initiative # Initiatives Horizon s Y1 - Q1 Y1 - Q2

I1 Enable Reach 1      

I2 Agency Portal 1      

I7 Reengineer Illustration System 1      

I8 Enhancements to Ingenium 1      

I 14 Data Capture Forms 1      

I 17 Business Intelligence Blue Print definition 1      

I 18 Build Operational Data Store and standard MIS reports 1 I 17    

I 22 Study for Migration to a Service Oriented Architecture 1      

I 26 Introduce Robust Configuration Management 1      

I 27 Institutionalize the Development Processes 1      

I 29 Define & Operationalize Outsourcing arrangements 1      

I 30 Perform a due Diligence for outsourcing 1 I 29    

I 31 Outsource strategic projects / developmental initiatives 1 I 30    

I 32 Outsource Ingenium related maintenance & enhancements 1 I 30    

I 33 Outsource Java related maintenance & enhancements 1 I 30    

I 34 Outsource maintenance of notes based applications 1 I 30    

I 35 Implement Monitoring Tools & Capacity Planning 1      

Enhance the network (MPLS; Routers; Hub & Spoke with Mesh
I 36 connectivity) 1      

I 37 Notes E-Mail Server Consolidation 1      

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 225

Horizon 2
Horizon 2

Initiative Dependencie
# Initiatives Horizon s Y1 - Q3 Y1 - Q4 Y2 - Q1 Y2 - Q2 Y2 - Q3 Y2 - Q4

I3 Sales CRM (Enhancements) 2              

I5 Service CRM 2 I3            

I 11 Build Claims System 2 I 27            

I 13 Data Capture ICR/OCR 2              

I 19 Build Data warehouse and analytical solution 2 I 18            

I 12 Evaluation & Implementation of Group system 2              

I 20 Data Mining Solutions 2 I 20            

I 21 Collaboration 2              

I 23 Implement a ESB based Integration architecture 2 I 22            

I 28 Introduce Defect Management Solution 2              

I 39 Utilize the MPLS network for IP Telephony 2 I 36            

I 38 Implement Server Clustering 2 I 35            

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 226

Horizon 3
Horizon 3

Initiative # Initatives Horizon s Y1 - Q3 Y1 - Q4 Y2 - Q1 Y2 - Q2

I6 Marketing CRM 3 I5        

I 15 Development of a Medical Practioners Management System 3          

I 16 Consolidation of finance applications on Lotus Notes 3          

I 24 Employee Portal 3 I4        

I 25 Knowledge Management 3          

I 40 Migrating towards Content Network 3          

I4 Migrate towards Portal Solution for Customers 3          

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 227

IT Roadmap

Horizon 1 on
Migrate from Reactive to Proactive r ma
Build for the Future

T ra
gi c
Horizon 3


th • Enable Reach

r ow • Agency Portal
Longer Running

G • Reengineer Illustration System

for • Enhancements to Ingenium
Horizon 2

• Data Capture Forms


P lan • BI Blue Print definition/ Build data store
• SOA Study
• Implement a ESB based Integration architecture

eds • Introduce Robust Configuration Management

• Institutionalize the Development Processes
al • Define & Operationalize Outsourcing arrangements
i tic •

Perform a due Diligence for outsourcing / initiate outsource

Horizon 1


• Outsource strategic projects / developmental initiatives

• Implement Monitoring Tools & Capacity Planning
• Enhance the network
• Notes E-Mail Server Consolidation

6 18 36 onwards
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 228
IT Roadmap

Horizon 2 on
Planning for Growth r ma
Build for the Future

T ra
gi c
Horizon 3


o wt • Sales CRM (Enhancements)
Longer Running

G • Service CRM
for • Build Claims System
Horizon 2

• Data Capture ICR/OCR


• Build Data warehouse and analytical solution
P • Evaluation & Implementation of Group system
• Data Mining Solutions

• Collaboration
e •
Implement a ESB based Integration architecture

al • Introduce Defect Management Solution

i tic • Utilize the MPLS network for IP Telephony


Horizon 1

• Implement Server Clustering


6 18 36 onwards
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 229
IT Roadmap

Horizon 3 on
Transformation r ma
Build for the Future

T ra
gi c
Horizon 3


o wt • Marketing CRM
Longer Running

G • Development of a Medical Parishioners Management System

for • Consolidation of finance applications on Lotus Notes
Horizon 2

• Employee Portal

• Knowledge Management
P • Migrating towards Content Network
• Migrate towards Portal Solution for Customers

l Ne
i tic

Horizon 1


6 18 36 onwards
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 230
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix
– Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture
– Appendix B : Project Management – COBIT Framework
– Appendix C : Build vs. Buy Factors
– Appendix D : IT Guiding Principles
– Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions
– Appendix F : Customer Experience Solutions
– Appendix G : Applications List
– Appendix H : Application Evaluation
– Appendix I : Indicative Costs
– Appendix J : Business Needs – IT Mapping

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 231

Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture

• Service Oriented Architecture enables business agility through the use of loosely
coupled, well-defined services (services could be business functions or infrastructure
• SOA enables in building an architecture that is platform and language agnostic
• SOA is the future architecture and provides a way for leveraging legacy investments and
provides a solid foundation for gradual transition to newer platforms
• Insurance industry is moving towards SOA
• SOA is based on industry standards

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 232

Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture

The broad steps in a SOA program are listed below
• Identify the SOA capabilities required and design the SOA Architecture for BSLI
• The principles of SOA that must be religiously adhered to must be defined right at project outset
• The standards that will be adhered to must be defined
• Establish a Service Oriented Infrastructure
• Identify the services (process, business) to support the business capabilities and information
requirements for the enterprise. The Business services layer forms the core of SOA.
• Design the services and evaluate the impact of the same on existing application components.
This will help in identifying application services. Use Pattern-based approach for design of
service interactions.
• Implement the services
• Test and Deploy services
• Monitor and Manage the services
• Establish a SOA Governance model

Note: SOA Projects are always done in an iterative manner where each iteration is focused on a
particular business process/function.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 233

Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture

• Responsiveness – Increases business agility and enable BSLI to respond quickly
to business needs
• Adaptability – Makes the system adaptable and maintainable which improves
speed of delivery
• Enables reuse and prevents proliferation
• Enables new B2P opportunities – Example BSLI can very easily expose its
business services to external partners
• Cost Reduction – Adherence to Standards and leverage of diverse technology
platforms to lowers cost of maintenance and integration

Integration Architecture

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 234

Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture Roadmap
Phase Enterprise-wide
Experimentation Experience Exploitation
Modularize & Expose Create SOE
1 Application services 4 Governance
with cross-system framework
Optimization & Composite Apps
(replace proprietary
Management delivered
interface with standard
Registry Governance Monitoring through
Process Rule 10 Enterprise
Engine Engine (Rich clients,
5 Rationalize App AJAX etc)1
Portfolio - Design and Service-
implement business
Eliminate service canonicals
Development of 9 13
redundancy by Applications
consuming Institutionalized Business
2 Application 6 Activity
services Partner 12 Monitoring
Service-Oriented Integration
could be
through ESB
Point-to-Point but
replacing all
uses standard
Point-to-point 7 Master Data
11 (MDM + SOA)
opportunities Envision Strategize
provided by ESB Secure access to MDM MDM
increased services &
system 8 formalize Manage
interoperability contracts through
Master Data
3 Architect Deliver
Federated MDM MDM
Policy SSO

Interoperability Adaptability Efficiency Agility

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 235

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix
– Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture
– Appendix B : Project Management – COBIT Framework
– Appendix C : Build vs. Buy Factors
– Appendix D : IT Guiding Principles
– Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions
– Appendix F: Customer Experience Solutions
– Appendix G: Applications List
– Appendix H: Application Evaluation
– Appendix G : Business Needs – IT Mapping

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 236

Appendix B : Project Management - COBIT Framework
To establish a programme and project management framework for the management of all IT
Purpose of the of the framework:
• Correct prioritization and co-ordination of all projects
• Ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of information
• A master plan
• Assignment of resources
• Definition of deliverables,
• Approval by users,
• A phased approach to delivery,
• Quality assurance,
• A formal test plan
• Testing
• Post-implementation review after installation to ensure project risk management and value
delivery to the business.
• Reduces the risk of unexpected costs and project cancellations
• Improves communications to and involvement of business and end users
• Ensures the value and quality of project deliverables
• Maximizes their contribution to IT-enabled investment programmes

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 237

Appendix B : Project Management - COBIT Framework
Process Definition
Control over the IT process of
Manage projects
That satisfies the business requirement for IT of
delivery of project results within agreed time frames, budget and quality
by focusing on
a defined programme and project management approach that is applied to IT projects, which
enables stakeholder participation in and monitoring of project risks and progress
is achieved by
• Defining and enforcing programme and project frameworks and approach
• Issuing project management guidelines
• Performing project planning for each project detailed in the project portfolio
and is measured by
• % of projects meeting stakeholders expectations (on time, on budget and meeting
requirements—weighted by importance)
• % of projects receiving post-implementation reviews
• % of projects following project management standards and practices

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 238

Appendix B : Project Management - COBIT Framework
Goals & Metrics definition
Define goals
Activity Goals Process Goals IT Goals
• Defining and enforcing • Establish project tracking • Respond to business
programme and project and cost/time control requirements in alignment
frameworks and approach mechanisms. with the business strategy.
• Issuing project • Provide transparency of • Deliver projects on time
management guidelines project status. and on budget, meeting
• Performing project • Make timely project quality standards.
planning for each project management decisions at • Respond to governance
Measure Achievement

in the project portfolio critical milestones. requirements, in line with

board direction.
measured by driv measured by measured by

Metrics Metrics Metrics

Improve and
• % of projects following • % of projects on time, on • % of projects meeting
project management budget stakeholders expectations
standards and practices • % of projects meeting (on time, on budget and
• % of certified or trained meeting requirements—
stakeholder expectations
weighted by importance)
project managers
• % of projects receiving
post implementation
• % of stakeholders
participating in projects
(involvement index)

Drive Performance
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 239
Appendix B : Project Management - COBIT Framework
Role wise activities

Compliance, Audit, Risk and Security

Business Process Owner

Head IT Administration
Business Executive

Head Development
Head Operations
Chief Architect


1 Define a programme/portfolio management framework for IT investments. C C A R C C
2 Establish and maintain an IT project management framework. I I I A RI C C C C R C
3 Establish and maintain an IT project monitoring, measurement and
management system I I I R C C C C A R C
4 Build project charters, schedules, quality plans, budgets, and
communication and risk management plans. C C C C C C C A R C
5 Assure the participation and commitment of project stakeholders. I A R C C
6 Assure the effective control of projects and project changes. C C C C C A R C
7 Define and implement project assurance and review methods. I C I A R C

R-Responsible A-Accountable C-Consult I-Inform

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 240

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix
– Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture
– Appendix B : Project Management – COBIT Framework
– Appendix C : Build vs. Buy Factors
– Appendix D : IT Guiding Principles
– Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions
– Appendix F: Customer Experience Solutions
– Appendix G : Applications List
– Appendix H : Application Evaluation
– Appendix I : Indicative Costs
– Appendix J : Business Needs – IT Mapping

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 241

Appendix C : Build vs Buy - Factors

The following parameters should be considered for a build vs buy solution

• Costs
– What is the Cost to build as compared to what would be the cost to buy?
– What would be the cost of opportunity which was not utilised?
– What would be the ongoing long term maintenance costs?
– What is the impact if the application needs to be scaled up?
• Functionality
– How much required functionality is currently being offered by the COTS product
– Can current functionality be changed to be aligned to the COTS product
– Costs involved in additional tailoring needs (Future Expansion needs for the product )
• Competitive Advantage if this product is build – Can it be offered as USP?
• Speed
– Difficulty factor for developing the application
– Duration of the project to be built vs the COTS product availability
• Interfaces
– Internal – with other applications within BSLI
– External - connectivity with other applications outside BSLI

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 242

Appendix C : Build vs Buy - Factors

• Vendor
– How long has the vendor been in existence
– Experience of providing similar services to other insurance customers
• Skill set availability in the market
• Stability – If the application is developed, it would be more unstable compared to that of
the COTS product
• Portability of the application from one server to another
• Impact to the Architecture

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 243

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix
– Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture
– Appendix B : Project Management – COBIT Framework
– Appendix C : Build vs. Buy Factors
– Appendix D : IT Guiding Principles
– Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions
– Appendix F: Customer Experience Solutions
– Appendix G : Applications List
– Appendix H : Application Evaluation
– Appendix I : Indicative Costs
– Appendix J : Business Needs – IT Mapping

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 244

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 1
Statement The principles of IT management apply to the whole enterprise.

Rationale The only way we can provide a consistent and measurable level of quality
information to decision makers is if all organizations abide by the principles.

Implications • Without this principle, exclusions, favoritism, and inconsistency would

rapidly undermine the management of information.
• IT management initiatives will not begin until they are examined for
compliance with the principles.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 245

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 2
Statement IT management decisions provide maximum benefit

Rationale Maximum return on investment requires IT management decisions to adhere

to Enterprise-wide drivers and priorities.

Implications • Achieving maximum Enterprise-wide benefit will require changes in the

way we plan and manage information.
• Some organizations may have to concede their own preferences for the
greater benefit of the entire Enterprise.
• As needs arise, priorities must be adjusted. A forum with comprehensive
Enterprise representation should make these decisions.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 246

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 3
Statement The entire enterprise participates in IT management decisions

Rationale In order to ensure IT management is aligned with the business, all

organizations in the Enterprise must be involved in all aspects of the
information environment.

Implications • To operate as a team, every stakeholder, or customer, will need to accept

responsibility for developing the information environment.
• Commitment of resources will be required to implement this principle.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 247

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 4
Statement Enterprise operations are maintained even when system interruptions occur.

Rationale We must consider the reliability of systems throughout their design and use

Implications • Recoverability, redundancy and maintainability should be addressed at the

time of design.
• Applications must be assessed for criticality and impact on the Enterprise

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 248

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 5
Statement Development of applications used across the Enterprise is preferred

Rationale Duplicative capability is expensive and proliferates conflicting data.

Implications • Organizations which depend on a capability which does not serve the entire
Enterprise must change over to the replacement Enterprise-wide capability.
• Data and information used to support Enterprise decision making will be
standardized to a much greater extent than previously.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 249

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 6
Statement Enterprise processes comply with all relevant laws, policies, and regulations

Rationale Enterprise policy is to abide by laws, policies, and regulations.

Implications • The Enterprise must be mindful to comply with laws, regulations, and
external policies regarding the collection, retention, and management of
• Efficiency, need and common sense are not the only drivers. Changes in the
law and changes in regulations may drive changes in our processes or

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 250

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 7
Statement The IT organization is responsible for owning and implementing IT processes
and infrastructure

Rationale Effectively align expectations with capabilities and costs so that all projects
are cost effective.

Implications • Data, application, and technology models must be created to enable

integrated quality solutions and to maximize results.
• A process must be created to prioritize projects
• The IT function must define processes to manage business unit expectations

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 251

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 8
Statement The enterprise's IP must be protected

Rationale A major part of an enterprise's Intellectual Property is hosted in the IT domain.

Implications • Much of the actual protection is implemented in the IT domain. Even trust
in non-IT processes can be managed by IT processes
• A Security Policy, governing human and IT actors, will be required that can
substantially improve protection of IP.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 252

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 9
Statement Data is a valuable asset to the Enterprise and is managed

Rationale Data is the foundation of our decision making, so we must also carefully
manage data to assure that we know where it is

Implications • Cultural transition from "data-ownership" thinking to "data-managership"

• The role of data manager is critical
• Part of the role of data manager is to ensure data quality.
• Data managers accountable for properly managing the data must be
assigned at the Enterprise level.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 253

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 10
Statement Data is shared across Enterprise functions and organizations

Rationale Timely access to accurate data is essential to improving the quality and
efficiency of Enterprise decision making.

Implications • Develop standard data models, data elements, and other metadata that
defines this shared environment
• Data sharing will require a significant cultural change.
• Data made available for sharing will have to be relied upon by all users to
execute their respective tasks.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 254

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 11
Statement Data is accessible for users to perform their functions

Rationale Wide access to data leads to efficiency and effectiveness in decision-making,

and affords timely response to information requests and service delivery.

Implications • Accessibility involves the ease with which users obtain information.
• Access to data does not constitute understanding of the data. Personnel
should take caution not to misinterpret information.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 255

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 12
Statement For data quality each data element has an accountable trustee.

Rationale Only the data trustee makes decisions about the content of data as the degree
of data sharing grows.

Implications • Trustee is accountable and responsible for the accuracy and currency of
their designated data elements
• Information should be captured electronically once and immediately
validated as close to the source as possible.
• Real trusteeship dissolves the data "ownership" issues

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 256

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 13
Statement Data is defined consistently throughout the Enterprise with standard and
understandable definitions

Rationale The data that will be used in the development of applications must have a
common definition throughout the Headquarters.

Implications • Multiple data standardization initiatives need to be co-ordinated.

• Functional data administration responsibilities must be assigned.
• The Enterprise must establish the initial common vocabulary for the

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 257

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 14
Statement Data is protected from unauthorized use and disclosure.

Rationale Open sharing of information must be balanced against the need to restrict the
availability of sensitive information.

Implications • Security must be designed into data elements from the beginning; it cannot
be added later.
• Security needs must be identified and developed at the data level, not the
application level.
• Aggregation of data, both classified and not, will create a large target
requiring review and declassification

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 258

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 15
Statement Applications are technology independent

Rationale It allows applications to be developed, upgraded, and operated in the most

cost-effective and timely way.

Implications • Middleware should be used to decouple applications from specific software

• Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) will need to be developed
• For COTS applications, there may be limited current choices, as many of
these applications are technology and platform dependent.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 259

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 16
Statement Applications are easy to use.

Rationale Ease of use is a positive incentive for use of applications. The more a user has
to understand the underlying technology the less productive that user is.

Implications • Guidelines for user interfaces should not be constrained by narrow

assumptions about user location, language, systems training, or physical
• Applications will be required to have a common "look and feel" and support
ergonomic requirements.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 260

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 17
Statement Changes to applications and technology are made only in response to business

Rationale This principle will foster an atmosphere where the information environment
changes in response to the needs of the business

Implications • Requirements documentation process should not hinder responsive change

to meet legitimate business needs.
• Change management processes will be developed and implemented.
• Changes in implementation will follow full examination of the proposed

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 261

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 18
Statement All changes are implemented in a timely manner.

Rationale IT environment must be responsive to the user needs

Implications • We have to develop processes for managing and implementing change that
do not create delays.
• A user who feels a need for change will need to connect with a "business
expert" to facilitate explanation and implementation of that need.
• The architecture has to be kept updated.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 262

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 19
Statement Reduce technological diversity to maintain required expertise

Rationale There is a real, non-trivial cost of infrastructure required to support alternative

technologies for processing environments.

Implications • We will change the technology blueprint when the need arises
• Policies, standards, and procedures that govern acquisition of technology
must be tied directly to this principle.
• Technology choices will be constrained by the choices available within the
technology blueprint.

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 263

Appendix D: IT Guiding Principles
Principle 20
Statement IT systems should conform to requisite industry standards

Rationale Help ensure consistency, thus improving the ability to manage systems and
improve user satisfaction, and protect existing IT investments

Implications • A process for setting standards, reviewing and revising them periodically,
and granting exceptions must be established.
• The existing IT platforms must be identified and documented.
• Interoperability standards and industry standards will be followed

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 264

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix
– Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture
– Appendix B : Project Management – COBIT Framework
– Appendix C : Build vs. Buy Factors
– Appendix D : IT Guiding Principles
– Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions
– Appendix F: Customer Experience Solutions
– Appendix G : Applications List
– Appendix H : Application Evaluation
– Appendix I : Indicative Costs
– Appendix J : Business Needs – IT Mapping

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 265

Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions

Activities \ Mode Laptop Mobile PDA Agent BSLI

(disconnected) (SMS) Portals Website
Needs Analysis / Insurance
Downloadable Application forms &
Illustrations (Print-
Leads Mgmt.
Policy / Customer / Claims Enquiries
Customer Info. (Birthdays , Life
events , Life stage movements)
MIS (Policy renewals , Policy
pending for issuance, Policies issued
in a particular period etc.)
Commission (Online Statements,
Commission Reports etc.)

Does not exist Partially exist Fully exists

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 266
Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions

Activities \ Mode Laptop Mobile PDA Agent BSLI

(disconnected) (SMS) Portals Website
News and Announcements
Discussion boards
Training (Calendar / Planning etc.) Intimation


Does not exist Partially exist Fully exists

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 267
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix
– Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture
– Appendix B : Project Management – COBIT Framework
– Appendix C : Build vs. Buy Factors
– Appendix D : IT Guiding Principles
– Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions
– Appendix F: Customer Experience Solutions
– Appendix G : Applications List
– Appendix H : Application Evaluation
– Appendix I : Indicative Costs
– Appendix J : Business Needs – IT Mapping

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 268

Appendix F: Customer Experience Solutions

Activities \ Mode Mobile Customer Third Party Call Centre

(SMS) Portals Portals
Product / Plan Information

Needs Analysis

Online Quotation/ Illustrations

Personal/Agent Information

Policy Information

Portfolio View

Policy Admin Functions (Online requests /

Downloadable forms for offline requests)
Fund Management (Fund Switch /
Enquiries (Application / Policy/ Claim
Status , Cash value / Fund value etc.)
Premium Payments (Premium Due info.,
Online payments etc.) (EBPP)


Does not exist Partially exist Fully exist

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 269
Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix
– Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture
– Appendix B : Project Management – COBIT Framework
– Appendix C : Build vs. Buy Factors
– Appendix D : IT Guiding Principles
– Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions
– Appendix F: Customer Experience Solutions
– Appendix G : Applications List
– Appendix H : Application Evaluation
– Appendix I : Indicative Costs
– Appendix J : Business Needs – IT Mapping

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 270

Appendix G - As – Is Application List

No. System Description
1 Accrual Management System Workflow application for obtaining the approval of accrued expenses of respective
deparments and branchs for next month
2 AMS (Illustration System) Illustration Generation System
3 AURA Underwriting System
4 Axis Actuarial System
5 BCP database Web based application to store the BCP documents and accessible to the specific group

Branch Compliance System Workflow system to automate the Compliance report to be sent by the branches on end of
6 month
7 BSLI Online - DSF (Intranet) Intranet based system for Branches
BSLI Pay slip generators Client based System is used to generate the Employee Payslips and IT projections in
monthly basis by taking the data from payroll system and sends it through email
9 BSLI Website Basic Policy details for the customer on the net
10 Claims Management System Web based application to track all the the on line claims
11 Complaint Management System This Client based application used to track the client complaints
Corporate Training Schedule The system enables employees to check the entire corporate training schedule for a given
12 period in a nutshell.
13 Critical information Database This database is used to stroe the Blood group information
Daily Control Report Web based application to send the daily control sheet to filled by the branches and
14 compiled at HO level
15 Dotsphere User Interface for BPM
Electronic Expense Workflow application for reimbursement of expenses to employees
16 Reimbursement System (EERS)
17 Elixir - CMS Incentives management system
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 271
Appendix G - As – Is Application List

No. System Description
18 Employee Referral System Web based application to participate in the recruitment process
19 Expense Headcount Approval Workflow system to obtain the expense and headcount approvals function wise based on
System the limits
Fixed Assets Management This is web based application for tracking the assets purchased by company right from
System raising the purchase order to receiving the goods , capitalize the goods by using the SUN
accounting system and making the invoice payment
21 Group Quotation Quotation generation system
Help Desk System Web based application for logging , tracking of calls raised for the various functions
23 IBM Content Manager Images repository
24 Ideas and Suggestion system Workflow system to track the Ideas given by the individuals
25 Ingenium Policy Issuance System
26 Inteli Capture Scanning & Indexing System
27 Internal Audit System Workflow system to automate the tracking of audit process for auditing the functions and
branches conducted by the appointed internal auditor

28 Kiosk Basic Policy details for the customer - Accessible at Kiosk

29 Knowledge Management This is used to share the knowledge documents to the specific group
Leave Application Management Web based work flow application for tracking leave applications
30 System
31 Medical Reimbursement System Client based applicaion to track the medicals done against the policy and payment is done
fortnightly basis to the Medical service providers
32 Microstrategy Business Intelligence tool - data Warehousing

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 272

Appendix G - As – Is Application List

No. System Description
33 MIS Reports A client based application to store the monthly MIS and documents for planning and
accounts departments and sending the intimation to the specific group about the upload or
update of documents
34 ODES This is web based application for the application form entry
35 Payroll Salary management system
36 People Soft HR System (System is yet to be implemented - Training completed)
37 Petty Cash System Workflow system for setlling small expenditures.
38 Policy Printing Policy Printing System
39 Production Issue and Web based application used to track the issues and enhancements in various systems
Enhancement System
Project Management System Web based application to track all the new projects and support requests from initiation to
closure including the timesheet management
41 Property Management System This system stores information about BSLI’s contracts, agreements and leases. It helps in
maintaining a database of all Properties and likewise have timely alerts for renewals.

42 Quantis Investments System

43 Receipt Writer Payment collection system at Branches
44 Reinsurance System Reinsurance System (process of redevelopment from MS Access)
45 Reminders System It sends Underwriting and Client Services requirements to branches on daily basis

Reward program System Web based work flow application to automate the process of recording ,capturing and
analyzing the information of those who have receive the award
47 Stationary Management System Web based application to automate the stationary distibution to the various departments in

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 273

Appendix G - As – Is Application List

No. System Description
48 SUN Accounting System Accounting system
49 Talisma CRM - Alternate Application Tracking system for the Alternate channel bank partners to track the
Channel (Sales CRM) applications sourced and the status of the same
Talisma CRM - Call centre Customer service sytem for creating interactions and tracking all the requests received at
50 (Service CRM) call centre with the history & resolution details
51 Task Management System- Workflow system intends to provide reminders and reports for tasks and assignments. It is
to ensure that all internal and external reporting requirements and task allocations are
monitored on regular basis.

52 TDS Pack TDS Certificate and returns preparation

53 Third Party Voucher System Workflow application for Third party payments
54 TrackSys Policy Tracking System - for all customer Interactions
55 Travel Expense Reimbursement Workflow application for to obtain the approval for Travel as well as Advance.
UW/CS Pending policies Client based system is to track the policy requirements which are coming without policy no
on the documents.This database will fetch the data from Ingenium based on Application
56 Number
57 Websphere Process Server Process Management System

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 274

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix
– Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture
– Appendix B : Project Management – COBIT Framework
– Appendix C : Build vs. Buy Factors
– Appendix D : IT Guiding Principles
– Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions
– Appendix F: Customer Experience Solutions
– Appendix G : Applications List
– Appendix H : Application Evaluation
– Appendix I : Indicative Costs
– Appendix J : Business Needs – IT Mapping

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 275

Appendix H - Application Evaluation
• Upgrade of Ingenium
• Move towards a single vendor for Igenium

• Upgrade
– Will provide a better performance of the applications
– Will give BSLI the ability to properly customize Ingenium with the required parameters
• Outsource
– To reduce the backlog of requirements
– To manage spikes in requirements
– To minimize risk in getting skilled resources
– To improve the development processes in place
– To help in the upgrade of Ingenium to the next version

• Refer to the outsourcing Section for approach

• Capability to handle the huge backlog
• Ability to scale resources on need basis
BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 276
Appendix H - Application Evaluation
AMS to be moved to a web-based system

• Increase reach to distant branches
• Make it accessible to agents with internet connectivity at home
• Would enable centralized control , including version management
• Would remove the hassle of distribution management

• Create a web-based version of the application on J2EE technology
• Expose the application through the enterprise portal
• Restrict access to agents, branches and partners

• Increase reach
• Agent empowerment

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 277

Appendix H - Application Evaluation
Talisma - Assessment Results
Functionality Coverage Range of CRM functionalities offered including weakness in any particular
areas) 4.06
  Sales 4
  Marketing 4.375
  Customer Service 4
  Analytics 3.86
Customer data management 4
Usability 3
Technology (Open, scalable, and easy to integrate with other technology systems and applications) 3.03
  Integration 2.6
  Openness open technology standards and tools for integrating with other applications
and third-party providers) 3.5
  Development and customization tools 3
Application ownership experience 3
  Implementation & support 3
  Upgrades and enhancements strategy 3
Key system integration partners 3

 Aggregate Score 3.42

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 278

Appendix H - Application Evaluation
Use Talisma as the CRM implementation solution

• Largely meets the CRM functionality requirements of BSLI (see previous table).

• The technology platform (Microsoft technologies) is not the same as the dominant platform.
However, given the investment made into the product and the fact that it meets the desired
functionality, it must be harnessed effectively.

• Enhance the Customer Service
• Evaluate the functionality of Sales CRM and if found suitable, implement the same
• Evaluate the functionality of Marketing CRM and if found suitable, implement the same
• Implement Analytics CRM

• Enhancing Sales Force

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 279

Appendix H - Application Evaluation
LN Workflow
Use LN Workflow for automating only non-core and non-critical workflows

• LN Workflow is not a transactional system, it is only meant for defining workflows
• For core and critical workflows, the existing BPM infrastructure must be utilized
• LN Workflow expertise may become scarce in long-term
• LN Workflow may not be able to support the radical growth requirements

• Create a web-based version of the application on J2EE technology
• Expose LN Workflow through the suggested portal solution
• Deploy BPM for core processes in a phased manner

• User friendly systems

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 280

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix
– Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture
– Appendix B : Project Management – COBIT Framework
– Appendix C : Build vs. Buy Factors
– Appendix D : IT Guiding Principles
– Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions
– Appendix F: Customer Experience Solutions
– Appendix G : Applications List
– Appendix H : Application Evaluation
– Appendix I : Indicative Costs
– Appendix J : Business Needs – IT Mapping

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 281

Indicative costs

Solution Area Indicative Costs *

Adobe Life cycle Rs. 20 - 40 Lacs
ICR / OCR Rs. 1 – 3 Crs
Pervasive Technology SMS Cell Phone costs
Pervasive Technology Middleware Rs. 60 Lacs
Per PDA (10,000 – 50,000)
BI Modelling tool Rs. 1 Lac
BI ETL Rs 1.5 Crs
BI Reporting Rs 1 Lac per user
Integration Advanced ESB Rs 50 Lacs

* This is an indicative cost only (most are list prices from OEM). Actual costs can only be arrived at after detailed requirements and evaluation study,

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 282

Indicative costs

Solution Area Indicative Costs *

Project Management Configuration Management Rs 1.5 Lacs
Project Management Functional Testing Rs 5 Lacs
Project Management Test Management Rs 13 Lacs
Infrastructure Access Management Rs 40 Lacs
Infrastructure Asset Management Rs 70 Lacs
Infrastructure Identity Management Rs 83 Lacs
Infrastructure Network Management Rs 1.5 Crs
Infrastructure Server Management Rs 32 Lacs
Addl Development Talisma CRM Rs 1 Crs
Addl Development Upgrade Ingenium Rs 7.2 Crs
Addl Development Performance Tuning Rs 15 Lacs

* This is an indicative cost only (most are list prices from OEM). Actual costs can only be arrived at after detailed requirements and evaluation study,

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 283

Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Business Overview
• As – Is IT State
• Target Business Operating Model
• Target IT State
• Recommended Solutions
• IT Roadmap
• Appendix
– Appendix A : Service Oriented Architecture
– Appendix B : Project Management – COBIT Framework
– Appendix C : Build vs. Buy Factors
– Appendix D : IT Guiding Principles
– Appendix E : Sales Enablement Solutions
– Appendix F: Customer Experience Solutions
– Appendix G : Applications List
– Appendix H : Application Evaluation
– Appendix I : Indicative Costs
– Appendix J : Business Needs – IT Mapping

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 284

Appendix G : Business Needs – IT Mapping

• This excel sheet contains the Business Needs and the IT mapping
which was used for the engagement

Pain Areas - IT

BSLI – Formulation of IT Strategy & Roadmap - 285

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