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The Art of The Critical Appraisal is

the written form of a


In this assignment you

The Dissection will research, craft and
of the Debate write a debate script
for your team

The Debate Script

Be it resolved that:
personal biobank materials
be made accessible to family members
Be it resolved that:
personal biobank materials
be made accessible to family members
What is the Science?
Genetics? Genomics?
What is at stake?
What technologies
bring this issue to light
Key words? Risks?

Principles in Ethical Stakeholders?

Decision Making
Pixabay image
Bioethical Debates
Principles in Ethical Decision-Making
Be sure to identify principles
1. Autonomy affected by acceptance [PRO] and
rejection [CON] of the proposition
2. Beneficence
3. Justice Ex.
Access to digital genome
4. Nonmaleficence sequence information should be
5. Veracity open and free
Vote: Y/N
6. Fidelity
7. DoTransparency Tutorial
memorize the terms and their #5
definitions [quiz material relevant
to course content and debate
assignment content – short essay
question on final exam]
The Proposition

Be it resolved that:
Access to digital genome
sequence information
should be open and free
The Issue[s]

DNA sequence information is no

longer locked in/linked to
biological tissue
Be it resolved that: Sequencing Technology is
Access to digital genome inexpensive
sequence information
should be open and free Data rapidly acquired, accessed
and accessible – electronic/digital

This can divide nations in their

capabilities, research and
healthcare…..have/have not
Debate – “Game of the intellectuals”
[Compilation of debate information from multiple internet sources selected for direct application]

Debate: formal method of interactive argument. Logical consistency,

factual accuracy, and some degree of emotional appeal to the audience
are important elements of the art of persuasion. In debating, one side
often prevails over the other side by presenting a superior context and/or
framework. The outcome of a debate is decided by a vote.

The major goal of the study of debate as a method or art is to develop

one’s ability to play from either position with equal ease.

Debate Elements:
Two sides – Affirmative [PRO] and Negative [CON] i.e., in favour of and
opposed to One Statement [thesis, proposition or resolution] – if adopted
the statement would change something; the “negative” team must
destroy the arguments of the “affirmative” team sufficiently to warrant
not adopting the proposition.


The Weight of Evidence
PRO Argument CON


Central to the evaluation of the

debate is the argument; logic
and evidence

Be it resolved that:
Access to digital genome sequence information should be open and
Implications after the Debate: The vote on the issue is called

Resolution upheld or voted down

Open access vs. Restricted access

Debate Dynamics
“Be it Resolved That…..”
Pro Con
• Introduction with arguments
• Introduction with arguments

• 1st Rebuttals
• 1st Rebuttals

Concise statements
• 2nd Rebuttals • 2nd Rebuttals Pithy – Brief – Poignant
Data rich / Data driven

• Conclusion • Conclusion
Issue Specification

• What is the issue? Debate Research is Critical

• What is at stake?
• Who are the stakeholders?
Make sure the research has depth and breadth

• Teach the background

• Teach the technology
• Teach the genetic advance

• Sources to use - primary research

papers; use data; use statistics
• Citation and reference format of the
Journal PLoS Genetics using Zotero
reference manager
• Citations are in text;
• References are listed as the final
section of the script
Your Debate Teams
– 8 members
Divide to research
Join to share
4 Member PRO team 4 Member CON team

• Intro [PRO vs. CON perspectives]
Work on your • Issue specification; ethical breaches
document via a
shared site • Give 3 arguments [PRO & CON ]
• Rebut each as counterarguments
• One Drive
• Google Drive • Rebut the counterarguments
Author your
• Summarize the most convincing
debate script arguments and rebuttals; Conclude with
statement why PRO and why CON are the
winning vote.
Issue Decision-making principles
Specification 1. Autonomy
• State the issue
2. Beneficence
• State the ethical dilemma 3. Justice
• State the stakeholders/stake
4. Nonmaleficence
• Teach the science and background; 5. Veracity
teach the genetic technology or
biological advance that has created
the ethical dilemma
6. Fidelity
7. Transparency
• Which of the decision-making
principles have been broken
Tutorial #5
Arguments Decision-making principles
1. Autonomy
• Do the research; what evidence
exists to support your side 2. Beneficence
3. Justice
• 3 arguments for PRO,
3 arguments for CON 4. Nonmaleficence
5. Veracity
• Consider rebuttals to opposing
arguments 6. Fidelity
7. Transparency
• Consider rebuttals to opposing
Debate Construction: Arguments

• List arguments • List arguments

• Rank order the arguments lead with • Rank order the arguments lead with
strongest and end strong the strongest and end strong

• Identify primary data to support the • Identify primary data to support the
arguments arguments
• Consider multiple sources • Consider multiple sources
Identify multiple lines of evidence and data to support the argument and the rebuttals
Debate Construction: Rebuttals
• List rebuttals • List rebuttals

• List key features of strong • List key features of strong

rebuttals. rebuttals.

• Match the rebuttal to the • Match the rebuttal to the

counter argument counter argument

• Identify primary data to support • Identify primary data to support

the rebuttals the rebuttals

• Consider sources • Consider sources

Debate Script Concise statements
Pithy – Brief – Poignant
First name: brief informative text Data rich / Data driven
Each component is only a 3-minute text

Pro Con
• Introduction with arguments Contribution:
• Issue
• Introduction with arguments • Background
• Science
• Principles of ethical
• 1st Rebuttals decision-making
• 1st Rebuttals • Argument [3 each side]
• Rebuttals [3 x 2 each]
• Conclusion
• 2nd Rebuttals • 2nd Rebuttals
Team members contribute
over the components based
• Conclusion • Conclusion on their contribution
Debate Conclusions
List the key elements of a strong conclusion of the debate.

Be able to wrap up
Summarize the most convincing arguments
Summarize the strongest evidence

End strong – firm statement of most convincing argument based on the

strongest evidence
Listen to a debate:
Be It Resolved Healthcare
I would rather get sick in the United States than Canada
- See more at:

Climate Change
“Be it resolved, climate change is mankind's defining crisis, and demands a
commensurate response...”
Be it resolved that:
Access to digital genome sequence
information should be open and free

• What is the issue?

• What is at stake? • PRO arguments?
• Who are the stakeholders? • CON arguments?

• Teach the background • Rebuttals/counterarguments?

• Teach the technology
• Teach the genetic advance

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