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Dr. Nevzat BİRİŞİK

Content of lecture

1. An overview on agriculture policy

2. Policy approach
3. Policy areas
4. Policy objectives
5. Policy tools
6. Policy institutions
7. Policy instruments
8. Policy funding resources
9. Legal basis of policies
10. Conclusion
1. An overview on agriculture policy

 What are the differences between «Politics» and «Policy» ?

 Politics are the actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a

country or society. The art of science of government. The activities associated with
the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having
power. All activities aimed at improving someone's status or increasing power within
an organization.(Politika, siyaset)

 Policy a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has

been agreed to officially by a group of people, a business organization, a 
government, or a political party: Policy most commonly refers to a rule or plan of
action, especially an official one adopted and followed by a group, organization, or
government. (plan, kurumsal yada operasyonel hedefler)
 Politics and policy are two mutually influencing definitions, and policy mostly
includes foresight and planning based on scientific data and needs.
1. An overview on agriculture policy
1. An overview on agriculture policy
Contextual factors shaping government policy

1. An overview on agriculture policy: Tarımsal piyasalar

 monopoly market
 oligopoly market
 perfectly competitive market
 Workable competitive market

 An economic model of a market in which competition is less than perfect, but adequate
enough to give buyers genuine alternatives
1. An overview on agriculture policy: Stakeholders?
1. An overview on agriculture policy: General goals of policy

 Increasing the producer's income

 Ensuring self-sufficiency by guaranteeing the production of basic agricultural products
necessary for the nutrition of the people
 Reducing the instability in the agricultural product market
 Increasing the income level of farmers
 Providing raw materials needed by the agriculture-based industry
 Increasing agricultural export revenues
 Providing food products at affordable prices to the consumer
 Capital to be created in agriculture Contributing to economic development with its
 To ensure the protection of natural resources and the environment
1. An overview on agriculture policy: expectation of differnt parties

Expectation of growers-producers:
● To provide an income level that can sustain life like every human being.
● Raising the standard of living
● Owning the land he cultivates in order to be free and independent
● To ensure an effective development in a business life compatible with his/her belief.
● Having a desired level of agricultural education
Expectation of consumers:
● Ensuring an abundant supply of agricultural products at reasonable prices
● Elimination of malnutrition and hunger
● Protecting health and reducing health disasters
● Preservation of natural resources such as land and water for future generations without misuse
1. An overview on agriculture policy:
History of agriculture policy of Turkiye
 Ottoman empaire:
 Toprak mülkiyeti devletin (MİRİ arazi) ve üretim AŞAR vergisine tabi
 İhracat ve bölgelere arası ticaret izne bağlı
 Zahire bakanlığı (stok yönetimi) ve gıda fiyatlarında NARH uygulaması

 First Repuplican period: 1923-1962

 Toprak mülkiyeti kişilerin (Medeni kanun), AŞAR kaldırıldı, TMO, ZB ürün alımı yaptı (MĞDAHALE)
 İhracat desteklendi, Fiyatlarda NARH uygulaması,
 Köylülere toprak dağıtımı, kamusal hizmetler (Ar-Ge) ACİL MÜDAHELE ve KONTROL dönemi

 Second repuplical periods: 1963-1999

 7 adet beş yıllık kalkınma planı yapıldı, TARIMSAL DESTEKLEME VE MÜDAHALE ALIMLARI BAŞLADI
 Tarım ve gıda alanında KİT’ler kuruldu ABK, YEM, TSK vb),7. KP dönemin sonunda KAPATILDI?
 Kooperatifler oluşturuldu, desteklendi, ucuz girdi sağlandı, EĞİTİM-YAYYIM hizmetleri GELİŞTRİLDİ

 After year of 2000-…

 4 adet beş yıllık KP hazırlandı; üreticin kaydı (ÇKS) ve doğrudan gelir ödemesi (DGD) yapıldı
 Toplulaştırma, tarım sigortası (TARSİM), Kırsal kalkınma (KKYDP ve TKDK) ve KÖYDES projeleri yürütüldü
 Ürün (18) ve alan bazlı (4) destekleme, çevreci tarım (ÇATAK, İTU, OT), ıslah, Ar-Ge, Biyolojik mücadele destekleri
 Uluslararası uyum, GIDA GÜVENİLİRİLİĞİ için kontrol ve denetim organı (5996 sk)
 Destekleme kanalarının çeşitlenmesi (TOB, Bölge idareleri, Belediyeler) ve mevzuat derinlemesi olmuştur
 Piyasa müdahale enstrümanları çeşitlemiş ve artmıştır (TMO, TİGEM, TKKMB, ESK, DİR, DİFİF vb.)
 Havza bazlı yönetim, ürün konseyleri, tarımsal danışmanlık, dijital tarım…
2. Policy approach
1. Liberal approch: USA, Argentina, New Zeland, 2. Interventionist approch: EU, Japan, Turkey
2. Policy approach
Agricultural policy monitoring and evaluation by OECD:
1. Producer Support Estimates (PSE)
These are transfers to agricultural producers and are
measured at the farm gate level
2. Consumer Support Estimates (CSE)
These refer to transfers from consumers of agricultural
commodities. They are measured at the farm gate level.
 3. General Services Support Estimates (GSSE)
GSSE transfers are linked to measures creating enabling
conditions for the primary agricultural sector through the
development of private or public services, institutions and
4. Total Support Estimate (TSE)
The TSE transfers represent the total support granted to the
agricultural sector, and consist of producer support (PSE),
consumer support (CSE) and general services support
5. Producer protection
The PP is the ratio between the average price received by
producers (measured at the farm gate), including net
payments per unit of current output, and the border price
(measured at the farm gate)
2. Policy approach
 Macro policy goal is manage the risk and
insitiability in agriculture;

 The instability in the agricultural sector

stems from the structure of the sector.
 The main goal of agricultural policies is to
reduce this instability as much as possible
 Macro policy to manage this insatbilies
and risks are;

 income support
 agricultural insurance,
 trade liberalization
 product stocking
 market regulation (internal &external)
 futures marcets (TÜRİP)
2. Policy approach

Instability and uncertainty impose a potentially high cost to society. Policies that reduce
uncertainty have a very high return. In a dynamic economy with shifts in the allocation of goods
and resources in response to changing climate, technology, tastes, preferences and institutions,
changes in prices are necessary for efficiency. But prices fluctuate frequently and excessively,
putting costs on producers and consumers. Carefully formulated public policies can, at some
cost, reduce uncertainty at the farm and retail level and reduce product profits.
For this reason, it is necessary to determine the economically desired limits of such polices and
2. Policy approach: Goverment intervention?

In most cases, it is not clear whether it would be appropriate for the government to intervene in the
market. Historical experience and past experience have shown that the wisest decision is often to rely on
the market created by the private sector. Because state interventions have often caused greater social
losses than the negativities caused by the inadequacy of the market.

Government interventions for social purposes should be offered to society as a public service. Investment
projects with a cost-benefit ratio of less than 1, such as land reform, distribution of taxes from the rich to
the poor as support and incentives, and appropriate provision of education and health services may be
3. Policy area/s

1. Agricultural production
2. Food production
3. Rural devolopment
4. Natural resources and
3. Policy area/s
Tarımsal üretim Kırsal kalkınma Gıda Çevre ve doğal kaynak

Yasal düzenlemeler - Ekiliş izinleri - Kırsal alan - Gıda kodeksi - Alan koruma
- Sözleşmeli üretim - İmar - İşletme onayları - Avcılık
- Ticaret uygulamaları - Ürün onayları düzenlemesi
sınırlamaları - DİR

Desteklemeler ve -Yatırım - Yatırım - Kayıt - ÇATAK

teşvikler -Girdi - Üretim - Onay - İyi tarım
-Üretim - İşletme - İzin - Organik tarım
Denetleme ve kontrol Çevresel izleme - İzleme - Gıda denetimi - Biyokaçakçılık
- Nitrat izleme
Piyasa müdahaleleri - Ürün alımı -   - Tenzilatlı satış -  
- Girdi satışı - TMO-ESK-TKKB

Kamu hizmetleri - Sulama - Köy alt yapıları - İzleme-denetim Milli Parklar

- Toplulaştırma

Ar-Ge ve Eğitim-Yayım - Çeşit ve teknoloji -   - İnovasyon - DKMP


Sosyal yardımlar - Girdi hibesi - Sosyal - Gıda hibesi - ORKÖY

güvenlik - Okul sütü
Risk ve doğal afetler - TARSİM - Afet konutları - Gıda ve yem - Genetik koruma
- Doğal afet yardımı
4. Policy objectives
1. Sustainable production Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığının 2019-2023 Stratejik Planında
yer alan amaç ve hedefler aşağıda sıralanmıştır.
2. Food safety (7 temel 26 alt bileşen hedef açıklanmıştır)

3. Fare trade 1. Kırsal alanda refahı yükseltmek, tarımsal üretimde verim

ve kaliteyi artırarak istikrarlı gıda arzını sağlamak
4. Protection of environment 2. Üretimden tüketime kadar gıda, yem güvenilirliğini
sağlamak, bitki, hayvan sağlığı ve refahına yönelik gerekli
tedbirleri almak
3. Balıkçılık ve su ürünleri kaynaklarını korumak,
sürdürülebilir işletimini sağlamak
4. Toprak ve su kaynaklarının sürdürülebilir yönetimini
5. İklim değişikliği, çölleşme ve erozyonla etkin mücadele
6. Biyolojik çeşitliliği korumak ve sürdürülebilir yönetimini
7. Kurumsal kapasiteyi geliştirmek

5. Policy tools: polcy devolopment, advocacy and implemention

1. laws and sanctions,

2. supports and incentives,
3. permits and easements,
4. education-R&D and extension,
5. delivery of public services
6. Policy institutions

1. Grand National Assembly of Turkey

2. Turkiye Presidency
3. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
4. Local governments municipalities
5. Regional development
6. Civil society organizations: NGO
7. İnternational Organizations
7. Policy instruments

1. UN Milenium Devolopment Goals

2. National five-year development
3. Strategic plans of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Forestry,
4. Medium-term financial plan,
5. Subject or sector-based action
6. Regional development plans
7. Policy instruments: National five-year development plans,

60 years of experience

https:// https://
es_Yillik_1963-1967.pdf _Plani-2019-2023.pdf
7. Policy instruments: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

20 years of experience

7. Policy instruments: Subject or sector-based action plans,
8. Policy funding resouces

1. Central-general budget of the state,

2. Local sources budget of municipalities,
3. International fund sources,
4. Private sector investments,
5. Civil society aids
8. Policy funding resouces: FAO
9. Legal basis of policies
1. Tarım Kanunu: Agriculture law: No: 5488, Tarih 18.4.2006

2. Kamu Mali Yönetimi ve Kontrolü Kanunu: No: 5018. Tarih 24.12.2003

3. Bütçe kanunu: her yıl

4. Orta vadeli Mali Planlar

5. Agreement on Agricultre (AoA) WTO, 1995

6. EU CAP, Chapter 11 – Agriculture and rural development
9. Legal basis of policies: Agreement on Agriculture AoA-WTO
 The Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) is an international treaty of the World Trade Organization. It was negotiated during
the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and entered into force with the establishment of the
WTO on January 1, 1995.
 The Agreement on Agriculture consists of three pillars—domestic support, market access, and export subsidies.
 Domestic support: The first pillar of the Agreement on Agriculture is "domestic support". AoA divides domestic support
into two categories: trade-distorting and non-trade-distorting (or minimally trade-distorting). The WTO Agreement on
Agriculture negotiated in the Uruguay Round (1986–1994) includes the classification of subsidies by "boxes" depending
on consequences of production and trade: amber (most directly linked to production levels), blue (production-limiting
programmes that still distort trade), and green (minimal distortion)
 Market Access: Market access refers to the reduction of tariff (or non-tariff) barriers to trade by WTO members. The 1995
Agreement on Agriculture consists of tariff reductions of:
 36% average reduction - developed countries - with a minimum of 15% per-tariff line reduction in next six years.

 24% average reduction - developing countries - with a minimum of 10% per-tariff line reduction in next ten years.

 Least developed countries (LDCs) were exempt from tariff reductions,

 Export subsidies: Export subsidies are the third pillar. The 1995 Agreement on Agriculture required developed countries to
reduce export subsidies by at least 36% (by value) or by 21% (by volume) over six years. For developing countries, the
agreement required cuts were 24% (by value) and 14% (by volume) over ten years.
10. Conclusion
 The Agriculture Policy is different from politics but it is strongly linked reciprocally
 There are many stakeholders, parties and influencer in setting of any agripolicy
 Agricultural policies very diverse from country to country and changed by time
 Turkey has a very long history in preparation of agricultural polices by the time
 Policy development is need a strategy and should managed all the risks
 The developed policies must be in balance of other sectors and international regulation
 Any policy need to advocated, funded and implemented in accordance of emerged need.
 There are many different responsible authorities to develop and implement policies
 Issuing law, restriction, permission, support, incentives, extension are some tools of implementation
 There are many different fund sources for the agrifood policy no one is enough.
 The developed policies must have a legal basis to enforce and regulation frame for the implementation
 All agricultural policies should be monitored, evaluated and reported to the national and international
related authorities.

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