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Formal Dinner

Business Communication
(Etiquettes of Formal Dinner)
Presented to: Presented by: M. Badar Shahab (10-NTU-5041)

Mr. Farooq Jamal

National Textile University Faisalabad

Entrance In Dining Hall

Hold the door.

y Whoever (guy or

gal) gets to the door first should open it and hold for others who are following.

The door is closing

y At an elevator,

those in the elevator should get off before anyone else get on.

Sitting Arrangement
y Generally the

chairperson sits at the end of the table farthest from the entrance.

No eating with your fingers!

y During the first

course of the meal, use the utensils on the outside.

y For example, the

salad arrived, use the fork on the far left. Entre arrives, the next fork.

I want to eat my dessert!

y When wanting to

eat your dessert, use the utensils that were placed above the plate.

Put the napkin where?

y Open the napkin,

refold in half and place in onto your lap with the fold away from you.


How did that get on the floor?

y If your utensils or

napkin fall, DO NOT crawl around on the floor to retrieveflag down a waiter and ask for another.

I cant eat another thing.

y Finally done


Place all of your utensils on the plate with the tip of the fork and knife across the plate, pointing at 11 oclock.

Chop sticks or Chop Suey?

y Eat your Chop

Suey (or any other food) with chop sticks ONLY if you already know how to use themlearning in front of someone can be ugly!

Whats in my Mouth?
y Great meal when

all of a sudden you realize something in your mouth needs to come out!

y Cover your mouth

with a napkin and get it outdiscreetly!


Doing lunch?
y Whoever invites a

colleague or client to a business lunch pays for it that includes the tip, coat check and parking if necessary.


Where to Lunch
y Select a restaurant

that is conducive to conducting business.

y The restaurant

should be centrally located for both, or close to the guests office.


Party time!
y Have fun, but

maintain control! DO NOT get drunk hit on a co-worker stay at the buffet


Consider some of the benefits of etiquette

y Gives professionals

the tools to impress clients and colleagues.

y It puts others at

ease so that business can be conducted.


y Helps to establish

rapport with others more easily. Gives the organization an overall polished, professional image.
y Builds confidence

and helps create a winning style.


y Take time to say please and thank you

more often.
y Dont forget to say Hello rather than Hi. y Say youre welcome rather than no



and always


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