Usa and Pak Relations: Hadia

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Usa and Pak Relations

Beginning of relations
• USA supported Hindu Muslim unity and it was year before they sent an
ambassador to Pak and were enthusiastic about developing rels with Pak.
• LAK was annoyed by unenthusiastic behavior of Americans so arranged a
trip to Soviet Union in 1949 and this annoyed USA as they were working for
anti communism and SU was communist.
• So it sparked up USA’s vigilance and they arranged for LAK to come to USA
in 1950 and a Pak embassy in USA was also decided.
• Another factor that helped develop relations was that India refused to join
the anti communism movement and Pak was willing to do so in return for
economic and military aid. USA also decided Pak, Iran and Turkey were
perfect to form the anti communist movement.
3 agreements signed
• May 1954; Pak and USA signed the Mutual Defense Assistance
• Sept 1954; SEATO- south east asia treaty org set up.
• 1955; Turkey And Iraq signed Baghdad Pact (renamed CENTO)

• The treaties explain why Pak was called USA’s most allied ally
• USA, UK, France, Philippines, NZ, Aus, Thailand, Pak members.
• Pak govt opposed in the beginning so Pak officially joined in 1955.
• Treaty stated that if any member attacked, they could ask for support from
the org. however only if attack from communist countries.
• Pak soon realized that SEATO couldn’t help them with wars with India or
East Pakistan breaking away.
• So later in 1972 ZAB withdrew Pak from it after failed attempts to convince
the policy to be for ANY ATTACK.
Baghdad Pact/ CENTO (central asia treaty
• Aim to work for anti communist stratagems in Soviet Union.
• Iran left in 1972.
• Never developed a strategy or plan despite the regular meetings.
• Committee dissolved in 1979.
• USA supported but never joined.
Bad relations after 1959
• In the Indo China war, USA sent aid to India. Pak offended and stated that USA
should've asked for Kashmir in return for the aid. However, USA was more keen
on gaining Indian support and didn’t pay much attention.
• In opposition, Ayub Khan visited China in 1962 and in 1965 Soviet Union. This
annoyed USA but China and SU were more keen to develop relations with Pak.
• In 1965 war, USA didn’t aid Pak and joined a military embargo with UK and this
effected Pak as it relied on USA for military assets.
• In 1971 USA did not help Pakistan either, though they warned India not to build
war, nothing effective or serious was done.
• IN 1977 rels worsened as USA didn’t like Zia’s military reforms.
• In 1979, further damage was done when the US ambassy in Pak was burnt down
and Zia was blamed for it. All aid was called off.
Ayub as the architect of good relations btw
USA and Pak
• Allowed them making bases in Pak
• Supported US during embarrassing U2 incident
• Bhutto was not pro American and was not liked by US though.
Afghan Miracle
• In 1979, SU invaded Afghanistan and USA changed stances about Zia very
quickly as they were in dire need of Pak’s alliance and support in this time.
• Zia used this need to the most efficient as he demanded economic and
military aid in exchange for this support in Afghanistan. He made Pak the 3rd
largest recipient of US aid.
• In 1980 stated the deal made to be insufficient and in 1981 USA agreed to 1.6
billion dollars aid package with 1.5 billion dollars loan at low interest rates.
• It was further increased to 4.2 billion dollars worth of military and economic
aid in 1986.
• India opposed this greatly but USA was in a tight position.
End of the Miracle
• In 1988, Afghanistan and USA made a pact to end the war and USA
called off the aid.
• BB later had to understand how important USA’s aid was for Pakistan
and to develop relations visited USA in 1989.
Nuclear Issue
• USA were concerned about Pak developing nuclear assets. Tried to get Pak
to sign the Nuclear non proliferation treaty however BB said Pak was not
making nuclear weapons but was allowed to for its defense.
• In 1985 Pressler Amendment passed by USA that stated that they would
give Pak aid only if The president confirmed that Pak had no nuclear
• After the Afghan War, President Bush said Pak was making the nuclear
weapons and USA called off all support and aid.
• Realization hit how much Pak needed this aid as Pak suffered economically.
• Pak asked why us and why not India? USA said bec Pak was slowly
becoming the hub of terrorist activities.
• President Bill Clinton took back Pressler Amendment and passed
Brown Amendment that restored aid, gave 388 million dollars to pak
in military equipment and supplied pak with the f 16s that it had paid
• Secretary William Perry visited Pak and declared P.A a mistake and BB
also went to USA in 1996.
• Further developed when Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea visited
U2 incident
• The 1960 U-2 incident occurred on 1 May 1960, when an American U-2 spy
plane was shot down by the Soviet Air Defence Forces while performing
photographic aerial reconnaissance deep inside Soviet territory.
• Piolet ejected and parachuted to the ground safely, where he was
subsequently captured by Soviet forces.
• Initially, US authorities acknowledged the incident as the loss of a
civilian weather research aircraft operated by NASA but were forced to
admit the mission's true purpose a few days later
• When the Soviet government presented the captured pilot and parts of the
U-2's surveillance equipment, including photographs of Soviet military
bases taken during the mission.

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