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Trends, Networks, and Critical

Thinking in the 21st Century

1. differentiate a trend from a fad (HUMSS_MCT12-Ia-b-3);
2. explain the process on how to spot a trend
(HUMSS_MCT12-Ia-b-2); 3. point out the elements that
make up a trend (HUMSS_MCT12-Ia-b-4); and
3. describe the characteristics of a trend (HUMSS_MCT12-la-
What is Trend?
Trend is a continuous development towards something new or
different. It simply reflects on what seems to be going around at any
given time. Sanders, Soper and Rotwell (2009) define trend as a
―recurrent phenomenon that takes place over time and gives rise to
speculation on the future. It can be in any area and doesn’t only reflect
fashion, pop culture and entertainment, but to all dimensions.
It could be socio-cultural, economic and/or political dimensions.
Moreover, it is a change evidenced by a rise or fall of variables when
measured between at least two points over time (Gordon, 2008). Thus,
a trend is a sequential pattern of change in recorded data.
This hierarchy is a representation of the scale of the development
of a trend.
MICROTRENDS – are “little things that happen all around us all the
time, the tiny shifts that occur in everything from clothes we wear, and
the snacks we eat, to the way we work, play, and love.” These trends
happen right now and are outright observable. For others, microtrends
are synonymous with fads. The importance of microtrends is that they
offer a glimpse about the future through the clues they possess.
2. MACROTRENDS – are “aggregated microtrends or
more sweeping changes that are affecting society.” They
provide major changes that are perceptible in the societal
level for a longer period. These are more stable than
microtrends, which can quickly fizzle out.
3. MEGATRENDS – are “macrotrends that have grown up and
moved out. They are big and bold, and affect the lives of great
swathes of the human race.” They can last for decades and are so
pervasive as to be generally known”, because of this condition,
megatrends are regarded as so evident. In other words, they have
become the prevailing condition that have become too normal.
4. GIGATRENDS – are “trends that are so general that they
affect most areas of human life – or, at least, more than one
aspect of life or more than one industry.” Gigatrends are
usually identified to define an era.
What is Fad?
Fad is an exquisite societal pattern but did not last longer.
It spreads widely and effectively to the demands of every
individual. Moreover, it is a temporary form of fashion,
interest, or any crazing activity that excites people.
Trends are what we see when something changes and
evolves along a specific (sometimes predictable) path,
whereas fads are more transient in nature, appearing one
day and then disappearing the next. Before I go any
further, let's look at the definition and examples of each.
Living in the 21st century world, learners must know the
trends and fads not to keep up with the flow of time but to
have the knowledge to make wise decisions.

1. Duration of time
One major difference between a trend and a fad is
duration. A fad product enjoys a few months of unexpected
popularity, but disappears just as quickly as it appears. The
lifespan of most fads is notoriously short, but if a fad item
becomes a trend, it can remain popular for decades.
The Crocs rubber clogs footwear is an example of a fad.
For many, this brand of slippers and rubber clogs was
clearly a fad as the market value of the company soared,
peaking in the late 2007 at nearly $70 a share. But once
sales started to decline, the stock value dropped sharply and
abruptly to just over $1 a share by early 2009.
2. Number of industries affected
Some say that the difference between a fad and a trend
is based on the number of industries it affects. A fad often
appears in a single industry and rarely crosses over into
others. The introduction of a particular style of pants
called parachute pants or jeans made from a thin nylon
material did not become an accepted fashion element of
young people in the 1980s.
But the recent introduction of Apple’s iPod, on the other
hand, went beyond the realm of fashion and has become a
trend in the wireless communications and music industries.
At the present, portable electronic devices have become a
trend, while clothing styles remain as fads which are tapped
in particular time.
Trend Fad
Apple’s I Pod Parachute pants
Portable electronic devices, laptops, Leg warmers
touchscreen cellphones, camera
3. Industry acceptance
Investing in a fad item can be risky for companies known for
setting trends. It can be very difficult to tell the difference on one
and the other before the product or service reaches the buying
public. Smaller companies often have the flexibility necessary to
promote a faddish item, while larger companies tend to wait
until the initial smoke clears and a trend can be determined
These are the forces that have been shaping human behavior for years (if
not forever!) as it is necessary to sustain life. These are the minimum
requirements of a community for a decent standard of life. It consists of
adequate food, shelter, and clothing plus some household
equipment and furniture. Likewise, these include essential services
provided by and for the
community-at-large such as safe drinking water, sanitation, health and
As the constant thing in this world is change thus, there are no
trends without change.
Drivers of change is considered as one of the most well-known
and comprehensive publication
series as it investigates the key global issues and trends driving
change in our societies and
markets. It analyzes change, thinks in terms of Shifts (long-term,
slower) and Triggers (specific
factors or events).
Innovations generally refer to changing processes or creating
more effective
processes, products and ideas. They are considered as catalyst
for growth and development,
but they aren’t trends. Conversely, without examples of
customer-facing innovations, a trend
can’t be said to exist fully yet.
1. Innovation
A trend should introduce changes and something absolutely new to a
community. It is the process of introducing something novel or original
like ideas,
devices, or methods.
Examples include the rapid upgrading of cell phones and other gadgets,
as well as the transformation of décor into a more modern style that
appeals to the younger generation. In clothing, accessories, or any outfit
related to trends, it is sometimes a combination of different styles, in
order to be in a contemporary manner.
2. Consistency
One thing after the other, people can still recognize that this style or trend
or culture or language is a trademark or a mark of a country or a place.
Identity has become a part of it. The National Costume is an example of
how, no matter what changes occur, our national identity will remain. It
innovates, but it maintains the nationalistic symbol. The design of other
houses, such as bahay kubo, is one that we consider consistently. The po
and opo and pagmamano, which have a significant impact on being a
Filipino raised in a respectful tradition
3. Outerwear- ability
Outwear is very popular in every cool season. Ability to
wear is well appreciated by the customers especially in
clothing. Creating simple but elegant design makes you
5. Simplicity
Creating simple yet innovative fashion design is like setting
yourself up for professional progress. One thing is that
versatility usually calls simplicity. It is easy to remember if it
is simple. Empowering your audience and building does not
necessarily expensive. Make it simple. You are now ready to
do the practice exercises. This time, you are going to utilize
your comprehension on what you have read

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