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Employability in the career of commercial


NAME OF YOUR CAREER: Business Engineering

Valentina Ibacache
Eduardo Labraña
Esteban Navarro
TEACHER´S NAME: Helena Kanelos
DATE: Wednesday, june 07, 2022

lo dice: esteban
●Identified need or problem
●Labor centralization
●Our problem or need to deal with is centralization work because whenever we hear
about what a commercial engineer works on, the first thing we hear is in the bank,
but why the bank? It may be because he delivers more tempting salaries, more
stable jobs, among other factors. This research is aimed at future commercial
engineers and also commercial engineers who are currently working or plan to work
in a bank.

●People involved
●Future and current commercial engineers

lo dice: esteban

Our proposal is to be able to promote the various jobs that exist

apart from working in the bank, which is why our ideas to
promote the other jobs is that in universities more emphasis is
given to them through field visits and talks, also incentives to
those who prefer these jobs.

lo dice: esteban
● Information and images
● Here we can see that according to a study
carried out by la pontificia Universidad
Católica de Valparaíso , we can see that the
area of finance occupies a large part in which
commercial engineers work in their early years

lo dice: esteban

Interview expert 1

❖ Anonymous, commercial engineering commercial

engineer from the University of Talca.
In what areas do you think a commercial engineer
can develop?

Placing employability in the area of ​future engineers

commercials on the university page. Do you believe ANSWERS:

that it motivate more students, to join the race? 1- A commercial engineer can develop within a company in the areas of
operations, administration, finance, human resources, treasury, etc. They can
Do most commercial engineers choose banks, also work in entrepreneurship, in the banking and financial sector, etc.

because do you think this is due? When could an 2- Employability in the first year after graduation is around 90%, so this may be
attractive to many young people who decide to join the programme.
instance be generated or at what time?
3- I don't know if it is the preferred choice, but it may be because it is one of the
Of the career, would an employability guide be jobs most closely related to the career and allows the development of the
economic and financial side of commercial engineering and also has the
necessary? possibility of starting from lower levels of work and being able to move up
within the company.

4- An employability guide would be useful for students after completing their

degree and before going out into the world of work.
Interview expert 2

❖Axel Ovalle, graduate of commercial

engineering, Professor of this career at
3- I'm not sure most business engineers choose banks. There
the Catholic University of Maule, are many companies that hire commercial engineers. For
currently teaching microeconomics. example, productive companies (CMPC, Arauco, Codelco, etc.),
non-banking services (Retail, educational institutions, water,
electricity, etc.); government organizations (municipalities,
corfo, sercotec, indap, etc.). Now , indeed , many commercial
engineers also work in banking , I believe that their choice has
1- of the holistic training we have , we can develop and to do with the status that working in that field still gives , in
perform in all areas of a for - profit and non - profit addition to the good remuneration they can achieve there .
organization . Administration of the same, finances, 4- I think that throughout the career an employability guide is
operations, collaborators, etc. necessary. In the first years, perhaps in a theoretical way (types
2- If we think that students guide their preferences for of companies, geographical location of the same, etc.) and
the employability of a career, yes of course. But I already from the 3rd year in a practical way, visiting the
believe that the professional orientation of each student companies and seeing in the field what they are about.
has to do with her abilities, obviously without neglecting
professional possibilities. I'm not sure most business
engineers choose banks.
Possible impact

● That students know about different branches of work.

● Students have the initiative to create their own PYME.
● Students who are about to graduate will know what area they want to work in or if they
want to start a business.
● Etc.
Why it is feasible, creative and useful?

● It is feasible because it can be applied at the university with the support of the school
● it is also creative because so far there are no universities that have this type of
information for prospective students.
● it is useful because students who enter will know in what areas to perform.
Sources consulted

● › encuela,Ingenieria Comercial - Trabajos | Chiletrabajos

● › jobs.985 empleos de Ingeniero Comercial en Chile (56 nuevo/s) - LinkedIn

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