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"Implementing the Use

o f Learner-Centered
Principles in the
Teaching Learning

Henssy Jean M. Ledesma

Implementing the use of Learner-Centered
Principles in the Teaching learning Process was
based on the Journal entitled "Applying Learner-
Centered Principles in Teacher Education" by
Pierce, J. and Kalkman, D. (2010).

The aim of this advocacy is to apply and

implement the use of 14 Learner-Centered
Principles, to highly create and develop the qualities
and abilities of the Teachers.
Implementing the use of Learner-Centered
Principles in the teaching learning process provide
a holistic frameworks that combines the
opportunities for teachers, to co-create more
practices with their students to encahnce their
learning and motivation.

This advocacy highly promotes high learning

for all the students, because it includes a strategy
that encourge the teachers to use the cognitive
reflection of the learners, offering them choices and
accommodate the individual differences of all the
why i create this advocacy?
The major issue that this
advocacy wants to solve is the lack of
efficiency of some teachers about the
learning process of the students and
the lack of teachers on how to apply
their knowlegde as a guide yo
instructional decision making,
Impor t anc
e The Importance of this
Advocacy "Implementing the use of
Learner- Centered Principles in the
Teaching Learning Prcocess", is
teachers can now able to create a
strategies and an approaches that can
enchance their students cognitive
process and students abilities to "think
like a professionals".

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