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English Classes

Who was with you yesterday in the afternoon?

Where were you last night?

Were you with your colleagues last Summer?

Was your best friend with you in the morning?

Where were you last night?

How was your day?

When was the last time you studied English?

Were you at home yesterday?

Was your mother in Miami 2 weeks ago?

______________________________? Yes, I am.

_______________________________? I was in my house.

_______________________________? No, I am not married.

_______________________________? No, I am a lawyer.

_______________________________? She’s 27 years old.

Who __________ your dentist? Mary is my dentist. 

Who __________ they? They are John and Bob.

Who ________ your Math teacher? Mr. Thompson was.

What _______ they doing last night? They were cooking.

Who __________ your dentist? Mary is my dentist. 

Who __________ they? They are John and Bob.

Who ________ your Math teacher? Mr. Thompson was.

What _______ they doing last night? They were cooking.

Do / Does + Subject + Verb ?
Do I?
Do you
Does he?
Does she?
Does it?
Do we?
Do you?
Do they?
___________ you play Basketball?

___________ your mother work?

___________ it have to be washed?

___________ they like to watch movies?

___________ she need to write a note for you?

___________ you have a car?

___________ Mary have a car too?

___________ you know that girl?

___________ they go to the Club on Saturdays?

___________ she take a shower in the morning?

I work
You work
He works
She works
It works
We work
You work
They work
I go I watch
You go you watch
He goes he watches
She goes she watches
It goes it watches
We go we watch
You go you watch
They go they watch
I study I cry
You study you cry
He studies he cries
She studies she cries
It studies it cries
We study we cry
You study you cry
They study they cry
Mary _____________ to school by bus. (to go)

Peter _____________ classical music. (to play)

Peter and Suzy ______________ in a Bank. (to work)

Mr. Brown _______________ near San Diego. (to live)

I _______________ to swim. (to like)

Subject + don’t / doesn’t + Verb.

I don’t
You don’t
He doesn’t
She doesn’t
It doesn’t
We don’t
You don’t
We don’t
Mary ______________________ to school by bus. (to go / negative)

Peter ______________________ classical music. (to play / negative)

Peter and Suzy _____________________ in a Bank. (to work / negative)

Mr. Brown ______________________ near San Diego. (to live / negative)

I ________________________ to swim. (to like / negative)

Advérbio Tradução

now agora

always sempre

never nunca

today hoje

every day todos os dias

daily diariamente

often frequentemente

sometimes às vezes

generally geralmente

usually usualmente
How often ….?

How often Do you study?

How often Do you read books?

How often Does your mother cook?

How often Does your father wake up early?

How often Do you watch movies?

How often Does your sister eat hot dog?

How often Does your brother play soccer?

How often Do we speak French?

Gina ___________________(to like / negative) to wake up early.

You __________________(to study) English in the afternoon.

Peter ___________________ (to live) close to a Drugstore.

I ____________________ (to live / negative) close to a Post Office.

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