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8 Performance Management

in the Public Sector

Learning Outcomes

 Describe the concept of performance management in

the public sector
 Relate the key performance indicators to performance
measurement, reporting and evaluation in the public
 Explain the key performance indicator concepts and the
related roles and responsibilities in the public sector
 Discuss the importance of performance monitoring in
the public sector
 Appreciate the issues and challenges in implementing
performance management in the public sector
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Context 8–3

 Performance management has become increasingly

important in the public sector, given that the government
has received enormous pressure to improve public
service delivery and in view that it has immersed itself in
commercial business activities.
 There are various ways that organizations pursue to
improve performance, i.e. establishing organizational
goals, monitoring the achievement of organizational
goals, and revamping inefficient organizational
processes and procedures.

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Context 8–4
Introduction (cont.)

 Performance measures are being actively developed in

Malaysia at both the federal and provincial government
 The interest on performance measurement in the public
sector can be observed through the introduction of
various types of performance measurement initiatives
e.g. key performance indicators (KPIs), balanced
scorecards and others to enhance its services and
promote transparent and accountable government.

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Context 8–5
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
 The public sector needs to be evaluated because
performance management can bring about
transparency and the most important element,
 Performance measurement begins with determining the
organization’s mission, goals, objectives and activities.
 Performance measurement is also an incentive for
output and it can be divided into two categories:
(a) the quantitative e.g. budgets and cost reductions
(b) the qualitative measures e.g. public satisfaction and
physical development
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Context 8–6
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)
 In order to create an accurate, effective and efficient
performance measurement system in the public sector,
we need to have a good performance measurement
 Some of the most commonly used performance
measures include:
(a) Inputs (e.g. funds, personnel, equipment, and
other resources)
(b) Workload or activity levels (e.g. applications
processed, inspections carried out, and services

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Context 8–7
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

(c) Outputs (e.g. the number of children vaccinated,

miles of road built, tons of trash picked up, and
students graduated)
(d) Outcomes of products or services (e.g. illnesses
prevented, percentage of taxes collected, clean air
levels achieved, accident free workplaces attained,
and poverty alleviated).
(e) Productivity (e.g. cases investigated per detective,
applications processed per person, and emergency
calls handled per dispatcher)

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Context 8–8
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

(f) Costs (e.g. average costs to build one kilometre of

highway, educate one child, and maintain public
(g) Customer satisfaction (e.g. number of complaints
received, results of surveys, and use of participative
(h) Service quality and timeliness (e.g. police response
times, ability to contact an agency by telephone,
compliance with transportation timetables,
breakdown rates, and service availability).

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Context 8–9
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

The performance
management cycle in
the public sector

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Context 8–10
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

 In the Malaysian context, the Public Service Department

implemented the new performance appraisal system
(NPAS) on 1 January 1992. The NPAS in the Malaysian
public service is a continuous process of evaluating
every employee’s performance, which begins in January
and ends in December every year. The system involves
several steps, which can be considered as a continuous

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Context 8–11
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

Key Performance Objectives

Performance measurement may be able to assist public

sector organizations to perform the following organizational
1. To promote improvement of the organization—When
the organizations measure their performance by
conducting effective audit programmes, they will know
the milestones they have achieved and the targets they
have missed, and later be able to take corrective actions.

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Context 8–12
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

2. To assist the legislature in ensuring that effective

control of resources is in place by complying with the
3. To celebrate and commemorate the
accomplishments of the organization. This also helps
in boosting motivation at the workplace.
4. To learn—Learning involves analysing the
information collected and translating the results from
performance measurement.

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Context 8–13
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

5. To evaluate—By comparing its performance against

its evaluation criteria, the organization can see how
well it is performing and how it measures against
benchmarks and targets.
6. To budget—The budget is a tool that is used to
improve performance by examining variances,
identifying the cause of the variance, and taking
corrective action to reduce the variance.
7. To motivate—Setting targets and measuring
achievements can motivate the people in the organization.

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Context 8–14
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

Types of performance measurement

The use of a combination financial and non-financial

measures, which focus on input, process, output and
outcome, is able to better reflect the long-term value
creation of the organization, particularly for the intangible
and intellectual assets, which generate future growth or
value for money service to the organization.

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Context 8–15
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

(1) Performance measurement in the budgeting

‒ to transform performance management system
from an input-based to an output-based system
(2) Micro-Accounting System (MAS):
‒ to fortify performance measurement and
introduce output costing (introduced by MAMPU)
(3) Productivity Improvement Initiative:
‒ to help identify performance indicators that would
be useful under MBS

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Context 8–16
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

(4) Total Quality Management (TQM):

‒ emphasized the importance of results from
government operations and customer orientation
in public service delivery
‒ five basic concepts of implementing TQM:
(1) meeting customers’ requirement
(2) maintain through prevention
(3) standard of performance is zero defect
(4) cost of quality is non-conformance of standards,
(5) whole work is a process
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Context 8–17
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

(5) Clients’ Charter:

‒ clients had an opportunity to know at what
level of quality a particular public service would be
rendered to them
‒ clients would be able to evaluate the performance
of a public agency and compare the standards of
performance with those of other comparable
agencies locally and abroad
(6) MS ISO 9001:
‒ to document the processes involved in producing
a particular service.
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Context 8–18
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)
(7) Benchmarking:
‒ sought to strengthen the public service culture of
performance by requiring agencies to emulate best practices
locally and abroad in the related areas of service delivery
(8) KPIs:
‒ aimed at boosting the performance of the civil
service in line with the government’s effort to develop the public
service delivery system and as an assurance that the elements
of integrity and good governance are being carried out

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Context 8–19
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

(9) Star-based rating:

‒ the criteria for the rating comprise the core areas
in financial management i.e. budget planning and
execution, revenue collection, asset management,
procurement, payments and financial record keeping
(10) MAMPU’s five-star rating:
‒ assessed a ministry’s performance from poor,
warranting only one star, to excellent, deserving of
five stars

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Context 8–20
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)
‒ the criteria of assessment include strategic planning
and evaluation of execution, human resource management, financial
policy and programme formulation, execution and evaluation,
and complaints management
(11) Scorecard for ministry heads:
‒ combines the individual performance of the ministry
head and that of his or her organization to determine the ministry
head’s performance

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Context 8–21
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)
(12) Government Transformation Programme (GTP):
‒ ministers who are responsible for the seven
national key result areas and all cabinet ministers are
given a performance scorecard with performance targets
‒ the agency made responsible was PEMANDU
(13) Balanced scorecard:
‒ prompted users to identify an equal number of
measures in each of four perspectives: financial
perspective, customer perspective, internal, innovation
and learning perspective.

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Context 8–22
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

KPIs have been used as the key to organizational
success to achieve the vision, mission, business strategy,
objectives and targets.

This type of performance evaluation system is to ensure

that government service delivery systems will be improved
in line with its target to increase efficiency and
accountability, as well as enhancing productivity and
detecting possible areas for future improvements.

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Context 8–23
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

Establishing key performance

indicators and conducting
performance measurement in
government agencies

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Context 8–24
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)
 Parmenter (2010) identifies the characteristics of KPIs that
cover most organization types, either public or private sector.
They are:
1 Non-financial measures
2 Measured frequently
3 Acted on by the CEO and senior management team
4 Clearly indicate what action is required by staff
5 Measures that tie responsibility down to a team
6 Have a significant impact
7 Encourage appropriate action

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Context 8–25
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

Value-for-Money Indicators

An effective performance measurement system provides

numerous benefits to the public sector organizations that
will result in value-for-money for public service delivery.
Performance measurement seems to provide benefits in a
large area, depending on the objective and goals of an
organization in order to meet value-for-money indicators.

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Context 8–26
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

 Among the benefits of the performance measures that

are being used in various managerial activities are:
(1) Improve programmes and/or service quality
(2) Improve the ability to plan and measure performance
(3) Provide better short-term results
(4) Maintain customer loyalty
(5) Manage long-term predictions

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Context 8–27
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)
The Requirements of Performance Evaluation
An evaluator and the human resource department are
responsible for ensuring that the performance indicators are
set according to the standards and that the process of
evaluating is as transparent as possible.
Few guidelines that they need to observe includes:
(1) Evaluation is done on a timely basis
(2) The officer-in-charge in the evaluation process
should remain unbiased
(3) There must be no external factors influencing the
evaluation process.
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Context 8–28
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

Roles and Responsibilities

There are several key people involved in a performance
evaluation process of an organization:
(a) head of department
(b) a panel from the human resources development unit
(c) two evaluation secretariat officers.
The head of department mobilizes resources under his or
her control which are human resource, finance, equipment
and technology to achieve organizational objectives.

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Context 8–29
The Concept of Performance
Measurement in the Public
Sector (cont.)

 The responsibilities of the head of department, among

others, include:
(1) Determine the direction, goals and job targets of
each employee
(2) Ensure the establishment of a job system that
works efficiently in achieving the annual job target
(3) Collect commitments from each officer regardless of
rank through their participation.

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Context 8–30
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector

Performance Measurement, Reporting and Evaluation

There are six objectives of performance evaluation:
(1) To determine the placement of the employee and
career development that is related to the potential,
abilities and talents
(2) To determine the sustainability and eligibility for
promotions, acting posts, secondments and
temporary transfers
(3) To determine salary progression

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Context 8–31
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

(4) To identify the employees for excellent service

awards, medals and honours as well as commendation
(5) To identify and plan training needs
(6) To improve performance and motivation through

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Context 8–32
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

 Through performance evaluation, the agency can

identify whether:
(1) the objectives of the programmes are realistic and
(2) the programmes have been properly selected and
are capable of achieving particular public sector
(3) the programmes are properly planned in terms of
time and are provided with sufficient resources.

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Context 8–33
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

 The Public Service Department implemented the New

Performance Appraisal System, an ongoing process of
appraising every employee’s performance, which begins
in January and ends in December every year.

 The system involves few general steps, which can be

considered as a process, however periodic.

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Context 8–34
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

The performance appraisal

cycle in public sector

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Context 8–35
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

One of the most popular performance measurement
systems used by a large number of Malaysian public
sector organizations
Introduced to measure efficiency and effectiveness of
work processes to provide and deliver quantity services to
customers, and to assess customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction will determine the rewards to the
employees and customer dissatisfaction provides the
employees with advice for improvement.

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Context 8–36
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

Example of

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Context 8–37
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

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Context 8–38
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

Example of weightage of the performance appraisal report score

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Context 8–39
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

Performance Monitoring
Performance measurement can have many specific
(1) Problem identification:
It can identify undesirable conditions, such as
wasted resources, traffic accidents or vehicle failures,
and help determine their causes.
(2) Trend analysis:
It can help identify changes that are occurring.

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Context 8–40
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

(3) Peer comparisons:

It allows a particular organization or group to be
compared with peers (similar organizations or
(4) Evaluating changes:
It can be used to track the results of specific
changes, including new policies and programmes, to
determine if they are successful, and for research

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Context 8–41
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

(5) Target setting:

It allows managers to set specific targets to be
(6) Incentives:
It can be used to establish rewards for managers
and employees.

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Context 8–42
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

Performance Improvement
It is important for any government to have a good
foundation in planning to improve the public sector’s
In Malaysia, the five-year development plan (of different
series) has been designed to comprehensively outline the
government’s development policies and strategies in
developing the nation through strategic development

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Context 8–43
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

Performance monitoring efforts in the Malaysian public service

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Context 8–44
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

Public Sector Accounting Governance and Accountability in the Malaysian All Rights Reserved
Context 8–45
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

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Context 8–46
Implementation of KPIs in the
Public Sector (cont.)

 Among the policy and main initiatives that the

government prioritized in the Tenth Malaysia Plan ‒
New Economic Model, Government Transformation
Programme (GTP), National Key Result Area (NKRA),
Economic Transformation Programme (ETP), National
Key Economic Area (NKEA) and National Blue Ocean

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Context 8–47
Issues and Challenges

Common problems
The public sector’s provision of services is hugely
complicated by shared or sometimes conflicting objectives,
the demands of stakeholders and the influence of
The public sector faces numerous challenges when it
comes to performance management regardless whether in
terms of the attitude of employees towards their job or the
implementation of proper performance management
system in the organization.

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Context 8–48
Issues and Challenges (cont.)

 Some common problems faced by the public sector in

performance management:
(1) Lack of commitment from senior management
(2) Lack of knowledge and skill
(3) Resistance to change
(4) Ineffective performance evaluation practices ‘
(5) Keeping the systems active
(6) Linking performance management to job

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Context 8–49
Issues and Challenges (cont.)

Public sector performance management milestones in Malaysia

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Context 8–50
Issues and Challenges (cont.)

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Context 8–51
Issues and Challenges (cont.)

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Context 8–52
Learning Outcomes

 Describe the concept of performance management in

the public sector
 Relate the key performance indicators to performance
measurement, reporting and evaluation in the public
 Explain the key performance indicator concepts and the
related roles and responsibilities in the public sector
 Discuss the importance of performance monitoring in
the public sector
 Appreciate the issues and challenges in implementing
performance management in the public sector
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Context 8–53

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