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of Novel
The God of Small Things

•Analyzes the post-colonial analysis of the novel god of small things

by Arundhati Roy in the light of women characters.
Explains that The God of Small Things is the story of human behavior,
personalities, views and emotions. the story begins in 1960's in the
village of Ayemenem, located in Kerala, south India.
Explains that Arundhati Roy was born in 1961 in Ayemenem, Kerala,
India. she studied architecture at the school of architecture in new Delhi
and then in Italy about the restoration of monuments.
Analyzes how the plot of the novel is presented in the non-chronological
Analyzes how Ammu left home to live with an out-of-town relative where
she marries baba. they have twin children, Rahel and Esthappen Yako.
Analyzes how Chacko invites Margaret Kochamma and Sophie Mol to
spend holidays with his family in Ayemenem, and Estha fights for her identity
and humanity.
Analyzes how baby Kochamma and Mammachi locked Ammu in her room
and Rahel and Estha screamed that it was their fault. Sophie Mol fell asleep in
the history house, unaware that Velutha was also sleeping there.
Explains that the purpose of this research is to analyze changes in the
women personalities in post-colonial India and the effects of
colonialization on women behavior and thoughts.
Analyzes how south Asian post-colonial scholarships used western
feminist approaches to tease out the novel's resistant texture.
Explains that they adopted the methodology of women character
analysis for this thesis work. they chose the women characters of the
novel for the post-colonial analysis because women are more effected by
colonialization in India.
Explains the term "hybridization" from
chemistry as an example. the concept can be
applied to the peoples living in colonial India.
post-colonial analysis reveals the ways to
overcome the effects of colonialism.
Narrates how Rahel goes to Delhi to study architecture and then move to
united states. she marries Lary MC Castin but due to some emotional issues
they get divorced.
Analyzes how Roy presents the thoughts and behavior of women and the
changes in their personalities in the post-colonial India in her novel.
Explains that Arundhati Roy was born in 1960, in the multicultural Kerala state,
India. she was a Hindu Bengali father Rajib and Syrian Christian mother mary.
Analyzes how Roy's story-telling strategy is associated with postmodernism.
the story shows the strong resistance against neo-imperial discourses.
Thank you

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