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Decentralized System Characteristics


Decentralized equipment and systems are more advantageous
than centralized HVAC for smaller buildings, particularly those
with multiple tenants with different HVAC needs.


grade unitary equipment packages are available only in
preestablished increments of capacity with set performance
parameters, such as the sensible heat ratio at a given room
condition or the airflow per ton of refrigeration capacity.

SOBRE UBICACIÓN DE IDUS Locate decentralized mechanical

Piping, electrical equipment, wiring, filters, and vibration- and equipment rooms as far as possible from noise-sensitive
noise-producing equipment are away from the conditioned area, areas, and surround equipment rooms with buffer zones
minimizing (1) disruption for service needs and (2) potential such as toilet
harm to occupants, furnishings, and processes. and storage rooms, as well as elevator, stair, and duct shafts

The term zone implies the provision of, or the need for, separate
thermostatic control, whereas the term room implies a partitioned area
that may or may not require separate control.
The basic all-air system concept is to supply air to the room at
conditions such that the sensible and latent heat gains in the space,
when absorbed by supply air flowing through the space, bring the air
to the desired room conditions. Because heat gains in the space vary
with time, a mechanism to vary the energy removed from the space
by the supply air is necessary. There are two such basic mecha-
nisms: (1) vary the amount of supply air delivered to the space by
varying the flow rate or supplying air intermittently; or (2) vary the
temperature of air delivered to the space, either by modulating the
temperature or conditioning the air intermittently.

Ductwork should deliver conditioned air to an area as directly,

quietly, and economically as possible.

Direct expansion (refrigerant) takes advantage of the latent heat

of the refrigerant fluid, and cools as shown in the psychrometric
diagram in Figure 2.

Controlling humidity in a space can affect the air quantity and

become the controlling factor in selecting supply airflow rate.
All-air systems provide only limited humidity control,
at part loads, so if humidity is critical, extra care must be
taken in design.

Fancoils son blow-thru


The final design is usually

a compromise between what the engineer recommends and
what the architect can accommodate.

La misión de un sistema de conductos es transmitir el aire desde

el aparato acondicionador hasta el espacio que va a ser
Factores que influyen en el precio de compra y gastos de
• espacio disponible explotación son:
• pérdidas por rozamiento
• Velocidad 1.Ganancias o pérdidas de calor en el conducto.
• nivel de ruido 2. Relación entre dimensiones del conducto.
• pérdidas o ganancias de calor 3. Pérdidas de carga en el conducto.
• fugas. 4. Clase de acoplamientos.


Línea divisoria
alrededor de
los 2400 FPM


Sistema a diseñar se enmarca

dentro de las aplicaciones de
baja velocidad y baja presión
Si no pudiera usarse el _conducto circular por las
Por lo tanto es una buena norma proyectar limitaciones de espacio, deberá usarse el rectangular
sistemas que tengan secciones rectangulares de que más se aproxime al cuadrado. La relación de
conducto con una pequeña relación entre sus dimensiones forma deseable será la 1 : 1.
y grandes velocidades de aire para
disminuir al máximo las ganancias de calor en Las dimensiones de los conductos deben reducirse
los conductos. Si éstos han de atravesar locales de 5 en 5 cm, preferentemente en una sola
no acondicionados, es imperativo aislarlos. dimensión y el tamaño mínimo recomendable
para conductos prefabricados es de 20 por 25
Desde el punto de vista económico, debe proyectarse el sistema centímetros.
de conductos de· forma que tenga la clase más baja posible, la
relación de forma más pequeña y espesor de metal recomendado
más ligero.

Unir dos conductos de diferente forma o IMPORTANTE para ubicar ventilador
sección recta. helicoidal dentro del ducto
Cuando se deba modificar la forma del ducto o Se recomienda que las dimensiones de los ductos se
su sección cuadrada, se recomienda una reduzcan de 2 en 2 pulgadas preferentemente en una
pendiente de 15% para las caras laterales de la sola dimensión o cara del ducto (ancho o altura).
transformación y en cualquier caso no deberá
sobrepasarse un máximo de 25%. Estas
pendientes deben usarse también cuando sea
necesario reducir el tamaño de los ductos para
salvar un obstáculo, en cuyo caso es
recomendable también no reducir su sección
más de un 20%.

Como casos particulares de las

transformaciones, se encuentran la expansión
y la contracción. La primera de ellas tiene
lugar cuando el ducto aumenta sus
dimensiones de manera gradual, al final de la
expansión se produce el efecto de
recuperación de presión, que veremos más
adelante. Si el ducto disminuye sus
dimensiones de manera gradual se denomina
contracción, ésta produce un incremento de
velocidad y una disminución de presión a la
Codos Un codo es de gran radio de curvatur
cuando su radio es igual a 3/4 de la
dimensión de la cara del ducto donde
ocurre el giro. Un codo con este radio
de curvatura tiene una relación R/D d
1,25, el cual se considera que es la
relación óptima. (R es el radio de
curvatura medido al eje del ducto y D
la dimensión de la cara del ducto don
ocurre la curvatura).

De tener que recurrir a codos de

radios de curvatura menores, se
deben instalar una, dos o tres
venas directrices dentro del
codo para evitar turbulencia y
desprendimientos en la
Un codo con este radio menor tiene una relación corriente de aire.
R/D de 1,25. Esta relación se considera óptima.

*Ver gráfico para calcular ubicación de venas guía en caso de emplearlas


C) muy utilizado cuando Se usa en aquellos casos

la cantidad de aire que se en que el ramal no tiene más que una
deriva es pequeña. boca de
impulsión. Para controlar mejor el aire
a la salida,
puede añadirse una compuerta.
En los sistemas de distribución de baja velocIdad, la corriente
de aire hacia los ramales se regula por medio de una compuerta.
La posición de la compuerta se establece por medio de una
el ducto deberá estar dotado de compuertas pivotadas en
cada una de sus bifurcaciones o compuertas
rectangulares insertadas dentro de los ductos ramales.
REVISADO. Seleccionar espesor. 1”
La temperatura del aire
Los conductos pueden exudar cuando la temperatura
impulsado debe ser suficientemente elevada para evitar
de la superficie exterior está por debajo
la condensación
del punto de rocío del aire que lo rodea.
Duct Insulation
In all new construction (except low-rise residential buildings),
ducts and plenums that are part of an HVAC air distribution
system should be thermally insulated in accordance with
Standard 90.1. Duct insulation for new low-rise residential
should comply with ASHRAE Standard 90.2.

Duct Shape Selection

No Space Constraints. Round ductwork is preferable to
or flat oval ductwork when adequate space is available for the
following reasons.

Design air distribution systems to minimize flow resistance and

turbulence. High flow resistance increases fan pressure, which
results in higher noise being generated by the fan, especially at
low frequencies. Turbulence also increases flow noise generated
by duct fittings and dampers, especially at low frequencies.
El Dimensionado y cálculo de un ducto se inicia con un
diagrama unifilar del ducto, tratando en lo posible que el
trazado tentativo sea lo más simétrico y sencillo posible.
El primer paso para dibujar el diagrama unifilar es
localizar los elementos terminales del ducto, es decir, los
difusores de aire o rejillas de inyección, en caso de ductos
de suministro de aire, o las rejillas de extracción en el
caso de un ducto para un sistema de extracción. Esos
elementos terminales se deben situar en lugares
estratégicos dentro del ambiente que se va a ventilar con
el fin de lograr una correcta distribución del aire.
Luego de localizados esos puntos terminales se realiza el
trazado del ducto buscando conectar todos los elementos
terminales y evitando los obstáculos del edificio, o
cualquier otro equipo, según sea el caso.

Pérdida de carga por rozamiento y depende de:

1.La velocidad del aire

2. Tamaño de los conductos
3. Rugosidad de la superficie interior
4. Longitud de los conductos

Si la sección del conducto no es circular, caso frecuente en

instalaciones de ventilación en
donde se presentan formas rectangulares o cuadradas, es
necesario determinar antes la
sección circular equivalente, ésto es, aquélla que presenta la
misma pérdida de carga que la
rectangular considerada.
Concepto de diámetro equivalente
La fórmula de Darcy-Weisbach aplicada a
ductos fabricados con láminas de acero
galvanizado, se representa en forma de
Usarse solo en los sistemas que transportan aire a temperaturas ábaco, similar al mostrado en páginas
comprendidas entre 0° y 49 °C, y para altitudes siguientes, el cual es utilizado comúnmente
de hasta 600 m sin necesidad de corregir para dimensionar los sistemas de ductos de
la densidad del aire. una manera fácil y amigable. En ese ábaco
GRAFICO 15. FACTORES DE CORRECCióN POR DENSIDAD DEL AIRE se relacionan las cuatro (4) variables que
intervienen directamente en el diseño de los
TABLA 6. DIMENSIONES DE CONDUCTOS. ÁREA DE ductos: el coeficiente unitario de fricción del
LA SECCióN, DIÁMETRO EQUIVALENTE, aire al moverse dentro del ducto y que
Y TIPO DE CONDUCTO dependerá directamente del material con el
Dimensiones de conductos rectangulares que tienen la misma cual esta fabricado el ducto. b) El caudal de
capacidad y el mismo coeficiente de rozamiento que el aire transportado por el ducto. c) el diámetro
conducto circular equivalente circular del ducto y d) la velocidad de
transporte del aire por el interior del ducto, es
decir, se trata de un ábaco de 2 dimensiones
con 4 variables, donde conocemos solo una
de las variables: el caudal de aire, razón por
la cual se debe asumir los valores de alguna
de las otras 3 variables, siendo lo más
común, asumir la velocidad de transporte del
factor restrictivo es el nivel de ruido.
Una velocidad muy alta requiere conductos más pequeños, y por lo tanto
menor precio de coste, pero en cambio los gastos de explotación serán
La selección de la velocidad es, por lo
mayores y posiblemente hará falta un ventilador mayor con un motor
tanto, un problema de economía.
más potente. Si se emplea una velocidad menor, los conductos serán
mayores, pero los gastos de explotación son inferiores.




(Debe descontarse la recuperación debida a la diferencia

de velocidad entre la primera y última parte del
La longitud del conducto recto se mide entre las
intersecciones de los ejes de sus acoplamientos.

“artificio de la Longitud equivalente” donde cada accesorio

del ducto que genere una perdida dinámica, es sustituido
imaginariamente por un tramo recto de ducto de longitud
tal, que produzca por fricción la misma caída de presión
que produciría dinámicamente el accesorio sustituido.


Para el cálculo de la caída de presión total en un sistema

de ductos (caída de presión por fricción + caída de
presión dinámica + caída de presión en accesorios
externos) se debe considerar únicamente el trayecto del
ducto que tenga la mayor caída de presión, desde el 74
ventilador hasta una rejilla de suministro o de extracción
Método de pérdida de carga constante
se utiliza en los conductos de
impulsión, retorno y extracción de aire, y consiste usando como punto de partida el tramo del ducto
en calcular los conductos de forma que tengan que maneja mayor cantidad de caudal., que es el
la misma pérdida de carga por unidad de tramo que se conecta con el ventilador.
longitud, a lo largo de todo el sistema.
Si la instalación consta de tramos cortos
y largos, el más corto exige mucho amortiguamiento.

Un sistema de este tipo es difícil de equilibrar El método de caída de presión constante no

porque el método de pérdida de carga satisface la condición de tener una presión es􀆩
constante nó tiene en cuenta el equilibrio de caídas tática uniforme en todas las ramas y bocas de
de presión en las distintas ramas, ni está impulsión. Para tener en el comienzo de cada
provisto de medios para igualar las caídas de presión rama la cantidad de aire correcta es necesario
o para la mislna. presión estática en cada disponer una compuerta que regule el caudal en
boca terminal de impulsión. todas las ramas y en los terminales de aire (bocas
Esta forma de dimensionar los de impulsión). También puede ser necesario
conductos reduce automáticamente la velocidad disponer de un sistema de control (regulador de
del aire en el sentido de la corriente. volumen o control de volumen en las bocas) para
Para determinar la pérdida de carga total, que regular el caudal de aire en cada boca de impulsión
debe ser superada por el ventilador, es preciso y conseguir una distribución correcta del
calcular la pérdida en el tramo que tenga mayor aire.
Para abreviar los cálculos de la sección de los
conductos se utiliza con - frecuencia la tabla13

El peso de la plancha de metal que necesitan

los conductos calculados por recuperación estática
viene a ser mayor que cuando se
calcula por pérdida de carga constante, pero el
aumento del precio de coste se compensa al reducir los gastos
de explotación (potencia motor del ventilador) y el tiempo
necesario para equilibrar el sistema.
El método de recuperación estática es ideal para sistemas
de ductos con un alto número de accesorios finales de
difusión del aire, y conceptualmente busca reducir la
velocidad en los tramos del ducto más alejados del
ventilador con el fin de ganar presión (ganancia de
presión por reducción de la velocidad) y con esa ganancia
de presión compensar la pérdida de presión que tendrá el
sistema por roce y fricción
En un sistema de ductos diseñado por el método de
fricción constante, al entrar en operación se tendrá que
los volúmenes de aire que saldrán por cada accesorio
terminal serán diferentes al caudal calculado e indicado
en los planos de diseño. Esto exige obligatoriamente
“balancear” el sistema, es decir, ir alterando manualmente
los volúmenes de aire que transporta cada tramo del
ducto hasta que por cada elemento terminal del ducto
salga la cantidad de aire que está indicada en los planos
de diseño.
Flexible duct should be installed fully
extended; its resistance even when fully extended is
50% more compared to the resistance of an equivalent diameter
rigid galvanized-steel spiral duct.
Los ductos en acero galvanizado se fabrican a partir de Una consideración muy importante en la fabricación de
láminas de diversos calibres, tratadas con una película de los ductos es la denominada Relación de Forma, que es
zinc en caliente a fin de prevenir su corrosión. En el caso la relación entre las dimensiones de la cara del ducto de
que el aire este climatizado el ducto deberá aislarse mayor dimensión y la cara del ducto de menor dimensión.
térmicamente con lana de vidrio recubierta con una Un ducto con una alta relación de forma requerirá el
barrera de vapor que puede ser aluminio o papel kraft. empleo de una lámina de alto calibre o gran espesor y, en
consecuencia, mayor peso, mayor precio de fabricación,
El espesor de la lámina que se debe utilizar en su mayor dificultad de instalación y altos costos de
fabricación lo determinas el lado mayor de una de las operación. Los ductos con pequeños valores de relación
caras del ducto de forma (1:1) son mucho más económicos que los
ductos de gran relación de forma. El máximo valor de la
relación de forma recomendada por los expertos es de
System Sealing. All ductwork and plenum transverse joints, 8:1.
seams, and duct penetrations should be sealed.

as described in Chapter 19 of the 2020 ASHRAE

Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment, the recommended
maximum system leakage is 5% of design airflow.
Las vibraciones de las piezas en movimiento generan ruidos que
se transmiten a través de los soportes
de los ventiladores y de los conductos a la estructura del
Para limitar la trasmisión de los ruidos mecánicos, lo mejor es
amortiguar las vibraciones intercalando
entre las piezas en movimiento y las piezas fijas unas juntas o
piezas elásticas:


Operation of HVAC equipment can also

induce mechanical vibration that propagates into occupied spaces
through structureborne paths such as piping, ductwork, and mounts.
Minimize flow-generated noise by elbows or duct branch
whenever possible by locating them at least four to five duct
diameters from each other.
Select a fan to operate as near as possible to its rated peak effi-
ciency when handling the required airflow and static pressure.
Also, select a fan that generates the lowest possible noise at
required design conditions. Using an oversized or undersized fan
that does not operate at or near rated peak efficiency can substan-
tially increase noise levels.
Diffuser noise usually contributes to the overall HVAC noise in
250 to 8000 Hz octave bands (curve C).

Design Guidelines for HVAC-Related Background Sound in

Rooms. Table 1 presents recommended goals for indoor
noise levels in various types of unoccupied rooms served by
HVAC systems. Perceived loudness and task interference are
into the numerical part of the rating.
In HVAC systems that do not produce excessive low-frequency
noise and strong discernable pure tones, the NC rating
correlates relatively
well with occupant satisfaction if sound quality is not a
concern. NC rating is often used because of its simplicity.
NC: Noise Criteria Method. The NC method for rating noise
(described in Chapter 8 of the 2009 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals)
has been used for more than 50 years. It is a single-number
rating that is somewhat sensitive to the relative loudness and speech
interference properties of a given noise spectrum. The method consists
of a family of criterion curves, shown in Figure 5, extending
from 63 to 8000 Hz, and a tangency rating procedure. The criterion
curves define the limits of octave band spectra that must not be
exceeded to meet occupant acceptance in certain spaces. The rating
is expressed as NC followed by a number (e.g., NC 40). The octave
midband frequency of the point at which the spectrum is tangent to
the highest NC curve should also be reported [e.g. NC 40 (125 Hz)].
Velocidad máxima en Ventilación

En el caso de ventilación forzada se pueden producir ruidos

molestos cuando la velocidad del aire en conductos sea muy
elevada, especialmente en las bocas y accesorios, por lo cual
conviene que la velocidad no supere los 3,5 m/s (690 fpm) en
conductos secundarios o de salida, y los 7,5 m/s (1480 fpm)
conductos principales.

Velocidades superiores a las señaladas pueden suponer una

importante pérdida de presión y un aumento de consumo
energético, ya que la potencia necesaria para mover un
aumenta con el cuadrado de la velocidad.
For all constant-area sections, total and static pressure losses are
equal. At diverging transitions, velocity pressure decreases,
total pressure decreases, and absolute static pressure can
The static pressure increase at these sections is known as
static regain.
At converging transitions, velocity pressure increases in the
direction of airflow, and absolute total and absolute static
To obtain the fan static pressure rise requirement for selecting
fans rated using this parameter (i.e., for fans with unducted
such as plenum fans) and where fan total pressure rise is
known, use
Duct system losses are the irreversible transformation of
mechanical energy into heat. The two types of losses are (1)
and (2) dynamic.
Friction losses are caused by shear stresses related to fluid viscosity.
They result from adjacent fluid layers moving at different velocities.
Turbulence also causes the fluid to transfer momentum,
heat, and mass very rapidly across the flow. As a result, fluid velocities
of the turbulent profile near the wall must drop to zero more
rapidly than those of the laminar profile. In turn, friction losses are
much greater in turbulent flow compared to laminar flow. Chapter 3
provides further details about ducted flows and friction losses. Friction
losses occur along the entire duct length.
Dynamic losses result from flow disturbances caused by
equipment and fittings that change flow direction (elbows),
area changes (transitions), and converging/diverging junctions.

The junction of two parallel streams moving at different velocities

is characterized by turbulent mixing of the streams, accompanied
by pressure losses. In the course of this mixing, particles
moving at different velocities exchange momentum, resulting in
equalization of the velocity distributions in the common stream. The
jet with higher velocity loses part of its kinetic energy by transmitting
it to the slower jet.
Entries and converging junctions are only in the exhaust/return
portion of systems. Exits and diverging junctions are only in
supply systems.
Equal-area elbows, obstructions, and duct-mounted equipment
are common to both supply and exhaust systems. Transitions
and unequal-area elbows can be either supply or exhaust fittings
Centrifugal fans should not abruptly
Fan Outlet Conditions. Fans intended primarily for duct discharge to the atmosphere.
are usually tested with an outlet duct in place (AMCA Standard
210). Figure 13 shows the changes in velocity profiles at
various distances from the fan outlet. For fully-developed flow,
duct, including transition, must meet the requirements for 100%
effective duct length [Le (Figure 13)], which is calculated as

To avoid fan system effects, fans should discharge into duct

that remain straight for as long as possible, up to 10 duct
diameters from the fan discharge to allow flow to fully develop
Fan Inlet Conditions. For rated performance, air must enter the
fan uniformly over the inlet area in an axial direction without
Nonuniform flow into the inlet is the most common cause of
reduced fan performance. Such inlet conditions are not
equivalent to
a simple increase in system resistance, because they affect flow
through the blade passages. Therefore, they cannot be treated as
percentage decrease in the flow and pressure from the fan.

Inlet spin may arise from many different approach conditions, and
sometimes the cause is not obvious. Figure 14 shows some common
duct connections that cause inlet spin. Inlet spin can be avoided by
providing an adequate length of duct between the elbow and the fan
inlet, as shown by Figure 15. Two L/Do duct lengths upstream of the
fan inlet reduces swirl and pressure loss (loss coefficient) by approximately
45% (Table 7).

Design duct connections at the fan inlet for uniform and straight
airflow. Both turbulence and flow separation at the fan blades
significantly increase fan-generated noise.

1. Supply Air Plenum

The plenum box on a supply air diffuser helps to distribute cold
air equally across the diffuser. Besides, the plenum box act as an
adaptor to connect the diffuser and flexible duct. Furthermore, a
plenum box can have a damper to regulate the airflow of the
diffuser Typical linear diffusers don't have a damper by
Particularly for the linear diffuser, a plenum box is critical to its themselves. They need a plenum box in order to have
airflow distribution a damper to regulate their airflow.

Plenum Box for Linear Diffuser

The flexible duct must be connected on the side of the plenum

box rather than on the top.
2. Return Air Plenum

Return Air Plenum Mixing Box

A typical ducted air conditioner may take in 10% outside air

(10% of its supply airflow). The outside air is channeled into
the plenum box of a ducted air conditioner through ductwork.
Both the fresh air and the return air are mixed together inside
the plenum box before passing through the cooling coil of the
air conditioner and supply to a room.
Usually, a damper for return air is not necessary while a damper
for the outside air is a must
3. Ceiling Return Plenum

return air grilles are installed on the ceiling without connecting One of the drawbacks of using the ceiling
to any ducts. Some buildings have multiple ceiling openings plenum as the return air plenum is noise
(usually near the windows) instead of return air grilles to allow
air to return back to the respective air conditioners.
Another problem with the ceiling plenum is
Using the space above the ceiling as the plenum for air the infiltration of hot air
conditioners is a clever way to save costs for the air
conditioning system
Usually, air conditioners which are designed to use ceiling
plenum for return air will not need to have a separate return air
plenum box on the air conditioner itself.
The outside air is introduced into the ceiling plenum to mix
with the return air before flowing back to the respective air
conditioners. A damper is still required to limit the amount of
outside air coming into the ceiling plenum.

4. Room Return Plenum (For AHUs)

The main difference between diffusers and grilles is that
1.Directional Diffuser diffusers are often associated with airflow control while grilles
2.Linear Slot Diffuser are mostly not.
3.Round Diffuser
4.Swirl Diffuser
5.Double Deflection Diffuser
6.Jet Diffuser

Directional diffusers can be installed on plaster ceilings too.

However, they are not aesthetically appealing to most people.
Hence, you hardly see them in hotels and luxury homes.
Linear Slot Diffuser

Linear slot diffusers include 4-slot linear diffusers, 3-slot linear However, when noise is not a concern, linear slot
diffusers, 2-slot linear diffusers and other numbers of slots diffusers are good for high ceiling rooms. They are
depending on the manufacturer or upon request. The more capable of throwing air from the ceiling to the
common ones are 3-slot and 2-slot ground at a height of around 9-12 meters most of the
time. If you allow more air to pass, you can even
Linear slot diffusers always have two lengths; 600mm and throw up to 30 meters vertically.
1200mm. Other lengths such as 1500mm are possible
depending on the manufacturer. As for the width, it's depending
on the number of slots.
The number of slots in linear diffusers corresponds to the
amount of airflow. The higher the airflow requirement, the more
slots it needs to have.
Linear slot diffusers required a rectangular-shaped plenum box
with an opposed-blade damper for airflow control. The plenum
box has a round duct collar for a flexible duct connection.
Linear Slot Diffuser Linear slot diffusers incorporate adjustable
pattern controllers in a multi‑slot configuration. Slot sizes are
available in ½ in. [13 mm], ¾ in. [19 mm] or 1 in. [25 mm]
widths with a choice of one to ten slots. Adjustable pattern
controllers allow horizontal left, horizontal right or vertical
discharge for maximum flexibility. Typically used in ceiling
installations, the linear slot diffuser is architecturally appealing,
particularly when supplied in continuous lengths.
Ejemplo Características
Double Deflection Diffuser (Large Airflow)

Double deflection diffusers are like a mesh; many square-

shaped holes. They can be viewed as cheaper linear slot
diffusers but handle larger airflow.
 a) louver grille, b) linear bar grille, c) deflection grille and
d) external weather louver

 a) louver grille

They have fixed angled blades that don't allow any sort of
airflow direction controls.
Louver grilles are more commonly referred to simply as return
air grilles.

b) linear bar grille Each linear bar grille has a maximum length
Linear bar grilles are more commonly used in lobbies and halls because of around 2500-2700mm. If you need a longer
they are more aesthetically appealing than louver grilles. one, the supplier will mostly provide you
multiple linear bar grilles for you to join them
They do not have any sort of airflow direction controls together
Usually, linear bar grilles are around 4-5 slots.  the downside of using linear bar grilles is that you'll
Linear bar grilles are almost always used as air conditioning need a return air plenum box if you want to have air
return air grilles.  volume controls. 
Face velocity is the amount of air volume passing through a
grille. Typically, 500 fpm (2.54 m/s) is optimal and balanced
between air volume and noise.
Free area is the amount of space on a grille available for the air
to pass through. It's depending on the type of grille and the
manufacturer of the grille.

Grilles are typically sized based on a face velocity of 500

fpm and a free area of 70%

Using a smaller return air grille will result in a higher face

velocity with the same type of grille (thus, same free area). With
a higher face velocity, the grille may create audible noise. The
smaller the grille, the greater the noise.
Don't exceed 800 fpm of face velocity
REVISADO The success of a mixed air distribution system depends pri-
marily on supply diffuser location. Return grille location is far
less critical than with outlets. In fact, the return air intake
affects room air motion only immediately around the grille.
the return air intake
affects room air motion only immediately around the grille. Mea-
surements of velocity near a return air grille show a rapid decrease
in magnitude as the measuring device is moved away from the grille

The return air inlet has very little effect on room air diffusion,
regardless of inlet type or location. However, return air inlets
should be located a sufficient distance from the supply outlet so
that short-circuiting of supply air does not occur. It may also be
desirable to locate the returns in the stagnant zone to remove
unwanted warm or cool air. For cooling, a high sidewall or ceiling
return will remove warm air from the space

Control de Velocidad del aire en el Local

Una velocidad elevada del aire puede afectar a la comodidad
térmica al favorecer el enfriamiento por convección, y una
velocidad demasiado baja puede crear zonas de aire
en los locales con escasa renovación.
Según la disposición de la entrada y la salida del aire de
renovación se pueden producir regímenes laminares muy
suaves, turbulentos con una buena mezcla, o cortocircuitos
aire estancado en zonas de remanso.
REVISADO The objective of air diffusion is to create the proper
Room air diffusion methods
of room air temperature, humidity, and air motion in
Mixed systems produce little or no thermal stratification of air the occupied
within the space. Overhead air distribution is an example of this zone to provide thermal comfort and acceptable
type of system. indoor environmen-
tal quality.
Air diffusion methods affect not only indoor air quality (IAQ)
and thermal comfort, but also energy consumption over the
The occupied zone is generally considered to be the
room volume between the floor level and 1.8 m
ing’s life.
above the floor.
Draft. Current of air, when referring to localized effect (gener-
ally, the unwanted local cooling of the body caused by air Stratified zone. Zone in which air movement is
move- entirely driven
ment) caused by one or more factors of high air velocity, low by buoyancy caused by convective heat
ambient temperature, or direction of airflow whereby more sources. Typically found
heat is in fully stratified or partially mixed systems.
withdrawn from a person’s skin than is normally dissipated The stratified zone has little or no recirculation.
Local temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration Occupied Zone
have similar stratification profiles. The occupied zone is usually defined as the area
Terminal velocity. An arbitrary specified within 6 ft [1.8 m] of the floor and not within 1
centerline air veloc- ft [0.3 m] of the boundaries of the space (walls,
ity at a distance from an outlet. etc.). As this is the area of occupancy, it is
desirable to avoid excessive draft velocities and
temperature differences within this space.

If the stratification can be limited to occur

above the occupied zone, it is not of concern
from a comfort standpoint.
It is always desirable to keep the
stagnation layer above the
occupied zone in cooling
Throw is the distance from the center of the outlet face to a
point where the velocity of the air stream is reduced to a
specified velocity, usually 150 [0.75], 100 [0.50] or 50 fpm [0.25

The drop of cool total air, as shown in Figure 1, is the result of
vertical spread of the air stream due to entrainment of room
air, and the buoyancy effect due to the density differences
between the total air package and the surrounding primary
room air. The term density is very important as drop is primarily
dependent upon the mass flow of the total air. Drop can be
minimized by spreading air uniformly over the ceiling surface,
thus reducing the mass flow per unit surface area.
Surface Effect
Drop can also be effectively reduced by use of the surrounding
ceiling surface. When supply air velocity is sufficiently high, a
negative or low pressure area is created between the moving
air mass and the ceiling at or near the supply air outlet. This
low pressure area causes the moving air mass to cling to and
flow close to the ceiling surface. This principle is known as the
Coanda effect.
Drop. Vertical distance that the lower edge of a Room Air Finally, we come to the medium through which all
horizontally metabolic heat transfer occurs and therefore is the most critical
projected airstream descends between the outlet factor in controlling human comfort ‑ the room air.
and the end of its It is this constant mixing that provides the mechanisms for heat
throw. transfer between the supply and room air
Whenever cool supply air is introduced into a warmer
space its natural tendency will be downward Noise Level
movement. The vertical distance which the air jet Typically, the noise level of an air outlet is rated with a Noise
extends below the ceiling is called the drop (Figure 5). Criteria (NC) sound pressure value based on an industry
Similar to the throw, we discuss the drop referenced to standard 10 dB default for room absorption. This NC value
a specific terminal velocity. For simplicity we use the assumes an average room and approximate distance of 5 ft [1.5
same three terminal velocities as for throw: 150 [0.75], m] from a single source.
100 [0.50] and 50 fpm [0.25 m/s]. If the supply air An air outlet's noise level (NC rating) is directly proportional to
projects into the occupied space uncomfortable drafts the air volume supplied through the outlet, with the sound
will occur. Drop can be minimized by utilizing the increasing as more air is supplied. Larger size outlets generally
surface effect of the ceilings. Outlets located in or near are quieter at the same air flow than smaller sizes of the same
the ceiling will exhibit less drop than outlets located on model due to higher free area and/or lower inlet velocity.
exposed ductwork. Outlets should be selected so that the resultant NC level does
not exceed the ASHRAE recommended values for the particular
space being considered.
Throw. The distance from the centerline of an outlet It should be noted that most catalog throw data
perpendic- is presented for isothermal conditions (i.e.,
ular to a point in the mixed airstream where the velocity has supply air temperature equals room
been temperature). During cooling the denser supply
reduced to a specified terminal velocity (e.g., 50, 100, 150, or air will shorten the horizontal throw to
200 fpm), defined by ASHRAE Standard 70. approximately 75% of tabulated values (multiply
by 0.75), assuming a temperature differential of
the design supply approximately 15 °F [7.5 °C].
air velocity should be high enough to maintain the jet traveling
in the desired direction, to ensure adequate mixing before it The ceiling or Coanda effect allows the supply air
reaches the occupied zone. Excessively high outlet air velocity jet to be in contact with the ceiling longer,
produces high air velocities in the occupied zone and may reducing induction of room air and consequently
result in termal discomfort. resulting in a longer throw than if the outlet was
mounted in free space.
In addition to physical boundaries created by walls or
partitions, boundaries can be created by the collision of two air
patterns (Figure 24). Where two patterns will meet, the outlets
should be selected so that the throw is equal to one half the
distance between the outlets.
Design Constraints
Space design constraints affect room air distribution system
choices and how air inlets and outlets are used. Space
may include the following:
• Dimensions
• Heat gain and loss characteristics
• Use
• Acoustical requirements
• Available locations for air inlets and outlets

For good air diffusion, the inlet configuration should create a

uniform discharge velocity profile from the outlet, or the outlet
may not perform as intended.
Occupant comfort is maintained not
directly by motion of air from outlets, but from secondary air
motion from mixing in the unoccupied zone
Comfort is maximized
when uniform temperature distribution and room air velocities
of less than 0.25 m/s are maintained in the occupied zone
Mixed systems generally provide comfort by entraining room air
into discharge jets located outside occupied zones, mixing supply
and room air. Ideally, these systems generate low-velocity air
motion (less than 0.25 m/s) throughout the occupied zone to provide
uniform temperature gradients and velocities. Proper selection of an
air outlet is critical for proper air distribution; improper selection
can result in room air stagnation, unacceptable temperature gradi-
ents, and unacceptable velocities in the occupied zone that may lead
to occupant discomfort.

For fully mixed systems with conventional ceiling heights, the

return (or exhaust) and room air temperatures are the same;
example, a room with a set-point temperature of 24°C has, on
age, a 24°C return or exhaust air temperature.
Thermal discomfort also can arise from any of the following Throw Achieving the proper throw for a specific application
conditions: is critical to proper outlet selection. Throw data is usually
• Excessive air motion (draft) presented at terminal velocities of 150 [0.75], 100 [0.50]
• Excessive room air temperature stratification (horizontal, and 50 fpm [0.25 m/s]. Generally outlets should be
verti- selected so that the throw at 50 fpm [0.25 m/s] terminal
cal, or both) velocity equals the distance from the outlet to the
• Failure to deliver or distribute air according to load boundary of the conditioned space. In most cases this
requirements criteria will produce acceptable results.
at different locations
• Rapid fluctuation of room temperature The upward movement of air in the vicinity of the hot surface
tends to oppose the total air movement in overhead cooling.
This can act to reduce the outlet throw values or even cause
the colder total air to leave the ceiling and create drop into the
En una habi­
tación se admite una variación máxima aproxima­ La distancia
da de l °C entre distintos puntos. En un grupo de de propulsión mínima es de 75 % de la anchura de
habitaciones situadas dentro de un espacio, es la habitación, en las condiciones dadas de una carga
admisible una diferencia máxima de 1,7 °C entre uniformemente distribuida.
Normalmente no es necesario que el alcance
o distancia de propulsión cubra la longitud o la
anchura totales de la habitación. Una buena regla
práctica es que el alcance sea los 3/4 de la distan­
cia hasta la pared opuesta. Se exceptúan los casos
en que existen fuentes de calor situadas en la
pared opuesta a la boca de impulsión. Estas
fuentes pueden ser el propio calor del equipo y
puertas abiertas.
La distancia de propulsión
no debe ser mayor del 75 % de la dimensión
más larga de la habitación.
T0.25/L Selection Method
Using this draft temperature as our criteria, the quality of
room air diffusion can be determined based on the Air
Diffusion Performance Index (ADPI). ADPI is defined as the
percentage of locations in the occupied space which meet
the comfort criteria based on velocity and temperature
measurements taken at a given number of uniformly
distributed points. This ADPI value has proven to be a valid
measure of an air diffusion system.
When properly selected, most outlets can achieve an
acceptable ADPI rating.
On the basis of the temperature and velocity at a specific point, The higher the ADPI rating, the higher the quality of room air
an effective draft temperature can be calculated for that diffusion within the space. Generally an ADPI of 80 is
location considered acceptable.
Research indicates that a high percentage of people are
comfortable when the effective draft temperature difference is
between -3 °F [-2 °C] and +2 °F [+1 °C] and the air velocity is
less than 70 fpm [0.36 m/s]
By selecting a throw from the catalog data which produces the
required T/L ratios, an acceptable ADPI rating can be achieved.
Most devices used for sidewall application can be
Ceilings more than 4 m high may require special design consid- adjusted to proj-
erations to provide acceptable comfort in the occupied zone. ect the air pattern upwards toward the ceiling. This
Care allows the dis-
should be taken to select the proper outlet for these charge air to attach to the ceiling, increasing throw
applications. distance and
minimizing drop. This application provides occupant
Vertically projected outlets are typically selected for high- comfort by
ceiling inducing air from the occupied zone into the supply air.
applications that require forcing supply air down to the
occupied Some outlets may be more than 1.25 m below the
zone. It is important to keep cooling supply air velocity below ceiling (e.g., in
0.25 m/s in the occupied zone high-ceiling applications, the outlet may be
located closer to the
occupied zone to minimize the volume of the
Sidewall outlets are usually selected when access to the ceiling conditioned space).
plenum is restricted. Sidewall outlets within 300 mm of a ceiling Most devices used for sidewall applications can
and set for horizontal or a slightly upward projection the sidewall be adjusted to proj-
outlet provide a discharge pattern that attaches to the ceiling and ect the air pattern upward or downward, which
travels in the unoccupied zone. This pattern entrains air from the allows the device’s
occupied zone to provide mixing. throw distance to be adjusted to maximize
ers usually publish throw distances
based on specific spread angles.
. For high ceiling applications it may be desirable for the throw
to exceed the space boundary (ceiling) and travel down the wall
toward the occupied zone. However, penetration of the
occupied zone should usually be avoided.

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