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Electromagnetic Theory
Lecture 5
Dr. Shazzat Hossain
Transverse Electromagnetic Waves (TEM)
• A TEM wave is a wave for which the and lie in a plane perpendicular to the axis of propagation of a
wave. This is a principle type of wave that exits in ideal transmission line. There are various types of TEM
waves such as spherical and cylindrical as well as plane waves.

• Very far away TEM waves with planer wavefront.

Plane TEM Waves
• Let us consider a TEM wave far enough from the source.
• Solve in Rectangular Coordinate System

As wave is propagating far away from source,

As no volume charge is present far away i.e., region is unbounded.

where we have attached a subscript to the field vectors to indicate that they have transverse, that is,
and , components only (as wave is traveling in -direction). The medium is assumed to be lossless,
isotropic, and homogeneous with electrical parameters .
Plane TEM Waves
•The vector operator may be split into two parts, a transverse part

And a longitudinal part

• Wave propagation is supposed to be in z-direction. and are in x and y-plane.
Plane TEM Waves
As has no z-component and is present in x and y plane.

Now is a vector perpendicular to the transverse plane, and similarly with . Since the fields are purely
transverse, the Maxwell’s equations reduce to:

Plane EM wave
The general theory of vector fields shows that, when the curl of a vector is identically zero, it may be
derived from the gradient of a suitable scalar function since the curl of the gradient is identically
zero. Thus (1) and (2) will be automatically satisfied if we take

Where and are the functions of and are the functions of a propagating wave.
Also, and are the scalars that are the functions of transverse coordinates (x, y).
Plane TEM Waves
and are scalars that satisfy LaPlace's equation in case of TEM.
Also, the scalar functions and are not independent as and are dependent on each other.
We have one unknown instead of two.
Taking derivative in terms of z.

We know,
Plane TEM Waves

Where is the wave number, . The solution to this equation gives the function , where and are suitable
amplitude coefficients. Since a time, function was assumed, represents propagation along the positive -
direction, and represents propagation along the negative -direction. The wave number also called the
propagation constant in case of linear homogeneous isotropic source free (charge free) medium, is equal

where is the velocity of light in a medium with parameters , , and is the wavelength corresponding to
the frequency in the same medium.
Plane TEM Waves

for wave propagating in direction, and

for wave propagating in direction.


• Here where is the intrinsic admittance and is the intrinsic impedance (for lossless medium ).
Plane Wave
• And
where is the direction of propagation.
• The factor has the dimensions of ohms and is called the characteristic or intrinsic impedance of the
medium. It is numerically equal to the ratio of the transverse electric field to the mutually perpendicular
transverse magnetic field in a plane TEM wave. The reciprocal quantity is called the intrinsic admittance of
the medium. In free space ohms. The ratio of the transverse electric field to the mutually perpendicular
transverse magnetic field is called the wave impedance of the wave. For plane TEM waves, the wave
impedance is equal to the intrinsic impedance of the medium in which the wave propagates.
Plane Wave: Power
• The simplest solution to is , which may be chosen as a vector along the This leads to the solution for a
plane, uniform, linearly polarized TEM wave. The solution is as follows:

• The time-average power flow along the -axis per unit area in the plane is given by the dot product of the
complex Poynting vector with the unit vector :

Time-average pointing-vector:
Plane Wave: Polarization
For plane, uniform, linearly polarized TEM waves:
Plane Wave Polarization
• Consider two mutually perpendicular, linearly polarized waves with a time phase of :
• ; ;
where denotes the real part. In a transverse plane, say , we have
; ;
In the xy plane, the total instantaneous electric field is

Since and are functions of time, we may express as a function of by eliminating the time between them.
Rewriting them

Substituting, we get
Plane Wave Polarization

This is the equation of an ellipse, and thus, in general, the combination of two linearly polarized waves
differing in time phase results in an elliptically polarized wave, i.e., a wave whose electric vector
describes the locus of an ellipse in a transverse plane. The electric vector rotates around the axis of
propagation at an average angular rate and varies in absolute magnitude at the same time so as to
trace out an ellipse.
If, when the wave is viewed along the direction of propagation, the electric vector rotates clockwise,
the wave is called right elliptically polarized.
If the sense of rotation is anticlockwise, it is called left elliptically polarized.
Plane Wave Polarization

• When the time phase is 0, , , etc., the resultant wave is linearly polarized, i.e.,


where is the angle that the vector makes with the axis. Whenand , the equation of ellipse reduces to

which is the equation of a circle.

Under these conditions the wave is circular-polarized.
For etc., it is left-circular-polarized.
For , etc., it is right-circular-polarized.
TEM Wave at a discontinuity interface
When a TEM wave incident normally at a discontinuity interface, the wave will be partly
reflected and partly transmitted.
 Let the half-space be filled with a lossless homogeneous dielectric with a relative
dielectric constant and let the half-space be free space as shown in fig.
 A TEM wave incident on the interface from region.
 This wave strikes the discontinuity interface and get partly transmitted into the region
and partly reflected in .
 Let the wave expressions of E-fields:
Incident wave
Reflected wave
Transmitted wave
, , are the transverse electric field components.
TEM Wave at a Discontinuity Interface
• The transverse magnetic field and its components are:
Wave admittance:

Wave impedance:
TEM Wave at a Discontinuity Interface
• Boundary Conditions:

 Reflection coefficient at the interface:

TEM Wave at a Discontinuity Interface
• Transmission Coefficient at the interface: ;

 Normalized impedance:

 Normalized admittance:

TEM Wave at a Discontinuity Interface
• Input Impedance:
At a plane a distance from the interface, the ratio of the reflected and incident wave is:

Since .
We define the normalized input impedance at with replacing by ; thus:
TEM Wave at a Discontinuity Interface
• Standing Wave Ratio:
The quantity is called the standing wave ratio and is equal to the ratio of the maximum to the minimum
total electric field amplitudes.

Wave Impedance: The wave impedance is defined as the ratio of the transverse electric field component to the
mutually perpendicular transverse magnetic field component. Where the word ‘transverse’ is used to mean the
components of the field vectors in the plane that is perpendicular to the axis along which the wave is
considered to propagate. This later axis may not necessarily coincide with the wave normal. The concept of
wave impedance is a very useful one and greatly facilitates the analysis of many wave-propagation problems; it
also provides the basis for a formal analogy between the theory of wave-guiding structures and conventional
low-frequency transmission-line theory.
• For electromagnetic waves with the z axis considered as the axis of propagation, the wave impedance is
defined by

with the sign chosen so that the real part is positive. An imaginary part arises in the case of a medium with
finite losses and for waves that are evanescent in the direction of propagation.
Wave Matrices
• A TEM wave of amplitude be incident from the left and a wave of amplitude be
incident from the right on the plane discontinuity interface.
• The wave reflected in medium 1 is and transmitted in medium 2 is
• The wave reflected in medium 2 is and transmitted in medium 1 is
• is the reflection coefficient in medium 1,
• is the reflection coefficient in medium 2,
𝜏 12 𝑐 1
• is the transmission from medium 1 to medium 2, Γ 1 𝑐1 Γ 2 𝑏2
• is the transmission from medium 2 to medium 1, 𝜏 2 1 𝑏2
• In the region there will be a wave, made up partly of a reflected wave and partly of
a wave transmitted past the discontinuity from the right, propagating in the
negative - direction.
• In the region a similar wave propagating in the positive - direction will exist.
• Let the amplitudes of the latter two waves be and , respectively, as in Fig.
Wave Matrices
• With reference to Fig, we may write

We will call the matrix [A] a wave-transmission chain matrix since it relates the amplitudes of the forward-
and backward-propagating waves on the output side to those on the input side. The element is equal to

which is the reciprocal of the transmission coefficient from medium 1 to medium 2.

Wave Matrices
• The above expressions obviously hold for any wave-transmission system for which only a forward- and a
backward-traveling wave exist on either side of the discontinuity and equivalent reflection and transmission
coefficients can be defined. The equivalent reflection and transmission coefficients are given by the equations:

These equations define the elements of the matrix .

Wave Matrices
• For the plane-discontinuity problems the matrix elements reduce to:

• As and .

• Therefore,
Wave Matrices
• Before considering the cascade connection of sections, we need to develop the wave transmission matrix
for a "length of unbounded space. " Consider a forward-propagating wave and a backward-propagating
wave . At the amplitudes of the forward- and backward-traveling waves are and , respectively. At the
complex wave amplitudes are and . Let these latter two amplitudes be and , respectively. Then we may

The electrical length of the distance from to is . (The electrical length of a transmission line or of any medium
is the angle by which the phase of a wave changes in propagating through the medium).
Introducing the electrical length, the equation may be written in matrix form as:

The diagonal matrix is :

is the matrix which relates the amplitudes of the forward- and backward-traveling waves at one plane to the
complex amplitudes of these same waves at another terminal plane an electrical distance away.
Wave Matrices
• Consider n sections in cascade with electrical constants , for the section. The propagation constant for the
section is . If the length of the section is , its electrical length is . All the sections may differ in electrical
properties and also in electrical lengths, or some may be the same without invalidating the results which we
shall derive. With reference to Fig. let , and be the reflection and transmission coefficients looking into the
section. That is, is the reflection coefficient for a wave incident from section , and is the amplitude
transmission coefficient from section to section . The amplitudes , at the input to section 2 are related to
and , as follows:

If we express the amplitudes and in terms of , ; , in terms of , ; and so

on, we find that the output amplitudes , are related to and by the matrix
product of the n matrices which characterize each section, i.e.,
Wave Matrices
Where means the product of the n matrices, and are coefficients of the resultant matrix. In carrying out
this matrix product, it is important to keep the order of the matrices the same as the order of the sections
since matrix multiplication is not commutative. The coefficient is the reciprocal of the overall transmission
coefficient from the input side of section 1 to the output side of section . When the wave incident from the
right on section is zero, that is then

And hence the reflection coefficient at the input terminal is

The above wave-transmission matrices may be applied to any type of cascade connection of transmission
lines, waveguides, etc., provided there are only a forward- and a backward- traveling wave in each section,
and each section is long enough so that any evanescent fields present at each discontinuity do not react
with the evanescent fields of the adjacent discontinuities.
Wave Matrices
Besides the wave-transmission matrix, we now turn to a brief discussion of the following matrices and some of
their properties:
1. scattering matrix,
2. impedance and admittance matrices, and
3. voltage- and current-transmission matrix, i.e., conventional ABCD matrix.
The scattering matrix [S] relates the amplitudes of the reflected waves , to the amplitudes of the incident waves ,
as follows:

An examination of the above equation for the two conditions and separately shows that is the reflection coefficient
in medium 1, is the reflection coefficient in medium 2, and , are transmission coefficients from medium 2 into
medium 1 and vice versa, respectively. When the reciprocity principle holds, provided normalized amplitude
coefficients are used. For general types of discontinuities, the scattering-matrix elements are complex. If no energy
loss occurs in the vicinity of the discontinuity, the energy conservation principle may be applied to derive some
basic relationships among the scattering-matrix elements. The difference between the incident and the reflected
power must equal the transmitted power, and hence

Therefore, we find that is equal to .

Wave Matrices
• A discontinuity may be described by an impedance or admittance matrix by defining suitable equivalent
terminal voltages and currents. The equivalent voltages are chosen proportional to the total transverse
electric field (both incident and reflected waves), while the equivalent currents are taken proportional to the
total transverse magnetic field as follows:

• The voltages and currents are related by the impedance and admittance matrices [Z] and [Y] as follows:



When reciprocity holds, and

Wave Matrices
When analyzing a cascade connection of discontinuities on a voltage and current basis, it is convenient
to relate the voltage and current on the output side to those on the input side as follows:

The matrix used here is analogous to the ABCD matrix employed in conventional low-frequency circuit
analysis. The ABCD matrix is given in terms of the impedance-matrix elements as follows:

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