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"When consciousness is free, when
sensitivity is optimal, we are what the
universe is. Ultimately, everything is a
manifestation of the brain structure,
which in turn, is a model of the whole
universe. When we see, we see
—Jacobo Grinberg
¿Who is Jacobo Grinberg?
Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum was born in Mexico
City on December 12, 1946 into a family of Jewish
descent. He decided to study the human mind at the
age of twelve, after his mother died of a stroke.
Dr. Grinberg studied psychology at UNAM and then
traveled to New York in 1970 to study
psychophysiology at the Brain Research Institute,
where he obtained a PhD focused on the
electrophysiological effects of geometric stimuli on the
human brain. Upon his return to Mexico, he founded a
psychophysiology laboratory at the Universidad
Anahuac. In the late 1970s, he created another similar
laboratory at UNAM, and in 1987, he founded the
National Institute for the Study of Consciousness
(INPEC), funded by UNAM and the National Council of
Science and Technology (Conacyt).
What did
he do? Jacobo was a psycho-
scientist who previously
worked as a Mexican
neurophysiologist and
psychologist. He dedicated
himself to the study of
Mexican Chamanism,
parapsychology, oriental
disciplines, meditation and
telepathy, among other
subjects, being, therefore, a
pseudoscientist who wrote a
total of 54 books.

It all began when Jacobo

Grinberg met the chaman
called "Pachita", famous for
performing complicated
surgeries without anesthesia
and with a simple knife.

In order to explain what

"Pachita" did, Jacobo Grinberg
originated the Syntergic

The Mexican chaman Barbara

Guerrero or “Pachita” was born in
1900 in Parral, Chihuahua.
Although she was abandoned by
her parents, Pachita was raised by
Charles, an African who taught
her the processes of healing,
energetic management, visions of
the stars and obtaining oracular
Every brain
creates and
interpretates a
different and What is the syntergic theory?
own reality

Syntergia is a neologism that integrates the terms

synthesis and energy. It refers to three physical
parameters, which are coherence, information density
and frequency.
The synergistic theory is a theoretical approach to the
perception and creation of conscious experience.
According to this theory, what we perceive is the result
of a very complex process in which the brain
transforms the information contained in space into
something we can understand, for example, a visual
image of the world. The synergistic theory states that
reality is the product of the interaction between the
"lattice" and the "neural field" and that the different
levels of reality are related to the characteristics of this
The term lattice refers to a lattice or latticework,
which must have a colossal informational
inclusion capacity to allow it to contain all the
information of the universe in each of its points.
Lattice is the fundamental structure of space, it
is a hypercomplex energetic lattice or matrix of
absolute coherence and total symmetry.

This holographic matrix of interrelationships

has been described in other cultures with
different names, among them this akasha, the
Pearl Necklace of Indra and sunyata; in turn,
science has called it implicate order or quantum
Neuronal field

The human brain is made up of 12 billion tiny

cells called neurons. Each neuron, when
activated, produces a tiny change in electrical
potential, activates a code of electrical signals
and stimulates the creation of an
electromagnetic field. All these distortions, in
turn, interact with each other and create a
hypercomplex modification of the same lattice.
This modification is called the neuronal field.
Each of these modifications of the state of the
neurons are as many alterations of the lattice
structure. Thus, the neuronal field is a matrix
resulting from the neuronal activity of the brain.

While Jacobo Gringberg was developing

several experiments to test his Syntergic
Theory, the scientist mysteriously disappeared
on December 8, 1994, when he was about to
turn 49 years old.

"Somewhere is my brother, Jacobo Grinberg,

even if we don't understand it".

Ari Telch, Jacobo Grinberg's brother

for yourThanks,


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