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Tolerance, a must-have behavior

Bright World Academy

Anindia, Carrisya, Cicero, Reno

What Is Tolerance?
Tolerance, linguistically, this word comes from the Latin
tolerare, which means patiently allowing something that
is considered deviant or wrong within certain limits. To
be tolerant means that you accept other people's opinions
and preferences, even when they live in a way that you
don't agree with. Tolerance also means that you don't put
your opinions above those of others, even when you are
sure that you are right.
Religious Tolerance
Religious tolerance may signify "no more than forbearance
and the permission given by the adherents of a dominant
religion for other religions to exist, even though the latter
are looked on with disapproval as inferior, mistaken, or
harmful". Most incidents and writings pertaining to
tolerance involve the status of minority and dissenting
viewpoints in relation to a dominant state religion. Religion
is also sociological, and the practice of tolerance has
always had a political aspect as well.An overview of the
history of tolerance and different cultures in which
tolerance has been practiced, and the ways in which such
a paradoxical concept has developed into a guiding one,
illuminates its contemporary use as political, social,
religious, and ethnic, applying to LGBT individuals and
other minorities, and other connected concepts such
as human rights.
Intolerance leads to infighting, violence and instability as different groups resort to
force and aggression against each other or the state. Events in recent history across
many countries have made us witness just how damaging intolerance can be to peace –
people destroying each others’ places of worship, partaking in ethnic cleansing or
entire nations becoming engulfed in civil wars. Peace can only come when people
become free from hatred and are willing to understand each others’ differences.

Tolerance has many benefits to living in a multi-cultural society, where people are
tolerant of each other's differences and similarities. These benefits include:An enriched
experiencePeople from different cultures have their own food/diet, sports, language,
dress and/or music. This brings opportunities of experiencing something different and
sometimes even something new within a community.

Tolerance also creates good community relations showing respect and demonstrating
tolerance towards others who have different cultures and sometimes different views to
you, encourages respect and tolerance. This allows cultural diversity to be embraced in
society and contributes to good relations within a community.
Examples of tolerance around the world

ACCEPTing LGBTqi+ Accepting People’s

people Ethnicity Yimbyism
In some Europe and
American country only.

Accommodating For The Accepting Personality

Tolerance dress codes Disabled Differences
Respecting how people
dressed from their culture
(proper ones)
Tolerance is what makes a society peaceful. Without it, a
given society that has a mixture of different people will
be in a never-ending conflict.Tolerance is something that
schools, churches, and parents must teach their children.

Intolerance must be nipped in the bud as soon as possible.

Otherwise, children will grow up unreasonably
hostile to others.

So with tolerance, our world can be better society. Lets

start growing our tolerance behaviour together
for a bright future
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