Lesson 4 - Entrip

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Market Survey

1. What is your preferred Business?

A. Jewelry
B. Real Estate
C. Food and Services
D. Cosmetics
E. Clothing
Market Survey
1. What is your preferred Business?
A. Jewelry
- Bracelet
- Necklace
- Ring
- Gold
- Silver
Market Survey
1. What is your preferred Business?
B. Real Estate
- Housing
- Agricultural Land

- Urban (City)
- Rural
Market Survey
1. What is your preferred Business?
C. Food
- Turo – Turo (Egg waffle, Fishball, Banana Que)
- Karenderya
- Fine Dining
Market Survey
1. What is your preferred Business?
D. Cosmetics
- Cologne/Perfume
- Soap
- Rejuvenating Set
- Make up
- Lotion
Market Survey

1. What is your preferred Business?

E. Clothing
- Formal
- Casual
Market Survey

2. Target Costumers
A. Student ( 10 – 23 yrs old)
B. Employees ( 25 – 45 yrs old)
C. Senior Citizen ( 60 – 80 yrs old)
Market Survey
3. Location:
A. Near School Premises
B. Mall
C. Condominium/Subdivision
D. Public Housing
Market Survey
4. Reasons why you choose that business,
customers and location.
5. Make a pie chart on the answers of your
respondents in each category.
6. Make conclusion/generalization about
the business.
Lesson 4: Entrepreneurial
Learning Style and Skill Set
● Imagining style – entrepreneur prefer concrete
experiences and tend to use varying thinking
processes to generate multiple solutions and ideas.
● Analyzing style – entrepreneur prefer taking in
abstract information through reflection and enjoy
logical problem solving and theory formulation.
● Deciding style – Application through practical task
oriented problem solving.
Learning Style and Skill Set
● Initiating style – Entrepreneurs are
interested in practical activities that more
likely engage their sense of intuition, and
they are more likely to learn through
social interactions.
● Balanced style – allows them to adopt
their learning on a situational basis.
Lesson 4.1: Opportunity
Seeking, Screening and
●Opportunity – Pertains to idea
that have the potential to be
develop into a business
Seven Sources of Opportunity Seeking
by Drucker
1. The unexpected
2. Industry & market disparities
3. Process vulnerabilities/needs
4. Incongruities
5. Demographics
6. Changes in perception
7. New Knowledge
Lesson 4.2: Opportunity
Opportunity Screening
● Does it has value to customers?
● Does it provides solution to a
compelling Problems?
● Does it fully satisfy a need or want?
● Is it a potential cash cow?
● Does it match with your skills and
Thaaaaaannnksssss   

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