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By: Zaria Mohammed Class: MOB
Teacher : Ms. Lee
Leighann Jerome
What is Total Quality Management ?
Total Quality Management is a management philosophy which ensures that
quality is maintained in all areas of the organization in order to meet
customer’s expectations. It is customer focused and aims to satisfy the
customers continuously. It aims to satisfy the customers by building quality
into its’ products and every aspect of the business. TQM was developed by
William Deming, a management consultant whose work had a great impact
on Japanese manufacturing. TQM focuses on ensuring that internal
guidelines and process standards reduce errors.
Objectives and Principles of Total Quality
William Deming while contributing to the TQM philosophy proposed 14
principles/objectives of this management style. However the 8 main objectives that
encapsulate what the TQM philosophy is about are:
• Customer focus . Strategic and systematic approach

• Total employee commitment . Continual improvement

• Process approach . Fact-based decision-making
• Having an Integrated system . Communications
Advantages of Total Quality Management

Some advantages of TQM are:

 Cost reduction.
 Productivity improvement.
 Customer satisfaction.
 Defect reduction.
Disadvantages of Total Quality Management
Some disadvantages of TQM are :
 Resistance to Change
 High Cost of Time
 Unrealistic expectations by management
 If not handled properly, may lead to labour- management problems
Why is Total Quality Management the best
quality control method ?
TQM can have an important and beneficial effect on employee and organizational
development. By having all employees focus on quality management and continuous
improvement, companies can establish and uphold cultural values that create long-term
success to both customers and the organization itself. TQM’s focus on quality helps identify
skills deficiencies in employees, along with the necessary training, education or mentoring
to address those deficiencies. TQM is also the best quality control method because, it keeps
abreast of all the consumers’ wants and needs and businesses can apply this knowledge to
improve their products and this will keep business organizations continuously competitive
and raises their chances of generating revenue and brand loyalty from consumers.
Example of successful companies
that implement Total Quality
 Toyota
 Ford Motor Company
 Motorola
 Exxon
Thank you for Watching !!!!!

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