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Benazir Bhutto

•Benazir Bhutto came in power in 1988

•After the death of Zia-ul-Haq Ghulam
Ishaque Khan became the acting
President of Pakistan.
•He was responsible to hold elections
in Pakistan within 90 days.
Ghulam Ishaque Khan
• G.I. Khan was the chairman of the Senate in Zia-ul-Haq’s time period.
• He was a civil servant.
• B.B. Had clashes with G.I. Khan. A major area of disagreement was over
appointment to positions in the military and the judiciary.
• He was born on January 20 1915 – 27 October 2006), sometimes abbreviated to
GIK, was the 7th President of Pakistan from 1988 until his resignation in 1993, the
only President to have come from the civil bureaucracy.
• Securing the appointment as the first chairman of the Water and Power
Development Authority by President Ayub Khan in 1961, Ghulam Ishaq would also
tenured as the Finance Secretary from 1966 to 1970. A year later, he was elevated
as the Governor of the State Bank by Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, before
being made Defence Secretary in 1975, assisting with Pakistan's clandestine atomic
bomb project.
• He was retained by President Zia-ul-Haq as Finance Minister in 1977, overseeing
high rates of economic growth and social changes. Having been elected
Chairman of the Senate in 1985, Ghulam Ishaq was elevated to the
presidency after Zia's death in
an air crash on 17 August 1988.
• After Benazir Bhutto accused him of frustrating her
government as part of an alliance with conservative
opposition leader Nawaz Sharif; Ghulam Ishaq invoked the
Eight Amendment and dismissed Benazir's government after
just 20 months, on charges of corruption and misgovernance.
But when Sharif was elected Prime Minister in 1990, the
tussle between presidency and premiership grew worse.
Ghulam Ishaq attempted to dismiss his government on similar
charges but Sharif resisted, appealing to the Supreme Court
and having the President's decision overturned.
• The gridlock ultimately led to the resignation of both
individuals in 1993 in an agreement brokered by the military.
Retiring from public service, Ghulam Ishaq served as the
founding rector of the GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences
and Technology in his native province.
In the elections PPP had gained victory in Sindh but
not in the other provinces.

She formed an alliance with the MQM.

She still faced a fierce opposition by IJI,

( Islami Jamhori Ittehad ), led by Nawaz Shariff.

N.Sharif controlled the provincial government of

NA: National Assembly

In Oct, 1989, opposition
just 11 under N.
months after Shariff
She had to
taking office, mustered
face She had to
the 107 votes in
opposition face the
opposition the 237 seat
from Army enemies of
parties assembly,
and her father as
organised a just 12 short
Intelligence well.
No- of the 119 it
Confidence needed to
motion in force mi.
the NA. Bhutto to
step down.
• Nuclear Issue:
• Benazir had to face pressure from USA for NPT
( Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty ).
• She made a speech to the US Congress saying that
Pakistan has no nuclear weapons, but had a right to
continue its nuclear programme.
• She also favoured a nuclear free sub-continent, if
India did the same.
Foreign Policy:

• She had success in Foreign Policy.

• She took Pakistan into the commonwealth in 1989.
• She also hosted the fourth SAARC Summit
• As a result of improved relation at the conference,
Pakistan and India were able to sign three separate
peace agreements.
• Perhaps Benazir's greatest achievement in foreign
policy came in June 1989 when she made an official
visit to the US ( June 5-10, 1989 ) to meet with the Pd
• This visit was a great success and did much to
cement good relations between the two countries.
Rift with Pakka Qila Massacre 1989,
on 27 May 1990 the Sindh
MQM: (Prob in Sindh) government started a crack
On 30th Sep 1988 down in Hyderabad: search
gunmen on motorbikes operation by police house to
( sindhi) fired in a crowd house, began. In which 31
women were killed including
in Hyderabad. Declinewomen and children.
On the international
IJI; there were front Pakistan faced
major confrontations heightened tension with
with Nawaz Shariff India over Kashmir and
which hindered problems associated with
the unresolved Afghan
smooth governance. War.
Benazir’s husband and
Alleged corruption father-in-law were
There were allegations accused by her political
that loans were given to opponents for
party supporters to start corruption and alleged
businesses which they rake-offs in govt. deals.
had no skills to run. Nepotism
e Her father-in-law; Hakim
Ali Zardari, was
Her mother Nusrat appointed as chairman of
Bhutto was appointed the parliamentary and
as senior minister public accounts
without a portfolio. committee, was viewed
in some quarters as ill-
advised nepotism.

• The conflict between Pd and P.M. Had its drop scene on 6

August 1990, when the Pd. G.I.Khan dissolved the
• He used the controversial 8th amendment.
• Ishaq Khan said his actions were justified because of
corruption, incompetence, and inaction:
• the release of convicted criminals under the guise of
freeing political prisoners :
• a failure to maintain law and order in Sindh. And the use
of official government machinery to promote partisan
• Benazir complained that government had been stolen
from her.
Benazir Bhutto talking about her opposition to her
• “I found that a whole series of people
opposed me simply on the grounds that I was
a woman. The clerics took to the mosque
saying that Pakistan had thrown itself outside
the Muslim world and the Muslim ummah by
voting for a woman, that a woman had
usurped a man’s place in the Islamic society. I
found that my opponents reduced themselves
to verbal abuse rather than discuss issues, the
very mere fact that I was a woman.”
Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi
• G.I. Khan chose the leader of the opposition in the
former assembly, Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, as the new
caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan.
• Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi (14 August 1931 – 20
November 2009) was a Pakistani politician, and was
the Acting Prime Minister of Pakistan for three
months, from August 6, 1990 to November 6, 1990.
• He was one of the Pakistan’s largest landowners,
also from Benazir’s Sindh province.
• He had joined PPP when Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had
founded PPP in late 1960’s.
• He was in Bhutto’s cabinet as well. He was
Chief Minister of Sindh, until Zia overthrew
the government in 1977.
• Following Benazir’s return to Pakistan in 1986,
however, Jatoi was removed as chairman of
the Sindh PPP and subsequently formed his
own National’s Peoples Party.
Possible Questions
1) Who was Ghulam Ishaq Khan? [4]
2) What was the Nuclear Issue in Benazir’s era? [4]
3) How were relations with India in Benazir’s time
period? [4]
4) What were the problems faced by Benazir between
1988-1990? [7]
5) Who was Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi? [4]
6) How has been the relationship between MQM and
PPP between 1988-1990? [7]
7) What was IJI 1988? [4]
8) What was the Pacca Qila Massacre? [4]

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