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Lesson 9:

The Call to
Mark 8: 11-13
Mark 3:22-30
At the end of the lesson, I can…
✔ explain why the Church is
✔ cite ways on how to show in my
daily life that I truly belong to the
Catholic Church; and
✔ ask God for the strength to be
The Hunter and the
Let’s share our thoughts:

✔ How did the birds succeed

in their escape from the
Let’s share our thoughts:
✔ What could have happened if
the birds did not listen to the
dove king and instead each of
them insisted on an escape
Let’s share our thoughts:

✔ Why was the role of the king

of the doves significant in the
Let’s share our thoughts:
✔ Can you relate the dove king,
the flock of doves, the hunter,
and the mouse to our
Let’s share our thoughts:
✔ Who represents the dove
king, the flock of doves, the
hunter, and the mouse?
Let’s share our thoughts:
✔ What lesson do we learn from
the story?
Remember this!
It teaches us the true meaning
and importance of DIALOGUE. It
relays the message that the
success of any dialogue lies both
in listening and communicating
Remember this!
If there is TRUE DIALOGUE, a
group will achieve its goal. To
dialogue is to welcome
How should we regard
Mutual Love
Romans 12:9-21
Let love be sincere; hate what is evil,
hold on to what is good; love one
another with mutual affection;
anticipate one another in showing
honor. Do not grow slack in zeal, be
fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.
Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction,
persevere in prayer. Contribute to
the needs of the holy ones, exercise
hospitality. Bless those who
persecute [you], bless and do not
curse them. Rejoice with those who
rejoice, weep with those who weep.
Have the same regard for one
another; do not be haughty but
associate with the lowly; do not be
wise in your own estimation. Do not
repay anyone evil for evil; be
concerned for what is noble in the
sight of all. If possible, on your part,
Beloved, do not look for revenge but leave
room for the wrath; for it is written,
“Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the
Lord.” Rather, “if your enemy is hungry,
feed him; if he is thirsty, give him
something to drink; for by so doing you will
heap burning coals upon his head.” Do not
be conquered by evil but conquer evil with
Let’s test our understanding:
✔ What should love be according
to St. Paul?
✔ How do prayer, hope, and
patience pertain to our world
today as for us believers?
Let’s test our understanding:
✔ According to the Scripture, should
we seek vengeance from those
who harmed us? Why or why not?
Let’s test our understanding:
✔ Is it possible for us to “feed our
enemy if he is hungry or give
him water if he is thirsty”? Why
yes or why no?
Why is the Church
Catholic means…
✔ Universal
✔ Complete
✔ All-embracing
The Church is Catholic because:

✔ Christ is
present in
Jesus welcomed
✔ Downtrodden
✔ Unwanted
✔ Poor
✔ Outcast
✔ Sinners
✔ listened to
✔ healed them,
✔ and gave them
their needs.
The Church is Catholic because:
✔ She has the
mission to
the whole
“The Church shows catholicity
by speaking all languages
which is the effect of
Pentecost, when the Holy
Spirit give the apostles and
the whole Church the gift of
proclaiming the Good News of
salvation and love to all, even
to the ends of the earth.”

-Pope Francis
Then, what now?
The CATHOLICS are called to

✔ Interreligious dialogue
✔ Commitment to ecumenism
“Interreligious dialogue is a meeting of people of
differing religions, in an atmosphere of freedom and
openness, in order to listen to the other, to try to
understand that person’s religion, and hopefully to
seek possibilities of collaboration. It is hoped that
the other partner will reciprocate, because dialogue
should be marked by a two-way and not a one-way
- Cardinal Arinze, Meeting Other Believers (1997)
The Catholic Church has…
✔ Nostra Aetate (NA) or the Declaration of
the Church to Non-Christian Religions
(October 28, 1965 – Second Vatican
✔ It paved the way for Catholics to foster
interreligious dialogue with other people of
other faiths.
For Catholics, the word ecumenism
refers to all of the activities and
initiatives of the Church and her
members to promote mutual
understanding and, ultimately, unity
among all Christians.
Ecumenism is based on the unity and
universality of the Church, which
possesses all the goods given by God for
salvation, and on the Church’s proper
relationship with non-Catholic Christian
bodies which share some of these goods,
including baptism.
The Catholic Church has…
✔ Decree on Ecumenism or Unitatis
Redintegratio (Second Vatican
✔ It establishes the council’s position on
the Church’s relation to the other
Let’s Share!
How has the Catholic lived
her call to be truly Catholic?
How will you show in your
daily life that you truly belong
to the Catholic Church?
As Sienans, we are called to
O God, the Abba of
our Lord Jesus
Christ, our only
Savior, the Prince of
Peace: give us
grace seriously to
lay to heart
the great dangers
we are in by our
unhappy division;
take away all hatred
and prejudice, and
whatever else
hinder us from godly
that, as there is but
one Body, one Spirit,
one hope of our
calling, one Lord,
one Faith, one
Baptism, one God
and Creator of us all
so we may be all of
one heart and of one
soul, united in one
holy bond of truth
and peace, of faith
and charity, and may
with one mind
and mouth glorify
You; through Jesus
Christ our Savior.

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