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The culture of Kyrgyz

people in 19 c.
Oral and written culture.
Manas epic
Manas epic consists of: Manas, Semetey, Seitek
The epic describes the fight of Kyrgyz people for
their independence, the idea of establishing one
state and to protect it. The epic also describes the
daily life of Kyrgyz people, economy, lifestyle
and culture. The birth, surprising deeds of Manas,
the movement of Kyrgyz from Altay to Ala-Too,
his proclamation as a khan is historically
explained. The relationship with Chinese,
Manchu , Oirat, Kalmyks is described.
Video on Manas epic

Short explanation of Manas
Other smaller epics
Janyl Myrza tells the story of a woman who is
a great marksman with skill in archery so
refined that she never misses. This makes her
very powerful, but also provokes neighboring
tribesmen to challenge her skill and invade her
land. She remains undefeated until her weakness
is revealed. She is captured and forced to take
on the traditional role of a wife. Although she
retains her respect, the precariousness of her
position is revealed in a series of incidences.
Epic Kojojash
It sends a strong ecological message to the
people, i.e., to respect and preserve nature and
animals by making proper use of them but not
exploiting them. It shows that the people are
not the masters of nature. It tells that we, the
humans and animals alike, are all children of
nature and that animals also have a soul and
feelings like human beings and that they also
love their children and family as we do.
Kurmanbek epic
Er-Toshtyk, Er-Tabyldy, Oljobay and
Kishimjan and other epics.
Read any small Kyrgyz epic in any language (Janyl Myrza, Kojojash, Er-
Toshtyk, Er-Tabyldy, Oljobay and Kishimjan and other).
Write your impression, opinion, likes, dislikes in free style Essay (about
300-500 words). Not bonus mark (sorry) - required! No copy pasting, your

Short explanation of each epic


Link to English version of Kojojash


Link to Russian version of Janyl Myrza


Link to Russian version of Er Toshtuk

Musical instruments
Choor Komuz
Kyl Kiyak Dobulbas
Temir komuz Jygach ooz komuz
Ordo Sakhna "Talaq Kairyktary" @ Town
Hall Seattle
Takteke melody on komuz
Public knowledge
According to Belek Soltonoev:
Urkor – Galaxy,
Toltoidun ogu – Sagittarius,
Uch аrkar – Libra,
Chong Jetigen - Big Dipper (Great Bear),
Kichi Jetigen - Little Dipper (Lesser Bear),
Altyn kazyk - Polar Star (Polaris),
Cholpon – Venus,
Balbyldak jyldyz – Sirius,
Samanchynyn jolu - Milky Way,
Sun, Moon.
Mucho -12 year lunar calendar (like all turkic-
mongol tribes): Mouse, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit,
Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey,
Rooster, Dog, Boar.
Kyrgyz names of the months:

1 Jalgan kuran (March)

2 Chyn kuran (April)
3 Bugu ( May)
4 Kulja (June)
5 Teke (July)
6 Bash oona (August)
7Ayak oona (September)
8 Toguzdun ayi (October)
9 Jetinin ayi (November)
10Beshtin ayi (December)
11 Uchtyn ayi (January)
12 Birdin ayi (February)
7 days of the week:
Duishembi – Monday,
Sheishembi – Tuesday,
Sharshembi – Wednesday,
Beishembi – Thursday,
Juma – Friday,
Ishembi – Saturday,
Jekshembi – Sunday.
Natural phenomena were predicted by
experienced jayici and esepchi (people's
weatherman, sorceresses, magician).
Folk healers passed the secrets of herbs from
generation to generation.
Tabyp (healer) knew the anatomy of a human
and animals, so they helped in case of various
health problems, fumigated houses with
Religious beliefs.
The main religion of Kyrgyz in 15th-19th c. –
Islam but also kept features of before Islamic
religion. Kyrgyz believed in Tengri, Water,
Earth, Umai Ene.
Mythical concepts:
Topon Suu – flood,
Murok- living water,
Turk Ata, Kyrgyz Ata – father of Turks,
Zilzala – earthquake.
Sanjyra – religios and cultural-ethnografic
origins (from arabic – family tree).
National games.
National games: at chabysh, ulak tartysh, arkan
tartysh, kyz kuumay, jooluk tashtamay, shakek
salmay, besh tash, ak terek- kok terek, toguz
korgool and etc.
Kyrgyz National Dresses

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